Visual Elements - Light and Color
What is the difference between tint and tone? What element of art do they relate to?
Tint is created by adding white to a hue (color), while tone is created by adding black to a hue (color). Tint and tone are related to shading, which is determined based on the 10-step value scale.
This painting is by Pablo Picasso, entitled The Blind Man's Meal. What type of color scheme did Picasso use and its definition?
He used a monochromatic color scheme, which occurs when one color predominates,shades of black, tints of white, values of a hue.
What primary element of light helps the observer see three-dimensions?
With regards to colors used in art, define the term, symbolic meaning. Name at least two examples of colors which have symbolic meaning in American culture.
Symbolic meaning with color refers to the special meaning(s) a color can represent to certain culture. Answers may vary, but should include at least 2 examples: - seeing red - feeling blue - green with envy
The photograph above depicts a traditional Chinese wedding. This cultural photo is an example of _________ in a work of art.
Symbolic meaning.
The image above is of the color wheel used by artists. If an artist wanted to create a artwork with analogous colors, how would he/she use the color wheel to achieve this result?
The artist would want to decide on a single hue, and then he/she would use the neighboring colors to the left and/or right of the chosen hue.
Define the following term: - value
Value: The degree of lightness or darkness in a hue.
The painting above is an example of how an artist can use _________________ to create a desired mood or affect.
complimentary colors
Secondary colors are __________________
hues made by combining equal parts of two primary colors.
What primary element of light helps the observer see three-dimensions?
shading This painting is by Pablo Picasso, entitled The Blind Man's Meal. What type of color scheme did Picasso use and its definition?
He used a monochromatic color scheme, which occurs when one color predominates,shades of black, tints of white, values of a hue.
Tertiary colors
Hue is made by combining one primary and one secondary hue. (For example: If you mix yellow and green, you will get a tertiary color)
Define the following term: - hue
Hue: The color's name such as red, yellow, blue.
Secondary colors
Hues are created by combining equal parts of two primary colors. The secondary colors are orange, green, and purple.
Secondary colors are __________________
Hues made by combining equal parts of two primary colors.
Hues next to one another on the color wheel. (For example: Green and blue are analogous colors)
Hues that are directly opposite one another on the color wheel. (For example: Yellow and purple are complimentary colors)
The photograph above is of a traditional Chinese wedding. Compare it to a wedding you would traditionally see in countries such as the U.S., and how is it an example of how color can create symbolic meaning.
In the wedding in the picture, the bride and groom are wearing primarily red, as well as the decorations are also overwhelmingly the same value of red that is in the close. In a traditional wedding in the U.S., the bride is traditionally in white, and the groom in black. The decorations and other items can be any color. The red in the photograph sets a certain mood and signifies meaning for this wedding and culture, that is different from others.
Define the following term: - intensity
Intensity: The brightness or dullness of a color.
What medium is the work of art above? What do you notice about the artwork with regards to color and value?
It is a contemporary tattoo, created by an artist in Germany. The artist chose to use monochromatic color. Therefore, he used primarily one color but varied the value with color intensity and shading. By using different color values, depth and texture have been created just through the use of color.
What is the difference between light and value?
Light is the illumination coming from a light source, where as value is the degree of lightness or lack if light in a hue.
Define the art term, light. Describe the purpose and importance of light.
Light is the illumination coming from a light source. Most importantly, light is what allows us to see images or objects at all. Without light in art, we would be unable to see, or differentiate between objects, or even create them. Light is the element that allows us to see color, and allows for shading and shadowing to exist, which helps create a three dimensional appearance.
Primary colors
Red, yellow, and blue can be mixed to produce all other hues. (For example: The primary colors red and yellow make orange)
How has the artist used light to create a desired affect in this piece? What do you hypothesize the source of the light to be and why?
The artist has used light to direct the eye's attention toward the figures sitting at the tables. Although we cannot see the source of the light, based on prior knowledge we can guess that the light is coming from a window, The window is higher than the people because the light is being cast downwards. The image above is of the color wheel used by artists. If an artist wanted to create a artwork with analogous colors, how would he/she use the color wheel to achieve this result?
The artist would want to decide on a single hue, and then he/she would use the neighboring colors to the left and/or right of the chosen hue.
The brightness or dullness of a color. The intensity can be dulled by adding a small amount of the color's compliment.
The color's name such as red, yellow, blue. In painting, hue refers to the true color, without tinting or shading.
The degree of lightness or darkness in a hue. Artists use value to add realism and form to a drawing.
The painting above uses light to create the main focus on ___________________.
The faces of the men sitting at the table
The illumination coming from a light source, artists use light to show contrast.
Name the primary colors. Why are these colors considered the only "primary colors"?
The primary colors are red, blue, and yellow. These three colors are considered the primary colors because all others colors are created by mixing some combination of these colors.
Shading is created using ________________.
Tints and tones of a given hue.
The primary colors are ____________________.
Yellow, blue, and red.
One color predominates,shades of black, tints of white, values of a hue. Picasso used a monochromatic theme in both the Rose and Blue periods. The photograph above depicts a traditional Chinese wedding. This cultural photo is an example of _________ in a work of art.
symbolic meaning
Intensity is ___________________
the brightness or dullness of a color.
Shading is created using ________________
tints and tones of a given hue.
The primary colors are ____________________.
yellow, blue, and red