Vocab Ch. 3

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frankness of sincerity of expression; openess (n) syn. truth rather than explaining with ____ while he was firing lucy, mike... had a blank expression on his face and didnt get the point across well.


green; luch with vegetation (adj) ant. barren though the garden had lnce been strikkngly ____ it was now... dull and barren


greenery, fresh, and ripe vegetation.(n) syn. foilage. when the wear, thirsty travelers saw the ____ of the land they were approaching they... immedietly replenished their bodies with fruit, greens, and water


lack of experience, innocence (n) quentin's _____ was a sure sign that he led a very sheltered life.


lacking color, dull (adj.) syn. wan the retreating soldiers faces were ______ because... they were sick from exhaustion


open and sincere (adj.) syn. frank ant. duplicates paulinas natural tendency to be very ____ sometimes makes other people... uncomfortable in fear she will judge them


shining brilliantly (adj) the ____ city skyline stood in sharp contrast to thr dark night sky.


to attack the character of; to mock syn. belittle andre's tendency to _____ his cowers earned him a reputation as a.... bully


to fill with horror or disapproval (v.) syn. horrify phillip was so _____ by the hospital's condition that he... wrote a letter to the CEO of thr hospital concerning its condition


enraged; furious (adj.) dirk was so ____ about the loss of his favorite painting that he seemed ready to... punch a wall


extreme or unnatural paleness (n) ant. flushed the _____ of johns comlextion finally went away when... he left the haunted house

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