Vocab: GRE Question(s) of the Day

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Films that celebrate the state of youth sentimentally are normally _____________ by the young; it seems that only those who are aged are attracted and moved by the message. > embraced > created > explicated > clarified > ignored

10/26/19 11/26/18 Films that celebrate the state of youth sentimentally are normally _____________ by the young; it seems that only those who are aged are attracted and moved by the message. > embraced (accepted) > created (made) > explicated (analyzed) > clarified (explained) > ignored (disregarded) The clue comes after the semi-colon. Only the aged like the films, which tells us that the young are not "attracted and moved" by them. We can simply predict "not attracted and moved" because we are given a direct contrast. Choice (E) ignored matches our prediction well, and reads nicely in the sentence.

The subject matter of Henrik Ibsen's plays seems mundane when compared to present day plays, but when first performed, Ibsen's work was considered ___________, and caused a palpable commotion in his native Norway. > banal > incendiary > bombastic > taciturn > luminous

11/ /19 12/21/18

Demonstrating the contradictory relationship between the demeanors of the artists and their reception by the media, the artist who was the least ____________ in interviews was also the most sought after. > curt > specific > cordial > articulate > evasive

2/25/19 Demonstrating the contradictory relationship between the demeanors of the artists and their reception by the media, the artist who was the least ____________ in interviews was also the most sought after. > curt > specific > cordial > articulate > evasive

When treating regions wrought with turmoil, political literature is usually __________; any issue is disguised to the point that an onlooker would have difficulty clarifying it. > cryptic > prevalent > brash > pertinent > anarchic

2/7/19 When treating regions wrought with turmoil, political literature is usually __________; any issue is disguised to the point that an onlooker would have difficulty clarifying it. > cryptic > prevalent > brash > pertinent > anarchic

To those wary of insincerity, a grand compliment should be subjected to great ____________. > scrutiny > obstruction > malice > acclaim > repetition

3/1/19 To those wary of insincerity, a grand compliment should be subjected to great ____________. > scrutiny > obstruction > malice > acclaim > repetition

The façade of the house was _______________, making the interior even more disappointing to prospective buyers. > ostentatious > dilapidated > august > diminutive > gloomy

3/14/19 The façade of the house was _______________, making the interior even more disappointing to prospective buyers. > ostentatious > dilapidated > august > diminutive > gloomy

Michalewski's text indubitably serves as the _________ of his discipline; it surpassed all previous models of excellence and has replaced them with the rigor of heretofore unmatched academic standards. > validation > vainglory > apotheosis > munificence > beneficence

3/17/19 Michalewski's text indubitably serves as the _________ of his discipline; it surpassed all previous models of excellence and has replaced them with the rigor of heretofore unmatched academic standards. > validation > vainglory > apotheosis > munificence > beneficence

One business partner was parsimonious while the other was ________, but they were very successful in working together. > prolix > obstreperous > spendthrift > dictatorial > energetic


There were streaks of both arrogance and ___________ in the artist's approach. Not only did she believe that she was by far the best contemporary painter, but she also constantly decried all conventional approaches to the medium. > insolence > esurient > meekness > egotism > peremptoriness


Those close to the chairman knew not to take his emotions at face value; they knew he was dour when he seemed joyous and __________ when he seemed comfortable. > restive > nonchalant > thorough > dormant > plaintive

4/24/19 RESTIVE

A movie poster typically captures the essence of the film; however, the bright colors and smiling faces of the actors found on this poster belie the feature's ___________ tone. > pedantic > jovial > morose > caustic > derisive


The academic paper was the culmination of years studying the books of Tolkien; by carefully reading only his finished novels, the researchers were able to _______ the rigid, but unspoken, rules for character development in his stories. > design > update > attack > homogenize > infer


It was nearly impossible for Timothy to make an accounting error; he used a __________ system which guaranteed that all of the relevant figures were checked on three separate occasions. > meticulous > powerful > credulous > pedantic > perfunctory


It seemed they were never in similar moods; when she was content, he was dissatisfied, and when she was sullen, he was _________. > spiteful > boisterous > dour > inquisitive > ponderous


Ava, a peripatetic day laborer, never failed to make __________ decisions; she believed in neither deliberation nor prudence when confronted with various choices. > paradoxical > ignoble > headlong > undemonstrative > unctuous


Connoisseurs gather -------- knowledge on a single subject. > scant > copious > spurious > peculiar > arcane

5/20/19 *By definition a connoisseur is an expert, and thus knows very much about a subject. You can predict "a large amount."* > scant (or meagre is the opposite to what we want) > *copious* (abundant or plentiful and matches our prediction) > spurious (false or fake and doesn't fit with the definition of a connoisseur) > peculiar (strange or odd and describes a certain limited kind of information) > arcane (mysterious and obscure, describes a limited kind of information)

In contrast to instances where size is commensurate with potency of flavor, smaller peppers tend to be far more _________ than larger peppers. > banal > piquant > acrid > unique > diverse

5/22/19 *The roadsign is "in contrast." Therefore, instead of size being commensurate (proportional) to potency, it must be disproportional. Predict 'FLAVORFUL' for the blank.* > banal (boring) > *piquant* (spicy) > acrid (acid) > unique (remarkable) > diverse (variety)

This hotel chain has a reputation of luxury, but despite its ____________ name, it offers fewer amenities than hotels that charge half its price. > dubious > bargaining > questionable > illustrious > quintessential

5/23/19 *As a roadsign, "despite" is a contrast. "Reputation of luxury" indicates the type of name it has, therefore 'GOOD' can be the prediction.* > dubious (suspicious) > bargaining (negotiating) > questionable (doubtful) > *illustrious* (distinguished) > quintessential (typical)

While the student considered biology an exciting subject, he found the lectures in his classes to be ____________. > tedious > exhilarating > impassive > erudite > menacing

5/9/19 *The word "while" is a contrast road sign. The word in the blank must therefore contrast with "exciting," so you can predict BORING.* > *tedious* (dull) > exhilarating (exciting) > impassive (not feeling) > erudite (learned) > menacing (threatening)

The polar reviews and modest sales did not ______________ the author's belief in her own novel; she asserted that those without a positive reaction were unable to grasp the nuances of her work. > strengthen > diminish > propel > eschew > belie

6/11/19 *The author not only dismissed the polar reviews, modest sales, and negative reactions, but also claimed that people didn't understand her work. Therefore, we can predict 'change' or 'lessen', which reflect that the author still felt highly about her work.* > strengthen (reinforce) *> diminish* (decrease) > propel (push) > eschew (avoid) > belie (contradict)

It was apparent that the recordings were ________ remastered, as the vocals were barely audible through the wave of noise. > maladroitly > copiously > ingeniously > shrewdly > maliciously

6/16/19 7/18/18 *The word "as" signals a continuation or definition of ideas: the vocals were hard to hear because of the way the recordings were mastered. Look for a word that suggests that the remastering process was carelessly or poorly done.* *> maladroitly* (unskillfully, bunglingly) > copiously (in an abundant, plentiful way; makes no sense) > ingeniously (cleverly; implies care was taken with the remastering process) > shrewdly (astutely; suggests that care was taken with the remastering process) > maliciously (in a spiteful or malevolent way; seems too extreme)

In the late 1930s, Neville Chamberlain, then prime minister of Great Britain, was widely praised as a skilled negotiator and wise tactician for acquiescing to Hitler's demands; however, with the benefit of hindsight, most historians regard Chamberlain's actions as the ___________ attempts of a man determined to avoid conflict no matter the cost. > sincere > plaintive > admirable > touching > pusillanimous

6/17/19 7/19/18 *The road-sign 'however' tips us off that the second part of the sentence contrasts the first, which says that Chamberlain was considered skilled and wise. We also learn that Chamberlain desperately wanted to avoid a fight.* > sincere (honest, genuine) > plaintive (sorrowful) > admirable (praiseworthy) > touching (emotionally moving) *> pusillanimous* (cowardly)

Ryan is paralyzed by his own __________: he imagines having elaborate conversations with various people, but he fails to engage in conversations with them when opportunities arise. > diffidence > sycophancy > imagination > convalescence > rectitude

6/21/19 7/23/18 *Since Ryan does not have conversations, a prediction is that Ryan is timid or quiet.* *> diffidence* (shyness) > sycophancy (yes-man, kiss-up) > imagination (creativeness) > convalescence (improvement) > rectitude (virtue)

Omar was a difficult person to understand; he always discussed his appreciation of friends and family, yet his everyday actions were those of a ______________ loner convinced that he did not really need anyone else in life. > heterodox > mawkish > maladroit > macabre > misanthropic

6/22/19 7/24/18 *Omar says he appreciates his friends and family, but his actions suggest that he likes being alone.* > heterodox (unorthodox) > mawkish (sentimental) > maladroit (clumsy) > macabre (gruesome) *> misanthropic* (unsociable)

The school board was baffled by the results; the teacher with the most _____________ classroom manner was the most popular in a poll given to students. > nurturing > tortuous > obsequious > abrasive > lighthearted

6/28/19 7/30/18 *That the school board is "baffled" suggests that the results are contradictory to expectations, so the blank must be a negative trait. We can predict UNPLEASANT, or UNPROFFESIONAL.* > nurturing (caring) > tortuous (twisty, complex) > obsequious (obedient) > abrasive (harsh) > lighthearted (cheerful)

The town council preferred him to be modest about his exploits, and his present fits of hubris were met with resounding ____________. > encomium > perspicacity > obloquy > pastiche > panegyric

7/12/19 8/12/18 The town council preferred him to be modest about his exploits, and his present fits of hubris were met with resounding ____________. > encomium > perspicacity > obloquy > pastiche > panegyric

People expect that their elected officials will not be __________ representatives; it is considered common knowledge that politicians always have their own bent. > rationale > competent > flexible > disinterested > caring

7/21/19 8/21/18 People expect that their elected officials will not be __________ representatives; it is considered common knowledge that politicians always have their own bent. ◦ rationale ◦ competent ◦ flexible ◦ disinterested ◦ caring

He was constantly haunted by his own self-defeating impulses and tendency toward capriciousness, and could not escape his downward spiral into utter _______ as his time, energy, and resources were squandered on useless pursuits. > guile > encomium > magnanimity > dissipation > deference

7/30/19 8/30/18 He was constantly haunted by his own self-defeating impulses and tendency toward capriciousness, and could not escape his downward spiral into utter _______ as his time, energy, and resources were squandered on useless pursuits. > guile > encomium > magnanimity > dissipation > deference

The modern novel is not only the _____ of the epic, but it has also despoiled drama, the lyrics and the oration that are part of its inheritance. > sister > heir > forerunner > predecessor > descendant

7/31/19 8/31/18 The modern novel is not only the _____ of the epic, but it has also despoiled drama, the lyrics and the oration that are part of its inheritance. > sister > heir > forerunner > predecessor > descendant

False modesty only emphasizes the arrogance of the one who proffers it; the attempt to repress one's high opinion of oneself instead _______ it. > withdraws > explains > accentuates > hides > condemns

8/10/19 9/10/18 False modesty only emphasizes the arrogance of the one who proffers it; the attempt to repress one's high opinion of oneself instead _______ it. > withdraws > explains > accentuates > hides > condemns

The new administration chose to emphasize a well-rounded experimental curriculum in which arts and trades were emphasized; by doing so, they essentially furthered the transition from traditional subjects to those that had previously been considered _______ as the foundation of an education. > crucial > unimportant > massive > dominant > inappropriate

8/13/19 9/13/18 The new administration chose to emphasize a well-rounded experimental curriculum in which arts and trades were emphasized; by doing so, they essentially furthered the transition from traditional subjects to those that had previously been considered _______ as the foundation of an education. > crucial > unimportant > massive > dominant > inappropriate

It is easy to dismiss 'flash mobs' as being composed of mere tricksters, acting out in harmony in order to express their unruly natures; however, there is an art and a measure of social commentary present in their controlled ________. > celebration > complacency > consternation > conformity > chaos

8/14/19 9/14/18 It is easy to dismiss 'flash mobs' as being composed of mere tricksters, acting out in harmony in order to express their unruly natures; however, there is an art and a measure of social commentary present in their controlled ________. > celebration > complacency > consternation > conformity > chaos

The captain's objective was to capture the Island of Michilimackinac, which had been _____ by the enemy early in the war. > crowded > occupied > avoided > destroyed > navigated

8/15/19 9/15/18 The captain's objective was to capture the Island of Michilimackinac, which had been _____ by the enemy early in the war. > crowded > occupied > avoided > destroyed > navigated

Mrs. Haddo never prided herself on any special gift, but she was well aware of the fact that she could read character with _____ instinct. > adverse > paranormal > imperfect > unerring > blemished

8/19/19 9/19/18 Mrs. Haddo never prided herself on any special gift, but she was well aware of the fact that she could read character with _____ instinct. > adverse > paranormal > imperfect > unerring > blemished

In every work of art there are at least four elements, which we may separate to _____ them individually: technique, observation, imagination, philosophy. > interrogate > consider > neglect > berate > sketch

8/21/19 9/21/18 In every work of art there are at least four elements, which we may separate to _____ them individually: technique, observation, imagination, philosophy. > interrogate > consider > neglect > berate > sketch

Shakespeare and Moliere are now accepted as the greatest of dramatic poets; but to their own _____, they were known rather as ingenious playwrights up to every trick of the trade, finding their profit in every new device of their fellow craftsmen. > actors > audience > contemporaries > allies > scribes

8/23/19 9/23/18 Shakespeare and Moliere are now accepted as the greatest of dramatic poets; but to their own _____, they were known rather as ingenious playwrights up to every trick of the trade, finding their profit in every new device of their fellow craftsmen. > actors > audience > contemporaries > allies > scribes

In frontier-era America, farmland was generally passed from father to son; however, there is little written evidence of these bequests, which generally required no documentation, since such legacies were ________ at that time. > worthless > fallacious > customary > uninhibited > venal

8/24/19 9/24/18 In frontier-era America, farmland was generally passed from father to son; however, there is little written evidence of these bequests, which generally required no documentation, since such legacies were ________ at that time. > worthless > fallacious > customary > uninhibited > venal

A curious loophole in the increasingly vast body of intellectual property law is the ________ of protection for perfumes; although many people would agree that the creation of a scent can be an art, there are no legal repercussions for copying a perfume. > audacity > wealth > dearth > consummation > insularity

8/25/19 9/25/18 A curious loophole in the increasingly vast body of intellectual property law is the ________ of protection for perfumes; although many people would agree that the creation of a scent can be an art, there are no legal repercussions for copying a perfume. > audacity > wealth > dearth > consummation > insularity

Those who are ________ the life of Jane Austen may believe that her novels' perceptive commentaries on love and marriage must be indicative of her own experiences with courtship and family; this idea is belied by the reality of Austen's spinsterhood. > contemptuous of > impressed by > obsessed with > exasperated by > unfamiliar with

8/26/19 9/26/18 Those who are ________ the life of Jane Austen may believe that her novels' perceptive commentaries on love and marriage must be indicative of her own experiences with courtship and family; this idea is belied by the reality of Austen's spinsterhood. > contemptuous of (showing disdain; scornful) > impressed by (feeling or showing admiration, respect) > obsessed with (preoccupy the mind of someone continually, intrusively, and to a troubling extent) > exasperated by (intensely irritated and frustrated) > unfamiliar with (not known or recognized)

Although appliance manufacturers would have you believe otherwise, items like blenders and toasters are not requirements for the creation of a delicious meal; for centuries, our ancestors cooked without these modern _______. > conveniences > hindrances > requisitions > creeds > incidents

8/28/19 9/28/18 Although appliance manufacturers would have you believe otherwise, items like blenders and toasters are not requirements for the creation of a delicious meal; for centuries, our ancestors cooked without these modern _______. > conveniences (blenders and toasters simplify kitchen work and so are modern conveniences) > hindrances (...or 'impediments' is the opposite of the word we want) > requisitions (...are 'formal demands' and would not describe toasters and blenders) > creeds (...a 'creed' is a 'system of religious or ethical belief', which does not make sense here) > incidents (...an 'incident' is an event, not an appliance) 'these modern ______' refers back to 'blenders and toasters,' so look for a word that includes those items in its definition

It's impossible to predict what the fiscal results of the new legislation will be, since the economic and political outcomes are inextricably ________. > intertwined > regulated > convulsed > irresolute > eliminated

8/29/19 9/29/18 It's impossible to predict what the fiscal results of the new legislation will be, since the economic and political outcomes are inextricably ________. > intertwined ('tied together') > regulated (doesn't make sense to say that outcomes are 'inextricably regulated') > convulsed ('agitated or shaken wildly'; doesn't make sense here) > irresolute ('doubtful or uncertain'; used to describe a person, not an outcome) > eliminated (doesn't make sense to refer to outcomes as 'inextricably eliminated') "inextricable" means that things can't be separated, so you need a word that indicates that the outcomes are tied together

While there may still be some law firms that nurture a young attorney and help her develop the skills needed in the legal world, the _______ on billable hours makes such career development opportunities scarce. > scrutiny > turmoil > emphasis > decimation > intrusion

8/31/19 10/1/18 While there may still be some law firms that nurture a young attorney and help her develop the skills needed in the legal world, the _______ on billable hours makes such career development opportunities scarce. > scrutiny (idiomatically incorrect to say that there would be 'scrutiny on' something; the correct phrase would be 'scrutiny of' ) > turmoil ('turmoil on billable hours' doesn't make sense, since turmoil is 'a state of great commotion or disturbance') > emphasis (makes sense that an 'emphasis' on billable hours would make career development a lower priority) > decimation ('the act of destroying something'; doesn't make any sense here) > intrusion ('intrusion on billable hours' doesn't make sense; who's doing the intruding?) We need to find a word that shows that the law firms are concerned more with billing hours than supporting their attorneys.

Among the ____ books on Culinary Science in circulation, there have historically been few which afford the slightest insight into the cookery of the Hebrew kitchen. > negligible > scarce > copious > scant > noisome

8/4/19 9/4/18 Among the ____ books on Culinary Science in circulation, there have historically been few which afford the slightest insight into the cookery of the Hebrew kitchen. > negligible > scarce > copious > scant > noisome

Just as the Elizabethan _____ thought little of Shakespeare because he failed to follow in the footsteps of the great Greeks, some modern critics dislike the best work of the dramatists of our own time, because they are not cast in the Shakespearean mold. > experts > audiences > reviewers > directors > pundits

8/7/19 9/7/18 Just as the Elizabethan _____ thought little of Shakespeare because he failed to follow in the footsteps of the great Greeks, some modern critics dislike the best work of the dramatists of our own time, because they are not cast in the Shakespearean mold. > experts > audiences > reviewers > directors > pundits

Oxygen is an absolute _______ for human beings to survive, just as the availability of carbon dioxide is an indispensable condition for plant life. > enhancement > advancement > luxury > necessity > compulsion

8/8/19 9/8/18 Oxygen is an absolute _______ for human beings to survive, just as the availability of carbon dioxide is an indispensable condition for plant life. > enhancement > advancement > luxury > necessity > compulsion

The seemingly ________ community of retirees was actually a hotbed of controversy, as issues ranging from lawn care to shuffleboard sparked fierce debates. > chivalrous > cynical > sincere > fervid > placid

9/1/19 10/2/18 The seemingly ________ community of retirees was actually a hotbed of controversy, as issues ranging from lawn care to shuffleboard sparked fierce debates. > chivalrous (courteous, loyal) > cynical (contemptuously distrustful) > sincere (genuine) > fervid (intense, fiery) > placid (calm) The word "seemingly" and its partner, "actually," shows us that there's a contrast here. Look for a word that is in contrast to a "hotbed" in which there are "fierce debates."

Tadeusz Kosciuszko not only fought against Russian and German hegemony in his native country of Poland, but also served under Washington's army during the War of Independence, abiding by his conviction that the struggle for freedom in one country does not ___________ an active interest in the affairs of others. > fail to limit > mask > entangle one in > sanction > preclude

9/17/19 10/18/18 Tadeusz Kosciuszko not only fought against Russian and German hegemony in his native country of Poland, but also served under Washington's army during the War of Independence, abiding by his conviction that the struggle for freedom in one country does not ___________ an active interest in the affairs of others. > fail to limit (promote) > mask (conceal) > entangle one in (involve) > sanction (permit) > preclude (prevent) Kosciuszko fought in both his native country and in the US, and he believed that fighting for freedom in one country did not prevent him from fighting in other countries.

There is a prevailing attitude in this country that scientific disciplines have more legitimate methodologies than the humanities and social sciences do, but this sentiment routinely ignores the fact that so much scientific data is _______________. > quantum > unknown > doctored > irrefutable > irreducible

9/2/19 10/3/18 There is a prevailing attitude in this country that scientific disciplines have more legitimate methodologies than the humanities and social sciences do, but this sentiment routinely ignores the fact that so much scientific data is _______________. > quantum (amount) > unknown (the sentence refers to the data that science methodologies deduce; although there is still much unknown or undiscovered in science, scientific data is readily accessible) > doctored (altered deceptively) > irrefutable (something that cannot be refuted or disproved) > irreducible (incapable of being reduced or simplified) This sentence contains the important road sign "but." Therefore what goes in the blank is something that will make scientific methodologies illegitimate or undermine their credibility. You might predict "illegitimate" for the blank.

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