Vocabulary 8
Harbinger harbinger harbinger The storm cloud was a harbinger of a bad weather day.
A forerunner, advance notice-noun
Emaciated emaciated emaciated The people at the concentration camps were emaciated.
Abnormally thin, wasted away-verb
Excruciating excruciating excruciating My brother always excruciates me because he is better at sports.
Agonizing, torturing-adj.
Respite respite respite There was a short respite in the game because of the bad weather.
An interval of relief, delay-noun
Ubiquitous ubiquitous ubiquitous My mom always tells me she is not ubiquitous when my brother ask her towels us from different rooms.
Being everywhere at the same time-adj.
Remote remote remote NARNIA is a remote place that can be accessed through a wardrobe.
Distant hidden away-adj.
Sinister sinister sinister I think my brother is sinister sometimes.
Evil, ominous-adj.
Malnutrition malnutrition malnutrition The baby died from malnutrition because she could not eat after abandonment.
Faulty or inadequate-noun
Privation privation privation The Boy Scouts were not in privation because they are always prepared.
Lack of necessities-noun
Malignant malignant malignant The tumor was malignant until the doctor removed it.
Likely to cause death-adj?
Tranquil tranquil tranquil The room was filled with tranquil because the students were testing.
Reverberating reverberating reverberating The crowed was stomping there feet so loud it was reverberating throughout the gym.
Reechoing, resounding-verb
Sanctuary sanctuary sanctuary We all attended the wedding ceremony which was held at the churches sanctuary.
A red hearing
Something that diverts attention from the main issue
To cool one's heels
To be kept waiting
To swap horses in midstream
To change one's mind
Sour grapes
To disparage something that you cannot have
Succumb succumb succumb I succumbed to the oncoming traffic.
To give way, yield-verb
Thwart thwart thwart I thwarted my brother at our one on one basketball game.
To hinder, defeat-verb
Ascend ascend ascend The plane ascended into the air.
To rise-verb
Surge surge surge When the fire alarm went off we surged toward the back door.
To rush suddenly-verb
Besiege besiege besiege Soldiers from the army besieged enemy troops while they were hiding.
To surround, hem in-verb
Afflict afflict afflict The sat test caused great affliction over the child.
To trouble greatly, to distress-verb
Fretful fretful fretful I was very fretful about the math quiz.
Worrisome, irritable-adj.