Vocabulary Workshop Level E Unit 1 SYNONYMS & ANTONYMS, Vocab Level E Unit 1 Completing the Sentence

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America's earliest settlers faced the hardships of life on the frontier with faith and _________________.


An experienced baseball manager _______________ his outfielders according to the strengths and weaknesses of the opposing batters.

dour (ant)

Ant: cheery, inviting, genial

ambidextrous (ant)

Ant: clumsy, all thumbs

gibe (ant)

Ant: compliment, praise

tentative (ant)

Ant: conclusive, confirmed

augment (ant)

Ant: decrease, diminish

stolid (ant)

Ant: emotional, oversensitive

fortitude (ant)

Ant: fearfulness, faintheartedness

insidious (ant)

Ant: frank, ingenuous, aboveboard

pliable (ant)

Ant: inflexible, recalcitrant

verbatim (ant)

Ant: paraphrased

opulent (ant)

Ant: poverty-stricken, wretched, destitute

adulterate (ant)

Ant: purify, purge, expurgate

warily (ant)

Ant: recklessly, heedlessly, incautiously

bereft (ant)

Ant: replete, well provided

unkempt (ant)

Ant: well-groomed, tidy


As the magician's assistant seemed to vanish into thin air, the entire audience _______________ in amazement.


At the risk of being boring, let me ___________________ my warning against careless driving.


Having learned to respect the power in his opponent's fists, the boxer moved ____________ around the center of the ring.


Her unchanging facial features and controlled voice as she receive the news gave no _________________ of her true feelings.


How can you tell whether the chopped-meat patty you ate for lunch had been _________________ with artificial coloring and other foreign substances?


I recorded the speaker's presentation, but now I wish I had a software program that could help me transcribe the speech ______________ so that I can find appropriate quotations to use in my report


In Shakespeare's famous tragedy "Othello," in the ____________ of a friend but proves to be a deadly enemy.


Many ballplayers can bat from either side of the plate, but they cannot throw well with each hand unless they are __________________.


Perhaps I would be bored with the ________________ lifestyle of a milllionaire, but I'm willing to try it.


Since his acceptance of the invitation was only ________________, the hostess may be one man short at the dinner party.

pliable (syn)

Syn: adaptable, resilient

bereft (syn)

Syn: bereaved

intimation (syn)

Syn: clue, inkling

adulterate (syn)

Syn: contaminate, pollute, sully

guise (syn)

Syn: costume, semblance, pretense

insidious (syn)

Syn: cunning, dastardly, perfidious

verbatim (syn)

Syn: exact, precisely

dour (syn)

Syn: harsh, bleak, forrbbiding, saturine

stolid (syn)

Syn: impassive, phlegmatic

gape (syn)

Syn: ogle

tentative (syn)

Syn: provisional, inconclusive

warily (syn)

Syn: prudently, gingerly

fortitude (syn)

Syn: resolve, steadfastness, mettle

reiterate (syn)

Syn: restate, recapitulate

opulent (syn)

Syn: rich, plentiful, abundant

gibe (syn)

Syn: ridicule, mock, deride, jeer

unkempt (syn)

Syn: sloppy, disordered, rough

deploy (syn)

Syn: station, organize

augment (syn)

Syn: supplement, amplify

ambidextrous (syn)

Syn: versatile, flexible


The ____________ expressions on the jurors' faces as they grimly filed back into the courtroom did not bode well for the defendant.


The company commander called his troops together and asked for more volunteers to __________________ the strength of the raiding party.


The twigs that were to be woven into the basket were soaked in water to make them more _________________.


To this day, historians are still debating whether or not Aaron Burr was guilty of a(n) _________________ plot to break up the United States.


We learned that beneath his ____________ exterior there was a sensitive, highly subtle, and perceptive mind.


What a tragedy that in the twilight of her life the unfortunate woman should be _______________ of all her loved ones!


Why should I be the object of all those ____________ just because I'm wearing a three piece suit on campus?


Why would someone who is usually so neat and tidy appear in public in such a(n) _________________ state?

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