VTI Clin Lab: Chapter 11 Normal Red Blood Cells

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What is the life span of a canine erythrocyte?

110-120 days

What is a feline erythrocyte's life span?

65-76 days

What is a poikilocytosis?

Abnormal cell shape

What is the difference between agglutination and rouleaux?

Agglutination looks l and rouleaux will disperse with saline like blood splatter

What is a spherocyte?

An RBC that has assumed the form of a sphere as opposed to their normal, discoid shape.

What disease do animals have if you see a spherocyte?

Animals who have these have a genetic predisposition to them.

Is it normal to see polychromatophilic's in canine erythrocytes?

Anything less the 1.5% is normal.

What is the size of of a canine erythrocytes?

Average size is 7 microns

What animals is rouleaux common in?

Horses and Cats

When is agglutination visible?

In animals with immune mediated anemia

What is rouleaux associated with?

Inflammatory Disease

How is rouleaux formed?

It's caused by an increase in fibrinogen and globulin concentrations (blood protein).

What is agglutination?

It's when RBC's clump together.

What is rouleaux?

It's when RBC's stack on top of each others like coins.

What may a dog with rouleaux have?

Lime disease

What is the hemoglobin of cats more suspectable to?

Oxidant injury.

Cat's cells will sometimes stack like coins. What is this called?

Rouleaux Formation

What does it mean when a cat has a poikilocyte?

They have liver disease.

Is it normal to see polychromatophilic's in feline erythrocytes?

They have very few.

What do canine erythrocytes look like?

They're a biconcave disc shape with a distinct area of central pallor.

What do feline erythrocytes look like?

They're smaller and vary more in size and shape then a k-9. They have a less distinct central pallor.

Is agglutination visible in an ETDA tube?

Yes it is visible, the blood will stick to the sides of the tube (macroscopically)

Can you see polychromatophilic's in canine erythrocytes?

Yes, the are immature red blood cells.

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