VTNE Dentistry.

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Surface of a tooth that is directed outward toward the vestibule of the mouth which includes the buccal (cheek) and labial (lip) surfaces.

Which of the following drugs can cause discoloration of puppy teeth?


As teeth make contact and grind together they gradually become worn. What is this process known as?


Mineralized debris on the tooth surface is known as which of the following?


Which species has wolf teeth?


How many upper incisors does a goat have?

Zero. The dental formula for permanent teeth in the goat is: 2 ( I 0/3 C 0/1 P 3/3 M 3/3) = 32.

Which of the following is the best description of an epulis?

A non-malignant oral tumor.

A dog is having his teeth cleaned and has a discolored upper right third premolar. The doctor would like you to take an x-ray of this tooth. Which patient position would make the radiograph easiest to take?

Sternal recumbency. Sternal recumbency is best for the maxilla (upper jaws). Dorsal recumbency is easiest for the anterior mandible. Lateral is best for the premolars and molars of the mandible.

When are needle teeth in piglets usually clipped?

Within 24 hours of birth.

Which of the following species has a double row of incisors?



The tooth surface that faces the lips.

What is the normal sulcus depth of the teeth in dogs when examining with a periodontal probe?

0-3 mm.

The Triadan numbering system is commonly used in human and veterinary dentistry to specify a tooth. What is the correct number of the permanent right maxillary canine tooth of a dog or cat?


A 12 pound DSH is presented to your hospital for a dental cleaning. The attending veterinarian has asked you to induce the cat with Propofol at a dosage of 4 mg/kg IV. The concentration of Propofol is 10 mg/ml. How many milliliters will you draw up in the syringe?

2.18 mls. You must first convert pounds to kilograms dividing 12 by 2.2 = 5.45 kg. 5.45 kg multiplied by 4 mg/kg = 21.8 mg. 21.8 mg divided by 10 mg/ml = 2.18 mls. In a real clinical setting, you would likely round the number down and draw up 2 mL.

Which material is used to record impressions or imprints of the teeth for orthodontic evaluation?


Which species regurgitates food for remastication?



Closer to the root of a tooth relative to another structure.

Name this dental instrument (see photo).

Periodontal Probe.

What is the carnassial tooth?

The largest shearing tooth of each dental arcade.


The portion of the tooth closer to the crown relative to another structure.


The portion of the tooth that is in line with the dental arcade and closest to the most caudal aspect of the dental arch (the opposite side of mesial.)


The tooth surface that faces the cheek.

What is the maximum time that an ultrasonic scaler can be used on a tooth surface?

10-15 seconds.

What percentage of dogs and cats, on average, has periodontal disease?

70% to 80%.

What is the permanent dental formula for a dog?

2(I3/3 C1/1 P4/4 M2/3.)

In general, at what age are puppy teeth (deciduous) considered to be retained?

6 months.

How many 3-rooted permanent maxillary teeth are in the mouth of a dog?


Which is the dental formula for a cat?

2 (I 3/3 C 1/1 P 3/2 M 1/1)= 30.

Which of the following is the correct dental formula for guinea pigs and chinchillas?

2(I1/1 C0/0 PM1/1 M3/3) = 20.

Cats do not have first and second premolars on the mandible. Therefore, what is the number in the Triadan system for the premolar that is closest to the canine on the left mandible?


A 60-lb patient is to go home on Clavamox after his dental cleaning. The dose is 14 mg/kg. What size tablet should the patient be sent home with?

375 mg 60 lb / (2.2 lb/kg) = 27 kg (Notice the pounds cancel out) 27 kg x 14= 378 mg.

You perform a dental prophylaxis on a dog that has all of his teeth. How many adult teeth are in the dog's mouth?

42 teeth.

This 6-year-old Friesian cow has developed a mass on the left jaw region (see image). The farmer reports that it developed over the last several weeks. The mass is firm, immobile, and painful on manipulation. While assisting the veterinarian, you notice a thick granular discharge coming from the mass. The veterinarian suspects "lumpy jaw", which is caused by which of the following agents?

Actinomyces bovis.


Any structure closer to the back of the head relative to another structure.


Any structure closer to the front of the head relative to another structure.

Which technique is needed to produce quality intra-oral radiographs?

Bisecting angle technique.

Which of the following is the correct term for dental decay, causing demineralization of the hard tissues of the tooth?


A 10 year old male neutered West Highland White Terrier with a history of 1st degree AV block is admitted to the clinic for a routine dentistry. All of his pre-anesthetic lab work has come back normal. Which of the following anesthetic drugs would be most contraindicated in this case?


Which species does not have canine teeth?

Enamel hypoplasia.

A dog presents for a broken adult canine tooth. The tooth is broken at the tip and a small area of pulp is exposed. Exposure of pulp in a tooth should be treated in which way?

Endodontic treatment.

What procedure performed in horses includes filing and smoothing their teeth?


Periodontal disease can refer to processes affecting which of the following?


A boxer presents with overgrowth of the gums. This condition is known as which of the following?

Gingival hyperplasia.

Which of the following species have hypsodont teeth?


Which of the following correctly defines the term stomatitis?

Inflammation of the oral mucosal surfaces.

Which of the following nerve blocks can be used to decrease anesthetic requirements and provide analgesia for a dental extraction of a maxillary tooth?

Infraorbital block.

In dogs, which of the following are all permanent teeth with 2 roots?

Mandibular premolars 2, 3, and 4, and molar 1.

Water comes from the ultrasonic scaler for which purpose?

It helps cool the instrument tip.

In normal occlusion, what is the proper position of the incisors and canine teeth when the mouth is closed?

Mandibular incisors are palatal to the maxillary incisors, and the mandibular canine is mesial to the maxillary canine.

What personal protective equipment would be required for a dental cleaning?

Mask, eye protection, gloves.

The 4th upper premolars are connected with which structure in dogs?

Maxillary Sinus.

Which of the following species have teeth that only grow for a limited time during development and do not continually erupt or grow throughout the life of the animal?


Accumulations of desquamated cells, food particles, and bacteria along the teeth are known as which of the following?


Periodontal pockets are measured by which dental instrument?


Which of the following animals develops dental caries?

Rabbits and chinchillas.

Which of the following animals do not have canine teeth?


Which of the following is an example of an endodontic treatment? Soft palate resection surgery Tumor removal from the tongue Dental scaling Root canal.

Root canal.

Which of the following is true regarding dentition in dogs?

The incisors on the mandible should be palatal to the incisors on the maxilla.


The portion of the tooth that is in line with the dental arcade and closest to the rostral midline of the dental arch.


The surface of the mandibular teeth that is next to the tongue.


The surface of the maxillary teeth that is next to the palate.


The surface of the tooth visible from the front (same as the vestibular surface but applies mainly to the incisor teeth.)

What is the purpose of polishing the teeth after a dental cleaning?

To smooth the microscopic defects on the tooth surface.

Which of the following are triple rooted teeth in dogs?

Upper 4th premolars.

What is the dental formula for the adult horse (i.e. incisor-canine-premolar-molar)?

Upper: 3-1-4-3 Lower: 3-1-3-3.

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