W3 ankle joint

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Abductor digiti miimi?

*Abductor digiti minimi* (Little toe abduction at metatarsophalengeal joint). O: Medial process and lateral process of calcaneal tuberosity (plantar) I: base of proximal 5th phalnx. N: Lateral and planter nerve

First layer of plantar foot muscles, most superfical (3)

*Abductor hallucis* (Big toe flexion AND abduction at metatarsophalengeal joint). *Flexor digitorum brevis* (Lateral 4 toe flexion at proximal interphalangeal joint). *Abductor digiti minimi* (Little toe abduction at metatarsophalengeal joint).

Adductor hallucis?

*Adductor hallucis* (Big toe adduction at metatarsophalengeal joint). Oblique head O: (base of middle 3 MT) Transverse head O: (ligaments associated with lateral 3 toes) I: base of 1st proximal phalnx

Adductor hallucis?

*Aductor hallucis* (Big toes flexion AND abduction at metatarsophalengeal joint). O: Medial process of calcaneal tuberosity (plantar) I: proximal base of 1st phalnx N: Medial plantar & tibial nerve

Ligament attatchments for the 4 calcaneocuboid joint?

*Bifurcate...* 1. *Calcaneonavicular lig* Calcaneous (dosolateral surface) - navicular (dorsal). 2. *Calcaneocuboid lig* Calcaneus (dorsal distal surface) - cuboid (dorsal proximal surface) *Long plantar lig* Calcaneus (plantar) - cuboid (plantar) - 4 lateral MT bases (plantar) *Short plantar lig* Calcaneous (plantar) - cuboid (plantar). Lies deep to long plantar lig.

Dorsal interossi?

*Dorsal interossei* (2-4 MT abduction at metatarsophalengeal joint) O: sides of adjacent MT (2-4) I: bases of proximal phalanx (2-4) N: Lateral plantar nerve (look up photos)

Fourth layer of plantar foot muscles, most deep (2)

*Dorsal interossei* (2-4 MT abduction at metatarsophalengeal joint) (4 muscles) *Plantar interossei* (3-5 MT adduction at metatarsophalangeal joint) (3 muscles)

Exensor digitorum brevis?

*Extensor digitorum brevis* (2-4 toe extension) O: dorsal calcaneus surface I: lateral sides of 2-4 middle phalanx bases via extensor digitorum longus tendon N:Deep fibular nerve

First (only) layer of dorsal foot muscles (1)

*Extensor digitorum brevis* (Toes 2-4 extension)

Flexor digiti minimi brevis?

*Flexor digiti minimi brevis* (Little toe flexion at metatarsophalengeal joint). O: Base of 5th MT I: base of 5th proximal phalanx N: lateral plantar and tibial nerve

Flexor digitorum brevis?

*Flexor digitorum brevis* (Lateral 4 toe flexion at proximal interphalangeal joint). O: Medial process of calcaneal tuberosity (plantar) I: lateral 4 middle phalnxs. N: Medial plantar & tibial nerve

Third layer of plantar foot muscles (3)

*Flexor hallucis brevis* (Big toe flexion at metatarsophalengeal joint). *Adductor hallucis* (Big toe adduction at metatarsophalengeal joint). *Flexor digiti minimi brevis* (Little toe flexion at metatarsophalengeal joint).

Flexor hallucis brevis?

*Flexor hallucis brevis* (Big toe flexion at metatarsophalengeal joint). O: Plantar suface of cuboid and lateral cuneiform AND tendon of tibialis anterior I: Lateral and medial sides of proximal 1st phalnx N: medial plantar nerve and tibial nerve.


*Lumbericals* (Metatarsophalengeal joint flexion. Interphalengeal joint extension). O: Tendons of flexor digitorum longus muscle (plantar/mid-sole) I: bases of lateral 4 middle phalnxs N: ...

State MCL & LCL ligamanet attatchments that support the talocrural joint?

*MCL* (limits excessive eversion) 1. anterior tibiotalar lig (deep): Tibia (mm) - talus (medial surface). 2. posterior tibiotalar lig: Tibia (mm) - talus (medial tubercle sitting posterior). 3. tibionavicular lig: Tibia (mm) - navicular (medial tuberosity. 4. tibiocalcaneal lig: Tibia (mm) - calcaneous (sustentaculum tali) *LCL* (limits excessive inversion) 1. anterior talofibular lig: fibular (lm) - talus (anterior surface) 2. posterior talofibular lig: fibular (lm) - talus (lateral tubercle sitting posteriorly) 3. calacneofibular lig: fibular (lm) - calcaneous (lateral surface).

Plantar interossi?

*Plantar interossei* (lateral 3-5 MT adduction at metatarsophalangeal joint) O: medial sides of 3-5 MT I: bases of 3-5 phalnx N: Lateral plantar nerve (look up photos)

2nd layer of plantar foot muscles (2)

*Quadratus plantae* (Assits flexor digitorum longus tendon to flex lateral 4 toes) *Lumbericals* (Metatarsophalengeal joint flexion. Interphalengeal joint extension).

Quadratus plantae?

*Quadratus plantae* (Assits flexor digitorum longus tendon to flex lateral 4 toes) O: Medial calcaneus surface AND lateral process of calcaneal tuberosity I: lateral side of flexor digitorum longus tendon (plantar/mid-sole) N: lateral plantar nerve and tibial nerve

Bones forming medial longitudinal arch AND lateral longitudinal arch AND transverse arch?

*medial longitudinal arch* talus, navicular, cuneiforms & 1,2,3 MT. *lateral longitudinal arch* calcaneus, cuboid & 5,4 MT. *transverse arch* cuboid, cuneiforms, navicular & 1,2,3,4,5 MT.

Name the 5 ligaments AND attachments of subtalar joint?

1. Posterior talocalcaneal lig: Talus (lateral tubercle sitting posteriorly) - calcaneous (posterior surface) 2. Lateral talocalcaneal lig: Talus (lateral surface) - calcaneous (lateral surface) 3. Medial talocalcaneal lig: Talus (medial tubercle sitting posteriorly) - calcaneus (sustentaculum tali) 4. Cervical lig: Talus (lateral proximal surface) - calcaneus (lateral proximal surface) (within tarsal sinus) 5. Interosseous lig: Lyes in the tarsal sinus (internal surfaces of talus-calcaneus)

Name AND classify the 4 foot joint comprising the fore foot?

1. metatarsophalangeal (synovial ellipsoid) (flexion/extension & abduction/adduction) 2. interphalangeal (synovial hinge) (flexion/extensioN) 3. tarsometatarsal (TMT) (plane) 4. intermetatarsal (IMT) (plane)

Classify calcaneocuboid joint AND articular surfaces AND ligaments?

Calcaneocuboid joint: synovial plane *Articular surfaces* 1. Calcaneus (anterior surface) 2. Cuboid (posterior surface) *Ligaments* 1. Bifurcate (calcaneonavicular lig AND calcaneocuboid lig) 2. Long plantar lig 3. Short plantar lig

How will excessive foot eversion damage the distal tibiofibular joint?

Causes talus & calcaneus applying excessive forces to lateral malleolus. *Damage*: interosseous ligament & tibio-fibular ligaments and fractured fibula.

Plane and axis of foot inversion and eversion?

Frontal plane and sagitall axis

Classify the subtalar joint AND articular surfaces AND name ligaments AND plane/axis AND movements?

Subtalar joint: synovial plane. *Articular surfaces* 1. Inferior talus (posterior calcaneal surface excluding sulcus tali) 2. Superior talcaneous (posterior talar articular surface excluding calacaneal sulcus) *Ligamanets* 5 capsular ligamaments + additional support from MCL & LCL. *Plane/axis* frontal plane around a longitunital axis *Movements* inversion AND eversion

Classify talocalcaneonavicular joint AND articular surfaces AND ligaments?

Talocalcaneonavicular joint: synovial plane *Articular surfaces* Talocalcaneal part: 1. Inferior talus (anterior & middle calcaneal facets) 2. Superior calcaneus (anterior & middle talar facets) Talonavicular part: 1. Head of talus 2. posterior surface of navicular Ligaments: *Spring ligament (aka medial plantar calcanealnavicular lig)* Calcaneous (sustentaculum tali) - navicular (tuberosity). *Talonavicular lig* Talus (neck) - Navicular (adjacent surface) *Calcaneonavicular lig* (part of bifurcate lig)

Classify the talocrual (ankle) joint AND articular surfaces AND name the 2 (main) ligaments AND plane/axis AND movements?

Talocrucal joint: synovial hinge. *Articular surfaces* 1. Fibula (interior lateral malleolus) 2. Tibia (interior distal surface & medial malleolus) 3. Talus (trochlear surface dome) *Ligaments:* MCL (4) & LCL (3) *Plane/axis* sagittal plane around a frontal axis. *Movements* dorsiflexion AND plantarflexion

Classify the tibiofibular joint AND state the 3 ligaments supporting the distal tibiofibular joint AND their attatchments AND 'movement'?

Tibiofibular joint: fibrous syndesmosis Ligmaments: *Interosseous Membrane* (prevents separation of tibia and fibula): Fibular notch of tibia TO medial surface of distal fibula. *Posterior inferior tibiofibula ligamanent (PIT)*: Adjacent posterior margins of distal tibia and fibula. *Transverse ligamament* (forms posterior wall of socket for talus trochlea). Deep fibers of PIT ligamanet. *Anterior inferior tibiofibular ligament* attaches to adjacent anterior margins of distal tibia & fibula *Movement* slight latreal rotation of fibula during dorsiflexion.

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