Water Cycle

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What is condensation?

Condensation is the process by which the water vapour rises into the sky and then is cooled into water droplets. These water droplets combine with dust particles and gases to form clouds. Condensation is the process by which gaseous matter is converted into liquids

What is deposition?

Deposition is the process by which gas converts into a solid without turning into a liquid. It is most commonly used to describe water vapour converting into ice or snow.

What is evaporation?

Evaporation is the process by which water from rivers, lakes, streams, oceans, ponds or seas is heated and converted into water vapour which rises into the air. Evaporation is the process by which liquid is converted in gas

What are the parts of the water cycle?

- Evaporation - Condensation - Precipitation - Transpiration - Sublimation - Deposition - Surface Runoff - Infiltration - Percolation - Groundwater - Aquifer

What is infiltration?

Inflitration is the process by which water

What is precipitation?

Precipitation is the process by which when the clouds cannot hold any more water droplets, release the water unto the Earth's surface in different forms. Precipitation is any form of water such as rain, snow, hail, fleet that falls to the Earth's surface by clouds.

What is sublimation?

Sublimation is the process by which solids convert into gas without turning into a liquid. Sublimation is most commonly used to describe snow or ice of mountains converting into water vapour

What is surface runoff?

Surface run-off is when water collects over the land's surface instead of being absorbed into the land as groundwater, evaporated or properly drained. Gravity forces the run-off water to move towards bigger collections of water such as rivers, streams and lakes

What is the water cycle?

The cycle shows the continuous movement of water through the Earth and its atmosphere. It doesn't have an end or start because water just changes phases or states

What is transpiration?

Transpiration is the process that shows the continuous movement of water in plants and the water being evaporated from the aerial parts of the plant such as stems, leaves and flowers

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