Water soluble Vitamins

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Functions of Thiamin

-Energy production --Thiamin is used to make acetyl coA from pyruvate --Thiamin is used in citric acid cycle --Thiamin is essential to the production of ATP from glucose -carbohydrate metabolims -production of amino acids, acetylcholine (neurotransmitter) -production of ribose -Health of the nervous system

What are the characteristics of B vitamins

-Help with metabolic processes -all are coenzymes, which binds to enzymes to promote their activity -activate specific enzymes -are coenzymes essential for the proper functioning of numerous enzymes involved in the metabolism of energy-yielding nutrients; Functional coenzyme combines with incomplete enzyme to form active enzyme, which accelerates chemical reaction -some b vitamins play a role in amino acids and protein metabolism

Define Macrocytic anemia

-Macrocytic anemia is caused by inability of pre-red blood cells to divide because of lack of DNA so they just grow bigger

What are the two forms of Niacin?

-Nicotinic acid -Nicotinamide

What are the functions of Vitamin B6 in the body?

-Nonessential amino acids need vitamin B6 for synthesis --Transamination and deamination -Needed for synthesis of hemoglobin, oxygen carrier in red blood cells -Needed for conversion of tryptophan to niacin -Needed for synthesis of neurotransmitters and for lipids that are part of myelin coating in nerves

How does pernicious anemia work?

-Pernicious anemia is a decrease in red blood cells that occurs when the intestines cannot properly absorb vitamin B12 --large red blood cells caused by parietal cell destruction or by atrophic gastritis, therefore no intrinsic factor. Without intrinsic factor, B12 can not be absorbed

what are the functions of Vitamin B 12 in the body?

-Proper absorption of iron -coenzyme in folate and homocysteine metabolism -nerve function -Maintenance of myelin -Function in breakdown of fatty acids with odd number C in chain to enter CAC and in rxn that synthesizes methionine from homocysteine --Beta oxidation (odd # C) -->different pathway with B12 to take 3 C structure to get into CAC

Population at risk of Beriberi

-Rare in NA but in alcoholics -->poor diet and thiamin absorption decreased b/c alcohol effects on GI tract --those living in poverty -Prevalent in Southeast Asia -->polished rice is staple

Where is thiamin in rice?

-Removal of hull gives you brown rice -Removal of bran layers and aleurone gives you polished rice endosperm -Thiamin is enriched in aleurone so w/o aleurone (polished white rice), devoid of thiamin

Symptoms of deficiency in Vitamin B12

-Results in increase in blood homocysteine -Macrocytic, megaloblastic anemia indistinguishable from anemia of folate deficiency --Megaloblastic anemia can be folate or B12 deficiency -Neurological symptoms -pernicious anemia

True or False? Some vitamins are absorbed in the inactive provitamin form that the body needs to make active


Process of Absorption of Vitamin B12 in the body

-Vitamin B 12 in food is bound to protein -In the stomach it is released from food -Intrinsic factor is also released from the stomach -In the upper portion of the small intestine Vitamin B12 binds to intrinsic factor In the lower part of the small intestine the Vitamin B12-Intrinsic factor complex bind to receptors on cells and allowing absorption.

What are the function of Pantothenic acid?

-Vitamin B5 is part of coenzyme (coA) molecule which is part of acetyl coA -It is needed to produce carrier protein required for synthesis and break down of cholesterol and fatty acids (lipid)

Disease caused by deficiency of Thiamin

Beriberi: extreme fatigue and weakness

True or false? B vitamins are thought to be one chemical substance

False. B vitamins originally thought to be one chemical substance but are actually many different ones. That is the reason for B1, B2, B12, etc.

How would you treat someone with pernicious anemia?

Give them IF or inject them with B12 by bypassing stomach --> right into blood not stomach

What was the first B vitamin to be identified?

Thiamin aka B1

True or False? Atrophic gastritis may lead to B12 deficiencies


True or False? Dermatitis caused by Niacin resembles a sunburn?


True or Flase? Excessive intake of folic acid can mask B12 deficiencies


True or false: Dietary supplements are not supervised by the FDA


Tue or false? Without vitamin B6 we cannot make niacin


True or false? why? Eating egg raw egg can make you deficient in biotin?

True Raw eggs contain avidin, which binds biotin and prevents its absorption

Water soluble vitamins, with the exception of what vitamin are excreted in urine and are not stored to great extent?

Vitamin B12

Pantothenic acid aka

Vitamin B5

Folic or folate acid aka

Vitamin B9


adding nutrients back into foods that have lost nutrients due to processing

Vitamin C aka

ascorbic acid or ascorbate

Characteristics of vitamin c

can be destroyed by oxygen, light and heat, as well as contact with copper or iron cookware

Sources of pantothenic acid

eggs, meat, whole grain and legume

Which types of foods is Thiamin available in

enriched grains, whole grains, legumes, nuts and seeds.

True or False? Choline is classified as a vitamin

false -not currently classified as a vitamin, but is an essential nutrient

what type of vitamins require fat in the diet to be absorbed?

fat soluble vitamins


organic compounds essential in the diet to promote health maintainance and growth

Vitamin B6 aka



the process of adding nutrients to food The added nutrients are generally not found in food

Riboflavin aka ?

vitamin B2

Biotin aka?

vitamin B7

fat soluble vitamins

vitamin a vitamin d vitamin e vitain k

Water soluble vitamins include

vitamin c vitamin b

True or false? Fat soluble vitamins are excreted in the urine

False, they are not excreted in the urine

Niacin aka ?


characteristics of Riboflavin

- Riboflavin is easily destroyed by heat and exposure to light

Sources of Niacin

- added to enriched flour in North America - can be synthesized from essential amino acid Tryptophan if diet is rich in tryptophan.

deficiency in choline can lead to the build of fat in what organ?

- liver -aka fatty liver

Population at risk of being deficient in biotin

- people with malabsorption or protein energy malnutrition

Functions of Niacin

- plays an important role in the production of energy and general metabolism - for biosynthesis of NAD and NADP--> Vitamin has a key role in all aspect of metabolism --NAD functions in glycolysis and citric acid cycle by accepting released electrons and passing them onto the electron chain transport system where ATP is formed --NADP functions acts as an electron carrier in reactions that synthesize fatty acids and cholesterol -Important for reactions that synthesize other molecules

Approximately how many percents of vitamins are absorbed in the small intestine?

-40 to 90% -vitamins must be absorbed into the body in order to perform their function

signs and symptoms of scurvy

-Bleeding gums, poor wound healing, weakened connective tissue, decreased iron absorption (vitamin C aids iron absorption), depression, mental problems -fatty liver -abnormal prenatal development

What is function of choline in the body?

-Choline metabolite phosphotidylcholine makes up 40-50% of cellular membranes, and 70-95% of phospholipids in lipoproteins and bile --Our bodies don't make enough, so have to get from diet -Needed to form acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter -Provides one-carbon units for methylation reactions

Deficiency of Niacin leads to four Ds. What are they?

-Dementia -Diarrhea -Dermatitis -Death(if untreated)

Functions of Vitamin C in the body

-Vitamin C functions as an antioxidant in the body --Antioxidants protect against oxidant damage --Vitamin C can neutralize radicals before they can damage cell structures - helps maintain the immune system -is important in the production of collagen and aids in iron absorption -Vitamin C is an important coenzyme for the reaction that adds a hydroxyl group to proline-making hydroxyproline and to lysine, creating hydroxylysine. --These hydroxyl groups are necessary for cross-linking of collagen fibers -Vitamin C is also a coenzyme in reactions that include production of some neurotransmitters, hormones, bile acid and carnitine

What is the importance of the three forms of pyridoxine in the body?

-all 3 forms can be converted into pyridoxal phosphate, which is required for enzyme reactions in body -Needed for more than 100 enzymes involved in metabolism of carbohydrate, fat, and protein

Food sources for Vitamin B12

-animal products -not found in plants -Vegan diets need to be supplemented with readily-absorbable forms of B12.

What are the GI symptoms of pellagra?

-bright red tongue -vomiting -constipation -diarrhea

Sources of Vitamin B6

-chicken, pork, organ meats, whole-wheat, brown rice, soybeans, sunflower seeds, bananas, broccoli, spinach

Vitamin B 12 aka

-cobalamin --can be converted into either of the two active cobalamin coenzyme forms

Riboflavin's function in the body

-coenzyme in energy and lipid metabolism -riboflavin is an important component of the citric acid cycle and for assisting in the absorption of other vitamin -forms coenzymes, Flavine adenine dinucleotide(FAD) and flavin adenine mononucleotide(FMN), both of which acts as electron carriers in the Electron Transport Chain -FAD is important in the citric acid cycle in the break down of fatty acids -Adequate amount of riboflavin is crucial to provide energy from carbs, proteins and fats - involved in converting other vitamins (folate, niacin, B6, k) into active forms

What are the food sources of Riboflavin?

-dairy products are a good source of riboflavin -Plant sources of riboflavin include mushrooms, asparagus, whole grains and green, leafy vegetables -animal sources: red meat, poultry and fish

What are the symptoms of B6 deficiency?

-depression, headaches, numbness, tingling, skin lesions, poor growth -Microcytic anemia: tiny red blood cells

Functions of folate/folic acid in the body

-folate coenzymes needed for DNA synthesis and metabolism of some amino acids -Number of different active coenzyme forms of folate are involved in rxns that transfer chemical groups containing a single carbon atom -Particularly important in tissues where cells divide rapidly: bone marrow, intestines, skin, embryo --Always making cells so folate needed for DNA synthesis

What is the function of Biotin in the body?

-functions as a coenzyme for a group of enzymes that add the acid group COOH to molecules -functions in energy metabolism --needed to make a 4c molecule that is necessary in the citric acid cycle and glucose synthesis -important in metabolism of fatty acids and amino acids

Process of absorption of vitamins

-in the mouth chewing breaks down food into small particles helping to release vitamins -In the stomach digestion of food(interaction with enzymes and stomach acid) releases vitamins -the gall bladder releases bile, which emulsifies fat and helps to absorb the fat-soluble vitamins(chylomicrons, micelles ) -the pancreas secretes digestive enzymes that help release vitamins from food -water soluble vitamins are absorbed from the small intestine to the mucosal cell, directly into the blood(many depend on energy-requiring transport system) -in the small intestine, fat-soluble vitamins are incorporated into micelles and are absorbed by simple diffusion. Inside the mucosal cells, they are packaged into chylomicrons, which enter the nymph

What are the symptoms seen with Riboflavin deficiency?

-inflammation of the eyes, lips, mouth and tongue -scaly, greasy skin eruptions

what are the mental symptoms of Pellagra?

-irritability -headaches -loss of memory -insomnia -psychosis -delerium

Fat soluble vitamins are stored in what two locations

-liver -adipose tissue

What are the dietary sources of Biotin?

-liver -egg yolk -yogurt -nuts

Food sources of Vitamin B9

-liver, yeast, asparagus, oranges, legumes, fortified grain products

What is the name of the diseases caused by the defciency of Niacin


Symptoms of deficiency of Vitamin B9

-poor growth - problems in nerve development and function - diarrhea - inflammation of tongue --Macrocytic anemia

Population at risk of Vitamin B9 deficiency

-pregnant women -Low intake in early pregnancy --> increased risk of neural tube defect/spina bifida --> paralysis problems

What are the three forms of pyridoxine that can be converted into pyridoxal phosphate?

-pyridoxal - pyridoxine - pyridoxamine

What is the name of the disease caused by deficiency of vitamin C?


water soluble vitamins require what in the GI tract in order to be absorbed?

-transport molecules

what is the result of collagen in the absence of vitamin C ?

-weak, abnormal connective tissue -crosslinking will not occur

Food sources of Choline

-widely distrubed in egg yolks, spinach, nuts, wheat germ

Which of the following characteristics are correctly associated with its type of vitamin? A. water-soluble vitamin--> lots of it-->store it -->hard to be deficient in them-->have toxicity problems because you can store it fat-soluble -->lots of it--> urinate out--> easy to be deficient B. Fat soluble vitamin--> lots of it-->urinate it out -->hard to be deficient in them-->have no toxicity problems because you can store it water soluble -->lots of it--> store it--> easy to be deficient C.. Fat soluble vitamin--> lots of it-->store it -->hard to be deficient in them-->have toxicity problems because you can store it water soluble vitamin -->lots of it--> urinate out--> easy to be deficient


True or False? Biotin deficiency is very common


True or false? Deficiency of Riboflavin can be found alone?

False Deficiency is rarely seen alone. Usually found in conjunction with other vitamin B deficiencies

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