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A colloid is a heterogeneous mixture whose particle size is intermediate between those of a solution and a suspension. The dispersed particles are spread evenly throughout the dispersion medium, which can be a solid, liquid, or gas. Because the dispersed particles of a colloid are not as large as those of a suspension, they do not settle out upon standing. Table below summarizes the properties and distinctions between solutions, colloids, and suspensions. Colloids are unlike solutions because their dispersed particles are much larger than those of a solution. The dispersed particles of a colloid cannot be separated by filtration, but they scatter light, a phenomenon called the Tyndall effect. Tyndall effect: When light is passed through a true solution, the dissolved particles are too small to deflect the light. However, the dispersed particles of a colloid, being larger, do deflect light. The Tyndall effect is the scattering of visible light by colloidal particles. You have undoubtedly "seen" a light beam as it passes through fog, smoke, or a scattering of dust particles suspended in air. All three are examples of colloids. Suspensions may scatter light, but if the number of suspended particles is sufficiently large, the suspension may simply be opaque and the light scattering will not occur. The colloids scintillate, reflecting brief flashes of light because the colloidal particles move in a rapid and random fashion. This phenomenon, called Brownian motion, is caused by collisions between the small colloidal particles and the molecules of the dispersion medium. Emulsions: Butter and mayonnaise are examples of a class of colloids called emulsions. An emulsion is a colloidal dispersion of a liquid in either a liquid or a solid. A stable emulsion requires an emulsifying agent to be present. Mayonnaise is made in part of oil and vinegar. Since oil is nonpolar and vinegar is an aqueous solution and polar, the two do not mix and would quickly separate into layers. However, the addition of egg yolk causes the mixture to become stable and not separate. Egg yolk is capable of interacting with both the polar vinegar and the nonpolar oil. The egg yolk is called the emulsifying agent. Soap acts as an emulsifying agent between grease and water. Grease cannot be simply rinsed off your hands or another surface because it is insoluble. However, the soap stabilizes a grease-water mixture because one end of a soap molecule is polar and the other end is nonpolar. This allows the grease to be removed from your hands or your clothing by washing with soapy water.


An ionic crystal lattice breaks apart when it is dissolved in water. Dissociation is the separation of ions that occurs when a solid ionic compound dissolves. It is important to be able to write dissociation equations. Simply undo the crisscross method that you learned when writing chemical formulas of ionic compounds. The subscripts for the ions in the chemical formulas become the coefficients of the respective ions on the product side of the equation. Shown below are dissociation equations for NaCl, Ca(NO3)2, and (NH4)3PO4. NaCl(s) → Na+(aq) + Cl-(aq) Ca(NO3)2(aq) → Ca2+(aq) + 2NO3-(aq) (NH4)3PO4(s) → 3NH4+(aq) + PO43-(aq) The formula unit of sodium chloride dissociates into one sodium ion and one chloride ion. Note that the polyatomic ions themselves do not dissociate further, but remain intact. Nonelectrolytes do not dissociate when forming an aqueous solution. An equation can still be written that simply shows the solid going into solution. For the dissolving of sucrose: C12H22O11(s) → C12H22O11(aq)


Water typically dissolves many ionic compounds and polar molecules. Nonpolar molecules such as those found in grease or oil do not dissolve in water. We will first examine the process that occurs when an ionic compound such as table salt (sodium chloride) dissolves in water. Water molecules move about continuously due to their kinetic energy. When a crystal of sodium chloride is placed into water, the water's molecules collide with the crystal lattice. Recall that the crystal lattice is composed of alternating positive and negative ions. Water is attracted to the sodium chloride crystal because water is polar and has both a positive and a negative end. The positively charged sodium ions in the crystal attract the oxygen end of the water molecules because they are partially negative. The negatively charged chloride ions in the crystal attract the hydrogen end of the water molecules because they are partially positive. The action of the polar water molecules takes the crystal lattice apart After coming apart from the crystal, the individual ions are then surrounded by solvent particles in a process called solvation. Note that the individual Na+ ions are surrounded by water molecules with the oxygen atom oriented near the positive ion. Likewise, the chloride ions are surrounded by water molecules with the opposite orientation. Hydration is the process of solute particles being surrounded by water molecules arranged in a specific manner. Hydration helps to stabilize aqueous solutions by preventing the positive and negative ions from coming back together and forming a precipitate. Table sugar is sucrose (C12H22O11) and is an example of a molecular compound. Solid sugar consists of individual sugar molecules held together by intermolecular attractive forces. When water dissolves sugar, it separates the individual sugar molecules by disrupting the attractive forces, but does not break the covalent bonds between the carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen atoms. Dissolved sugar molecules are also hydrated, but without as distinct an orientation to the water molecules as in the case of the ions. The sugar molecule contains many -OH groups that can form hydrogen bonds with the water molecules, helping form the sucrose solution.

Dissolving process

Nonpolar compounds do not dissolve in water. The attractive forces that operate between the particles in a nonpolar compound are weak dispersion forces. However, the nonpolar molecules are more attracted to themselves than they are to the polar water molecules. When a nonpolar liquid such as oil is mixed with water, two separate layers form because the liquids will not dissolve into each other (Figure below). When another polar liquid such as ethanol is mixed with water, they completely blend and dissolve into one another. Liquids that dissolve in one another in all proportions are said to be miscible. Liquids that do not dissolve in one another are called immiscible. The general rule for deciding if one substance is capable of dissolving another is "like dissolves like." A nonpolar solid such as iodine will dissolve in nonpolar lighter fluid, but will not dissolve in polar water. For molecular compounds, the major factor that contributes to the material dissolving in water is the ability to form hydrogen bonds with the water solvent. Small compounds such as methanol, ethanol, acetic acid, and acetone have polar groups that can interact with the polar H of water. However, as the non-polar portion of the molecule gets larger, solubility with water drops off. The non-polar portion of the molecule increasingly repels to water and eventually overrides the interaction of the polar component with water.

Liquid liquid solutions

Properties of Water Compared to other molecular compounds of relatively low molar mass, ice melts at a very high temperature. A great deal of energy is required to break apart the hydrogen-bonded network of ice and return it to the liquid state. Likewise, the boiling point of water is very high. Most molecular compounds of similar molar mass are gases at room temperature Water has a high surface tension (attraction between molecules at the surface of a liquid) because of its hydrogen bonding. Liquids that cannot hydrogen bond do not exhibit nearly as much surface tension. Surface tension can be seen by the curved meniscus that forms when water is in a thin column such as a graduated cylinder or a buret. The vapor pressure of a liquid is the pressure of the vapor produced by evaporation of a liquid or solid above the liquid or solid in a closed container. The hydrogen bonding between liquid water molecules explains why water has an unusually low vapor pressure. Relatively few molecules of water are capable of escaping the surface of the liquid and enter the vapor phase. Evaporation is slow and thus the vapor exerts a low pressure in a closed container. Low vapor pressure is an important physical property of water, since lakes, oceans, and other large bodies of water would all tend to evaporate much more quickly otherwise. Vapor pressure is influenced by temperature. As the temperature increases, more molecules are released from the surface of the liquid. This increases movement above the liquid surface, increasing the pressure in the vapor stage. The image below illustrates the effect of temperature on vapor pressure.

Physical properties of water

When one substance dissolves into another, a solution is formed. A solution is a homogeneous mixture consisting of a solute dissolved into a solvent. The solute is the substance that is being dissolved, while the solvent is the dissolving medium. Solutions can be formed with many different types and forms of solutes and solvents. We want to focus on solutions where the solvent is water. An aqueous solution is water that contains one or more dissolved substances. The dissolved substances in an aqueous solution may be solids, gases, or other liquids. Some examples are listed in Table above. Other examples include vinegar (acetic acid in water), alcoholic beverages (ethanol in water), and liquid cough medicines (various drugs in water). In order to be a true solution, a mixture must be stable. When sugar is fully dissolved into water, it can stand for an indefinite amount of time and the sugar will not settle out of the solution. Further, if the sugar-water solution is passed through a filter it will be unchanged. The dissolved sugar particles will pass through the filter along with the water. This is because the dissolved particles in a solution are very small, usually less than 1 nm in diameter. Solute particles can be atoms, ions, or molecules, depending on the type of substance that has been dissolved.

Solute and solvent

Some polar molecular compounds are nonelectrolytes when they are in their pure state, but become electrolytes when they are dissolved in water. Hydrogen chloride (HCl) is a gas in its pure molecular state and is a nonelectrolyte. However, when HCl is dissolved in water, it conducts a current well because the HCl molecule ionizes into hydrogen and chloride ions. HCl(g) → H+(aq) + Cl-(aq) When HCl is dissolved into water, it is called hydrochloric acid. Ionic compounds and some polar compounds are completely broken apart into ions and thus conduct a current very well. A strong electrolyte is a solution in which a large fraction of the dissolved solute exists as ions. Some other polar molecular compounds become electrolytes upon being dissolved into water, but do not ionize to very great extent. Gaseous nitrous acid ionizes in solution into hydrogen ions and nitrite ions, but does so very weakly. Aqueous nitrous acid is composed of only about 5% ions and 95% intact nitrous acid molecules. A weak electrolyte is a solution in which only a small fraction of the dissolved solute exists as ions. The equation showing the ionization of a weak electrolyte utilizes a double arrow indicating an equilibrium between the reactants and products. HNO2 (g) <=> H+ (aq) + NO-2 (aq)

Strong and weak electrolytes

Liquid water is a fluid. The hydrogen bonds in liquid water constantly break and reform as the water molecules tumble past one another. As water cools, its molecular motion slows and the molecules move gradually closer to one another. The density of any liquid increases as its temperature decreases. For most liquids, this continues as the liquid freezes and the solid state is denser than the liquid state. However, water behaves differently. It actually reaches its highest density at about 4°C. Between 4°C and 0°C, the density gradually decreases as the hydrogen bonds begin to form a network characterized by a generally hexagonal structure with open spaces in the middle of the hexagons Ice is less dense than liquid water and so it floats. Ponds or lakes begin to freeze at the surface, closer to the cold air. A layer of ice forms, but does not sink as it would if water did not have this unique structure dictated by its shape, polarity, and hydrogen bonding. If the ice were to sink as it froze, entire lakes would freeze solid. Since the ice does not sink, liquid water remains under the ice all winter long. This is important, as fish and other organisms are capable of surviving through winter. Ice is one of only a very few solids that is less dense than its liquid form.

Structure of ice

Water is a simple molecule consisting of one oxygen atom bonded to two different hydrogen atoms. Because of the higher electronegativity of the oxygen atom, the bonds are polar covalent (polar bonds). The oxygen atom attracts the shared electrons of the covalent bonds to a significantly greater extent than the hydrogen atoms. As a result, the oxygen atom acquires a partial negative charge , while the hydrogen atoms each acquire a partial positive charge . The molecule adopts a bent structure because of the two lone pairs of electrons on the oxygen atom. The H-O-H bond angle is about 105°, slightly smaller than the ideal 109.5° of an sp3 hybridized atomic orbital. The bent shape of the water molecule is critical because the polar O-H bonds do not cancel one another and the molecule as a whole is polar. The oxygen is the negative end of the molecule, while the area between the hydrogen atoms is the positive end of the molecule. Polar molecules attract one another by dipole-dipole forces as the positive end of one molecule is attracted to the negative end of the nearby molecule. In the case of water, the highly polar O-H bonds results in very little electron density around the hydrogen atoms. Each hydrogen atom is strongly attracted to the lone-pair electrons on an adjacent oxygen atom. These are called hydrogen bonds and are stronger than conventional dipole-dipole forces. Because each oxygen atom has two lone pairs, it can make hydrogen bonds to the hydrogen atoms of two separate other molecules. Figure below shows the result - an approximately tetrahedral geometry around each oxygen atom consisting of two covalent bonds and two hydrogen bonds.

Structure of water

A suspension is a heterogeneous mixture in which some of the particles settle out of the mixture upon standing. The particles in a suspension are far larger than those of a solution and thus gravity is able to pull them down out of the dispersion medium (water). The typical diameter for the dispersed particles (the sand) of a suspension is about 1000 times greater than those of a solution (less than approximately two nanometers for particles in solution, compared to greater than 1000 nanometers for particles in suspension). Unlike in a solution, the dispersed particles can be separated from the dispersion medium by filtering. Suspensions are heterogeneous because at least two different substances in the mixture can be identified.


An electrolyte is a compound that conducts an electric current when it is in an aqueous solution or melted. In order to conduct a current, a substance must contain mobile ions that can move from one electrode to the other. All ionic compounds are electrolytes. When ionic compounds dissolve, they break apart into ions which are then able to conduct a current (conductivity). Even insoluble ionic compounds such as CaCO3 are electrolytes because they can conduct a current in the molten (melted) state. A nonelectrolyte is a compound that does not conduct an electric current in either aqueous solution or in the molten state. Many molecular compounds, such as sugar or ethanol, are nonelectrolytes. When these compounds dissolve in water, they do not produce ions.

electrolytes and nonelectrolytes

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