We the people chapter 6 and 8

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What is the generational divide?

A pattern of political participation where older people turn out at much higher rates of participation thing young people.

In general citizen ___ in American politics is limited to voting for world activities like ___.

participation campaigning Though voting is the largest part of citizen participation in the United States voter turn out is relatively low.

If there is a natural form of popular ___ , it is the ___ rather than the .

participation riot election Urban riots played in important role in American politics in the 1960s and 70s. Rights were common in Europe and America prior to the 19 century.

Why is it hard for politicians to follow public opinion?

The public has many voices saying different things. Many Americans have very little knowledge about the government. If Lincoln had allowed himself to be guided by public opinion the United States might not exist today.

How is a national poll conducted?

There is no list of every citizen. 95% of Americans have a telephone. So computers generate random 10 digit numbers phone numbers for pollsters to dial. This is similar for Internet polling but Internet polling has more technical problems.

Typically what party do asians support?

There is no major trend in Asian party support. Often Asian Pacific islanders have different political concerns stemming from there different national backgrounds in the United States. Asians have been most effectively united around ethnic discrimination and anti-Asian violence in the United States.

Where do ideologies come from

They are the end result of the process of political socialization.

How do religious organizations play an important role in American life?

They provide an organizational infrastructure for participating in politics around issues of special group concern. Black churches and the civil rights movement. Jews work through social action agencies.

What are the values that most American share?

Liberty, equality and democracy

To underline believes color our opinions about politics?

Yes believes and ideologies will automatically determine someone's opinion on the subject. Conservatives will often reject a federal social program without looking at the details first.

By influencing ___ of major contributors to the poll, the ___ can influence political realities.

perceptions media polls

___ , ___ , and distinguishing among ___ are often not easy tasks for first time voters.

Registering learning about the issues candidates People can share the same views about issues but have different ways to address them. For instance young and old voters. Young tend to support strong government and strong environmental laws where is old voters do not.

Why do Latinos have a low level voter turn out?

Relatively low levels of political mobilization. Low rates of naturalization. Latinos account for 7.4% of the total national vote.

And how does income affect political participation?

Fickley wealthier citizens participate more. With income less than $20,000 a year, 18% were active in offline political activities. For those earning $100,000 a year, 45% were active in offline activities when you consider the online blog commenting and social networking the socioeconomic gap narrows.

What is an example of taking a political shortcut?

In 2009 when Obama proposed his health care bill, many Democrats supported it without knowing there was no public boxing and many Republicans opposed to him even though it may have been things they would have liked.

What are some types of political ideologies?

Religious terms Racial lenses and categories Environmental views

Political shortcuts

Making political decisions on the cheap. Taking cues from trusted others like local ministers, television commentators or news editorialist, interest group leaders, friends and relatives. Also people assess new issues based on general release without looking into the issue first.

What groups help women run for office?

National Women's Political Caucus. EMILY's list (pro choice democratic candidate's)

After the Democratic and Republican ___ there is a phenomenon called the ___ which is a rise in the ___ of presidential candidates.

National conventions Post convention bounce Popularity Like early polling, this is typically insignificant because respondents preferences are reflected by the amount of attention a candidate has received during the conventions. People get excited about the selected leaders instead of portraying strongly held views.

What jobs are men seen as good at doing?

National security and defense. Crime and public safety.

Do most people hold specific and defined opinions on every political issue?

No, that is why people are easily influenced by others. Knowledge and information about politics is key to evaluating new information and acting consistently on behalf of your political interests.

Even if there is a majority open in on an issue will this beat the opposing view?

No, the Minority interest is often intensely committed and willing to put time, energy, effort, and resources into the affirmation of its opinions. For example opponents of gun control or intensely committed, well organized, and will financed. They often win their cases.

The least serious: problem is the ___.

bandwagon effect People tend to support the candidate marked as the probable victor. Some scholars say this effect is offset by the "underdog effect". The candidate who leads in the polls tends to have a considerably easier time raising campaign funds. More funds allows him to pay for more ads and cement his advantage.

Do African-Americans to vote as a bloc?

Yes. According to the book,they believe that their fates are linked because of their race

Political campaigns in the 2008 election appealed to the youth vote by turning to technologies such as posting videos on ___, creating ___ pages and ___ pages.

YouTube MySpace Facebook Independent mobilization efforts also sought to register and mobilize young voters. For example young voters strategies launched a major get out the vote drive in 2006 midterms.

Forms of participation available to American citizens are contact ___ officials, ___ petitions, attend public ___ , join organizations, give money, ___ in a campaign, write a letter to the ___, or write an ___ about an issue or participate in a ___ or rally.

political sign meetings volunteer editor article protest These forms of participation often convey a more thorough version of a voters opinions. These political activities are often more satisfying than voting and those who participate are more likely to try to influence state and local politics

In principle ___ determine who is eligible to ___ . But beyond brief ___ requirements states have little or no power to regulate ___ .

states vote residency suffrage In The 19th and early 20th century's the right to vote was not distributed equally across the states. Voter eligibility requirements varied on the basis of race, property restrictions, and residency requirement. Amendments, federal statutes and federal court decisions have limited states discretion in voting rights. In general there is at most a 15 day residency requirement.

The right to vote, ___ , is a question of ___. Civic ___ which is mandated by law, encourages citizens to believe ___ is the appropriate expression of opinion's.

suffrage law education participation Voter participation is increased by closely contested elections that have a major effort to increase turn out. In 2000, 54% game. Then in 2004 and 2008, 60% and 62% respectively. These races were very competitive. Typically the wealthy are more inclined to vote then the poor. Make less than 25,000 a year 54% voted. Make more than 100,000 a year 79% voted.

Political ideology

A set of believes that can fit together into a coherent philosophy about government. This can vary widely.

What is an attitude or opinion as it relates to politics?

A specific view about a particular issue, personality, or event. You can have an opinion about Barack Obama or an attitude toward American policy in Iraq. Attitude is very specific

Political participation

A wide range of activities, designed to influence government.

Political ideology

A complex set of beliefs and values that, as a whole, form a general philosophy about government.

Which state does not require registration?

North Dakota

What is the gender gap?

A distinctive pattern of male and female voting decisions.

When were property taxes removed?

1820s They disappeared after the Civil War.

In the ___'s the French political thinker, Alexis de ___ , saw that Americans are more likely to participate if they belong to a ___ organization.

1830 Tocqueville social No there is evidence that Americans no longer join organizations as they did in the past. This raises concerns about civic engagement. This is backed by the decline in social trust causing people to become reclusive even more.

What generational experiences would orient people toward civic engagement?

1930's the Great Depression. 1940's WWII - a popular war to most Americans. Later generations have not experienced these common causes people form habits and believes in their early years so a generational perspective helps explain participation.

What more divisive supreme court decisions that have a effect on religious values?

1962 Single v. Vitale Banned prayer in public schools 1973 Roe v. Wade Legalized abortion These brought condemnation from many Catholic and Protestant priests. One of the most significant political developments has been the religious organization's aim to reintroduce morality into public life.

What is the most recent advantage of the right to vote?

1971, 26th amendment During the Vietnam war people 18 to 21 were given the right to vote.

Give examples of the government influencing, manipulating, or managing their citizens to affect public opinion.

1971, United States government bill popular support by faking film footage and planting new stories. This wasn't covered by CBS in "The selling of the Pentagon" Bill Clinton while in office had a "war room" where he came up with ideas to bolster popular enthusiasm about his administration. George Bush relied on pollster Jan van Lohuizen to collect pulling data and also developed an extensive public relations program.

What is the "year of the woman"?

1992 Women doubles their numbers elected the house and tripled them in the senate. 2009 17 in 100 person senate. There have only been 38 women senators in U.S. history.

During the presidential campaign of ___ the Internet was used largely to watch ___ related videos, read ___, and send ___ emails.

2008 campaign blogs political Young Americans are particularly likely to participate in politics through the Internet. Three quarters of age 18 to 24 rely on Internet. Less than one half age 55 to 64 and 22% 64 and older. Adults under thirty are twice as likely to post views on the internet. 65% of 18 to 24-year-olds use social networking for political communication.

Restrictions on Felons

48 states and District of Columbia donor allow imprisoned felons to vote. 36 don't allow felons on parole or probation to vote. 11 do not allow voting even after sentence.

How does felony restriction affect the vote?

5.3 million lost right to vote 1980's and 90's. Disproportionately affects minorities where 60% of prison pop. is black or Latino. 1997, 19 states reduced requirements and gave 760000 felons the right to vote again.

What are issues that important economic and political groups use to advance their causes?

Abortion in the right to life

When did further participation drop significantly?

After 1960 on the 64% of eligible voters cast ballots. 1996, 52% cast ballots. In 2004, 60%. 2008, 62% of eligible voters cast ballots.


An attempt to use the courts to achieve a goal. Citizens groups and even individuals have used federal courts to affect public policy. It has happened more frequently in recent years.


An individual with such rigid worldviews that they see everything through a particular political lens.


Assembling crowds to confront a government or other official organization. There are two forms peaceful and violent. Peaceful protest is generally recognized as legitimate and important. It is a strategy available to all groups. The largest public protest recently was stage by immigrants and their supporters in 2006.

How does education affect a person's political views?

Basic believes in liberty, equality and democracy are required in school. College graduates tend to be more liberal. They also tend to be more politically active.

Why are forms of political action often dominated by better educated and wealthier citizens?

Because of the time, energy, and money required to lobby, litigate and even demonstrate. Voting remains the most accessible political activity even though that too has a higher participation of wealthy and educated individuals.

Why are polls in the early days of a campaign insignificant?

Because the choice is not yet important to the responder. Preferences change many times before the election.

When did blacks win the right to vote?

Blacks won the right to vote by 1870 with the acceptance of the 15th amendment. But southern states bent the law with the Jim Crow system and poll taxes and literacy tests which effectively removed their right to vote. It was finally restored through the 1965 voting rights act

What is politics driven by?

Contending politicians, parties, and social forces that work to win control of the government and shape national policy.

What are values or beliefs

Deep-rooted goals, aspirations, and ideals that shape an individual's perception of political issues and events.

Latinos tend to favor ___. Republicans typically opposed ___ reform and have unfavorable positions on ___ issues concerning latinos.

Democrats immigration economic


Describes those who generally support the social and economic status quote and are suspicious of efforts to introduce new political formula and economic arrangements. Conservatives typically see a powerful government as a threat to freedom. They generally oppose the expansion of government activities and say solutions to social and economic problems can be developed in the private sector.

What are ways to remove schedule restrictions on voting?

Early voting Voting by mail Absentee ballots Oregon has gone the furthest to promote new ways of voting. Early and absentee reached unprecedented levels in 2008 in Obama's favor.

What are the two main factors in determining whether a person will vote?

Education and economic status. This is also called a persons socioeconomic class. One of the most important and consistent results of surveys has shown that higher levels of education, more income and higher level occupations lead voters to participate much more in politics.

What are women seen as good at doing in the government?

Education and health care. Working out compromises.

What is the key to increasing the number of women and political offices?

Encourage more women to run for the election. Women are disadvantaged as candidates not because they are women but typically because male candidates have the advantage of incumbency.

Participation depends on four elements, what are they?

Formal obstacles in the political system, resources (time, money, and know how), civic engagement, and recruitment (has the person been asked to participate by a campaign or a person they know?)

Some measurement errors that affect the validity of results are poor question ___ , faulty ___ of questions, inappropriate ___ , ___ of questions, or questions with built-in ___ .

Format Ordering Vocabulary Ambiguity Biases A question that asks does the federal government spend too much, too little, or about the right amount on assistance for the poor will get two thirds saying the government spends too little. But if "assistance to the poor" is replaced with "welfare" half indicate government is spending too much.

What is a typical sample size?

From 450 to 1500 respondants.

What have most interest groups and parties become?

Fundraising and advertising firms. Most members participation doesn't get past their checkbook.

Three forces that play an important role in shaping opinions are ___ , ___ , and the ___.

Government Private groups news media These forces make up the 'marketplace of ideas' which is an interplay of opinions attempting to persuade as many people as possible to accept a particular position.

Typically what groups are most effective at marketing ideas?

Groups with financial resources, public or private institutional support, and sufficient skill or education to select, develop, and draft ideas that will attract interest and support.

Except in the 2000 race, the ___ and ___ polls are accurate in predicting presidential outcomes

Harris Gallup

Sampling error

The chance that the sample used does not accurately represent the population from which it is drawn. Typically a 1500 respondents survey has a sample error of 3%. .

How did Barack Obama when the Hispanic vote?

He nominated many Hispanic officials. For example Sonya Sotomayor is the first Latina Supreme Court justice. He also nominated Ken Salazar and Hilda Solis to his cabinet. He also aggressively reached out to the Spanish-speaking media.

Civic engagement

How concerned a person is about public issues and how much they feel they can make a difference or their political efficacy.


In effort by groups or individuals to take their case directly to elected or appointed officials

Public relations

In effort to sway public opinion on behalf of an issue or carbs. Private citizens cannot afford major advertising so they often find public relations strategies. Letters to the editor or public presentations to community organizations. For example mothers against drunk driving (MADD) started with newsletters and be speaking at community groups.

How does family influence political values?

In many households children tend to the resort political views of their parents. Party preferences are initially inquired at home. Not all children observe their parents views nevertheless family is an important initial source of political orientation.

When were legal barriers on the black Americans in the South removed?

In the 1960s With that, the rates of turn out approached those of southern whites by 1968.

How do social groups influence political views?

It can give individuals important experiences and perspectives. Social groups have a voluntary and involuntary attributes. Involuntary are national, religious, gender, and racial groups. Voluntary are political parties, labor unions, and educational and occupational groups. The historical experiences of blacks and whites can differ significantly producing very different political out looks.

What did the 2008 presidential election do for voter turn out?

It moved more than 71% of eligible voters to register. This is a modern record. It also inspired black Americans to turn out at a store Akley high rate.

How does religion affect an individual's political attitude?

It provides a historical experience in philosophical a cool perspective that reads members to see the world in different ways. Displays of culture maybe it offensive to one religion but not to another.

What does inattentiveness to politics do to democracy?

It weakens it. Those who lack political information cannot effectively defend their own political interests. A large number of politically inattentive individuals means the political process can easily be manipulated by institutions and forces seeking to shape public opinion.

Lack of ___ can be in an enormous source of political weakness and contribute greatly to political ____.

Knowledge Inequality When you are unaware of your interests or how to pursue them it is difficult to get outcomes that favor you.

African-Americans and ___ are less likely to participate than whites. When differences in ___ and ___ or taken into account, both groups participate at ___ ___ level.

Latinos education income the same Younger people are far less likely to participate in older people. The proportion of young people that vote has declined in almost every single action since 1972 right after the 26th amendment was passed.

Formal obstacles

Laws and regulations meant to decreased participation in elections. White primaries. Poll taxes. Peculiar registration laws. Registration requirements were introduced at the end of the 19th-century by the progressive movement. Registration requirement reduce voter turnout by as much as 50% in some states.

What are non-elect oral political activities?

Lobbying Public relations Litigation Protest Interest groups often dominate these forms of non-elect world political activity because the poor large sums of money into it.

What are some problems with national polling?

Many people these days do not want to answer posters. And we have the ability to screen calls using an answering machine or call her ID. Typically responders do not represent non-responders because upper middle-class and wealthy are more likely to answer. This nonresponse bias has not undermined major national surveys yet.

The ways in which the ___ report political events helped to shape the underlying ___ and ___ from which opinions emerge.

Mass media Attitude Beliefs The mass media are not simply neutral messengers, they have an enormous impact on political attitudes and opinions. For example they continue media coverage of government corruption and investigations Foster an attitude of cynicism. They also had a hand in backing the government after 9/11 when Bush began combating terrorism.

Which states allow same day registration?

Minnesota, Idaho, Maine, Montana, New Hampshire, Wisconsin, Iowa, and Wyoming. In these states voter turnout is higher than average and younger and less affluent voters turnout in larger percentages.

The ___ ___ what the first major evangelical Christian political orgnanization. This organization was a notable political force in the ___ election when 80% of Christians voted for ___.

Moral Majority 1980 Ronald Reagan Other groups are the Christian Coalition that was started by Pat Robertson. George W. Bush aligned with religious conservatives because of his faith based initiative.

What makes it difficult for African-Americans to win policy benefits through political participation?

Party competition. The black community is frustrated about the benefits of loyalty to the Democratic Party. The Republicans have not sought to win the black vote and the Democrats take it for granted.

Who has the right to vote?

People over the age of 18 that are native born or naturalized citizens with the exception of imprisoned felons or people that have a felony conviction.

How does political party membership affect political orientation?

People tend to rely on party leaders and spokesperson for cues on the appropriate positions to take for me to political issues. Recently realignments in redistricting in the South has reduced the number of conservative Democrats and almost eliminated liberal Republican from Congress. So conservative Republicans a liberal Democrats have become more prominent.

How do political conditions affect a person's views?

Peoples attitudes towards certain groups and organizations can change not because of their character changes but because of an induced shift in political circumstances. A group of use cannot be inferred simply by the character of the group. Ex. Southern Democrats switched to Republicans in the 1960s when Democrats were supporting civil rights.

How well do personal contact, direct mail, and impersonal calls from phone banks affect voter turn out.

Personal contact boosted 9.8% Direct mail boosted .6% Impersonal calls had no effect For young voters, long chatty calls had a 5% increase. Face-to-face boosted 8.5% texting also has a positive impact.

What is one reason that young voters don't turn out?

Political campaigns rarely target young voters. 64% of campaign television advertising was directed at people over 50. only 14.2% was aimed at 18 to 34.

Leaders use scientific tools such as ___ polls that tell them whether they should run for office, ___ policies, and how to___ for legislation.

Public opinion Support Vote Lyndon B. Johnson carried a gallop poll in his pocket to keep in line with public opinion. It is said that he withdrew from politics because of losses in public support for himself.

What is the relationship between public opinion and political process?

Public opinion is actually the product of political process not a motive power. Public opinion was seldom if ever a driving force in politics.

A technique called ___ is not intended to yield accurate information. Instead it asks a ___ question to get a ___ response from the person.

Push pulling Loaded Desired This shapes the respondents perception of the candidate in question and elicits a response sought by pollsters so that they can report "made up" numbers. For example in 2000 George Bush's campaign workers asked voters loaded questions about McCain's adopted daughter. This poll was often cited against McCain.

Today presidential debates are seen by millions yet they take place in front of a few___ , ___ , and ___ instructed not to applaud.

Reporters Technicians Audiences But rarely can politicians experience the publics response directly. The media can send information but it is difficult for them to get information back to politicians.

Where do many politicians get ideas for bills and issues?

Research conducted in universities and in think tanks such as the Brookings Institution. Journalist Joe Queenan says that issues are usually manufactured by tenured professor's and obscure employees. The American people cannot come up with these ideas independently.

___ interests are interests that stand out beyond others and are more than ordinary concerns of the voters in the electorate. When pollsters assume something is important when it is not they create the ___.

Salient Illusion of saliency Even when a candidate has nothing real going on, many times the media will create news through changes in the popularity polls of a candidate. During the 2008 presidential campaign small changes in the standing of Democrats and Republicans produced banner headlines. Stories of what the candidates actually did took second place to the horse race.

The reliability of a poll is a function of ___ .

Sample size The same sample is needed to represent a small population as to represent a large population. The degree of accuracy that can be achieved with even a small sample is seen through the success of its prediction.


Support for political and social reform extensive government intervention in the economy and the expansion of federal social services and more vigorous efforts on behalf of poor, minorities, and women. Typically liberals support firearms controls the rights of persons accused of crime and a pose state involvement with religious institutions.

Political efficacy

The ability to influence government and politics. Those with higher education, income and occupational status and you were members of social or political organizations are more likely to know about and be active in politics. Educated people typically feel they have the ability to influence politics.

Measurement error

The causes of a survey failing to reflect the true distribution of opinion within a target population.

What groups are formed to mobilize Asian voters?

The center for Asian Americans United for self empowerment. (CAUSE) asians are one of the least likely groups to vote.

What organizations were a big part of the civil rights movement?

The clergy organized the Southern Christian leadership conference. Students organized the student nonviolent coordinating committee he. Many students would conduct sit-ins, these started 1960 from 4 black students.

What is issue management?

The development and promotion of ideas themed to attract interest and support for a group.

What are the differences between men and women?

The difference between men and women in their political views are called the gender gap. This comes from reflecting differences in social roles, political experience, and occupational patterns and Basic biological traits.

Agencies of socialization

The elements of the socialization process that produce different political outlooks. Some of these are: Family Membership and social groups Education Prevailing political conditions

What are the reasons that are public policy and public opinion may not coincide?

The majority on an issue may not be intensely committed. The Constitution set up a system that was based on popular consent but did not automatically translate policy into shifting popular sentiment.

Political socialization

The process through which underlying political beliefs and values are formed.

What is public opinion

The values and attitudes that people have about issues, events, and personalities.

What is the strongest predictor of a persons vote?

Their level of education

What is the fee shifting?

This is a quart provision allows plaintive to recover legal fees from government or the defendant. This helps regular citizens take companies to court.

How did information affect the 2008 presidencyi election?

Those who knew the economy was bad and that the Republicans were in charge thought Obama would be more qualified than the Republican candidate John McCain to fix economy. Even Republicans turned to Obama.

How do churches help foster political participation?

Through church activities people learn to run meetings, right newsletters, or give speeches and presentations. Church also gives people networks.

How do social groups affect individuals political orientation?

Through efforts of groups to inform their members through meetings rallies in literature they can shave a union members understanding of politics to make them more amenable to supporting the positions of the group. Typically these groups will make the normal position of the member stronger so that they will differ more from the opposite group.

What are some organizations that represent young people?

United States student association represents college students since the 1950s. Rock the vote has targeted young people since the 1990s.

How are polls constructed?

Usually with a large population They must accurately and proportionately represent the views in the sample and the nation as a whole. These determine its validity. They start by listing the population to be surveyed, then each member is given the number and the computer randomly generates one of these. This is not feasible for a national poll.

What creates the differences in political beliefs and opinion?

Variables in income, education, and occupation. Major influences come from race, gender, ethnicity, age, religion and region.

In the 1998 Minnesota governors election, the Minneapolis Star Tribune predicted 10%, 49%, 29% of the votes for the candidates___ ,___ , and ___ respectively.

Ventura Humphrey Coleman But Jesse Ventura won The star tribune overcompensated for who they thought would vote.They only pulled people that had voted in the past expecting the number to be close. But Jesse Ventura brought a new crowd (12% of the voters) to the voting boxes that would not have otherwise voted.

What are internal contradictions?

When a ideological group has an opinion and seems to do the opposite of that opinion. For example: conservatives that support government eavesdropping and warrantless searches to combat terrorism. This is because people have rooted beliefs but their opinions on particular issues can be influenced by knowledge of politics and other outside influences

When are people most likely to vote?

When someone they know asks them to.

When are people most likely to vote?

When someone they know asks them to. People are also more likely to vote in the closely contested race or when they think their input will make a difference. He most significant factor affecting participation is whether people are mobilize my parties, candidates, interest groups, and social movements.

When did women get the right to vote?

When the 19th amendment was adopted in 1920. This is one by the suffrage movement led by Elizabeth Caddy Stanton and Susan B Anthony and Carrie Chapman Catt

When is horse race news most likely to make headlines?

When the voters preferences are least fully formed and rapid and dramatic shift in candidate margins take place. The interest of the media in opinion polling is higher when the salience of voters opinions is lower.

What percent of people that racism what is rare or common?

White: 49% rare, 47% common Black: 12% rare, 86% common Hispanic less likely than African-Americans to see America as racist. 52% Hispanic, 55% white, 29% black said race relations in the US were generally good.

What are some voting differences between men and women?

Women tend to vote hire in numbers for Democratic candidates, they take more liberal positions, they oppose military activities and support social spending.The rare exception to opposing military action was the military campaign in Afghanistan in 2001.

Registration requires voters to decide to participate based on an ___ need and ___ instead of solvent interest in a ___ campaign.

abstract interest certain Abstract interest is usually from education. Registration also hinders young voters who tend to move a lot. Removal of registration does not mean people will voter. Ex. 1993 Motor Voter act had many registered that did not vote.

Historically young people are less likely to engage in ___ than the older generation. Young people have a strong interest in ___ ___ with ___ % of them involved in community projects.

politics community service 19 57% of young people feel they have an impact in solving the problems of the community. 61% think politics is a way to keep powerful people in power.

Laws alone do not explain why people don't always ___ instead of vote. If public attitudes are unfavorable to ___ , it is doubtful that ___ remedies alone would have much impact.

riot elections legal Americans are taught to equate citizenship with electoral participation. About 62% of eligible voters participate in presidential elections. 1/3 in mid terms. State and local that are not on with national elections are even lower.

Alternative forms of political action than voting require more ___ , ___ , or ___ so it is not surprising that fewer people engage in these forms of political ___ .

time effort money participation A 2008 survey said: 76% loaded 22% attended community meetings 16% contacted public officials Temper cent gave money to candidates campaigns 9% attended the rally or meeting 5% spent time volunteering for a campaign

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