Weather and Climate Exam 1

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On Earth, the Sun passes directly overhead at 25 degrees north latitude how many times a year?


According to Figure 2.76, at what two locations would daylight last for 12 hours for all locations on the planet?

B and D -- the equinoxes.

If two cities are located at the same latitude of 20 degrees north, the shortest path between them is along the 20 degree parallel


Our galaxy contains over 400 billion stars


Society's relationship to the environment is described by the geographic theme of location


Spring is coming three weeks later as a result of climate change


System methodologies are not applicable to geographic analysis.


Systems methodologies are not applicable to geographic analysis


The "balance of nature" that characterizes well-functioning ecosystems occurs because of predominantly positive feedback mechanisms


The Aurora occur primarily in the exosphere


The normal lapse rate for temperature decreases is an average of 3 degrees Celsius per 1000 m


The planetesimal hypothesis has no observational evidence to support it.


The subsolar point is at the Tropic of Cancer on December 21


Temperatures increase with increasing altitude in what two atmospheric layers?

Mesosphere and stratosphere

What type of feedback maintains stability in a system; i.e., what type of feedback keeps a system functioning properly?


Which of the following can cause tropospheric air to rise into the stratosphere? a. volcanic eruptions b. hurricanes c. turbulence associated with the jet streams d. all of the above e. none of the above -- it is impossible for this to happen

None of the above. It is impossible for this to happen.

A by-product of photosynthesis is


Photochemical reactions produce

Ozone and peroxyacetyl nitrates (PAN)

What happens when the sun is more active?

The thermopause extends farther from the surface of Earth

Which of the following is false? a. a GIS model does not require the use of a map b. satellite weather images are an example of remote sensing c. GIS represents an important planning tool d. GIS stands for geographic information system

a GIS model does not require the use of a map

Dr. Rowland and Dr. Molina a. first wrote about the possible destruction of ozone in the year 1989 b. first stated the photochemistry interactions of chlorofluorocarbons and oxygen c. found automobile exhaust and sunlight were producing photochemical smog d. are not mentioned in the text

first stated the photochemistry interactions of chlorofluorocarbons and oxygen

The main methodology governing geography inquiry

involves spatial analysis

The amount of energy received above the South Pole during the southern hemisphere's summer solstice is ______ than that received above the North Pole during the northern hemisphere's summer solstice because ______.

more; Earth is closer to the Sun during the southern hemisphere's summer solstice

According to Figure 2.76, if the hypothetical planet requires 20 months to complete one orbit around the star, how many months after the Summer Solstice would the Sun cross the equator moving north?

15 months.

A scale of 1:24,000 is regarded as

A large scale

With respect to hair, water, and material resources, which of the following is true?

A leaf is an open system

A value for Earth's circumference was first calculated by

A librarian at Alexandria named Eratosthenes

The flattened structure of the Milky Way is revealed by

A narrow band of hazy light that stretches across the night sky

Geography is described as

A spatial science

A magnetic disturbance on the Sun's surface is called

A sunspot

Which of the following is not true of galaxies? a. a typical galaxy, such as the Milky Way, is about 5 billion miles in diameter. b. great clouds of gas and dust known as nebula occur within galaxies. c. they are made of billions of stars. d. their size is measured in tens of thousands of light years.

A typical galaxy, such as the Milky Way, is about 5 billion miles in a diameter

Which of the following possesses all of Earth's properties of area, shape direction, proximity, and distance, correctly?

A world globe

Earth's nonliving systems are called _____ and include the _____, _____, and _____. Earth's living system is called the _____, and is also sometimes referred to as the ______.

Abiotic; atmosphere, hydrosphere, and lithosphere Biotic; ecosphere

Satellite images are based on a. holographic images created using laser-generated interference patterns b. standard photographic film which is recovered after the satellite is returned to Earth c. digital data that is stored electronically and then transmitted to Earth by radio waves d. all of the above

All of the above

Because of the type of distortion that occurs on a Mercator map, which of the following must be true? A) The map scale changes from one part of the map to another. B) One square inch near the equator does not cover the same amount of area as one square inch near the poles. C) One inch near the equator does not cover the same amount of distance as one inch near the poles. D) All of the above are true. E) None of the above are true -- there is no distortion in a Mercator projection.

All of the above are true

According to the EPA, the direct benefits of the Clean Air Act are worth

$22 trillion

If you began a trip at 60° west, 20° north and traveled 120° farther west and 50° south, your new position would be a. The Greenwich meridian at 70 degrees north latitude. b. The Greenwich meridian at 30 degrees south latitude. c. The International Dateline at 70 degrees north latitude. d. The International Dateline at 30 degrees south latitude. e. 30 degrees north, 120 degrees west.

the International Dateline at 30 degrees south

The letters A.M. and P.M. refer to the time at which

the Sun is directly overhead at noon

Life is possible on Earth primarily because

the ozonosphere and ionosphere shield the surface from harmful radiation

Normal rainfall has a neutral pH


Which of the following best describes the condition of steady-state equilibrium? a. system inputs always exactly balance outputs so the system changes b. systems slowly adjust to long-term changes in input and output c. system inputs produce large, random fluctuations in output, forcing the system into a new state of equilibrium d. system inputs and outputs fluctuate around a stable average so the system does not move far from its average condition

system inputs and outputs fluctuate around a stable average so the system does not move far from its average condition

A map scale of 1:24,000 is considered a small scale as compared to a scale of 1:20,900,000, which is considered a large scale


Earth's spherical shape is not a factor with regards to seasonality


An angular distance measured east or west of a prime meridian from the center of Earth is termed a. Zenith b. Longitude c. Greenwich distance d. Latitude


Any orderly system of parallels and meridians drawn on a flat surface is called a

Map projection

The basic idea behind the planetesimal hypothesis is that

Matter in a nebula experiences mutual gravitational attraction, and this results in the gradual accretion of larger and larger bodies -- planetesimals

Stars give off electromagnetic radiation because

Matter is converted into energy

Which of the following is true regarding ozone depletion in Antarctica? a. increasing levels of ultraviolet radiation have not actually been measured at this time b. the atmosphere above Antarctica has experienced a complete loss of protective ozone c. there has actually been a decrease in ultraviolet levels measured at the surface -- which is contrary to what is predicted by ozone depletion models d. maximum ozone depletion occurs during the Antarctic spring, following the development of polar stratospheric clouds in winter

Maximum ozone depletion occurs during the Antarctic spring, following the development of polar stratospheric clouds in winter

Which of the following is true of models? a. they are abstract representations of the world b. they are simplified representations of the world c. they are idealized representations of the world d. all of the above are true

All of the above are true

A Langley is a. the average energy receipt at Earth's surface b. solar wind input to the atmosphere c. an expression of the amount of energy received per unit area d. another name for the visible light pattern

An expression of the amount of energy received per unit area

Which gas in the atmosphere is used by plants to form sugars, is soluble in water, and makes rain naturally acidic?

Carbon dioxide

Which of the following statements regarding the development of models by scientists is not true? a. complex systems involve so many variables that the interactions among them cannot be fully understood. b. a model is only as good as the assumptions and accuracy of information upon which it is based. c. most scientists believe that any system can eventually e modeled with 100 percent accuracy. thus, models can be perfect representations of reality. d. many models cannot incorporate all the relevant factors affecting a phenomenon because some factors are either unknown or cannot be accurately represented.

Complex systems involve so many variables that the interactions among them cannot be fully understood

Which of the following describes the property of true shape on a map?


The uneven distribution of insolation by latitude is primarily a result of

Earth's sphericity, which presents varied angles to parallel solar rays

The _____ emits mainly ____ which is also called _____.

Earth; Longwave radiation; Infrared

If you were preparing a map showing the distribution of world climates, which type of map projection would you want to use to allow accurate comparison of areas and regions?

Equal area

With few regard to carbon monoxide (CO), which of the following is false? a. few effects of CO on humans have identified b. natural CO is produced by decaying organic debris, forest fires, or organic matter decomposition c. it is a colorless, odorless and tasteless gas d. anthropogenic CO is principally produced by automobiles

Few effects of CO on humans have been identified

According to the text, the three inorganic Earth realms are the

Hydrosphere, Lithosphere, and Atmosphere

Temperatures within the stratosphere a. decrease with altitude due to radiation losses b. decrease with altitude according to the normal lapse rate c. increase with altitude because of the absorption of ultraviolet radiation d. remain about the same from the tropopause to the stratopause

Increase with altitude because of the absorption of ultraviolet radiation

The carbon dioxide that is being added to the atmosphere by the burning of fossil fuels is an example of an _____ to the atmosphere and an _____ from the lithosphere.

Input; output

Which of the following is true of the Sun's electromagnetic spectrum?

It is capable of sustaining life on Earth even though some portions of the spectrum are actually

Which of the following is true of the prime meridian?

It was not established until 1884 and is centered on an observatory near London

Which of the following statements about ozone is false? a. ozone in the lower atmosphere protects human health b. anthropogenically-produced ozone in the lower atmosphere cannot offset the loss of ozone that is destroyed by CFCs in the upper atmosphere c. ozone in the stratosphere protects human health d. all of these are false

Ozone in the lower atmosphere protects human health

The planetesimal hypothesis pertains to the formation of the a. galaxy b. universe c. planets d. ocean basins


If a system responds to a change in input by moving further away from its equilibrium condition, what type of feedback has occurred? a. neutral b. negative c. positive

Positive feedback

The increase in meltponds in Arctic regions is an example of

Positive feedback, because the melt ponds absorb more solar energy than the ice did

The case of harlequin frogs is an example of

Powerful synergy between pathogen transmission and climate change

Which of the following is an example of an active remote sensing device?


In order to preserve area at high latitudes on a map, ______ must be used, and this requires that meridians and parallels ______.

Shearing; not cross at right angles

The larger the denominator in a representative fraction, the _______ the scale of the map. a. smaller b. larger


The larger the scape of a map, the ______ the area covered by the map and the ______ detail it provides.

Smaller; more

The meridian opposite of Earth's prime meridian (0° longitude) is called

The International Dateline

The Sun's altitude refers to

The angular height of the Sun above the horizon

Which of the following is true regarding Earth's axis?

The axis is tilted 23.5 degrees from a perpendicular to the plane of the ecliptic

Which of the following is true of the relationship between sunspots and certain cyclic weather effects? a. the existence of a sunspot cycle has yet to be confirmed. b. the connection between sunspot cycles and weather is well established. c. the correlation between the two phenomena is interesting, but a direct link remains unconfirmed. d. there is no record of sunspot activity prior to this century.

The correlation between the two phenomena is interesting, but a direct link remains unconfirmed

The term "net radiation" refers to

The difference in amount of incoming and outgoing radiation

The auroras in the upper atmosphere are caused by

The interaction of the solar wind at atmospheric gases

The word "spatial" refers to

The nature and character of physical space

Which of the following is true of the number of hours of daylight?

The number of hours of daylight varies depending on the latitude of the observer

Which is true of the amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) in our atmosphere? a. the level of carbon dioxide has been increasing at the rate of 3.1% per year since 2000 b. the level of carbon dioxide is higher than at any time in the past 800,000 years c. the level of carbon dioxide is currently over 390 ppm d. the level of carbon dioxide increased at the rate 1.1% per year from 1990 to 1999 e. they are all true

They are all true

Which of the following is not true of sunspots? a. they are brighter than the rest of the Sun's surface b. they can produce flares and prominences c. they can be several times larger than Earth d. their origin and dynamics are not fully understood

They are brighter than the rest of the Sun's surface

"Geography" literally means

To write about Earth

List the layers of the atmosphere when classified by temperature from the surface to top

Troposphere, Stratosphere, Mesosphere, Thermosphere

A 12 inch-diameter globe has a smaller scale than a 33 inch globe


A circular surface area, when drawn on a map designed to preserve are, a might appear as an oval


Acid rain with a pH comparable to that of lemon juice has fallen in the United States


All places on Earth receive the same period of day and night on March 21


Areas that display a degree of uniformity are called regions


Coordinated Universal Time is the present name for the world standard time


Cylindrical map projections, such as the Mercator, have a rectangular grid; i.e., parallels and meridians cross at right angles


GIS systems use satellites to find locations precisely


Geographers consider maps to be "tools"


Photosynthesis in a plant leaf is an example of an open-system operation


Problems with air pollution occurred as far back in time as the Roman period (2000 years ago)


Rotation is Earth's motion on its axis; revolution is its motion about the Sun


Sunspots are associated with magnetic storms


The Sun's height in the sky above the horizon is termed its altitude


When the Sun is active, the thermosphere increases in size


Based on composition, the atmosphere is divided into

Two broad classifications: homosphere and heterosphere

Which of the following most accurately characterizes the goal of geography?

Understanding why a particular place has unique characteristics

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