Weaver Christian Heritage Exam 1

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What is the Apocrypha?

Included in the Catholic and Eastern Orthodox. between the NT and OT Septuagint

Who battled against the Gnostics?

Irenaeus of Lyons

Who is the opponent of the Gnostics?

Irenaeus of Lyons

Tertullian's view toward Greek philosophy?

"Who needs Greek philosophy? It is pagan and will pollute Christian thought"

What are the criteria for inclusion in the Canon?

- Apostolicity - does tradition say it was written by apostle - Antiquity - old, close to Jesus - Orthodoxy - Practicality - can it be used in worship

What is the Biblical/Cultural Separatism?

- Christ against culture approach; separation from world

What is the threefold method of biblical interpretation?

- Origen - creation story should be taken figuratively and not literally Body - literal Soul - moral Spirit - spiritual/allegorical

Justin Martyr's inclusivism?

- Philosophers of the past had demonstrated some truth in their writings. - Persons of path (all who were good,etc) were implicitly Christian (Abraham, Socrates, Plato) - They were Christian even if they did not know Christ because they responded to the amount of Word/logos/light. "Seed of Logos" - Never became the majority perspective, but is rising in popularity today.

Marcion's dualism

- a dualism of two gods Yahweh of the OT is the the Demiurge; He is just a God, but not a good or merciful God. The God of the NT is Jesus Christ; a God of love and mercy. The true God reveals himself in the ministry of Jesus.

Who is Justin Martyr

-He is the first orthodox writer to attempt an evaluation of Greek philosophy in Christian thought. -He tried several Greek philosophies before deciding that Christianity was the only certain and adequate philosophy.

What are the means for testing a false prophet? (Didache)

-If he stays 3 days - If he asks for money - If teachings don't match (never heard before)

Who is Marcion?

-excluded from the church and started new churches - The "great heretic" "archeritic" (gnostic tendencies, not Gnostic)

What did Gnosticism do?

-it was an attempt to make elements of Christianity compatible with Greek culture and thought - Widespread second and third centuries; very influential in Egypt

Marcion's use of Paul and attitude toward Paul

10 letter of Paul; Paul had the same belief as Jesus; you don't have to be a Jew to be Christian.

What did Marcion's closed canon consist of?

11 book Rejection of the OT. An edited NT, an edited Gospel of Luke and epistles of Paul. Erased the Jewish elements

What was the date for the NT in the form we have it?

367 A.D - Arthansius of Alexandria wrote an Easter letter to his people - first to list the 27 books that make up the NT.

What is Ignatius mainly known for?

His seven epistles, he also used the world "catholic" for the first time

Bishops v. Prophets (Montanism)

Bishops were more popular, because prophets spoke in tongues. (ecstatic speech)

Safeguard #3 (Irenaeus)

Canon - Irenaeus is the first to appeal to New Testament writings as authoritative against the Gnostics - He connects corrects teachings to the "apostolic tradition"

Who is Simeon Stylite

Chains, poles, Holy "perspiration"

Tertullian approach to culture?

Christ against culture

Safeguard #1 (Irenaeus)

Clergy with a Pedigree (stats, reliability) - Apostolic succession (correct teachings were handed down from Jesus to the Apostles to their successors to their successors)

Edict of Milan

Constantine: tolerant of all religions; especially Christianity single out for favor

How did the Apostolic Succession personally fit Irenaeus into this scheme?

Correct teachings were handed down from Jesus and Irenaeus is Polycarp's student and Polycarp studied with John and John was Jesus' apostle.

Safeguard #2 (Irenaeus)

Creed - short summaries of belief - Rule of Faith - Apostles Creed

Who did Justin Martyr address the First and Second Apology?

Emperor Antonius Pius

What is an apologist?

Formal defense of faith

Who is St. Anthony

Founder of Monasticism, hermit, Athletes for God, Egyptian desert, prayer, communion with God

What is the Gnosticism view of Scriptures?

God spoke through the New Testament writings as well as other writings that Jesus alleged reveal secretly to gnostics. Ex: Gospel of Judas

What is an example of the Didache in terms of the canon?

Good for private reading, but are not scripture.

Who was Christianity most compatible with?

Greek culture

Boundaries defined in Gnosticism

He brings knowledge that gives freedom to the human spirit Orthodoxy is the correct belief and Heresy is the incorrect belief; false doctrine

What is the Role and Concept of Jesus? (Gnosticism)

He is the redeemer and he brings knowledge that gives freedom to the human spirit

Role of Brother in Perpetua and Felicitas story

Her brother is dead, but in her vision he is suffering and later the cup overflows and he is no longer suffering

What are the author's words following the whole yoke of the Lord? (Didache)

If you are able to endure the whole yoke of the Lord, then you are perfect. If you can't, then do the best you can.

Instructions on Baptism (Didache)

In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit Living, or running water Cold water Or pour on the head Implies adult baptism

Who is the Second Adam? (Irenaeus)

Jesus Christ who "sums up" God's intention for humanity.

What is the connection to incarnation from Recapitulation? (Irenaeus)

Jesus Christ, Son of God, comes in the flesh to lead humanity back to God who were separated by Adam's sin in the Garden of Eden. He had to reverse what Adam did.

Docetism in Gnosticism

Jesus is docetic (since he could not possess a body of evil matter)

Who wrote the First and Second Apology?

Justin Martyr

Justin Martyr's use of logos?

Justin said: To the Greeks: you philosophers were on the right track. There is a Logos-- but the Logos is not your impersonal Logos. The Logos is personal; it is Jesus Christ, the source of all truth.

Ways of Death (Didache)

Lifestyle jobs/unacceptable as a Christian (ie; magic) Murder Abortion/Infanticide Witchcraft/magic Schism

What was Marcion, Montanists and Gnostics role in canon?

Marcion- denied the use of several books in use. Gnostics- claimed a secret apostolic tradition and produced a multitude of gospels Montanists- expanded scripture with emphasis on authoritative new revelations. unlimited number of books.

How did they read the Old Testament?

Marcion: It was a history of the Jews and had nothing to do with Christians. Gnostics: Allegorize it and/or connect its unacceptable parts to the Demiurge

Leaders of Montanism?

Monatanus Prisca Maximilla

Criticisms of Christianity

Moral debasement - cannabalism, incest, orgies Social aloofness Political treason - no military, public offices, no sacrifices to emperor Atheism - Christians wouldn't worship Roman gods Beliefs in incarnation/resurrection absurd

What is the New Prophecy? (Ecstatic Speech) (Montanism)

New Prophecy is another name for Montanism; ecstatic speech is speaking in tongues, jibberish; This is God speaking through me; heavenly language

Where are Perpetua and Felicitas from?

North Africa

Condition of Perpetua and Felicitas

Perpetua has a child she is breastfeeding and Felicitas is pregnant

Instructions on the Lord's Prayer (Didache)

Pray "Our Father" 3 times a day and let it not be with the hypocrites

What is Pepuza? (Montanism)

Prisca prophesied that the the second coming of Christ would occur in _______ and that Christ would appear in female form.

What is Progressive Revelation?

Remember the story of the Baylor bears

The Blood of the Martyrs is the..

Seed of the Church

Ways of Life (Didache)

Share goods, The Yoke of the Lord, Gratitude, Unity

Influential Leaders in Gnosticism

Simon Magnus (mentioned in Acts) Basilides Valentinus (Gospel of Truth)

What is the Demiurge? (Gnosticism)

Sophia wisdom falls and produces the Demiurge. He is the creator of this imperfect world, Yahweh of the Old Testament

Meaning of Didache

Teaching of the Twelve Apostles

Other title for the Didache

Teaching of the Twelve Apostles

What was Justin Martyr's attitude toward Greek philosophy?

That Christianity was the only certain and adequate philosophy.

Marcion's Christology

That you were saved by faith, and did not have to be a Jew first.

Who were the Apologies addressed to and who were they really meant for?

The "open letters" were to emperors and the real target was educated Greeks as welfare of Christians depended on public opinion.

Apostolic Fathers

The generation after the New Testament era

What is Pleroma in Gnosticism?

The unity of God broken by a cosmic "fall"

How did Apostles Creed refute Gnostic beliefs? (Irenaeus)

The wording goes against the beliefs of the Gnostics.

The story of Perpetua and Felicitas

They are both in jail for being Christians, they won't deny their faith, Perpetua is breast feeding and was able to stop, saw visions and spoke a revelation as a man, Felicitas was pregnant and they would not kill her, she then gave birth and both were martyred.

Gnosis Meaning

To know -- a secret divine knowledge Salvation achieved through gnosis

What has Athens to do with Jerusalem? (Tertullian)

What Does the Academy have to do with the Church?

What is Diatessaron

a harmony of the four gospels

View of Eucharist (Ignatius)

affirms Jesus Christ presence in Eucharist, Eucharist is Medicine of immortality (for salvation)

Letter of Pliny to Trajan (Ignatius)

don't seek out Christians, but punish them if proven guilty; not written by Ignatius

What was Ignatius conception of martyrdom for himself?

he desired martyrdom, he wants his blood to be spilled; "I am God's wheat..."

Role of Father in Perpetua and Felicitas story

he is angry, tries to get her to deny her faith as a Christian so she can come home and take care of the baby.

Justin Martyr's manner of death?

he was a martyr (to die for faith)

Martyrdom of Polycarp

he was unable to burn; 86 years old


incorrect doctrine, "bad" belief, a theological "untruth"

How do you gain Salvation in Gnosticism?

it is achieved through Gnosis; the release of the spirit from its bondage in the body so it can become one with God

Instructions on Fasting (Didache)

let them not be with hypocrites, fast on Wednesdays and Fridays, twice a week

Role of the pitcher in Perpetua and Felicitas story

made to hold water, but it represents their faith and how she is a Christian and not to deny that

View of Docetism (Ignatius)

refrained from the Eucharist, Christ only seemed to appear in the flesh affirmed Docetism and denied Incarnation; was not human, did not die, did not rise again in the flesh


right belief, correct doctrine


study of the doctrine of the church and martyrdom

Monarchical Episcopate (Ignatius)

the development of the growing role of one ruling bishop

Their connection to the apostles

the leaders claimed to be students of Jesus' disciples/apostles

Basic Definition of Gnosticism

the most influential heresy of early Christianity

Dualism of Gnosticism

the world (matter) is evil; soul (spirit) is good, but trapped in the body

Role of Continuing Revelation in Montanism

they continued to write more scripture?

Theology of martyrdom (meaning)

to die for the faith

What is Recapitulation? (Irenaeus)

to summarize a position/ what a human is supposed to be

Role of Child in Perpetua and Felicitas story

took away the problem of breastfeeding and able to give birth; "miracle"

What is the Latin Vulgate?

transition from Greek language to Latin bible; becomes most read in Latin

Use of the word Catholic (Ignatius)

very first person to refer Catholic to a church, "universal" or "worldwide"

Logos meaning?

word, reason, logic

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