Web Design Chapter 3

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hexadecimal numbering system

a base-16 numbering system that programmers often prefer to use since 256 number values can be expressed using just two numbers

background color

a color set to be displayed in the background of a Web page-can be set using color names or hexadecimal RGB codes


a concern with how Web pages are displayed in older browsers that do not support or poorly support the latest HTML or CSS features

monospaced font

a font in which all characters , including letters, numbers, punctuation marks, and even spaces are the same width

style sheet

a list of styles that can be included in or linked to from Web pages

font list

a list that can be used to display text if available on a user's system

fluid designs

a page design that uses ems or percentages, rather than pixels, so that elements and font sizes can adjust fluidly to user font-size preferences

pixel perfect design

a page design that uses pixels, rather ems or percentages, so that element and font sizes are fixed relative to a specific resolution-fixed design

background image

a small image that can be seamlessly "tiled" to display a continuous graphical background for a page- will overlay any background color set for a page

inline styles

a style that is inserted inline, using the STYLE attribute, which allows applying styles to any displayable element


adjustment of the colors of adjacent pixels so that they appear to the eye to be a single, allowing the display of a color that is not included in a system's or image's color palette

color-vision deficiencies

an issue that can impact accessibility for pages that use foreground and background colors-common forms of color blindness are the inability of distinguish between red and green or blue and yellow colors with the same tonal value

web-safe palette

another way of referring to the Web -safe color palette

foreground color

any color set for text or link fonts in an HTML document-can be set using color names or hexadecimal RGB codes

hexadecimal RGB code

code that states the RGB values for a particular color using hexadecimal numbers

serif font

has strokes that accentuate the ends of letterforms, making them easier to read when reading a large volume of text


height of lowercase letters, started as a ratio of the height of uppercase letters in a font

sans serif font

lacks the strokes that a serif font has- more generally used in headings and display text


means to "disapprove" Web authors are discouraged from using deprecated elements and attributes that are denied harmful to accessibility or usability

dot pitch

measurement applied to computer monitors that describes the distance between same-color dots in a monitor's display screen

generic font family names

names for generic types of fonts including serif, sans-serif, monospace, cursive, and fantasy. They can be used with the FONT element's FACE attribute or CSS's font-family property to direct a browser to use its default font for the type of font specified


printer's measurement that traditionally was equal to the width of the letter M in a particular typeface-relative measurement that sets an element's font size relative to its parent element's font size


set of characters in a particular size and style, while a typeface is a family of fonts


smallest piece of information in a digital image; short for "picture element"

color name

standard color name that is included in the HTML standard. There are 16 color names: blue, red, yellow, green, purple, aqua, maroon, olive, navy, fuchsia, lime, teal, silver, gray, black, and white-orange not included

font face

term derived from the FONT element and its FACE attribute, which corresponds roughly to typeface in typography-used interchangeably with font

PostScript font

type of font introduced by Adobe for use in the Apple LaserWriter and other PostScript-enabled printers fonts most often used in the desktop publishing and graphic design fields

TrueType font

type of font introduced by Microsoft in Windows as a replacement for Adobe's PostScript fonts, with Times New Roman, Arial, and Courier New replacing Times, Helvetica, and Courier. most widely used fonts on the Web

relative font sizes

using the FONT element, indicated by a "+" or"-" in front of a SIZE attribute. increase or decrease the font size a specified number of steps, relative to the base font size

absolute font sizes

using the FONT element, indicated by any of seven different font sizes, numbered from 1 to 7. The default is usually size 3

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