Week 03 - C++ Operators: Relational, Logical, and Ternary
What does !(a != b) mean?
Is a unequal to b? Reverse.
What is the following operator? ==
Is equal to?
What is the following operator? !=
Is not equal to?
In C++, what is the syntax for a ternary operator?
The syntax for a ternary operator is: variable = (condition)? [if condition is true, assign this value to the variable] : [if the condition is not true, assign this value to the variable]
What values do operators return?
True, false, or any number
What are the relational operators?
< , > , <=, >= , != , ==
What is the symbol for the "is equal to?" operator?
What is the symbol for the "not equal to" operator?
Between the && operator and the || operator, which one has precedence?
What are the logical operators?
&& , || , !
What number is the value "false" tied to?
What is a compound statement?
A statement with more than one line
What is a simple statement?
A statement with one line
What is a unary operator?
An operator that has one operand
What is a ternary operator?
An operator that has three operands
What is a binary operator?
An operator that has two operands
What number is the value "true" tied to?
Any number beside 0
Does a simple or a compound statement require curly brackets?
What values should never be used in an if-statement?
Constants or constant literals
What is the following operator? >
Greater than
What is the following operator? >=
Greater than or equal to
What is the following operator? <
Less than
What is the following operator? <=
Less than or equal to
What type of operators are the following? && , || , !
What type of operators are the following? < , > , <=, >= , != , ==
Why should constants and constant literals never be used in if-statements?
The if-statement will always be true or always be false.
Why is it dangerous to use the following setup? F && (T || F)
The program will not reach the second logical operator if the first operand is false.
What are operands?
The values or variables that an operator is dealing with.
When using the == operator, where should you position the variable? Where should you position the value being assigned to the variable?
When using the == operator, you should position the variable after the == operator. You should position the value being assigned to the variable before the == operator.