Week 14 English 3 B

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Why does one of the boys wear a black handkerchief across his face?

He has lost his nose.

The major does not believe that the machines will work, but he comes every day because he feels they must be tested. What does this say about his character?

He is a man of habit and discipline.

How did John view the rockpile?

He saw it as something dangerous.

How did Gabriel treat John?

He treated John more harshly than the other children.

How does Hemingway suggest the major's emotions without explaining them?

He uses harsh and repetitive language to show the major's anger.

What happened to Roy on the rockpile?

He was hit in the head with a tin can.

Do you think Hemingway presents a uniquely American view of war in this story?

Hemingway's story reflects his nationality because many Americans shared his disillusionment after witnessing the horrors of World War I. The narrator's sense of honor also strikes some readers as uniquely American.

In which aspects of their lives are the characters in this story insiders or outsiders?

In one sense, all of the characters in this community are outsiders from mainstream society because they do not have wealth, and they face prejudice from those in power. Within the family, John is an outsider because he is not Gabriel's biological son.

How did the turtle show its struggle for survival?

It kept on moving forward.

What clue in the passage helps you to determine the meaning of the word arrested in this context?

No movement at all

Why does the major become so upset when the narrator says he hopes to be married?

The major's wife has just died.

What does the portrayal of the turtle lead you to expect from Steinbeck's portrayal of the human spirit in The Grapes of Wrath?

This detailed account of the turtle, undaunted by any obstacle, leads the reader to expect a similar approach to the migrants' struggles in The Grapes of Wrath. Steinbeck will honor the simple dignity of a family's effort to endure.

As a symbol, what does the rockpile represent?

the dangers of the outside world

For Elizabeth, what did the boy's drowning symbolize?

the dangers of the world outside her home

What does the embankment represent?

the difficulties of life

What was the most dangerous obstacle the turtle encountered?

the light truck

What does the turtle symbolize?

the will to survive through great difficulty

Why does the narrator go to the hospital every day?

to get treatment for an injury

The turtle in the story symbolizes one response to the struggle for survival. Select the group of words that shows the turtle as a symbol of rugged determination in life.

turning aside for nothing,

What became stuck on the turtle's legs before it crossed the highway?

wild oat seeds

What is the main idea of this passage?

Every living thing has a means by which it survives and reproduces.

What does the author suggest about the relationships between different forms of life by mentioning the wild oat seeds?

Different forms of life help each other survive.

Characters can be symbols too. What does John symbolize for Gabriel?

Elizabeth's past

How did the turtle defend itself against the red ant?

It crushed the ant between its body and legs.

How does the way in which the soldiers treat the narrator—when they learn the truth about his medal—contribute to the characterization of the narrator?

It highlights his detachment and isolation from his surroundings.

The narrator admits that the papers accompanying his medal inflate his bravery through the use of pretty words. How does this realization connect to Hemingway's sparse use of language and his idea of truth?

It implies that a lavish use of language masks truth. When the truth will not do, do not use a lot of pretty words to make something sound better than it actually is.

How did the turtle get back on its feet once it had rolled off the highway?

It pulled itself over on a piece of quartz.

How does this passage help establish the rockpile's symbolic meaning?

It shows its dangers.

How does Roy's accident reflect the difficulties of life in this place?

It shows that the children don't have many safe places to play.

What was the first danger encountered by the turtle when it started out across the highway?

It was almost hit by a sedan.

What qualities did the turtle display in the story?

It was determined and persistent.

What did Roy believe about playing on the rockpile?

It was part of living in the area.

Which character in the story is an outsider?


Which of the following differences between the two brothers is NOT apparent from this dialogue?

John is intelligent while Roy is not.

Why did Gabriel treat John so differently than he treated Roy?

John was not Gabriel's biological son.

What important theme is implied in "The Turtle" from The Grapes of Wrath?

Life, in all its forms, is resilient.

What may have made the soldiers feel so detached?

Living with death makes them feel numb and dispassionate.

Have you ever been in a situation like the narrator's in which you did not feel fully accepted or part of a group? How did it make you feel?

Most people have felt isolated, unhappy, or uncomfortable to be left out of a group.

Which sentence gives the reader a clue that Roy and John lived in an apartment?

One day the two brothers sat on the fire escape, watching people pass on the street below.

Now that you have filled in the graphic organizer, what commonalities did you find between the narrator and you?

Perhaps, you have both had daydreams about accomplishments you felt were beyond your reach, or maybe you have both felt pride in receiving an award whether it was deserved or not.

What happened to Roy on the rockpile?

Roy was having fun and laughing when he was hit in the eye by a thrown tin can. His eye was cut and bleeding, and he was shouting. A man carried him home.

The story describes what happened when a boy drowned in the Harlem River. What effect did the boy's drowning have on Elizabeth?

She was fearful for her children.

What do the turtle's actions in the sentence in bold symbolize in the context of this passage?

The more difficult our obstacles are, the harder we should work to overcome them.

Why does the narrator characterize some of the boys as hawks, but does not characterize himself as a hawk?

The narrator uses "hawks" to indicate people who have been proven to be brave in battle.

The rockpile is part of the story's setting. What happened there?

The neighborhood boys played and fought on it.

What does this text tell you about the family's social and economic condition?

The sentence "the two brothers sat on the fire escape" informs the reader that they live in an apartment and possibly have no place to play except for the street.

What is the biggest barrier between the soldiers and the people in the crowd?

The soldiers are officers and the people are not.

How does the setting change after Roy's accident?

The street got quiet.

What is the overall effect of Hemingway's style on the sentences you just read?

The tone of the sentences parallels the major's emotional response. He participates in the treatment, but does not believe it will help him. Why he takes part in a fruitless venture is not explained, but left to the reader to figure out.

What human quality might the turtle symbolize?

The turtle might symbolize perseverance.

How did the setting influence the way Gabriel and Elizabeth raise their children?

Their fear of danger caused them to impose strict rules on their children.

Select the sentence which establishes the setting of the story.

There is a place in the neighborhood of New York City called Harlem where a large pile of rock sits between two houses.

If we, the readers, take this story as allegory, what larger message about life is Steinbeck conveying to us?

When the turtle was under attack, first by the landscape and then by speeding cars, its ability to renew its commitment and to continue on symbolizes the underlying stamina and resilience of both nature and human beings.

What does the red ant represent in "The Turtle"?

a minor setback to our plans

For what is the major being treated at the hospital?

an injured hand

Why do the other boys treat the narrator differently after they find out why he received a medal?

because they feel he has not earned his medal

The major's attitude toward the doctor is best described as _____.


Which word most accurately describes John?


What position was the turtle in after the truck hit it?

on its back

Hemingway employs a direct, unadorned style of writing in order to _____.

reduce the story to its essentials

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