Week 14 mastering a&p

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There are methods of treating and living with celiac disease. Select the treatment method that you think would be most beneficial.

A gluten-free diet

Celiac disease can also cause more significant issues in the digestive system. Based on your knowledge of the function of the small intestine, which of the following do you think may occur as a result of the resulting inflammation and damage to the lining of the small intestine?

Loss of the villi surface area and a decrease in absorption of nutrients, causing malabsorption.

Which of the following statements is true regarding the structure and function of a liver lobule?

The pathway of bile as it is secreted from the hepatocytes is to go to the bile canaliculi, bile ductules, and finally interlobular bile ducts.

Which structure is composed of a layer of collagen fibers that covers the entire outer surface of the kidney?

fibrous capsule

Which of the following is a structure of the portal triad?

interlobular artery

The bile duct:

is formed by the union of the cystic duct and the common hepatic duct.

The jejunum:

is the site where the bulk of chemical digestion and nutrient absorption occurs.

The haustra of the large intestine:

permit the expansion and elongation of the colon.

Chymotrypsin, trypsin, carboxypeptidase, and elastase are examples of which type of major pancreatic enzymes that break down proteins?

proteolytic enzymes

A blood test that can be used to see if celiac disease is possible is the tissue transglutaminase (tTG)-IgA antibodies (tTG-IgA test). Why do you think this test is a good tool as a screening for possible celiac disease?

Antibodies are produced by B cells of the immune system in response to specific antigens. In celiac disease, the immune system recognizes gluten as an allergen and produces antibodies against it.

Choose the correct statement regarding the liver.

It functions in the maintenance of normal concentrations of glucose, amino acids, and fatty acids in the bloodstream.

Celiac disease affects the small intestine. The immune system attacks the gluten protein found in wheat, rye and barely, and also damages the lining of the small intestine. What is the primary function of the small intestine?

It is the primary site of chemical digestion and absorption of nutrients.

Which liver cells are phagocytic cells that engulf pathogens, cell debris, and damaged blood cells?

Kupffer cells (stellate macrophages)

Which statement regarding the kidneys is false?

The right kidney lies slightly superior to the left kidney.

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