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What is the elif keyword used for?

to handle more than 2 comparison cases. (The elif keyword is used in place of multiple embedded if clauses, when a single if/else structure is not enough.)

What's the value of this Python expression: 11 % 5?

1 ("%" is the modulo operator, which returns the remainder of the integer division between two numbers. 11 divided by 5 equals 2 with remainder of 1.)

What's the output of this code? def sum(x, y): return(x+y) print(sum(sum(1,2), sum(3,4)))

10. (We're calling the sum function 3 times: returning 3, then 7, then adding up 3 plus 7 for the total of 10.)

What's the value of this Python expression: "big" > "small"

False (The conditional operator > checks if two values are equal. The result of that operation is a boolean: either True or False. Alphabetically, "big" is less than "small".)

What's the value of this Python expression? ((10 >= 5*2) and (10 <= 5*2))

TRUE (When using the "and" operator, a statement is True if both parts of the conditional are True.)

Complete the function by filling in the missing parts. The color_translator function receives the name of a color, then prints its hexadecimal value. Currently, it only supports the three additive primary colors (red, green, blue), so it returns "unknown" for all other colors.

def color_translator(color): if color == "red": hex_color = "#ff0000" elif color == "green": hex_color = "#00ff00" elif color == "blue": hex_color = "#0000ff" else: hex_color = "unknown" return hex_color

Students in a class receive their grades as Pass/Fail. Scores of 60 or more (out of 100) mean that the grade is "Pass". For lower scores, the grade is "Fail". In addition, scores above 95 (not included) are graded as "Top Score". Fill in this function so that it returns the proper grade.

def exam_grade(score): if score == 100: grade = "Top Score" elif 95 >= score >= 60: grade = "Pass" else: grade = "Fail" return grade

Complete the body of the format_name function. This function receives the first_name and last_name parameters and then returns a properly formatted string. Specifically: If both the last_name and the first_name parameters are supplied, the function should return like so:

def format_name(first_name, last_name): # code goes here if first_name != '' and last_name != '': return ("Name: " + last_name + ", " + first_name) elif first_name != '' or last_name != '': return ("Name: " + last_name + first_name) else: return '' return string

The fractional_part function divides the numerator by the denominator, and returns just the fractional part (a number between 0 and 1). Complete the body of the function so that it returns the right number. Note: Since division by 0 produces an error, if the denominator is 0, the function should return 0 instead of attempting the division.

def fractional_part(numerator, denominator): if denominator == 0: # Operate with numerator and denominator to # keep just the fractional part of the quotient return 0 return (numerator/denominator)%1

The longest_word function is used to compare 3 words. It should return the word with the most number of characters (and the first in the list when they have the same length). Fill in the blank to make this happen.

def longest_word(word1, word2, word3): if len(word1) >= len(word2) and len(word1) >= len(word3): word = word1 elif len(word2) >= len(word1) and len(word2) >= len(word3): word = word2 else: word = word3 return(word)

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