WEEK 2&3: Historical Antecedents in which Social Considerations Changed

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Mosquito Ovicidal/Larvicidal Trap System

Mundo's other contributions. - also known as OL Trap; (DOST-ITDI) DOST-Industrial Technology Development Institute introduce this system using natural ingredients lethal to mosquitos but safe for humans and environment. ​

Dr. Fe del Mundo

- Filipino pediatrician, devised a medical incubator

greek civilization

(an archipelago in the southeastern part of Europe) - known as the birthplace of western philosophy, some of the major achievement of the Greeks include→ in-depth works of philosophy and mathematics; contributed in the fields of science and technology. ​


(located in N. Africa) the infrastructures established by the pharaohs. ​

Uruk City

- a great wonder not only because it is considered to be the first true city in the world but also for the way it was erected→ using mud and clay from the river, mixed with reeds, producing man-made bricks - a true engineering feat. ​

the great ziggurat of ur

- another engineering architectural feat of Sumerian - was also called the mountain of god; was built in the same way they constructed the City of Uruk - the structure was constructed using sunbaked bricks - served as the sacred place of their chief god - where only their priests were allowed to enter - this temple showcases not only the elaborate and intricate Sumerian architecture but also the remarkable technology used to build it. ​

Aisa Mijeno

- invented a lighting system, Sustainable Alternative Lighting (SALt) lamp, an environment-friendly light source that runs on saltwater.

chinese civilization

- is considered to be the oldest civilization in Asia, if not the world - also known as the middle kingdom, China is located on the far east of Asia. ​

The hanging Gardens of Babylon

- one of the 7 wonders of the ancient world. - A structure made up of layers of gardens that contained several species of plants, trees, and vines ​


- one of the earlier contributions of Egyptian civilization in record-keeping and communication→ were able to make writing easier for the world (although they were not the first to develop a system of writing). ​


- one of the major contributions of the Sumerian ; the development of the first writing system - a system that utilizes words, pictures, and triangular symbols curved on clay using wedge instrument and then dried - allowed the Sumerians keep records of historical value or everyday life


- transportation and navigation - communication and record-keeping - mass production -security and protection - health, aesthetics, and architecture

roman civilization

- was perceived as the strongest political and social entity in the west; considered to be the cradle of politics and governance during that period. - Because Roman empire was so large → being looked up as the model in terms of legislation and codified laws. ​

Louis Pasteur

A French chemist, this man discovered that heat could kill bacteria that otherwise spoiled liquids including milk, wine, and beer.


Bound Books The earlier covers were made of wax but were later on replaced by animal skin, the ancient Roman Empire was able to produce the first book of codex. ​


Egyptians wore it around the eyes to prevent and even cure eye diseases; Egyptians also believed that a person wearing make-up was protected from evil and that beauty was a sign of holiness. ​

irrigation, dikes

Increase in population →increase demand for food A solution to the problem (difficulty to get water from the river thus, could not maintain farmlands and flooding) → to bring water to the farmlands; also, control flooding of the rivers → considered as one of the world's most beneficia engineering works→resulted to year-long farming and harvesting, which increased food production. ​

Johann Gutenberg

Invented the printing press

Alexander Graham Bell

Invented the telephone


Like Sumerians, Egyptians also developed a system of writing using symbols, known as hieroglyphics. Although some say that hieroglyphs were adapted from early writing system established in Mesopotamia as a result of trade between civilizations, Egyptians believed that this writing system was provided to them by their gods. ​


Louis Pasteur - a French biologist, microbiologist, and chemist, invented pasteurization - the process of heating dairy products to kill harmful bacteria thus, preventing faster food spoilage.


People then needed a way to communicate with the natives of the areas they visited in order to facilitate trade and prevent possible conflicts.


People were able to observe organism unseen by naked eye - was the key in discovering new means in preventing and curing various illnesses (Davidson, 2015). ​

petroleum refinery

Samuel M. Kier - invented kerosene by refining petroleum. Kerosene also known as the "illuminating oil" since it was used at first to provide lighting to homes. ​


Wars were the prevalent. - Great technology was needed for weaponry, navigation, mass food and farm production, and health. - trade and commerce increased→ resulted to greater demand for transportation technology. ​


Water clock - was widely used as a timekeeping device during ancient times - a device that utilizes gravity that affects the flow of water from one vessel to the other. The amount of water (or its height, depending on the method used) remaining in the device determines how much time has elapsed since it is full. Time is measured. ​


When wheel was not yet invented, mode of transportation→ through waterways: river and seas. Invention of sailboats→ to address increasing demands of people. Sailboats→ essential in transportation and trading→ as well as: fostering, culture, information, and technology.


a device used to compute faster more complicated equations;

Nebuchadnezzar II

a great Babylonian king built the garden for his wife, Queen Amytis - If stories were true (if it really existed or not), it may be considered as one of the greatest engineering and architectural achievements of the world that is impossible to replicate. ​

Printing Press

a more reliable way of printing using a cast type. With wooden machine that extracted fruit juices, pressed firmly→ then made exact impression on paper. - was invented to: address the need for publishing books that would spread information to many people at a faster rate. - also made works accessible to individuals who could not even write (Streissguth,1997)


a plant that grew abundantly along Nile River in Egypt. ​

Zacharias Janssen

able to develop the first compound microscope.


an optical instrument that helps in the observation of remote objects. Compass, oars, rudders made sea travelling easier and safer. ​


assisted people in their journey; allowed them to return home after they discovered new places or completed an important trade with another groups of people. ​

medical incubator

created by placing a native laundry basket inside a bigger one. Purpose: to maintain conditions suitable for a newborn, especially a pre- term baby. ​

sumerian, babylonian, egyptian, greek, roman, chinese

different ancient civilization that has science and technological advancement


enable people to dig the ground where seeds would be planted. Result→ farmers could cultivate larger parcels of land faster, produce food with less time and effort. ​


facilitate faster and easier travel. Result: the flow of traffic became faster and organized. → was very useful during rainy days, when travelling in soft, muddy roads. Same technology was used in making the sun-baked bricks. ​


food processing and medicine posed some of the bigger challenges→ caused illnesses like diphtheria, food poisoning and typhoid fever. ​


houses being protected from harsh weather and to build wall around the city for the prevention of entering of wild animals from entering. ​

Samuel M. Kier

invented kerosene by refining petroleum


known for high degree of cooperation with one another and their desire to great things. - are not contented with the basic things that life can offer→with this desire, it pushed them to develop many things in connection with science and technology


maintain connections and communication with each other. ​


middle ages is also known as age of ________


modern type of transportation utilizes electricity instead of expensive diesel; emits no smoke and noise.

modern calculator

not only for easier arithmetic computations, but also resulted in the development of more complex processing machine like the computer. ​

news paper

one of the major contributions of the Romans ​

alarm clock

one of the most utilized gadgets today (invented by the Greeks) - to tell people when to stop or when to start. Egyptians used water (or sometimes small stones or sand) that dropped into drums which sounded the alarm.


one of the things that connected Far East china to the world → bridged the gap between the western world and the middle kingdom. ​

roman architecture

one of the visual contributions of the ancient Roman Empire; a continuation of Greek architecture. was still pioneering→ since Roman were able to adapt new building and engineering technology on architectural design established in the past→ preserved great and elaborate architectural designs→ because they could produce sturdier and stronger infrastructures. 9funded by Roman government) ​

molecular asymetry, fermentation, vaccination

other contributions of Pasteur to science, technology, and medicine. ​


the development of this field allowed humans to build structures that would address specific needs and wants→ establishment of structures for protection from human attacks and natural disasters, and construction of bigger and stronger infrastructures.


the first newspaper; contained announcements of the Roman Empire to the people; engraved in metal or stone tablets, then publicly displayed. - Romans enjoyed easy access to government information the same way we benefit from present-day newspaper. ​

great wall of china

the largest and most extensive infrastructures that the nation; was built→ to keep out foreign invaders and control the borders of China. - showcased the extent of Chinese engineering technology in the past (made with stone, brick, wood, earth and other materials. ​

conservation of life

the primary challenge people faced then. → occurrence of illnesses and diseases→ Science and Technology played a major role in the discovery of cures for the prevention of illnesses.

roman numerals

usage is to address the need for a standard counting method that would meet their increasing communication and trade concerns. ​


was also invented by Egyptians. → for both health and aesthetic reasons. (In modern times, cosmetics is used to improve and highlight facial features of a person).


was believed to have utilized an alarm clock to signal the start of his lecture. ​


was developed by Chinese alchemists who aimed to achieve immortality. It was a mixture of charcoal, S, and KNO3, but instead of creating an elixir of life, they accidentally invented a black powder that could generate large amounts of heat and gas right away→ instead of prolonging life, it is widely used to propel bullets from guns and cannons which cause countless deaths. Is also used in fireworks during important Chinese celebrations. ​


was developed when an unknown Chinese inventor created a machine able to shred tea leaves into strips China became known for its tea exports aside from silk products. ​

Salamander Amphibious Tricycle

was invented by Victor Llave and his team at H2O Technologies. It can cross not only flooded streets but also rivers and lakes. ​


was needed to remember the places they had been to and document the trades they made with each other. → was also essential to keep records of their history and culture so they could establish their identities as they tried to relate with other cultures and civilizations. Increase in size and number of nations→ increased demand for food and other basic needs →thus, people must be able to produce food at a given time and space→ since there was scarcity of resources as people struggled to get the share of the basic needs. Thus, people needed a form of Technology→ which would enable them to increase food supplies and other survival needs without them travelling and working harder.


was significant during the time→ since people were trying to go to places and discover new horizons. They travelled to: - search for food and find better locations for their settlements - trade their surplus goods in exchange for things that they lacked.


was the language that tells the modern world of the history and culture of the ancient Egyptians. ​


were developed not only as offensive tools but also as defensive instruments. For open-area battles at long ranges, they used long bows; for close-range hand-to-hand combat, soldiers used iron body armors. ​

Weapons and Armors

were important as well in the discovery of new places or the establishment od new alliance with other tribes. - there was always a risk of conflict when people met others with different culture and orientations→conflicts were common when people→different groups struggled to control vital resources. - stronger nations invading weaker nations A major achievement→ was the development of weapons and armors→ for security and protection.

water mill

were most commonly used in agricultural processes like milling of grains necessary for food processing - resulted to mass production of rice, cereals, flours, and the like; was considered better than mills powered by farm animals since it required less affort and time to operate. ​


were worn by Egyptians for health and wellness rather than aesthetic reasons: used to protect shaved heads of the wealthy Egyptians from harmful sun rays. Also considered cleaner than natural hair since it prevented head lice accumulation. At present, wigs are used to enhance appearance of people who are balding, or for new hair trends. ​


would be considered a status symbol among nations of how advance their technology is. Humans later developed the technology to improve on how they look→ by adding some features and decorations in their body.


wre not made for transportation but farm work and food processes. Mass production was made easier. Farmers→ able to mill grains with less effort in less time.

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