Week 4 &5 quiz
Which ANOVA design is most appropriate when you want to answer the question: Does the amount of improvement over time depend upon treatment group allocation? A. Two-way ANOVA B. One-way ANOVA C. Mixed-model ANOVA D. Independent t-test
C This is a different way of saying that there is a mixed model where time is the within-subjects factor and treatment is the between subjects factor.
T or F If I have multiple dependent variables that seem to be related, I should always run a MANOVA
T or F Non-parametric tests are more powerful than parametric testing.
T or F An ANOVA is different than a t-test due to the fact that an ANOVA is used with 2 groups and a t-test is used when there are 3 or more groups.
F An ANOVA is used with 3 or more groups and/or 2 or more IVs.
T or F Post-hoc testing should be done when a statistically significant interaction is found after performing an ANOVA.
T or F The F-statistic provides the effect size for ANOVA analyses where the larger the F-ratio, the grater the differences between the group means.
You are reading a study that indicates that they were using a 2 x 3 ANOVA. From this, we can conclude that: A. There are two levels for the first IV and there are 3 levels for the second IV B. There are 2 factors for the first level and 3 factors for the second level. D. There are two IVs being compared first, then 3 IVs being compared second.
You are reading a study and notice that the authors have used a Bonferroni correction. Which of the below explain why this correction was used. A. To account for the family-wise error rate where beta is divided by the number of post-hoc comparisons B. To account for the family-wise error rate where alpha is divided by the number of post-hoc comparisons C. To use an un-adjusted t-test approach for post-hoc testing that increases power.+
You are wanting to compare four different groups in a study you are designing for individuals with persistent low back pain. One group is getting mirror box training, another group is getting laterality training, the third group is getting a combination of both and the final group is the control group. The outcome of interest is tolerance to pressure at the L4 segment and measured as "hypersensitive", "normal" or "diminished". The group is randomly selected from several clinics. If you only measure at one time point after intervention, Which is most appropriate in this situation? A. Mann-Whitney U Test B. Kruskal-Wallis C. One-way ANOVA D. Friedman's Two-way ANOVA
You are wanting to see if gluteus strength improves with strengthening. There are two groups: One group is getting eccentric exercises targeting the gluteus medius muscle group and the other group is getting concentric exercises targeting the same muscle group. Subjects were randomly selected from 3 different clinics located at different geographical locations. The outcome of interest is muscle strength which will be measured as either "strong", "diminished" or "poor" via a manual muscle testing procedure. If you only measure at one time point after intervention, how would you assess the data? A. Un-paired t-test B. Mann-Whitney U Test C. Kruskal-Wallis D. Friedman's Two-way ANOVA
I have examined 3 groups (exercise and good diet, exercise and good sleep, exercise and mindfulness). I am measuring pain, disability, and strength at baseline, 2 weeks, 4 weeks, and 8 weeks. I have recognized that BMI may play a role in the outcomes for my sample. If I want to use BMI as a covariate and run an ANCOVA, which of the following should be true? A. heterogeneity of slopes B. categorical data C. A linear relationship between BMI (R=.7) D. A linear relationship between BMI and amount of exercise (R=.7)
I want to see if there is a difference in exam scores after students experience 2 weeks of immersive labs in a DPT program. Students take an exam related to neuro content before and after lab. There is a normal distribution of exam scores and variance is homogenous. Which test should be performed? A. Friedmans B. Repeated measures ANOVA C. paired t test D. Mann Whitney U E. Wilcoxin signed rank F. indep t test G. One way ANOVA H. Kruskal Wallis
The image on the other side is an example of a study examining the change scores (diff btwn pre and post-test elbow ROM) for each of these groups. The best statistical analysis for this study would be: A. Independent t-test B. Two-way ANOVA C. Mixed-model ANOVA D. One-way ANOVA
check next card for answer A. Independent t-test B. Two-way ANOVA C. Mixed-model ANOVA D. One-way ANOVA
Same case study as above: I have examined 3 groups (exercise and good diet, exercise and good sleep, exercise and mindfulness). I am measuring pain, disability, and strength at baseline, 2 weeks, 4 weeks, and 8 weeks. In this case, I hypothesize that my outcomes of pain, disability and strength are measuring a similar construct of "function" and that each of these outcomes likely influences the other. In this case, I should consider what analysis? A. ANCOVA B. repeated measures ANOVA C. Multiple t tests D. MANOVA
You are reading a study where the investigators want to see if there is a difference in strength measured in Newtons for 4 different test positions for the gluteus medius muscle. The study design includes a group of 25 randomly selected healthy individuals who are put into the 4 different test positions where strength is measured. The mean force (in Newtons) is compared between each test position to measure differences. This is an example of a: A. Dependent t-test B. Two-way ANOVA C. One-way ANOVA D. Repeated Measures ANOVA