Week 6 - Sumit Ganguly - "Has Modi Truly Changed India's Foreign Policy?"
What did Modi's 2015 Land Boundary Agreement (LBA) result in?
Led to the exchange of 111 Indian enclaves in Bangladesh and 51 Bangladeshi enclaves in India
What were the actions of Prime Minister Narendra Modi during his tenure as the Chief Minister of the state of Gujarat?
1- seized the policy agenda 2- relied on a set of trusted aids 3- tirelessly drove civil servants to implement that agenda
Did Prime Minister Modi attend the seventeenth meeting of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) in Bolivia in September 2016?
What is the most significant of Modi's departure from practices held by prior regimes?
his deafening silence on the subject of nonalignment
Which is the principle opposition party?
the Indian National Congress
Why did India originally follow the doctrine of nonalignment?
1- steer clear of the Cold War rivalry between the US and Sov. Union 2- eschew the use of force in international affairs 3- promote universal disarmament 4- reduce global economic inequalities
Who was India's first Prime Minister?
Jawaharlal Nehru
What has Modi drawn attention to regarding Indo-Bangladesh relations?
a series of enclaves along the border (territorial oddities)