Week 8 South America, Andes

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What is the population of Chile?

18.05 Million

What is the population of Brazil?

190 million

How far does Angel Falls Drop?

3212 ft

What is the population of Argentina?

44.27 Million

What is the population of Columbia?

49.07 Million

What is an archipelago?

A group of islands

What is a delta?

An area of sediment deposited at the mouth of a river

What mountain chain is the longest in the world?


The world's highest waterfall is located in a remote Venezuelan forest; what is its name?

Angel Falls

What country in South America has the highest and lowest point?


What country in South America has the hottest and coldest point?


What desert in northern Chile included areas where no rainfall has ever been recorded and is one of the driest places on earth?

Atacam Desert

Which one of these countries is the largest: Brazil, Argentina, Chile, or Columbia?


What country in South America has the GDP per capita?

Brazil, 1.96 trillion

The highest point in South America is?

Cerro Aconcagua, Argentina

Where was the largest earthquake in South America?


Which one of these countries is the smallest: Brazil, Argentina, Chile, or Columbia?


The lowest point in South America is?

Laguna del Carbon, Argentina

What river delta is near the islands of Trinidad and Tobago?

Orinoco River

What southeast city of Brazil is located near 23 degrees S, 43 degrees W?

Rio de Janeiro

The hottest point in South America is?

Rivadavia, Argentina

The coldest point in South America is?

Saimiento, Argentina

Where is the Patagonia Region?

Southern part of Argentina

What causes earthquakes in South America?

The South America Plate and the Nazca Plate interact together by shifting even slightly causes earthquakes.

What type of climate covers most of the northern half of South America?

Tropical Rain Forest and Savannas

What is a harbor?

a sheltered place along a shoreline where ships can anchor safely

What is a savanna?


What do earthquakes cause in South America?


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