Wellness: Mental, Emotional, and Social Health

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What is mental health?

(Broad) psychological state of someone functioning at a satisfactory level of emotional and behavioral adjustment (activities to well-being and prevention/treatment of mental disorders)

List two coping strategies for people dealing with loss:


What are characteristics (strengths and weaknesses) of Type A personality?


Describe the 5 stages of grief.

1. Denial-attempt to rationalize, denies reality of situation 2. Anger-aimed at various people or objects (knows anger is irrational) 3. Bargaining-need to regain control ("if only") 4. Depression-sadness from loss (regret or quiet preparation) 5. Acceptance-moving on (not all experience)

List 3 ways to manage/prevent stress:

1. Exercise 2. Breathing Exercises 3. Time Management 4. Take Short Breaks 5. Getting Friend Group 6. Taking Care of Yourself 7. Reevaluate Scenario

What factors shape personality?

1. Genetics 2. Self-Image 3. Life Experiences 4. Attitude and choices about experiences 5. Friends

What are two benefits of a personality test?

1. Helps you to better understand yourself/how you interact. 2. If you are a manager/leader you should no why people make decisions and how to respond.

List 3 ways to improve self-esteem:

1. Identify troubling situation 2. Become aware of thoughts 3. Challenge negative thinking 4. Mental filtering 5. Forgiveness 6. Focus on strengths 7. Notice small improvements

What are 3 resources to use if you need support for mental health?

1. Local clinics (cheaper) 2. Hospitals 3. Colleges/Universities 4. EAPs (therapists for businesses) 5. Private therapists 6. Suicide hotlines 7. Emergency rooms 8. Local crisis center

List 5 teen stressors:

1. Schoolwork 2. Parents 3. Romantic relationships 4. Problems with friends 5. Siblings

List four potential warning signs for suicide:

1. Traumatic event 2. Prior attempts 3. Family history 4. Abuse 5. Chronic illness 6. Being in prison 7. Exposure to suicide

What are the characteristics of anorexia nervosa?

15% or more body weight lost, devastating fear of weight gain, distorted body image

Explain rationalization.

A defense mechanism for justifying unacceptable behavior in a logical manor

Define Self-Actualization

Achieving your full potential through improving self, world, enjoying work and responsibility, and seeking the truth

What is social health?

An individual's well-being that concerns how you get along with other people and how they react

Define affective disorders.

Biological, behavioral, social, and psychological factors; range from mild/inconvenient to severe/life-threatening (depression/bipolar)

How should a person respond to helping someone demonstrating suicidal signs?

Contact health professional, call help line, stay with them,

What is the best kind of conflict negotiation?


What are the characteristics of clinical depression?

Decreased mood, feelings of sadness and emptiness, reduced interest in other activities, sleep disturbance, loss of energy, difficulty concentrating/making decisions (longterm)

Explain repression.

Defense mechanism for keeping information out of conscious awareness

What are the characteristics of schizophrenia?

Delusions, hallucinations, thought disorder, disorganized behavior; positive-excess of normal functions; low-lack emotions, neglect; cognitive-problems paying attention or with memory

What is borderline personality disorder?

Distorted self-image, angry mood swings, impulsive, latch onto somebody and then see what they can get away with

Define personality disorder.

Effects most or all aspects of life, constant symptoms; thoughts, emotions, interpersonal skills, and impulse control differ from culture (anti-social, passive aggressive, schizophrenia, narcissistic, and borderline)

What is emotional health?

Emotional and pyschological well-being in which you can use emotional capabilities, function in society, and meet life's demands.

What are psychological needs?

Food, water, air, and sleep

Explain compensation.

Hiding something you cannot do well by doing something else really well

What is the "I" statement?

I feel ____ when you ____. I would like it if you ____

What are love and belonging needs?

Inclusion, part of a group, affection, and control (over self and others)

What is narcissistic personality disorder?

Inflated self-importance, need attention, feel entitled, over exaggerate, little regard for others

What are the characteristics of OCD?

Intense focus on one thing; everything must be in the exact spot, rituals (varies)

What personality type is future focused, visionary, idealistic, and looks at the big picture?


What personality type loves security, organization, scheduled, and dislikes uncertainty?


Define anxiety disorders.

Mental illness that causes constant worry and fear, overwhelming and crippling, more severe than normal anxiety (interferes with life)

What is antisocial personality disorder?

No regard for right and wrong, violent, drug abuse, no empathy or remorse, can't fulfill responsibility, don't conform to social norms

What personality type keeps decisions open, loves adventure, unorganized, dislikes routine, and flexible?


What are characteristics of Bipolar Disorder?

Periods of very high (mania) and very low (depression) with ability to quickly switch between the two

Explain denial.

Person denies the reality of the situation, doesn't take it seriously, or acts as if it hasn't happened. Attempt to rationalize, buffer immediate shock, temporary response.

What are signs of good mental health?

Person feels good about his/her self, won't become overwhelmed, long lasting relationships, respect for self and others, make own decisions, adjust environment

What are safety needs?

Physical, emotional, disease, invasion, and extreme losses

What is a stressor?

Physical, psychological, or social force that puts demands on the body, emotions, mind, or spirit

What is the difference between a psychologist and psychiatrist?

Psychiatrists have a medical degree and and administer therapy, while psychologists have a degree in psychology and provide behavioral interventions for psychological disorders

What are the steps on Maslow's hierarchy of needs (in order)?

Psychological, Safety, Love & Belonging, Esteem, and Self-Actualization

What is stress?

Reaction to the stressor (stimulus causing stress)

Explain adrenaline and how it affects the body.

Released by adrenal medulla into the blood stream as a part of the fight or flight response (epinephrine). Increases heart rate and blood pressure, goose bumps, and muscles tense up.

What are esteem needs?

Respect from others, rewards, honors, and self-respect

Define eating disorders.

Self-critical, negative thoughts and feelings about body weight and food, and eating habits that disrupt normally body functions (anorexia nervosa or bulimia)

What personality type focuses on present, is factual, and detail-oriented?


Describe how your body responds to fight or flight (physiologically).

The autonomic nervous system has a heightened sense of awareness, hormones increase, heart beats faster, breathing becomes rapid, and more oxygenated blood is sent to muscles

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