Western Civ 2 Final Exam

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Who initiated a revolution in communication with the invention of the telephone in 1876?

A. Bell

What Islamic fundamentalist group led by Osama bin Laden in Afghanistan engaged in acts of terror that led to a war on terror?


What policy of the British and the French allowed Hitler to repudiate aspects of the Treaty of Versailles that curtailed German power as a means of preserving peace was pursued by Neville Chamberlin at the 1938 Munich Conference in response to Hitler's demand for the reincorporation of ethnic Germans that lived in the border of Czechoslovakia?


By what 1867 agreement was the dual-monarchy of Austria-Hungary established with two legal languages, two law systems, two capitals, one monarch, one army and one foreign policy?


Who was the leader of the nationalist fascist regime that despised socialists and dominated Italian politics after the mid-1920s as Il Duce and instituted control over the press and education?

B. Mussolini

Who revised the Marxist idea that bourgeoisie capitalism would fall to a proletarian revolution and advocated social change instead through workers' votes in democratic countries in his work Evolutionary Socialism?


What Serbian nationalist organization motivated the actions of Gavrillo Principe on June 28, 1914 as he fired the shot that precipitated the outbreak of World War I?

Black Hand

What German tactic that employed Panzers and Stuka dive bombers led to the capitulation of Poland in four weeks in 1939 and the defeat of the Netherlands, Belgium and France in six weeks in 1940?


Through what arrangement did the Bosheviks fulfill their pledge to end the Russian role in World War I in the spring of 1918 even though it cost them a great deal of territory?


What naturalist served as a naturalist on the HMS Beagle for five years and subsequently developed the hypothesis that natural selection led to the origin of species in his book of 1859?

C. Darwin

Who was the novelist that focused on the lives of the lower and middle classes of industrializing Britain in his realistic stories?

C. Dickens

Who was the British imperialist that established gold and diamond enterprises in South Africa who aspired to paint the map of Africa British red and came to have a country and Oxford scholarships named in his honor?

C. J. Rhodes

What Austrian foreign minister played a leading role in establishing boundaries of countries in post-Napoleonic Europe and reestablishing the Bourbon dynasty as rulers of France during 1815?

C. von Metternich

What was developed by late nineteenth century manufacturers that collaborated in limiting the quantities of products that they produced as a means of sustaining profitable prices?


What item that came into popular use and created a communications revolution based on advancements in battery technology and microprocessors?

Cell Phone

Where did Russia engage in an expensive effort against Muslims in the Caucasus during the 1990s?


What communist policy in the USSR sought to support the press towards industrialization through the elimination of family farms and the creation of Kolkozes and resulted in the starvation of millions of people in 1932-34?


In what did Napoleon III engage in 1854 as a means to enlarge French national influence in the world in a competition with rivals like the Russians who wanted influence as the protectors of Christian Holy places in the Ottoman Empire?

Crimean War

Who wrote, The Second Sex, a 1949 monograph that protested the subordination of women in western society?

De Beauvoir

What French leader who had led the Free French forces during WWII granted Indochinese colonies independence in 1954, and Algerian nationalists independence in 1962 following bloody insurrections?

De Gaulle

What institution emerged in Paris during the reign of Louis-Philippe that promoted the sale of consumer goods?

Department Stores

What philosopher advanced "deconstruction", whereby he argued that people create their own meaning, thereby supporting the humanist idea that truth is defined by people?


After the Soviets had achieved relative parity in nuclear weapons capacity what emerged in the relations between the leaders in the sides of the Cold War during the 1970s that allowed for conversations, and treaties that created a hope for a de-escalation of tensions?


What English prime minister, who served Queen Victoria, pushed forward the Reform Act of 1867 where by the right to vote was extended by reducing the tax requirement for voters?


What American author wrote short horror stories like The Fall of the House of Usher?

E. A. Poe

What German artist was preoccupied with nature mysticism and painted The Wanderer Above the Sea of Fog?

E. Delacroix

What militant feminist promoted burning postboxes full of mail, egging politicians, smashing store windows, civil disobedience and hunger strikes as a way to compel governments to extend women's' suffrage?

E. Pankhurst

Where did Hitler's strategy of sending the Afrika Corps under General Rommel to cut British access to oil and manpower from India, by capturing the Suez Canal, falter in the summer of 1942 and start the turn back of the German tide?

El Alamein

During the second industrial revolution what source of power illuminated factories at night and powered machinery?


What cause was advanced by Green Parties in Europe?


The breakup of Yugoslavia led to conflict in which the Serbs invaded Bosnia where they engaged in what practice as a means of consolidating their gains against people who were religiously and ethnically different?

Ethnic Cleansing

What entity grew out of the economic Maastricht Treaty that created the world's largest trading entity to form a political entity in 2009?

European Union

Who was the Spanish General that instigated a three-year civil war against Republicans, modernization, secularism, established himself as dictator in 1939 and ruled until 1975?

F. Franco

What person introduced strict sanitary conditions in a British military hospital at Scutis during the Crimean War and thereby elevated nursing to a respected profession for women?

F. Nightingale

What policy did Reinhard Heydrich begin to pursue in 1941 that had Einsatzgruppen ghettoize and eventually exterminate Polish Jews using Zyklon B?

Final Solution

What best-selling writer established NOW and sought to advance a US Constitutional amendment in the 1970s?


Who was the French artist that realistically highlighted the everyday lives of common people in works like his 1849, The Stonebreakers?

G. Courbet

What ruler of the Kingdom of Piedmont did di Carvour move towards becoming the ruler of a unified Italy as he secured alliances in driving Austria and then France out of Northern Italy in 1861?

G. Garibaldi

What Italian championed the cause of unifying Italy in the 1830s and called upon Italians to devote themselves to their nation in The Duties of Man?

G. Mazzini

Following Adolf Hitler's appointment as Chancellor, the subsequent Reichstag Fire and the suspension of the constitution what procedure did he employ to force those who did not agree with his ideology out of the leadership of public institutions like university professorships, jobs in civil service?


What existential threat is perceived as a result of the buildup of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere?

Global Warming

What reforming leader who advocated perestroika and glasnost was arrested by hardline communists in the military in a 1991 coup that was opposed by the people of Leningrad and Moscow?


Who developed COBOL, a computer language that enabled machines to use words and not just numbers and thereby helped set the stage for a technological revolution made possible with the invention of transistors?

Grace Hopper

What English Social Darwinist popularized the idea of Aryan racial superiority in his book The Foundations of the Nineteenth Century in 1899?

H. S. Chamberlain

What new genre emerged in the 1980s that used rhymed lyrics to engage in social commentary?

Hip Hop

What Japanese city that had previously not been subjected to extensive bombing was selected for attack on August 6, 1945 as a way to bring the war in the Pacific to an end without adding to American casualties and Russian acquisition of Japanese territory?


After the US led by Kennedy and the Soviets led by Khrushchev came to the brink of nuclear war in 1962 over the positioning of Soviet missiles within range of Atlantic coast urban centers what was installed as a means to de-escalate tensions?


What global organization supervises exchange rates and provides financial assistance to developing nations?


What artistic movement moved away from careful realism and perspective to quickly preserve what the artist saw and felt? This type of painting is exemplified in pieces by Monet and Camille Pissarro.


Who was the British economist that wrote A General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money in 1936 that argued in support of the strategy of public spending on infrastructure projects as a means to invigorate economies and get people working?

J. M. Keynes

Who was the prominent English advocate of liberalism who wrote On Liberty in 1859 and On the Subjugation of Women in 1867?

J. S. Mill

Who was the communist party secretary who eventually outmaneuvered Generals like Molotov and Trotsky in the politburo in the period from 1924-29 to succeed Lenin as the dictator of the USSR?

J. Stalin

What journalist of Jewish ancestry called upon "Working men of the World to unite" in a class-driven war to change from a capitalistic to a socialistic society in his 1848 Communist Manifesto?

Karl Marx

The American policy of containing communist aggression demand a response to Sino-Soviet support of communists in Asia and led to what UN backed conflict that lasted from 1950-53?

Korean War

What November 9, 1938 event led to the destruction of Jewish synagogues and businesses and precipitated a wave of immigration from Germany?


What anti-Catholic, and anti-liberal policy was pursued by Otto von Bismarck in Germany in the 1880s alongside the extension of social welfare benefits like sick leave and pensions in response to the perceived threat posed by people loyal to something other than the nation and the monarchy?


Who was the prolific Romantic composer that composed his Ninth Symphony when he was deaf?

L. Beethoven

What French scientist formulated the germ theory of disease, that led to safer food preservation and development of treatments like the rabies vaccination?

L. Pasteur

In Adolf Hitler's quasi-autobiographical Mein Kampf what did he envision as the proper right of the superior Aryan race?


Who did the Germans allow to travel from Switzerland through Germany in a sealed train as a means of causing problems for the Russian government's war effort?


What French monarch characterized as the "bourgeois monarch" rose to the throne in 1830 when his cousin Charles X abdicated and he ruled as a constitutional monarch until 1848 when revolution again rocked the country?

Louis Phillippe

What target of a German U-boat carrying more than 100 American passengers and a hold filled with war materials was used to help public opinion against the Germans and to bring the USA into the war on the side of the Allies?


Whose discoveries helped to establish a new understanding of atoms with the discovery of radiation and set in motion a study of physics that went beyond what Isaac Newton had imagined? This physicist won a Nobel prize in 1903 and a second prize in 1911 for Chemistry.

M. Curie

What Gothic novelist wrote the story of a doctor named Frankenstein who created a monster?

M. Shelley

What did the French and the English establish in former territories of the German and Ottoman Empires in places like Syria, Palestine in the Middle east and Tanganyika and Namibia in Africa?


What communist leader inspired the People's Liberation Army to join him in opposing the nationalists led by Chang Kai-shek in 1948 but whose "Great Leap Forward" vision of a classless society faltered?

Mao Zedong

What 1947 European economic recovery program funded by American taxpayers at the cost of thirteen billion dollars sought to rebuilt western European prosperity and to thereby limit communist expansion that fed on turmoil?

Marshall Doctrine

What child of a Lutheran pastor, raised in East Germany and trained as a chemist was elected German chancellor in 2005 and has revived the role of that reunified nation in world affairs and has taken a generous attitude toward immigrants that has offended some nationalists?


Where did the tide of war turn against the Japanese in the Pacific with the Americans destroying four Japanese aircraft carriers on June 4, 1942?


What group of English arms manufacturers helped the total war effort and promoted social change?


While Hitler's Mein Kampf had repudiated communism and envisioned the seizure of Slavic lands to the east, by what means was he able to secure Stalin's acquiescence with the German invasion of Poland in 1939?

Non-Aggression Pact

Who was the middle-class reformer of urban housing in London that set out to rehabilitate dilapidated structures and help the poor to live in safe, sanitary homes?

O. Hill

What Prussian leader used realpolitik to achieve the unification of Germany following the defeat of the French in the Franco-Prussian war of 1871?

O. Von Bismarck

What Spanish artist developed cubism as a way to recreate in the viewer's mind what the artist thought was going on inside the people in the painting in pieces like his 1907 Les Demoiselles d'Avignon?

P. Picasso

What powered the automobiles mass-produced by H. Ford and the airplane flown by the Wright brothers at Kitty Hawk, NC?


What new weapon was employed in 1915 as a means to inflict casualties on enemies and make their defenses vulnerable to breakthrough? It inspired the Winifred Owen poem, Dulce et decorum est.

Poison Gas

What abstract expressionist painted enormous canvasses laid out on the floor?


What did the playwrite Vaclav Havel promote in 1968 that led to the election of Alexander Dubcek and the introduction of reforms in Czechoslovakia that were crushed at the direction of Brezhnev?

Prague Spring

What Russian president was elected in 1999, served two terms in office and returned to the office in 2012 with a mind to improve Russia's economy and place in the world?


What English imperialist who wrote stories from his experience in India, called upon the USA to do its duty in the Philippines in his poem The White Man's Burden?

R. Kipling

What helped the British to survive the Luftwaffe raids on ports, railways, war industrial sites and later civilians?


Who used tax-cuts and supply-side economics to stimulate the US economic situation and to pay for military advancements in the 1980s?


What cultural movement emerged to challenge the Enlightenment focus on reason with an emphasis on individualism, feeling and imagination?


What revolutionary led national liberation movements against Spain in areas like Venezuela, Colombia, Peru and other South American countries in the early decades of the nineteenth century?

S. Bolivar

What Spanish artist sought to reveal the world of the unconscious in his 1931 The Persistence of Memory by portraying the world of dreams through painting recognizable objects in strange arrangements?

S. Dali

What Viennese physician founded the study of psychoanalysis in his 1900 book Interpretation of Dreams in 1900?

S. Freud

What directed the German war strategy whereby they drove their forces through Belgium and towards Paris in the attempt to affect a quick victory?

Schleiffen Plan

The breakdown of the traditional family in the Cold War period is associated with what change in values?

Sexual Permissiveness

What ideology favored obedience to established political authorities, and exhibited a resistance to expanding civil liberties?


With the death of Stalin, the Soviet leader Nikita Kruschev allowed the publication of what Russian author's novel, A Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich, that described life in the gulags (forced labor camps in Siberia)?


What 1916 battle cost the British 21000 men on the first day and casualties of more than a million by the time it stalled out?


Where did the German Sixth Army get bogged down in an extended effort in the winter of 1942-43 to capture a symbolic industrial center on the Volga River instead of securing oil resources in the Caucuses?


What durable product changed modern architecture as it allowed for the construction of bridges with wide spans and the erection of "sky scrapers"?


In the industrializing European society of the nineteenth century what entrepreneur pioneered the development of mass tourism offering group packages like special trains to temperance events, day-trips to the beach, or voyages to sunny exotic destinations in the Mediterranean that were within reach of the middle class?

T. Cook

What Jewish nationalist published The Jewish State in 1896, calling for the establishment of a Jewish homeland?

T. Herzl

At what November 1943 conference between Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin did the Allies agree to launch an invasion by the British and Americans in the spring of 1944 and to drive east toward Germany where they would meet the advancing Soviets coming west?


What Prime Minister who dominated British politics during the 1980s improved the economic situation and helped to re-establish a prominent British role in the West?


What masterful piece of propaganda based on the 1934 Nuremburg Rally of the NSDAP was produced by Leni Riefenstahl using innovative cinematic techniques, like multiple camera angles?

Triumph of the Will

What Dutch artist who painted Starry Night in 1889 found art to be a spiritual experience and shifted art away from objective reality to subjective reality?

V. Van Gogh

What 1958-63 attempt at religious reform sought to address the declining church in southern Europe through allowing church services to be conducted in the vernacular instead of Latin?

Vatican II

At the conclusion of World War I, what 1919 arrangement determined that the Germans were responsible for the war and that they would be responsible to fund reparations to the French and English Allies?


What military alliance of eastern European nations was formed by the Soviets in 1955 as a response to the western European mutual defense alliance with the US in 1949?

Warsaw Pact

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