Western Civ. test 3
The ___ overthrew the Umayyads and established the Caliphate in Baghdad
The Anglo-Saxon King who defeated the Danes and who translated works from Latin into Old English was
Alfred the Great
Muslim mathematicians developed the practice of ____, which means the "art of bringing together unknowns to match a known quantity"
The Goths, before their migration into the ROman , were converted by Ulfila to a christianity of the __________ varitiety rather than of the Greek or Latin
The Italian who founded a monastic order and wrote a Rule that defined the times for both work and prayer was
Benedict of Nursia
The Danish Ruler who conquered England and became its king was
The ninth-century Frankish ruler who controlled the Carolingian kingdom at its territorial peak was
The Germanic legal device wherein persons testified to the good character of the accused was called
The capital of the Byzantine Empire was
The adjective used to describe the relationship among the fighting men, lords, and kings of the early Middle Ages is
The early pope whose activities, both secular and religous, forwarded the case of papal supremacy was pope
Gregory the Great
The Asian tribe whose invasians of Europe precipitated the Germanic migration into the Roman Empire was the
The Muslim author of the most important medical treaties of the Middle Ages was Avicenna, or
Ibn Sina
The religious controversy spawned by the Byzantine emperor Leo III's destruction of religious images is called
A peasant who became one of the most important Byzantine emperors was _________, who was strongly aided by his empress, Theodora
As Feudal relationships grew more complex, the concept of the ____ who could claim unreserved loyalty developed
Liege Lord
The ability of the Vikings to raid so many parts of Europe depended especially on their
Long ships
The final disintegration of the Carolingian empire came after the death of Charlemagnes son
Louis the Pius
The basic rural unit of the middle ages was the
The Arabian city where Muhammad grew up
The royal family that ruled the Frankish kingdom in its earliest days was known as the
The Byzantine missionaries who started the conversion of the Slavic people to Christianity were Cyril and
The Frankish "mayor of the palace" who seized the throne from the Merovingians with the support of the pope was
Pepin the Short
In the late carolingian age, in important monastary was founded at Cluny that owed its allegiance solely to the
When in Rome in 800, Charlemagne was crowned Roman emperor by
Pope Leo III
The Russian ruler who converted to Orthodox Christianity was
Prince Vladimir
The revelations that, according to Islamic tradition, were given by God to Muhammad became the book of scripture called the
The MEdieval peasant who was bound to land was known as a
Those Muslims who believe the caliph must be a descendant of Muhammad
The Roman Historian who wrote on the customs and habits of the Germans was
The anglo-saxon monastic persons who wrote the Ecclesiastical History of the English people was
The Venurable Bede
Influencing Western las from his day to the present was Justinians great codification, The Corpus Iuris Civilis or, in English
The body of Civil law
The Great king of the Ostrogoths was
The Germanic tribe that invaded North africa was the
The Treaty of ____ partitioned the Carolingian empire among the descendants of Charlemagne
The Great intellectual whom Charlemagne brought to his court to reform education there was
Peasants owed many services to their lord, but the one service the lord needed that they did not provide was
military service
Of the invaders of the late Carolingian Empire, those who wreaked the most violence and ultimately settled the most widely were the
Anglo-saxon kings appointed ____ to help them maintain control of the local shires
shire reeves
In Germanic law, the payment made by the guilty to the family of the victim to aboid vengeance was called the
In the Carolingian era, the skill of reading was considered seperate from the skill of