Western Civilization: Chapters 4 & 5

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Cicero lived from ______ to _______ BCE.

106, 43

The fall of Ancient Rome started from about AD _____. The Roman Empire was attacked by tribes such as the _____ and the _______. _____ ______ in parts of the empire further weakened the rule of Rome and respect for ______ ______ dwindled as a result. Rome also experienced a secession of ______ emperors.

190, Goths, Vandals, civil wars, Roman law, poor

Between AD _____ and ____, there were twenty-three '______ _______' - and twenty of these men were killed by ______! Clearly _____ and ______ and respect for that within Rome itself was at fault.

211, 284, soldier-emperors, rival, law, order

When did Alexander reign?

337-323 BCE

The First Triumvirate lasted from _______ to ______ BCE.


The arguments between Antony and Octavian climaxed at the battle of ________, where ______ defeats ________ and sets up the _______ ________. This leaves Antony and Cleopatra suicidal and they kill themselves.

Actium, Octavian, Antony, Pax Romana

Virgil's ______ did for Rome what Homer did for Greece, it _______ the Roman Empire and its values for subsequent generations and contributed to the _________ of _________.

Aeneid, defined, deification, Augustus

However, in AD 398, the leader of the Visigoths, ______, realized that the Roman Army was so ______ _____, that Rome itself was for the taking. He moved cautiously south but in AD ___ (BIG DEAL) he captured the city of _____. The city was sacked. Roman held territory in Spain, France, northern Africa and England all fell to the various _____ that attacked them.

Alaric, thinly spread, 410, Rome, tribes

Who said "I am indebted to my father for living, but to my teacher for living well."

Alexander the Great

Alexander the Great's teacher was ___________


_____________ were made up of adult male citizens in outdoor public gathering places (___________).

Assemblies, forums

When Augustus died (14 CE), the next four emperors ruled based on their relationship to ______.


After Actium, Rome granted Octavian the title of ________ (a God-king status). This made Rome into an _______.

Augustus, empire

The Third Punic War occurred in ___________ in _______ BCE. Some Roman senators felt Carthage would come back and wanted to go back to North Africa to finish the job so they did.

Carthage, 146

The Phoenician city of ___________ was founded in 800 BCE so it grew up the same time that Rome did. At the height of its power (__________ BCE), it boasted 400k people and was one of the most luxurious and diverse Hellenistic cities in the world. In many ways, Carthage saw itself as the dominant power in the Mediterranean long after __________ collapsed. Rome would become jealous as both regions' trading zones overlapped and caused much conflict.

Carthage, 300-100, Phoenicia

Constantine was Rome's first _____ emperor and is considered to have been a _____ ruler.

Christian, strong

The violence that accompanied the _________ of _______ in 192 transformed the Roman government. This caused _____ _______, a North African General, to take over along with his sons.

Commodus, Rome, Septimius Severus

Marcus's son ________ ruled Rome with a _____ instead of an iron fist.

Commodus, glove

________ reunited the empire and moved the capital from Rome to __________, later named _______. This left the _____ part of the empire open to invasions.

Constantine, Byzantium, Constantinople, western

__________ are advised by the ________ which is advised by the ___________.

Consuls, Senate, Assemblies

____________ are ___ executives elected by the Assembly of Centuries (military organization of one hundred men).

Consuls, two

The member of the First Triumvirate that was a rich leader in the business community was ________


The death of ________ in battle left Pompey and Caesar little reason to stay together. The Senate feared the power of Caesar with the masses and soon called Pompey to be sole ______ while Caesar was out fighting in the west - the Senate actually forbade Caesar to enter Rome with his army fearing he might use it to take over. He entered anyone, attacking Rome in ______ BCE.

Crassus, consul, 49

when Diocletian divided the Roman Empire into four zones, each zone had smaller units called ________. The early Church kept these regions as it began to spread across the empire and ______ were needed to administer geographic areas

Diocese, bishops

________ thought Rome was too large and multicultural, so he divided the empire into ____ regions.

Diocletian, 4

In AD 284, the emperor ________ realized that something had to be done or Rome and its empire would _______. He decided to divide the Roman Empire in ____ to make it easier to rule - he created the ______ Empire and the ______ Empire, each with its own leader. This split geographically was all but a north to south divide between the empire with Spain, France, England, Italy and parts of Germany forming the ______ Empire and all areas to the east of this were in the _______ Empire.

Diocletian, disintegrate, two, Western, Eastern, Western, Eastern

In 313 Constantine issued the ______ of ______which granted _________ ________.

Edict, Milan, religious, toleration

Who were the first settlers of Rome? Where were they from (modern day what)?

Etruscans, Lydia (Turkey)

True or False? Commodus was a very strict ruler.


True or False? Diocletian was a good person.


True or False? While Constantine was firmly planted in the Eastern empire, there were very little attacks.


True or False? The Edict of Milan made Christianity the main religion of the empire.

False (it only granted toleration... the Theodosian Code did that)

True or False? Septimius and his sons (Severan dynasty) did a good job ruling Rome.

False (they displayed gross incompetence)

___________ reformed the army by conscripting ______________ men guaranteeing them money in exchange for complete loyalty in the newly rekindled wars in North Africa. His army was supremely _______ and ___________, and this made the senate and patricians very skeptical of Marius' return to Rome.

Gaius Marius, property-less, loyal, ruthless

Alexander was not _________ but he did speak it and appreciated the classical education Aristotle provided


Alexander's own unique culture is known as ______________


The member of the First Triumvirate that was a talented general, brilliant orator, and had the support of the populares was _______________

Julius Caesar

Two most important Roman historians

Livy and tacitus

Some lasting results of the Punic Wars include: They brought Rome into conflict with ____________ who had allied with Hannibal in the Second Punic War. This brought __________ under Roman control. Also, Rome begins the transition to an empire as its conquests bring it into more conflict with neighbors. Finally, it led to a sort of _______ age for Rome - not specifically that age but made it possible.

Macedonia, Greece, golden

Cleopatra ended up aligning with ________, but he married Octavian's sister, ________, to settle the peace between them. He then left for Egypt with Cleopatra and left Octavia with ______ in Rome.

Marc Antony, Octavia, Octavian

The second triumvirate consisted of _____ (Caesar's most trusted general), ______ (Caesar's grandnephew and adopted son), and_____.

Marc Antony, Octavian, Lepidus

The death of _______ ended the Pax Romana (27BCE - 180 CE)

Marcus Aurelius

The 5 good emperors were (in order)

Nerva, Trojan, Hadrian, Antoninus Pious, Marcus Aurelius

When ______ forced ______ into retirement, he and Antony jockeyed for power.

Octavian, Lepidus

The ________ attacked the western empire via the eastern empire. The _____, a fierce tribe from Asia, attacked the western empire. The _____, _____, and _______ all made large inroads into the western empire.

Ostrogoths, Huns, Franks, Visigoths, Burgundians

Alexander's father was ___________________________________

Philip of Macedon (Macedonia)

The member of the First Triumvirate that was beloved by the optimates was ________


Caesar chased _________ all over the Roman Republic until he finally caught him in Egypt where he was killed and Caesar met ___________. Caesar then returned to Rome, declared himself dictator for life, and after a few years of ______ brought peace to Rome.

Pompey, Cleopatra, struggle

A new type of government quite literally manifested itself out of an alliance between three power hungry people. These three were _________, ____________, and ____________.

Pompey, Julius Caesar, Crassus

________ refers to the Phoenicians.


Cicero was the greatest ______________________ whose career coincided with the decline of the republic and the rise of the empire. He was deeply concerned with ______________ and _____________ in public affairs, and his writings define the best use of __________ language. They were also used as _____________ of how to construct prose.

Roman scholar, morality, justice, Latin, textbooks

The Punic Wars occurred between _____________ and _____________ (places).

Rome, Carthage

He believed that _______ as a city was too far away from vital areas of the empire to be of value from a governmental level. Constantine, therefore, moved the capital of the empire to a new city - ______. This was a new city that was built on the old city of _______. Whatever the motives were, Constantine's decision was a _____ one. Constantinople was much further east than Rome and firmly in the eastern empire. This left the _______ empire very vulnerable - though the eastern empire was hardly free from attacks.

Rome, Constantinople, Byzantium, poor, western

Who were the mythical founders of Rome (they were real people but it was weird)? What time frame did this happen?

Romulus and Remus, 753 BCE

____________ was the first king so Rome began as a kingdom - Romans adopted much of Etruscan ____________________, _____________, and _______________. The region of ___________ is named after the Etruscan people.

Romulus, architecture, clothing, alphabet, Tuskany

The ___________ was a group of elder statesmen who advised consuls.


The First Punic War occurred in _________ (__________) between _____________ BCE. Rome won, and the Carthaginians were angered because they had to pay an ____________ and lost control of ____________. Rome felt emboldened by its victory and sought other areas of the Mediterranean to control.

Sicily, Messana, 264-241, indemnity, Sicily

The Second Punic War occurred in __________ between _____________ BCE. This time, the Carthaginian general, ______________, decided to take war to Rome. He attacked northern Italy through the Alps. He wreaked havoc for over a decade along the Italian peninsula. A Roman general, __________, took Carthage's land in Spain and then returned the favor by attacking Carthage in North Africa at the battle of ________. Carthage begged for peace.

Spain, 218-201, Hannibal, Scipio, Zana

Alexander inherited the throne from his father who had conquered most of Greece (not ____________) in _____ BCE yet allowed the conquered peoples a remarkable amount of independence which they appreciated. Basically, Alexander only made them __________________ and was focused instead on _____________________________.

Sparta, 338, pay taxes, blending of cultures

Gaius Marius's second in command was a guy named _________. Being of noble birth, the optimates invited him to rule Rome as a single dictator by the Senate, but as soon as he took office, he made his term unlimited. Many in Roman politics began to realize that whoever controlled the ______ could control Rome. The old system of _________ and ____________ between the senate, assemblies, consuls, and tribunes no longer worked.

Sulla, checks, balances

Etruscans ruled Rome until the Rome aristocracy began to challenge the kings, the last of whom was __________________________ (________ not ________). Overthrowing the king made the ____________ angry because the _________ class killed the king, not the ________ class. The _________ class actually supported the king, who kept the ___________ class in check. Some historians argued that the lower classes (known as ___________) actually wanted to keep the monarchy as it served as a check to the power of the noble class called _____________. In any event, Rome begins its transition from monarchy to a ____________.

Tarquin the proud, Etruscan, Italian, people, upper, lower, lower, upper, plebeians, patricians, republic

_______ __ wrote the _________ _________ that made Christianity the official religion of the empire.

Theodosius I, Theodosian Code

What kind of race were the Etruscans? They do not look like ____________

They were mixed; Italians

The 6 bad emperors were (in order)

Tiberius, Caligula, Claudius, Nero, Vespasian, Domitian

Why was the empire attacked by fierce tribal people?

Tribes such as the Goths wanted to move south into parts of Europe that experienced a better climate that would assist their farming.

True or False? Commodus had more fun playing gladiator than cajoling the senate.


True or False? Diocletian was good for Rome.


True or False? Roman rule continued in the eastern empire for a number of years after 476 - in modern Greece, Turkey, the Middle East and northern Egypt.


True or False? The average Roman citizen, during the time of the empire, experienced more freedom and wealth than any other human being at that point in history


In AD 455, Rome was attacked again. This time the damage was done by the ______. The city suffered serious damage. In AD ___ (HUGELY IMPORTANT... possibly ID), the last Roman emperor in the west, _______ ______ , was removed from power by ______, leader of the ____. This date is usually used by historians as the year the Roman Empire ended.

Vandals, 476, Romulus Augustus, Odovacer, Goths

Who wrote the Aeneid and is the most celebrated poet in Rome?


Alexander wanted to push through India and into Southeast Asia and across the Himalaya into China, but his ___________ refused - turning back, he caught a __________ in ___________ and died at the age of ____ in __________ BCE.

army, fever, Babylon, 32, 323

Perhaps Alexander's most enduring legacy is the _________ exchange and ________ blending he encouraged through _________, ____________, ____________________________, and ______.

cultural, ethnic, trade, conquest, intercultural marriage, art

The glory days of the Roman Army had passed and the Romans were forced into making _______ with the tribes. The _____ and ______ were allowed to live in the Roman Empire as long as they gave a promise to protect the empire from the _______.

deals, Vandals, Visigoths, Huns

Constantine was baptized on his _____ ______.

death bed

The lack of leadership of the Severan Dynasty led to: (3 things)

decline in trade, economic recession and rampant inflation, border wars with tribes and people who would have never thought to challenge Roman authority before

Constantine, who was more fond of the _____-speaking East, defeated the emperor of the West, ________, at the battle of ______ ______ in _____—before crossing the bridge, he prayed to the Christian god and apparently had a dream in which the shape of a_____ formed in the sky hearing these words, "_________________________."

greek, Maxentius (Maximian), Milvian Bridge, 312, cross, in this sign, you shall conquer

There were senators, patricians, and optimates who distrusted him, and a conspiracy of senators stabbed Caesar to death on the ______________________ which is actually _____________. It was ____ BCE. The power vacuum that ensued brought more strike than ever. Killing Caesar actually caused more problems than it solved and was the death as well of the ___________________________ in Rome.

ides of March, March 15, 43, republican government

Republic refers to ...?

matters of the people

However, Diocletian faced more than just administrative problems. More and more _______ ______ had to be built across the whole empire. This cost _____ that Rome did not have. To pay for these, _____ were increased and _____ _____ were minted. This lead to _____ causing prices to rise. Did this make the Roman people like or hate the rulers (like or hate)?

military defenses, money, taxes, extra coins, inflation, hate

Greek word for win


The merging of a _____ and _______ empire irrevocably changed both Rome and Christianity. Christians could now worship without fear of _______.

political, Christian, execution

___________ is the political party of the lower classes and the ______________ is the political party of the patricians. The political party of the lower classes threw their support behind a Roman general named ___________________ who lived from _____ to ____ BCE.

populares, optimates, Gaius Marius, 157, 86

Two of the Gracchi brother's reforms were to ___________________________________________ and ________________________________. These reforms did not last and did not really solve any problem for Rome, but it did draw a line in the sand between the ______________ and ________________. Disagreements between the plebeians and patricians now took on a more political conflict between these two parties.

redistribute public land to commoners, put tax collection in the hands of the equestrian class, populares, optimates

Rome's legal institutions, ______, ______, _____ ______, and ________ laid the foundation of Western culture.

schools, libraries, architectural advances, political achievements

Commodus also had a false sense of ________ because his ancestor's spent so much time fighting the ________ and putting down _________. This cost Rome over the next two centuries.

security, barbarians, insurrections

Constantine had all his soldiers paint the symbol of Christianity on their ______.


With threats from ______ in northern Europe, ________ problems in Rome itself and a civilian population becoming more and more ______, Rome could not afford more issues.

tribes, financial, discontented

Struggles between plebeians and patricians forced plebeians to withdraw from traditional government structure; in response they set up a sort of government in opposition lead by __________. These people had to be elected to serve the plebeians needs.


In the mid-second century (160-140) BCE, Romans suffered a sudden economic downturn compounded by inflation and slave revolts. To ward off disaster, two _________ of the plebeians proposed reforms. These reformers were __________ and ____________ ______________.

tribunes, Tiberius, Gaius, Gracchi

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