WHA Advance comp 2022 midterms study guide

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Which of the following sentences has no problems with verb tense?

By the end of tomorrow's race, Annie will have run more than forty miles.

Which of the following sentences contains neither a comma splice nor a fused sentence?

Robert Indiana (born 1928) produces pop paintings and sculptures, such as his Love series, that sometimes look like large signs.

In the following sentence, the words in italics are what kind of phrase? Selling more than 500 million records, Elvis Presley was the most successful solo recording artist during his lifetime.

participial phrase

Just below China on the list of the most populous countries _____ India.


What is the correct verb form to fill in the blank in the following sentence?Once Nora is out of college, she wants _______ to Spain and Portugal.

to travel

In the following sentence, are the italicized words an independent clause, a subordinate clause, or a fragment? The snowstorms came one after another, yet the fires burned brightly in the cabin where Josie read Mark Twain's novels to her favorite uncle.

independent clause

Which of the following sentences contains no fragments?

Agnes de Mille (1909-1993) choreographed not only ballets based on American folklore but also dances for Broadway musicals. Among the latter, Oklahoma! stands out.

The current population of only two countries, China and India, _______ one billion each.


What do you think we should do if the consensus on the city council _______ to fall apart?


Select the correct pronoun to fill in the blank in the following sentence. Besides Hadley Richardson, _____ else did Hemingway marry?


Each of the students on the committee _______ hard, so most of the teachers only _______ to supervise them.

work; have

Select the sentence that best shows the relationship between the two ideas expressed in the sentence.

Although the side effects of antidepressant drugs range from dizziness to sexual dysfunction, these drugs can save lives.

Select the passage that expresses the idea most clearly.

Real estate developers want to build residences and offices on some vacant land in our town. The community objects to this use of the land.

The following sentence is in the passive voice. What are the subject and the verb of this sentence? The World Series was finally won by the Boston Red Sox in 2004.

World Series; was won

Does the following item contain a fragment? If it snows, I might try cross-country skiing. And maybe downhill.

Yes, it contains a fragment.

Peanut butter and jelly _______ a popular American sandwich filling.


Select the sentence that is neither a comma splice nor a fused sentence.

In clinical psychology, the therapist tries to treat mental disturbances without prescribing drugs; therefore, this branch of psychology often carries the label talk therapy.

What are the subject and the verb of the following sentence? Issues considered worthy of debate include health insurance and the environment.

Issues; include

Select the instruction for editing the following passage. Wendy Wasserstein's play Uncommon Women and Others follows a group of women friends who attend a women's college and stay in touch after graduation. Each friend has her own strengths and weaknesses.

Leave as is.

Select the passage that contains no shifts in either verb tense or point of view.

The North Vietnamese and the Viet Cong staged the Tet Offensive in 1968. American and South Vietnamese troops won the battle but lost in the arena of public opinion.

Choose the sentence that is most ambiguous.

The psychologist quickly realized that the husband liked golf more than his wife.

Select the sentence that shows correct parallel structure.

To do well on final exams, students should not only study every day but also get enough sleep.

Select the sentence that contains no shifts in either verb tense or point of view.

To understand the Korean War, which started in 1950, you have to know that the Soviet Union backed the northern occupation zone.

Peggy is the only one of my students who _______ research papers ahead of the deadline.

turns in

One of the contemporary novels that _______ deeply affected me is Khaled Hosseini's The Kite Runner.


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