Whap chapter 11-15

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Each Ayllu contributed ____ of its adult mL population to meet the obligations of the mit'a system


How were rulers selected with the Aztecs?

A council of powerful aristocrats selected rulers from among male members of the ruling lineage

What did planners lay out the city of Cuzco to be?(shape)

A giant pumma(mountain lion)

What was the calpolli?

A group of up to 100 families that served as a social building block of an altepetl in ancient mesoamerica

What led to the abandonment of the major sites in Chaco canyon?

A long drought that undermined the culture's fragile agricultural economy

What was Teotihuacan?

A powerful city state in central Mexico. One of mesoamericas most important classic period civilization

What led to the decline of Moche centers

A succession of natural disasters along with the rise of a new military power in the Andean highlands, also long-term climate change overwhelmed the irrigation system

What is the Navajo word meaning "ancient ones"


Who were the Wari?

Andean civilization culturally linked to tiwanaku, also contributed to the disappearance of the Moche

What was the mit'a

Andean labor system based on shared obligations to help kinsmen and work on behalf of the ruler and religious organizations (rotational labor draft that organized members of allyus to work)

Where is the 4 corners region?

Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, and Utah(a number of desert cultures located here)

How did the Aztec sell items? Barter, money, credit?

Barter was facilitated by the use of cacao, quills filled with gold, and cotton cloth as standard units of value

Where did the Mississippian culture reach its highest stage of evolution?

Cahokia, near modern city of east st.louis, illinois

What was tiwanaku

City and empire centered on the region near lake titicaca in modern Bolivia, distinguished by the scale of its construction and the high quality of stone masonry

Who were the Moche

Civilization of north coast of peru, an important Andean civilization. That built extensive irrigation networks as well as impressive urban centers dominated by brick temples

What led to the decline of Cahokia?

Climate change and population pressures, excerbated by environmental degradation caused by deforestation and more intensive farming practices

What led to the fall of Mayan cities and the end of the classic era?

Collapse of Teotihuacan disrupted trade, rising regional population, climate change, and environmental deviation undetermined the fragile agricultural system that sustained Maya cities. There was also a growing scale of warfare.

How was the social structure unequal in the Aztec empire?

Commoners lived in small dwellings and ate limited diet of staples, members of nobility lived in large houses and consumed a diet of rich animal protein

What is the imperial Capitol of the inca


What did the Maya love?

Decoration, carved decoration painted in bright colors cover nearly all public buildings

What undermined both Anasazi and Mississippian cultures?

Environmental changes

What is a chiefdom

Form of political organization with rule by a hereditary leader who held power over a collection of villages and towns. Less powerful than kingdoms and empires, chiefdoms were based on gift giving and commercial links.

Once selected as a ruler, what must he do?(Aztec)

He had to renegotiate the submission of tribute dependencies and then demonstrate his divine mandate by undertaking a new round of military conquest

Of all the southwestern cultures, which civilization showed the strongest Mexican influence?

Hohokam of the salt and glia river valleys (have platform mounds and ball courts)

How was work divided in the Andean region?

Hunting, military service and government for men. Women had responsibilities in textile production, agriculture, and the home.

What were the role of men and women in Chaco canyon?

Hunting, trade, and the need to maintain irrigation works often drew men away from the village. Women shared in agricultural tasks, were specialists in crafts, responsible for food preparation, and childcare

What was the Anasazi

Important culture of what is now the southwest us. Centered on Chaco canyon and In New Mexico and Mesa verse in Colorado, the Anasazi culture built multistory residences and worshiped in subterranean buildings called kivas

Where was one of the largest Anasazi communities located?

In Chaco canyon

Where did the Maya develop a impressive civilization?

In Mexico's yucatan peninsula and in Guatemala and Honduras

Where is the Mesa verde cliff dwelling located?

In southern Colorado

How did the Maya divide the cosmos?

Into 3 layers, heaven earth underworld

What did Aztec military successes and territorial expansion allow?

It allowed the warrior elite to seize land and peasant labor as spoils of war. Royal family and aristocracy possessed extensive estates cultivated by slaves and landless commoners

Who were the inca

Largest and most powerful Andean empire.

What provides meat, wool, and long distance transportation that linked coastal and mountain economies? (Andean region)

Llama and alpaca

What did the Anasazi develop am economy based on?

Maize beans and squash

What did the Moche cultivate?

Maize, quinoa, beans, manioc, and sweet potatoes with the aid of massive irrigation works and a complex system of canals and aqueducts

What role did Mayan women play?

Maya women of ruling lineages did play important political and religious roles. Poorer women played a central role in religious rituals at home, they were also healers and shamans.

How were merchants treated in the Aztec empire?

Merchants controlled long distance trade. They became wealthy and powerful but were denied the privileges of the high nobility which was jealous of their power

What was the classic period?

Mesoamericans built on the achievements of the Olmec and developed new forms of political organization, made great strides in astronomy and math, and improved the productivity of their agriculture

What are the Hopewell and missippian cultures known for?

Mound building

Was the Maya a unified state?

No, Although they shared a single culture, they were never unified as a single state. Rival kingdoms led by hereditary rulers struggled for regional dominance.

Did the Moche establish a formal empire or create unified political structures?

No, but they exercised authority over a broad region

What was the Hopewell culture based on?

Organized around chiefdoms in the ohio river valley, developed based on long distance trade and religious rituals centered on large mounds

Who were the toltecs?

Powerful post classic empire in central Mexico. It influenced much of mesoamerica. Aztecs claimed ties to this earlier civilization. They created a state based on military power.

What function did the elite Mayans serve?

Priestly and political functions

What are Chinampas?

Raised fields constructed in mesoamerica to increase agricultural yields

What role did religion play with the Aztecs?

Religious rituals dominated life in tenochtitlan, they worshiped a large number of gods. The chief gods of the Mexica was huitzilopochtli or southern hummingbird

What was the origin of the Toltec?

Scholars speculate that the Toltec were a satellite population that Teotihuacan placed in the north to protect against nomads. Others suggest that the Toltec migrated from the north and borrowed cultural legacies of Teotihuacan

What did draft laborers do?

Served as solders, construction workers, craftsmen, runners to carry messages, drained swamps, terraced mountainsides, maintain irrigation works and built storage facilities and roads

What did Andean people used to broaden and expand the vertical exchange system

State power

What is a Khios?

System of knotted colored cords used by preliterate Andean peoples to transmit information

What were important civilizations in the classic period in mesoamerica?

Teotihuacan and the maya

What did the inca sacrifice?

Textiles, animals, and other goods sent as tribute. Small number of human sacrifice gave the impression of splendor and abundance

How did the Aztec regard the Toltec?

The Aztec regarded the Toltec as powerful and influential predecessors, memories of Toltec military achievements and violent imagery of their religious rituals dominated the mesoamerican imagination throughout the late post classic period

Who were the Mexica

The Mexica were among northern peoples who pushed into central Mexico in the wake of the Toltec collapse. As their power grew they created a Mexica dominated regional power called the Aztec empire

Which civilization was bigger the Wari of tiwanaku?

The Wari, a wall surrounded the city center which was dominated by a Large temple and multifarious housing for elite and artisans. Small scale of monumental architecture, absence of stone masonry, had a distinctive ceramic style

What provided the social base on for Andean social and political organization?

The allyu and mit'a

What provided the foundation for Andean achievements?

The ayllu(Andean lineage group of Kin-based community)

What led to the collapse of the inca?

The death of ruler huayna capac, 2 sons struggle for the throne which resulted in a civil war

What did the Maya make important contributions in?

The development of a calendar, math and writing. They incorporated the concept of zero and place value. Their writing was a form of hieroglyphics.

What led to the decline and collapse of Teotihuacan

The elite mismanaged resources, which resulted in divisions among the ruling elite that led to class conflict and breakdown of public order

Who was quetzalcoatl?

The feathered servant, a culture-god believed to be the originator of agriculture and the arts

Why did the harsh environment in the Andean region help the development of rich and powerful civilizations?

The harshness of the environment compelled the development of productive and reliable agricultural technologies

What suggested that Pueblo bonito and it's neighbors exerted some kind of political and regional dominance over a large region?

The high quality construction, size and number of kivS, and the suite. Of roads linking the canyon to outlying towns

What was the role of religion in Teotihuacan?

The people worshiped many gods and spirits, enormous pyramids dedicated to the sun and moon. They also practiced human sacrifice

What did the royal family of the inca claim descent to?

The sun, the primary inca god

What were the major civilizations in the post classic era?

The toltec(Capitol was Tula) The Aztec (tenochtitlan)

What system did the Aztec impose on conquered people?

The tribute system( defeated people forced to lay a tax in forms of goods and labor.)

Was there a ruler in Teotihuacan?

There is no clear evidence that individual rulers or ruling dynasty's gained overarching political power

How did the Mayan cultivate their land?

They drained swamps and built cultivated fields, used irrigation, and terraced hillsides

How did the Mayans infuse warfare

They infused warfare with religious meaning and celebrated it in elaborate rituals. The military typically fought to secure captives rather than territory

As the inca expanded what did they do to local rulers?

They left rulers in place, but they controlled rebellion by requiring heirs to be send to Cuzco(hostage)

What did large towns in the missippian culture share

They shared a common urban plan based on a central plaza surrounded by large platform mounds

How were the Mexica organized?

They were organized as an altepetl(ethnic state led by a ruler. The altepetl, the common political building block across the region directed the collective religious, social, and political obligations of the ethnic group)

How were mesoamericans unified in 200-900 c.e.

They were unified by similarities in material culture, religious belief and practices, and social structure.

How did the inca develop from a chiefdom to a formal empire?

Through military conquest and the forced transfer of food and other products from defeated peoples through tribute

Where did the Hopewell culture spread?

Through the ohio river valley

What was the Capitol of the Aztec?

Tlatelolcl and tenochitlan (Capitol of the Aztec empire located on an island in lake texcoco)

Why did each community try to control a variety of environments in the Andean region?

To guarantee access to essential goods

What did Teotihuacan use their military for?

To protect long distance trade and to compel peasant agriculturalists to transfer their surplus production to the city (not a imperial state)

What stimulated the development of Hohokam and Anasazi cultures?

Transfer of irrigation and corn agriculture from mesoamerica

Where was the capitol of the Toltec?

Tula, north of modern Mexico City of Central America

What led to the end of Toltec power?

Two chieftains of kings shared power, and the division of responsibility eventually weakened Toltec power. A struggle between elite groups identified with rival religious cults undetermined the Toltec.

What did inca prosperity and military strength depend kn

Vast nerds of llamas and alpacas, provide food clothing and transportation

What did war mean to the Aztec?

War was infused with religious meaning and provided the ruler with legitimacy and increased the prestige of successful warriors

What was the role of women in the Aztec empire?

Women held substantial power and excesses broad influence in Aztec society. The role of women and men clearly was distinguished, however women were held in high esteem. Women dominated household and market, served as teachers and priestesses

Did the Hopewell culture influence the development of Mississippian culture?


Where the inca pastoralists?


What technologies were developed in the Andean region?

accurate calendar to time harvesting, do estivation of frost-resistant varieties of potatoes and grains,terraced hillsides,produced freeze dried vegetables and meat products

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