what is a republican government

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James Madison

"Father of the Constitution," Federalist leader, and fourth President of the United States.

What advantages did the founders see in the republican Government?

- Representative are elected to serve the common good - Having representative make the law is more efficient because its their responsibility - The people have a say in their government - The representative are responsible for the people

What were the disadvantages of the Republican Government?

- The Rep. Gov. works best in small community while the colonies were large territories. - People in a Rep. should be almost alike in their beli eves, while in the colonies there was a great diversity -if people divide into fractions with differences, they might work one against the other instead of cooperate


A form of government in which citizens choose their leaders by voting. Those rapresentative manage the government for the sake of common good.

direct democracy

A form of government in which citizens rule directly (people create their own laws) and not through representatives. It works best in small communities.

Representative Democracy

A system of government in which citizens elect representatives, or leaders, to make decisions about the laws for all the people.

Difference between Republican Government and Direct democracy

In the Rep. Gov. representative elected by the people rule while in Dir. Dem. people rule directly. Direct democracy works best with small community, Rep. Gov. works best in large communities.

How did the Founders adapt the idea of Republican Government?

Madison adapted the idea of republican Government into representative Democracy: - laws should be made by representative elected by the people - a large number of people has to vote (not a small group) - avoid abuse of power

What form of Government Madison suggested?

Republican form of government

What was the form of Government that influenced the Founders?

The Roman Republic

common good

The good of the community as a whole.


a person who is elected by citizens to speak or act for them

James Madison

adapted the idea of republican government to the American life

Republican Government

is a type of government in which the citizens have the power to govern and they delegate their power to representative they have elected. Citizen and their representatives work together to promote the common good rather then their own interest.


members of rich and powerful families that shared the power to govern in Ancient Rome

Republican Government

type of government in which power is exercised by representatives chosen by the people

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