What is synthesis essay?, Short texts, Grapes of Wrath

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(v.) to restate in other words; (n.)a statement that presents a given idea in new language


- a technique in which conjunctions are used repeatedly often without commas. Example: "Vicious and cruel and impatient..." (p. 105)


- attributing human characteristics to non-human things. Example: The fire leaped and threw shadows on the house..." (p. 68)


- indirect reference to something without explicitly mentioning it ...the rest swarmed up on top of the load, Connie and Rose of Sharon, Pa and Uncle John, Ruthie and Winfield, Tom and the preacher. Noah stood on the ground, looking up at the great load of them sitting on top of the truck." (p. 155) [reference to loading the animals onto the ark]


- the positioning of things or the condition of being side by side or close together. "...the big clouds moved up out of Texas and the Gulf, high heavy clouds, rain-heads." (p. 4)


- the repetition of the same letter or sound. "Curious children crowded close..." (p. 49)

A philosophy of life that promotes the pursuit of pleasure and self-indulgence is often referred to as hedonism. Which character seems to pursue this philosophy of life?

Al Joad

Best definition of a claim

An assertion about a controversial question

The author of "Appropriating Native American Imagery Honors No One but the Prejudice" uses personal experience to support her claims. What else does she use?

Artistic and I artistic proof

Which of the following is a correct example for the Works Cited page for an article in a journal on the Web?

Bryson, Devin. "The Rise of a New Senegalese Cultural Philosophy?" African Studies Quarterly, vol. 14, no. 3, Mar. 2014, pp. 33-56, asq.africa.ufl.edu/files/Volume-14-Issue-3-Bryson.pdf.

In Chapter 12, what comparison does Steinbeck make between business transactions the action of theft?

Business charges more than items are worth but to take what is needed without paying for it is considered theft.

Man In the mirror

Change comes from within


Confronting societal norms is humiliating and perpetuates injustice

they came strutting out of his lungs, like the crow of a cock, or the blast of a clarion." (p. 16) What is Hawthorne describing?

Custom house inspector

A bite of something. Paste. You can't really make a meal of paste, or put it on bread for a sandwich, but sometimes I'd scoop a few spoonfuls out of the big paste jar in the back of the room."

Desperation and hunger

Rosa Parks

Didn't give up her seat started CRM

Which of the following is NOT part of the Toulmin Logical Structure of Arguments?


Ma Joad

Healer Morality is an intuitive sense based on love where strength can be found.

The exposition of this novel can best be described with the following information -

Heater won't reveal the father of her child

Tom Joad

Hero Man is flawed but experience can lead one on a moral journey from selfabsorption to a sense of community.

The author of "Disability and the Media" uses which approach in his text?

How to

Hobbes believed that a government should be a Leviathan. Why?

Humans are unworthy of self rule they can't be trusted

Which statement from "Little Girls or Little Women? The Disney Princess Effect" best captures the main idea of this essay?

In 2010, the APA released a report on the sexualization of girls, which it described as portraying a girl's value as coming primarily from her sexual appeal.

Which of the following is NOT a way to use sources to clarify and support your own argument?

Incorporate patch writing

Which verb below would be NOT be considered a frequently used signal verb?


"On the breast of her gown, in fine red cloth, surrounded with an elaborate embroidery and fantastic flourishes of gold-thread, appeared the letter A." (p. 50) What is ironic about this?

It's a punishment but it looks pretty

The jungle

Jurgis learns to read and becomes an American citizen only to find out when voting that there is a corrupt political machine in Chicago.

Al Joad

Life is a party without much accountability and no sense of morality.

circumstantial evidence

Making claim based on weak evidence

"We impute it, therefore, soley to the disease in its own eye and heart..."


"In other words, Mr. Dimmesdale, whose sensibility of nerve often produced the effect of spiritual intuition, would become vaguely aware that some inimical to his peace had thrust itself into relation with."

Not friendly

Who paid reparations no natives?

Obama and department of interior

When a man can no longer take care of his family, he loses human dignity best describes which character?

Pa Joad

"Pregnant with poverty. Pregnant with dirt and pregnant with smells the made people turn away. Pregnant with cold and pregnant with shoes that were never bought for me. Pregnant with five other people in my bed ..." What rhetorical devices are used in the text above?

Parallelism and repetition

. Government to Pay $492 Million to 17 American Indian Tribes

Paying reparations to a people they wronged

What societal issue is best reflected in this song?


Which of the following is a correct example of in-text citations when the author is named in the signal phrase?

Ravitch chronicles how the focus in education reform has shifted toward privatizing school management rather than toward improving curriculum, teacher training, or funding (36).



Which of the following best exhibits a stereotypic statement?

Rich people are more concerned about possessions than people.



Pa Joad

Ruler (until loses the farm) When man can no longer take care of his family, he loses human dignity.

Reverend Casey

Sage Favored Emerson's belief in an OverSoul that contains the souls of the creatures of the world


Saintly sinner

Hester prynne


What did Parks mean when she said "tired of giving in?"

She was tired of oppressive laws and treatment of a targeted group of society.

Synthesis essay

Similar to argument essay, but uses given sources to argue a point


Strong signal


Strong signal


Strong signal

"A willow deeply scarred, somebody's broken heart And a washed-out dream They follow the pattern of the wind ya' see 'Cause they got no place to be That's why I'm starting with me" Which line best reinforces the theme of the song?

That's why I'm starting with me"

"In the morning the dust hung like fog, and the sun was as red as ripe new blood." (p. 6) What is Steinbeck describing?

The day after a disastrous dust storm when the dust begins to settle slowly to the ground.

Which of the following descriptions fits the definition for circumstantial evidence?

The sidewalks are wet and puddles abound, so you infer that it rained.

I'm gonna make a change For once in my life It's gonna feel real good Gonna make a difference Gonna make it right" How does the point of view affect the message?

The use of first person shows a personal commitment to change

5. Reference the excerpt from The Jungle for this question. Jurgis believed that to be successful in America, he just needed to work hard. What did Jurgis find instead?

There is corruption of the positive images of democracy in which people buy votes for power.

Which of the following is NOT a trick the car salesmen used to take advantage of the farmers?

They handled complaints quickly to increase business.

The archetype of the hero is most often the protagonist and is a character who shows courage in the quest for justice. Who best fits the role of the archetype of hero in The Grapes of Wrath?

Tom Joad


Understanding main idea of subject or text




Weak signal

Would have been

Weak signal

uestion. Not only are the industrial CEOs careless on inspection of the product they are producing, but they are indifferent to the -

Well being of workers

What was the tone of the teacher's dialogue with Helene as compared to the tone of the dialogue with Richard?

With Helene the tone is respectful, even affectionate and with Richard, it is exasperated

Social contract

You give up some rights to have a social presence


an issue, problem, or situation that causes or prompts someone to write or speak

4. Reference The Jungle for this question. One of the first consequences of Jurgis discovering what a union was, was to -

become desirous of learning English


comparison like or as In the morning the dust hung like fog, and the sun was as red as ripe new blood." (p. 6)

Reference the article on "Rosa Parks." Because this passage is nonfiction/informational, what does the author do structurally to help the reader move through the passage?

es headings and organizes the passage chronologically

There are two types of synthesis essay. They are -

explanatory and argument

If your evidence for a claim rests entirely on circumstantial evidence, personal experience, or one major example, you should -

extend your search for additional sources and good reasons

"The film of evening light made the red earth lucent, so that its dimensions were deepened, so that a stone, a post, a building had greater depth and more solidity than in the daytime light; and these objects were curiously more individual - a post was more essentially a post, set off from the earth it stood in and the field of corn it stood out against." (p. 135) Which phrase is most useful in providing context for the word lucent?

film of evening light

"Connie Rivers lifted the high tail-gate out of the truck and got down and helped Rose of Sharon to the ground; and she accepted it nobly, smiling her wise, self-satisfied smile, mouth tipped at the corners a little fatuously." (p. 134) Which definition below best defines the word fatuously as it is used in this sentence?

foolishly or without thought

In Chapter 5, what is Steinbeck describing as a monster that enslaves the land owners?

he Bank/Company

Jolliffe's Rhetorical Framework is a model designed to

help an analyst explain the meaning/purpose/effect of a text

There was shame in wearing the brown and orange and white plaid Mackinaw the welfare gave to 3,000 boys." Though the coat was made for warmth, this coat was cold because -

it was a symbol of a loss of identity by the number of kids wearing the Mackinaws

What is the purpose of viewing jokes?

jokes indicate where social divisions exist in a culture

The difference between paraphrasing and summarizing is

paraphrasing is placing an author's ideas into your own words and sentence while summarizing is getting the gist or key ideas from a text

The exigence in Jolliffe's Rhetorical Framework means

problem, situation, or issue






state or assert that something is the case, typically without providing evidence or proof.

Hanes in her essay "Little Girls or Little Women? The Disney Princess Effect," uses the following kinds of evidence

statistics, research studies, anecdotal


synthesizing and thinking critically about vast amounts of information available on the Web

Practicing infotention calls for

synthesizing and thinking critically about vast amounts of information available on the Web

What does Marija tell Jurgis?

that diseased animals, covered in boils, are used to make canned meat which is shipped to American soldiers.

What was Ma's concern once she realized that Tom had been paroled from prison and had not escaped?

that he would have become mean and dangerous

The exposition for this novel can best be described with the following information -

the Dust Bowl during the Depression and the introduction of the Joad family


the omission or absence of a conjunction between parts of a sentence.


the placing of two opposites next to each other for contrast. Example: intercalary chapters with narrative chapters.


the repetition of a word at the end of successive clauses or sentences.


the repetition of a word or phrase at the beginning of successive clauses. Listen to the motor. Listen to the wheels. Listen with your ears..." (p. 161)

Parallelism -

the use of elements in sentences that similar or identical in structure. "...could read and write, could work and figure..." (p. 106)

The best definition for a warrant is

the value, belief, or principle that the audience has to hold if soundness of the argument is accepted

Some of the intercalary chapters (3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 12,14, 15) in The Grapes of Wrath seem like sermons in the sense that -

they pick up the cadence and vocabulary of a sermon

Listen to the motor. Listen to the wheels. Listen with your ears..." (p161). What is the purpose of this literary device?

to emphasize the importance of listening to the vehicle running to find the mechanical problem

"...with the hot mid-day burning down upon her face, light up its shame; with the scarlet token of infamy on her breast, with the sin-born baby in her arms, with the whole people, drawn forth, as if to a festival." (p.59) What is the purpose of this literary device

to emphasize the significance of the day of Hester's punishment


to justify or deserve

"Too hot, loose connections, loose bearings, rattling bodies." (p. 165) What is the purpose for using this literary device?

to make the situation more dramatic and effective by speeding up the rhythm and pace.

timbre is to _________ as modulate is to adjust


What makes veal so egregious to some people

veal comes in various forms and can often be tainted

. Which of the following is NOT a reason for using a quote

when you want to use your own words and sentence structures to express the author's meaning accurately.

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