What shows what best

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Which projection of the humerus will show the lesser tubercle in profile with the greater tubercle superimposed of the humeral head?

Lateral recumbent

What projection is used in radiohumeral bursitis (tennis elbow) to detect otherwise calcification located in the ulnar sulucs?

PA axial projection of the distal humerus

Which projection of the wrist will show a lateral view of the carpals?

PA oblique with external rotation

Which projection of the hand doesn't require the use of a sponge and the digits can be seen in their entirety?

PA projection

Which projection of the wrist corrects foreshortening of the scaphoid carpal bone?

PA with ulnar deviation

Which projection will show the radial styloid in profile?

PA wrist

Which projection of the upper extremity should be performed to demonstrate a fracture of the proximal humerus when that arm cannot be abducted?

Transthoracic lateral

What projection best shows a lateral image of the shoulder and proximal humerus projected through the thorax?

Transthoracic lateral projection

Which projection of the shoulder would be used in cases of trauma to view the proximal aspect of the humerus?

Transthoracic lateral projection

Which projection of the humerus will show the greater tubercle in profile?

Upright AP projection

Which projection of the humerus will show the olecranon process out of the fossa and the greater tubercle over the humeral head?

Upright lateral projection

Which projection best shows the elbow joint open and the olecranon process in profile?


Which projection of the hand will show digits 2-5 superimposed?


Which projection of the wrist will show superimposition?


Which projections shows the epicondyles perpendicular to the IR?


What best shows the olecranon process out of the fossa?

Lateral projection

What projection best shows a small bony growth occurring on the dorsal surface of the 3rd CMC joint (carpal boss) ?

Lateral projection with the wrist in palmar flexion

What projection best shows the joint space between the humeral head and the glenoid cavity?

AP Oblique projection (grashey method)

Which projection shows the thumb in a natural oblique?

AP oblique projection

What projection separates the pisiform from adjacent carpal bone and provides a more distinct radiograph of the triquetrum and hamate?

AP oblique projection with medial rotation

Which routine projection of the wrist is best at demonstrating the navicular?

AP oblique with external rotation

What best shows the radial head in its entirety?

AP oblique with lateral rotation

Which projection of the elbow best demonstrates the radial head free of bony superimposition?

AP oblique with lateral rotation

What best shows the coronoid process in profile?

AP oblique with medial rotation

What projection of the elbow best shoes the the radial head and neck projected free of superimposition of the the ulna?

AP oblique with medial rotation

Which projection of the wrist will best demonstrate the triquetrium?

AP oblique with medial rotation

What best shows the epicondyles parallel and the radioulnar articulation closed?

AP projection

What of the wrist best shows intercarpal spaces?

AP projection

What projection shoes the elbow joint, the radius and ulna, and the proximal row slightly distorted carpal bones?

AP projection of forearm

What projection superimposes the the proximal forearm and distal humerus and clearly shows the olecranon process?

AP projection of the the distal humerus

Which AP projection of the shoulder will show the lesser tubercle in profile and pointing medially with an outline of the greater tubercle superimposing the humeral head?

AP projection with internal rotation

Which projection of the shoulder best demonstrates the lesser tubercle of the humerus in profile and pointing toward the glenoid cavity?

AP projection with internal rotation

Which AP projection of the shoulder will show the humeral head in profile and the greater tubercle in profile on the lateral aspect of the humerus?

AP projection with lateral rotation

Which AP projection of the shoulder will the greater tubercle be superimposing the humeral head with the humeral head in partial profile?

AP projection with neutral rotation

Which projection of the elbow will show the distal humerus as well as the proximal radius superimposed over the ulna?

AP projection with partial flexion

Which projection of the shoulder best demonstrates the humeral head in profile?

AP with external rotation

Which projection of the elbow best shoes the radial head and coronoid process using an axiolateral projection?

Coyle method

Which projection should be used to image the radial head on a trauma patient?

Coyle method

Which projection of the following is best to demonstrate a foreign body in the hand?

Extension lateral

Which projection will show digits 1 & 2 in their entirety, with digits 3-5 slightly superimposed?

Fan lateral

What projection is done to detect anterior or posterior dislocation?

Scapular Y

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