What Was the Vietnam War questions

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What is it called when no armies or battles are fought during a time of conflict?

Cold War

Who controlled Vietnam in 1884?


What did Ho Chi Minh join in 1920?

French Communist Party

What happened in May of 1954?

French defeated and departed Vietnam

Who was the head of the United States forces in Vietnam at the end of 1964?

General William Westmoreland

Where was the international conference held to determine the future of Vietnam?

Geneva, Switzerland

What is the capital of Vietnam?


What was the capital of North Vietnam?


Who was the 1969 National Security Advisor?

Henry Kissinger

Who was a national hero in Vietnam?

Ho Chi Minh

Who was the president of North Vietnam?

Ho Chi Minh

What was the 1969 fight over?

"Hamburger Hill"

What did the Americans call the POW prison in Vietnam?

"Hanoi Hilton"

What was Ho Chi Minh's nickname?

"Uncle Ho"

What does Ho Chi Minh's name mean?

'he who enlightens'

How many military personnel were serving in South Vietnam by the end of 1963?


When did John F. Kennedy become president?


When did Ho Chi Minh die?


What was the religion of a majority of the people in South Vietnam?


What religion was Diem's family?


What did President Lyndon B. Johnson pass in 1964?

Civil Rights Act

When was the agreement signed between the United States and North Vietnam?

January 27, 1973

Who lost World War II?


What happened three weeks after Diem was assassinated?

John F. Kennedy was shot and killed in Dallas, Texas

Who was the most famous POW?

John McCain

When was the election for a new government for a united Vietnam scheduled?

July 30, 1956

Who was the president after John F. Kennedy was assassinated?

Lyndon B. Johnson

What was the capital of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR)?


What happened on March 16, 1968?

My Lai Massacre

What fire bomb is nearly impossible to put out?


Who were two communist countries?

Soviet Union and China

What is Vietnam's Lunar New Year called?


What were two of the world's superpowers after World War II?

United States and Soviet Union

What were the supporters of Ho Chi Minh that were not part of the Vietminh called?


What was the first televised war?

Vietnam War

What was Nixon's answer to the war?


What did President Lyndon B. Johnson pass in 1965?

Voting Rights Act

What respected television anchor flew to Vietnam in 1968?

Walter Cronkite

What war almost killed John F. Kennedy?

World War II

How long did the fighting last?

almost eight weeks

How many American soldiers were killed in 1968?

almost seventeen thousand

How many soldiers were killed in 1969?

almost twelve thousand

What was the population of Vietnam during the war?

approximately forty-four million

What is the population of Vietnam today?

approximately ninety-six million

What happened to Diem and Nhu?

assassinated bodies were found inside an armored car

What happened to Diem's presidential palace in 1962?

bombed by own air force

How did twenty-five thousand Vietnamese people die?

build three hundred miles of railroad

What was one way a young man could legally 'dodge' the draft?

by attending college

What was Agent Orange?

chemical that destroyed the canopy of trees in the jungle

What was Agent Orange, the cancer-causing chemical, used to do?

destroyed the canopy of the trees in the jungle

Why did Vietnam stay split?

did not want Ho Chi Minh as their leader

What was it called when eighteen year old men were required to serve two years in the military?


What does enlighten mean?

educate or make things clear

What did the French do when they ruled Vietnam?

encouraged the Vietnamese to use opium, which was heavily taxed; exported so much rice that the Vietnamese peasants did not have enough to eat; forced Vietnamese villagers to work on their railroad line

Why was the United States helping South Vietnam capture the hill?

enemy's main route for supplies

What is it called when men volunteer to serve in the military?


What did the North Vietnamese Army do to 2,800 Vietnamese civilians?

executed for being "enemies of the revolution"

How long was John McCain a POW?

five and a half years

What was a bad plan for the French?

flying troops and supplies in as needed

How many soldiers were fighting in the war by 1967?

half a million

What happened to John F. Kennedy's brother, Robert, in June of 1968?

he was shot and killed in Los Angeles

What did President Johnson announce in March of 1968?

he would not seek another term as president

What did France do to the Vietnamese people?

heavily taxed the poor

What happened to French protesters?

jailed or executed

What did many do to avoid serving in Vietnam?

left the country, went to Canada

What is a citadel?

like a fortress

What did the Vietcong have?

miles of secret tunnels

How many troops were sent to Vietnam in July of 1965?

one hundred thousand

What was a popular drug at the time?


Why was Lieutenant Calley sentenced to life in prison?

ordering the massacre of the residents of the village of My Lai

What did President Jimmy Carter do on January 21, 1977?

pardoned all the men that avoided the draft

How could men avoid the draft in the 1860's?

pay men to take their place, $300

What were Communists?

people that believe in the common ownership of all businesses

Why did Lyndon B. Johnson not want the United States to lose a war?

political disaster

What type of men were eighty percent of those sent to Vietnam?

poor working class with no education

What did General Westmoreland's staff say in their daily press briefings?

provided inaccurate numbers for both enemy and American deaths

Which idea did Maya Lin, designer of the Vietnam Memorial, fight against?

putting the statue of three soldiers on the top of the wall

What did the Vietnamese eat a lot of?


How did one monk protest the way Buddhists were being treated under Diem?

set himself on fire on a main street in Saigon

How many demonstrators were arrested?

six hundred eighty three

What was Vietnamization?

slowly moving soldiers out of Vietnam

What was the decision of the international conference?

split into two nations

What was guerrilla warfare?

surprise is a weapon

Why was the French plan to fly planes into Dien Bien Phu a bad idea?

the Vietminh had cannons and anti aircraft guns in the mountains

What did the Vietcong do in Saigon during the Tet Offensive?

they blew a hole in the wall around the American embassy

Why did Buddhist monks start protests?

they were treated so badly

When did Jan Scruggs have the idea for the Vietnam Veterans Memorial?

thinking about the friends from his army unit who had died in the war

How many United States forces were in Vietnam by the end of 1964?

twenty-three thousand

How old is sixty-one percent of the population?

under 35

Why did these Vietnamese people die?

underfed and overworked in the heat

What happened on April 4, 1968?

Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr was assassinated

Who was the new president elected in November of 1968?

Richard Nixon

What was the capital of South Vietnam?


Who sent the French equipment for the troops in 1950?

President Harry S. Truman

What were POW's?

Prisoners of War

Who rigged the election so that Diem would become president of the Republic of Vietnam?

Ngo Dinh Nhu

Who was the enemy?

North Vietnamese Army - NVA

What were the two nations?

North and South Vietnam

When did one hundred thousand demonstrators go to a rally at the Lincoln Memorial?

October of 1967

How did the United States become involved in the Vietnam War?

President Eisenhower sent military advisers to help out the French

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