What Was the Women's Rights Movement questions

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Who founded the American Red Cross?

Clara Barton

Who was the most famous Civil War nurse?

Clara Barton

Who was the first woman to run for United States president?

Democrat-Hillary Clinton

What lifelong friendship changed history?

Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony

Who were the leaders of the women's rights movement?

Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony

What happened on Sunday, July 9, 1848?

Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Lucretia Mott and 3 others started Women's Rights Convention

What happened on May 1, 1840?

Elizabeth Cady married Henry Stanton

Why did Susan do all the traveling?

Elizabeth had seven children which made it harder to travel

What was read at the first Seneca Falls Convention?

Elizabeth read her Declaration of Sentiments on July 20, 1848

Who was Susan B. Anthony?

February 15, 1820 Massachusetts; Quaker; Teacher; never married

When did Betty Friedan die?

February 4, 2006 on her 85th birthday

When did Susan B. Anthony die?

February of 1906 at the age of 86

Who spoke in support of voting rights for women?

Frederick Douglass

Why were a hundred people in support of women's suffrage in Seneca Falls?

Frederick Douglass spoke up in favor of it

What happened when a woman married?

"Civilian death"

Who was Frederick Douglass?

1818-1895; born into slavery in Maryland; learned to read; taught others; escaped 1838

Who was Elizabeth Blackwell?

1821 England - wanted to be doctor; applied dozen colleges; accept 1847 Geneva Medical College in Geneva, New York

When did the women's movement begin?

1848 - 30 years after Abigail Adams' death

Who was Jane Addams?

1860-1935; born Illinois; help poor and needy in Chicago; vice president of National American Woman Suffrage Association 1911-1914; Nobel Peace Prize-1931-1st American woman

Who was Mary Church Terrell?

1863-1954; Tennessee; graduated 1884; educator; founding president of National Association of Colored Women; died at the age of 90

When did women get the right to vote?

1920 - fourteen years after Susan B. Anthony died

Who was Maya Angelou?

1928-2014; San Francisco streetcar conductor - 1st black; award-winning writer; 1993 read poem at Clinton's inauguration - first African-American and first female poet

What was World War II?

1939-1945; Axis Powers vs the Allied powers; over 50 million died; bloodiest

When did Carrie Catt die?

1947 at the age of 88

Who was Carrie Chapman Catt?

1959 Iowa; teacher; National American Women's Suffrage Association president (NAWSA) 1900-1904

When did Alice Paul die?

1977 at the age of 92

Who was president in 1860?

Abraham Lincoln

Who were the six founders of the United States?

James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin, John Adams and George Washington

Who was Ida B. Wells?

July 16, 1862-1931; slave; Mississippi; brother and parents died when she was 16; responsible for raising five siblings; wrote anti-lynching newspaper articles

What happened in 1981?

Sandra Day O'Connor first woman elected as Supreme Court judge

Who was the first black woman elected to Congress?

Shirley Chisholm

What happened in December of 1941?

United States entered World War II

What was Elizabeth Blackwell the first to do in 1849?

United States woman to get a medical degree

What was the first state to give women full suffrage?

Wyoming 1869

Who was Maria Mitchell?

astronomer that discovered a comet in 1847

How did Title IX change the lives of American girls and women in 1972?

banned discrimination based on education

Who was Pauline Newman?

born 1888 in Lithuania; started working at age nine

What was the goal of the National Woman's Suffrage Association?

change the Constitution

What did Betty Friedan do after writing The Feminine Mystique?

co founded the National Organization for Women

What was a Seminary?

college for women - all girls

What were Bloomers?

corsets hard breathe so short pants were worn under a dress; named for Amelia Bloomer

What was a "civil death"?

could not own property, earn money - had to give to husband, dad got children in divorce

Why was Alice arrested?

demanding the right to vote

What was a symbol of American Women's patriotic spirit during World War II?

fictional character called Rosie the Riveter

How was the 2016 election different?

first time a woman ran for United States President

Who was Susie King Taylor?

former slave; first black United States Army nurse

Who were "The Seven Sisters"?

group of seven women's colleges

What was John Adams away doing?

helping write the Declaration of Independence

Why were there visitors at Mount Hope Cemetery in Rochester, New York?

honor the memory of Susan B. Anthony

What did Alice Paul do to make President Woodrow Wilson think of suffrage everyday?

launched a picketing campaign in front of the White House

How many slaves were there in 1810?

more than a million

How were women viewed?

nobody-belonged at home

Why did the 15th Amendment not include women having the right to vote?

only men were considered citizens

What did Alice do?

organized a parade the day before Woodrow Wilson's inauguration on March 4, 1913

What was common for working women?

paid less than men

What was an abolitionist?

people that worked to end slavery

What did Alice do early in 1917?

picket in front of White House; continued even with start of World War I - April of 1917

What did an Amendment have to be before it became a law?

ratified by 36 states

What was women's suffrage?

right to vote

What was Title IX?

same access to education regardless of gender

What did the thirteen colonies want?

separate from England and form their own country

What did Jewish woman, Pauline Newman, do to help women in 1909?

she organized thousands of women in the largest strike of American women

What issue was on the minds of Americans?


Why did the women's rights movement split into two rival groups?

support of the 15th Amendment

What was a crime?

teaching women to read

What was true of a married woman in early America?

the law did not recognize her as a separate person

What did American women do in January of 2017 as they did in 1913?

they marched on Washington during inauguration - 100,000

Why was Susan B. Anthony arrested?

trying to vote

How many immigrants arrived in New York City between 1880 and 1930?

twelve million

What did Abigail Adams do on March 31, 1776?

used a quill pen to write to her husband, John Adams

Why was Susan B. Anthony arrested?

voted and it was illegal - $500 bail

What did a bell do for "mill girls"?

woke at 4am for a 14-hour day

What did Susan B. Anthony devote her life to?

women's suffrage

What did Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton do after Susan's trial?

wrote an amendment to the Constitution, giving women the right to vote

Who was Alice Paul?

Quaker; 1912 - Ph.D from University of Pennsylvania

When was the Civil War?

April 1861 - four years and over 620,000 died

When was the 19th Amendment passed?

August 26, 1920

Who was the founder of the National Organization for Women (NOW)?

Betty Friedan

What was the first country to grant women suffrage?

New Zealand in 1893

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