WHH Chapter 4 Sections 1-2
A massive tactical formation of heavily armed foot soldiers
The war had more of a romantic cause. When the Trojan prince Paris kidnapped Helen that beautiful wife of the Greek king,the Mycenaean sailed to Troy to rescue her. For the next 10 years the two sides battle until the Greeks finally seize Troy and burn the city to the ground
According to the Greek legend why did the Trojan war happen?
Areas dedicated to the honor of gods and goddesses
Between 750 BC and 500 BC, different forms of what evolved in Greece?
rapid population growth
By 750 BC, what forces many Greeks to leave their overcrowded valleys?
The Nile Valley and in the Middle East
From the Minoan's island home in the eastern Mediterranean, they crossed the seas to where?
Take a step backwards
From the end of the Mycenaeans civilization in about 1100 BC until about 900 BC Greek civilization seem to do what?
Greece is part of what peninsula?
Phoenician alphabet
Greeks adopted what to meet their needs? The resulting alphabet in turn became the basis for all later western alphabets!
Greeks evolved a unique version of the city-states, what did they call it?
Independence of their small city states and endless rivalry frequently leading to war
Greeks fiercely defended what?
warrior king
If each city state, who built a thick-walled fortress from which he ruled the surrounding villages
Like the Aryans who spread across India, the Mycenaeans spoke what type of language?
On the top of a Hill stood the ____ with its great marble temple dedicated to different gods and goddesses
The Minoans worshiped the bull as well as a mother goddess
Religious images indicate that the Minoans worshiped what?
Rule by a hereditary landholding elite
The Dorians settled in Laconia and built the city-state of what?
Aegean to Sicily, Italy, Egypt, and Mesopotamia
The Mycenaean trade reached out beyond where?
Aegean world
The Mycenaeans civilization dominated what world?
Greek mainland
The Mycenaeans conquered what before overrunning the island of Crete?
The art of writing
The Mycenaeans learned many skills from the Minoan such as what? They too absorbed Egyptian and Mesopotamian customs many of which they passed on to later Greeks
Separate city-states
The Mycenaeans lived in what on the mainland?
made up a major city or town and it's surrounding countryside
The polis was made up of what?
True or False. The polis itself was built on two levels
-leaping Dolphins -religious images of Minoans worshipping bulls and a mother goddess -Young men and women strolling through gardens -jumping through the horns of a charging bull
What are some of the frescoes found in the Knossos
-A sudden volcanic eruption on a nearby Island may have rained flaming death on Knossos -and earthquake may have destroyed the palace followed by an immense wave that drowned the inhabitants of the island -however it is certain that invaders played some role in the destruction of Minoan civilization
What are some of the theories why the Minoan civilization disappeared
Extend southward into the eastern Mediterranean Sea.
Where does the Balkan extends to?
The horizon
In Greece, beyond the rugged coast, hundreds of rocky islands spread towards where?
Narrow water passages
The frescoes tell us about the Minoans ____
The invaders turned the conquered people into state-owned what , called helots, and made them work the land?
True or False: We know the name that the Minoans called themselves
False. Safe
True or False: With its hundreds of bays, the Greeks coastline offered unsafe harbors for ships.
True or False: modern scholars now agree that the Trojan war was an actual event
A government in which a hereditary ruler exercises central power is a what?
A new method of fighting emerged call what?
A rich trading city in present-day Turkey
Spain to Egypt
A scattering of Greek colonies took root all around the Mediterranean from ____ to ____. Wherever they traveled, Greek settlers and traders carried their ideas and culture.
He found evidence of fire and war dating to about 1250 BC
As Schliemann excavated this site of ancient Troy he found what?
Wealthy merchants, farmers, and artisans
As trade expanded, a new middle class of whom emerged in some cities
They won power for themselves. The result was an aristocracy
At first the landowner defended the king, in time however what happened?
At first the ruler of polis, like those in The river valley empires was a what?
It houses rooms for the royal family, banquet halls, and working areas for artisans. It also including religious shrines
Describe the Knossos and what happens there.
Dorian invaders from the north conquered where, in the southern part of the Peloponnesus?
Oral tradition
How were Homer's tales originally shared?
only after his best friend is killed does Achilles return to battle
In the Iliad, the war soon turned against the Greeks but Achilles stubbornly refused to listen to pleas that he rejoin the fighting. When does he decide to return to battle?
The importance of the sea to the Minoan people
In the frescoes, what do the leaping dolphins reflect?
its marketplace, theater, public buildings, and homes
In the polis, the flatter ground below laid the walled main city with what?
debating issues that affected their lives
In the warm climate of Greece,free man spent much time outdoors in the marketplace doing what?
Minoan traders set up what throughout the Aegean world?
The Odyssey and the Iliad
Much of what we know about the Trojan war and life during this period comes from what to great epic poems?
The people abandon the cities and the declined people forgot many skills including the art of writing
Mycenaean power faded so what happened?
Sea Raiders and also from other Greek speaking people, the Dorians,invading from the north
Not long after their victory over Troy, Who did the Mycenaeans themselves came under attack by?
Required long hours of drill to master
Phalanx required what?
Power is in the hands of a small, wealthy elite
Shared training created a strong sense of unity among whom?
A class of noble landowners
Slowly, power shifted from a central power to what?
Olive oil, wine, and marble to parts throughout the eastern Mediterranean
The Greeks became skilled sailors and carried cargoes of what and through where?
The Greeks did not only return with grains of metals, but also with what? They adapted to their own needs
They did not create a large empire such as that of the Egyptians or Persians
The Greeks who farmed the valleys or settled on the scattered island did not do what?
Their values
The Iliad and Odyssey reveal much about what of the ancient Greeks
Small city-states, Cut off from one another by mountains or water. Each included a city and its surrounding countryside.
The farmers from Greece instead built what?
It suggests that women appeared freely in public and may have enjoyed more rights than women in most other ancient civilizations
The frescoes suggest what about women?
For the power and came to dominate some city-states. The result was a form of government called oligarchy
The new middle class of wealthy merchants, farmers, and artisans challenged the landowning nobles for what? And what was the result
The new type of what,led the two most influential city-states—Athens and Sparta—to develop very different ways of life?
At Knossos
The rulers of the Minoans lived in a vast palace where?
triumphs and defeats
The small population help the citizens share sense of responsibility for its what?
-unequal -political power
The whole community joint and festivals honoring the city special gods or gods goddesses the rights of citizens were what? however and male landowners held all what?
Ideas and technology in field such as writing and architecture that they adapted to their own culture. The walls of the palace were covered with colorful frescoes
Through contact with Egypt and Mesopotamia, the Minoans acquired what?
True or false archaeologist are sure of the reasons why the Minoan civilization disappeared
True or false: for centuries most people regarded the Trojan war as a pure legend
Was a blind poet who wanders from village to village singing of heroic deeds
Washed by the warm waters of the Aegean Sea, ____ was the home to a brilliant civilization called the Minoans
Watercolor painting done on wet plaster
Their part in the Trojan war
What are the Mycenaeans best remembered for?
They were both sea traders
What did the Minoans and the Mycenaeans have in common?
What divided the peninsula into isolated valleys
Changes in military technology
What increased the power of the middle class?
The Iliad
What is our chief source of information about the Trojan war?
While Sparta stressed military virtues and stern discipline, Athens glorified the individual and extended political rights to more citizens.
What is the difference between how Sparta and Athens had difference ways of life because of the new warfare?
its origins is from economic rivalry between my Mycenae and Troy that controlled the vital straits connecting the Medditeran and blacks
What is the political conflict for Trojan war?
Fairly small
What was the size of the population of each city-state?
What was the success of the Minoans based on?
While mountains divided Greeks from one another, the ___ provided a vital link to the outside world
Who are the first Greek speaking-people whom we have on a written record?
British Archeologist who unearthed its ruins
Who called the civilization, that was located in Crete, the Minoans?
Heinrich Schliemann
Who set out to prove that the Trojan War legend was rooted in fact?
Who were the intruders who helped in the destruction of Minoan civilization?
Who wrote the Odyssey and Iliad?
Fertile land was limited
Why did the Greeks expand overseas?
The name was based on the word Minos, a legendary king of Crete
Why the name Minoans?
find gold ornaments -the archaeologist have on earth from their tombs
wealthy rulers from the Mycenaeans city-states amassed treasure like ....
because he has been fairly untreated and insulted by his commander
At the beginning of the Iliad, Achilles was the mightiest Greek warrior. Why did he withdraw from battle?
Military defenders of the city-states
Because only they could afford bronze weapons and chariots, these nobles were also what?
a brutal system of strict control.
Because the helots greatly outnumbered their rulers, the Spartans set up what
By about 1400 BC Minoan civilization had what?
-iron weapons - Iron was cheaper, ordinary citizens could afford iron helmets, shields, and swords
By about 650 BC, what replaced bronze weapons? Why?
Class differences
By putting the defense of the city state in the hands of ordinary citizens, the phalanx reduced what?
High city
state-owned slaves, called what,