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Which of the following functions of the skin explains the skin's pink hue?

blood reservoir

Along with sweating, which other responses by skin assists with thermoregulation?

blood vessels near the skin can dilate, increasing blood flow and heat loss

Which of the following regions of bone would not undergo bone remodeling as frequently as the other regions? A. spongy bone B. compact bone C. bone subjected to new stresses damaged bone D. all of these have similar rates of remodeling

B. compact bone

Cells active when cartilage needs to be removed so new bone can be produced. A. osteoprogenitor cells B. osteoclasts C. osteocytes D. osteoblasts E. chondroblasts

B. osteoclasts

With aging, bones can become more brittle. This brittleness is due to which factor? A. a greater rate of bone resorption results in loss of calcium salts from the bone matrix B. with aging, there is a reduction in collagen synthesis by osteoblasts, which means a loss of tensile strength C. a loss of the ability of bone cells to synthesize vitamin C needed for collagen synthesis D. most elderly people are deficient in vitamins A and D, and also in calcium E. for women and men, the complete loss of estrogen means that all older individuals will develop osteoporosis

B. with aging, there is a reduction in collagen synthesis by osteoblasts, which means a loss of tensile strength

Bone can be classified as a connective tissue because it contains an extracellular matrix that surrounds widely spaced cells. True False


Bone remodeling, especially bone resorption, plays a role in the maintenance of proper levels of calcium in the blood. True False


Calcitonin inhibits activity of osteoclasts, speeds blood calcium uptake by bone, and accelerates calcium deposition into bones. True False


Of the basic tissue types, which types have excitable cells?

muscle and nervous tissues

_______ contribute(s) to the hardness of bone while ________ give(s) it flexibility. A. Mineral salts; collagen and other organics B. Collagen; mineral salts C. Proteins; hydroxyapatite D. Yellow bone marrow; collagen

A. Mineral salts; collagen and other organics

Gravity and the pull of muscles against bone are the main mechanical stresses experienced by bone. Stress promotes deposition of mineral salts, collagen, and the strengthening of bone in stressed areas. Which of the following individuals would have a lower rate of bone deposition and would therefore be at greater risk for bone loss through bone resorption? A. a secretary who works at a desk job and does not do any regular weight-bearing exercise B. a college student who plays racket ball and jogs several days per week C. a construction worker who goes up and down ladder carrying tools and building materials all day D. a retired teacher who does all of her own yard work and who hikes with friends and family on the weekends E. none of these individuals are at any significant risk for loss of bone mass

A. a secretary who works at a desk job and does not do any regular weight-bearing exercise

By which process, as an individual grows to adulthood, is the thickness (diameter) of bone increased? A. appositional growth B. primary ossification C. secondary ossification D. chondrocyte calcification E. all of these processes occur

A. appositional growth

Which two minerals are stored in major quantities in bone tissue? A. calcium and phosphorus B. calcium and iron C. iron and phosphorus D. calcium and iodine E. calcium and sodium

A. calcium and phosphorus

The process of intramembranous ossification generates bone within a pre-existing template composed of mesenchymal tissue. In contrast, endochondral ossification generates bone within a pre-existing template composed of _____. A. hyaline cartilage B. periosteum C. articular cartilage D. adipose tissue E. none of these choices

A. hyaline cartilage

Compact bone is composed of units called osteons. In contrast, spongy bone is composed of _____. A. trabeculae B. cartilage C. periosteum D. yellow bone marrow E. lacunae

A. trabeculae

Which feature(s) of the skin protect(s) us against microbes such as bacteria?

All of these are correct

Which of the following characteristics are shared by all epithelial cells?

All of these characteristics are shared by all epithelial cells.

Which of the following is mismatched? A. Zone of resting cartilage - anchors the epiphyseal plate to the epiphysis. B. Zone of proliferating cartilage - Large chondrocytes arranged in stacks divide to replace those dying at the diaphyseal side of the epiphyseal plate. C. Zone of hypertrophic cartilage - consists of rapidly dividing immature chondrocytes D. Zone of calcified cartilage - is converted into bone by endochondral ossification. E. Epiphyseal line - signifies the end of longitudinal bone growth

C. Zone of hypertrophic cartilage - consists of rapidly dividing immature chondrocytes

An elderly woman trips and falls. She puts out her hand to try to stop her fall, and ends up with a fracture of the lower arm. An x-ray shows that at the break, many pieces of bone have a splintered and fragmented appearance. Which type of fracture does this woman have? A. open (compound) fracture B. closed fracture C. comminuted fracture D. greenstick fracture E. stress fracture

C. comminuted fracture

Most of the bones of the skull are formed by this process. A. interstitial growth B. growth at the epiphyseal plate C. intramembranous ossification D. endochondral ossification E. appositional growth

C. intramembranous ossification

Once osteoblasts have surrounded themselves with the extracellular matrix of bone tissue, they remain inside little chambers called __________ where they carry on the metabolic functions that maintain bone tissue. At this point, the cells are called osteocytes. A. endosteum B. trabeculae C. lacunae D. periosteum E. osteons

C. lacunae

In which region of a long bone, such as the humerus, would you find the epiphyseal plate (growth plate)? A. epiphysis B. diaphysis C. metaphysis D. periosteum E. endosteum

C. metaphysis

How are osteons in compact bone tissue aligned? How does the osteon arrangement affect bone strength? A. horizontal to the metaphysis; the epiphyseal plate resists tearing due to the arrangement of osteons. B. parallel to the epiphysis; the spongy bone follows the alignment of the osteons increasing the strength of the bone ends. C. parallel to the length of the diaphysis; the shaft resists bending even when stresses are applied in certain directions. D. randomly between the epiphyseal plates; the random arrangement of osteons makes the shaft strong no matter what direction the bone is stressed. E. parallel to the perforating canals; the osteons running adjacent to the canals protects the vessels and nerves from becoming damaged.

C. parallel to the length of the diaphysis; the shaft resists bending even when stresses are applied in certain directions.

Hematopoiesis takes place in the ________ of some adult bones. A. Yellow bone marrow B. Canaliculi C.Red bone marrow D. Osteons E. Periosteum

C.Red bone marrow

Which of the following is incorrectly matched? A. Diaphysis - shaft of bone B. Epiphysis - proximal and distal ends of the bone C. Epiphyseal growth plate - found in metaphysis of a growing bone D. Articular cartilage - composed of elastic cartilage to allow flexibility E. Endosteum - lines the medullary cavity

D. Articular cartilage - composed of elastic cartilage to allow flexibility

Which of the following is mismatched? A. Osteogenic cells - give rise to osteoblasts B. Osteoblasts - secrete matrix material C. Osteocytes - maintain bone tissue D. Osteoclasts -are derived from osteoblasts and break down bone tissue

D. Osteoclasts -are derived from osteoblasts and break down bone tissue

List the order of the zones in an epiphyseal plate from the diaphyseal region to the distal epiphysis. A: Zone of calcified cartilage B: Zone of hypertrophic cartilage C: Zone of proliferating cartilage D: Zone of resting cartilage A. a,c,d,b B. b,a,c,d C. a,b,d,c D. a,b,c,d

D. a,b,c,d

Which of the following factors affect bone remodeling and growth? A. minerals B. vitamins C. hormones D. all of these choices

D. all of these choices

The ______ is composed of hyaline cartilage and reduces friction between bones involved in a joint. A. periosteum B. distal epiphysis C. epiphyseal line D. articular cartilage E. epiphyseal plate

D. articular cartilage

The cells active in fracture repair during the production of the hard (spongy bone) callus. A. fibroblasts B. osteoclasts C. osteocytes D. osteoblasts E. chondroblasts

D. osteoblasts

Which is formed from the fusion of as many as 50 monocytes (a type of white blood cell)? A. osteogenic cell B. osteoblast C. osteocyte D. osteoclast

D. osteoclast

Which represents the correct sequence of development of bone cells? A. osteoprogenitor cells → osteocytes → osteoblasts → osteoclasts B. osteoblasts → osteoclasts → osteoprogenitor cells → osteocytes C. osteoclasts → osteoblasts → osteocytes → osteoprogenitor cells D. osteoprogenitor cells → osteoblasts → osteocytes E. osteoprogenitor cells → osteoblasts → osteocytes → osteoclasts

D. osteoprogenitor cells → osteoblasts → osteocytes

Bone mass reduction is promoted by which hormone? A. calcitriol B. calcitonin C. human growth hormone D. parathyroid hormone E. insulin

D. parathyroid hormone

Which is the proper sequence of steps in the healing of a fracture (the steps are listed below but are not in the correct sequence of events): 1 osteoblasts form trabecular bone that joins together the fractured ends of the bone and bony callus replaces fibrocartilage callus 2 bone remodeling occurs and compact bone replaces the spongy bone around the periphery of the fracture site 3 fibroblasts and chondrocytes from the periosteum form the fibrocartilage callus 4 a fracture hematoma forms and bone cells in the region of the fracture die 5 phagocytes and osteoclasts begin to remove the dead cells and damaged tissue around the hematoma A. 4, 5, 1, 2, 3 B. 5, 4, 3, 1, 2 C. 4, 5, 2, 3, 1 D. 3, 1, 2, 4, 5 E. 4, 5, 3, 1, 2

E. 4, 5, 3, 1, 2

Which of the following tissues could be found on or within a bone, such as the humerus? A. adipose tissue B. nervous tissue C. cartilage D. osseous tissue E. all of these

E. all of these

Which is not a function of the skeletal system? A. assistance in movement B. support C. protection D. mineral homeostasis E. carbohydrate storage

E. carbohydrate storage

Bone tissue stores 99% of the body's calcium. Calcium plays important roles beyond the mineralization of bones. The exchange of calcium between bone and body fluids (especially the blood) is regulated by several hormones. Which of the following is the most important hormone regulating calcium exchange? A. vitamin D (calcitriol) B. calcitonin C. thyroid hormones (T3 and T4) D. human growth hormone (hGH) E. parathyroid hormone (PTH)

E. parathyroid hormone (PTH)

A greenstick fracture would only be seen in an elderly person with more fragile bones. True False


As long bones form in the fetus, the formation of the medullary cavity occurs because of the actions of osteoblast cells. True False


During the process of bone formation in a fetus, a primary ossification center develops in the epiphysis of a cartilage model of a long bone. True False


Ikea is a ten year old child raised on the planet Beneckea which has half the gravity of earth. Her parents have decided to move their family back to earth. Will Ikea need to increase or decrease her bone mass to live comfortably on earth? Increase Decrease


In a skin infection, which cell will take up and process microbial antigens?

Intraepidermal macrophages (Langerhans cells)

As newly formed cells of the stratum basale are pushed to the surface, they accumulate keratin and undergo apoptosis. This process is referred to as _______.


About 90% of the cells of the epidermis are of which type?


During a needle biopsy of a person's bone marrow, maybe to test for the presence of cancer, pain is felt when the needle passes through the periosteum because it is richly supplied with nerves. True False



Which of the below structures responds by sweating when the body is overheated (thermoregulation)?

Which type of muscle tissue would have these characteristics: branched cells, usually has one nucleus, has striations (a striped appearance)?


Which of the connective tissue fibers imparts the greatest strength?


This tissue has an extensive extracellular matrix, usually has many blood vessels, and provides oxygen and nutrients to overlying tissues

connective tissue

This type of tissue can function as fat storage, pad out and bind an organ together, wrap skeletal muscles, or transport substances.

connective tissue

When an epidermal wound begins the healing process, basal cells migrate away from the basement membrane, enlarge, and migrate to fill in the wounded area. As these cells migrate from different sides of the wound, and reach each other, they stop migrating. This process is called __________.

contact inhibition

Which might be due to a decrease in the amount of oxygen in the blood?


Dense irregular connective tissue will be found in the


Which type of cell junction would you expect to find anchoring the cells of the epidermis to each other. This type of junction gives the skin its ability to endure stretching and other mechanical stresses without tearing.


Which property of epithelium enables it to form coverings and linings of the body?

epithelial cells are closely packed and the cells are tightly adhered to one another

This tissue covers body surfaces and lines hollow organs of the body such as the stomach and bladder.

epithelial tissue

All connective tissues consist of two basic elements: cells and __________.

extracellular matrix

true/ false . Differences in skin pigmentation are due to the number of melanocytes in the basal layer of the skin. People with darker skin have many more melanocytes than people with paler skin.


true/ false . The cells of the nervous system which are able to generate nerve impulses (action potentials) are called neuroglia.


This type of junction contains tiny fluid-filled tunnels called connexons which allow the movement of ions and small molecules between cells. It is found between muscles cells of the heart and in organs with smooth muscle tissue such as the gastrointestinal tract.

gap juntions

The alternate name for the stratum basale, the stratum __________, suggests its role in forming new cells.


Which type of exocrine gland are sebaceous (oil) glands?


Which is the correct sequence of phases for deep wound healing?

inflammation, migration, proliferation, maturation

Which type of epithelium makes up the epidermis?

keratinized stratified squamous

Which is the most abundant cell in the epidermis?

keratinocytes A

Albinism is the inherited inability to produce


Which of the following is not a correct statement about melanin?

melanin is necessary for the production of vitamin D by the ski

Of the four basic tissue types, which one is able to generate electrical signals that can trigger muscles contractions or glandular secretions?

nervous tissue

Which type of muscle tissue is under the voluntary control of our nervous system. We can consciously control the movement of this type of muscle tissue.


Tactile epithelial cells are located in the

stratum basale

The pigment-producing cells of the epidermis are located in which layer?

stratum basale

Which layer has stem cells that undergo cell division to continually produce new keratinocytes?

stratum basale

Which epidermal layer marks the transition between metabolically active cells of lower layers and the dead layers of keratinocytes of the upper layers.

stratum granulosum

This skin layer is only present in places subjected to high levels of mechanical wear-and-tear, and provide an additional protective layer where it occurs, such as in the soles of the feet, palms, and fingertips.

stratum lucidum

Langerhans cells are part of the skin's immune defenses and activate other immune cells when the skin is invaded by microbes. Which layer of the epidermis contains Langerhans cells?

stratum spinosum

If you wanted to design a tissue that restricted the movement of water and other molecules between adjacent cells, which type of junction would you use to connect the cells?

tight juctions

Which types of cell junctions prevent the contents of organs from leaking into surrounding tissues?

tight junctions

A group of cells that have a common origin and function together to perform a specialized group of activities is called a(n) _______.


True/False In addition to a thicker stratum corneum and the presence of a stratum lucidum, the thick skin of the palms and fingertips of the hands and of the soles of the feet have a denser array of sense receptors than thinner skin found elsewhere on the body, and also is hairless.


true/ false . Mast cells are found near blood vessels in connective tissue and release histamine to promote inflammation as a response to injury or infection


true/ false . Most epithelial and connective tissues in the body will repair if they receive proper nutrition and have a blood source.


true/ false . smooth muscle derives its name from the lack of striations in the cell.


true/false Examination of the nail beds and gums of the mouth are diagnostic tools for anemia in dark skinned individuals.


true/false In deep wound healing, an injury has penetrated through to the dermis or even the hypodermis (subcutaneous layer). In this type of wound, the healing process will leave a scar and could involve a loss of some functionality of the area of the wound.


true/false Stimulation of neurons in the skin gives rise to tactile sensations, thermal sensations, and pain.


true/false Wounds that only damage the epidermis won't bleed because the epidermis is avascular.


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