William Jennings Bryan
William Jennings Bryan
A former Nebraska congressman delieverd an impassioned address to the assembled delegates. It has become known as the "Cross of Gold" speech. He won the democratic nomination. The populaists liked him, but didn't like his vice president. They also did not like giving up their identity as a party during the presidential election because they didn't nominate a presidential canedate. They compromised with the Democratic party by nominating their own canediate for vice president under William Jennings Bryan.
18th Amendment
Bryan's national campaigning helped Congress pass the Amendment in 1918. A few th Amendment?
Clarence Darrow
His final public appearence was in Dayton, Tennessee, as prosecuting lawyer in the trial of John Scopes,who had been charged with violating a Tennessee law prohibiting the teaching of the theory of evolution in public schools. The opposing counser, he criticized Bryan's literal interpretation of the Bible, upon which the Tennessee law relied, and place Bryan on the stand, forcing him to admit to several biblical contradictions. Who criticized Bryan's literal interpretation of the Bible?
"Cross of Gold"
In 1896 William Jennings Bryan addressed the Democratic National Convention in Chicago, giving his famous speech. The electrifying speech won Bryan the presidential nomination at age thirty-six.
- Industrial growth - High tariffs - sound money
In 1896 the republicans nominated william mckinley on Aprogram of proaperity witch focused on 3 major points. What were they?
- Free Silver - Anti-imperialism - Trust-busting
In william Jennings Bryan 3 presidential bids. In 1896 He_____ , In 1900 He_____ , In 1908 He____ .
Dayton, Tennessee
Which city created a Christian college as a lasting memorial to Brian; fund raising was successful and Bryan College opened in 1930?
First World War
Which war convinced Bryan that Darwinism undermined morality and moral progress had ground to a complete halt?
Election of 1896
William Jennings Bryan (The Democrat who wanted bimetallism which is a monetary system in which the government would give citizens either gold or silver in exchange for checks and paper currency) vs. McKinley (the republican who wanted gold standard which backed the dollars soley with gold). McKinley won because he got the votes of business owners, banks, republicans. Bryan received the votes from farmers, laborers, and democrats.
crusade against Darwinism
William Jennings Bryan Is probably best known for what which culminated in the scopes Trial in 1925?