Windows Server Module 1

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What are key considerations in planning a windows Server installation?

Network environment and the roles a server will play

After you install Windows Server 2016 Standard Edition and reboot the server, what is the first thing that you must perform?

Set the administrative password

Windows Server 2016 Editions

- Datacenter - Standard - Essentials - MultiPoint Premium Server - Storage Server - Hyper-V Server

Server 2016 Standard Edition

- Standard Edition license permits only two virtual instances or Hyper-V containers - has most of the features of Datacenter Edition except Storage Spaces Direct, Storage Replica, Shielded Virtual Machines, and the new networking stack based on Azure

Datacenter Features

- Storage Spaces Direct - Storage Replica - Shielded Virtual Machines - Aspects of the networking stack that are based on the Microsoft Azure cloud computing system

Datacenter Edition

- install an unlimited number of virtual instances of the OS -Datacenter with Hyper-V can be installed on a physical server -Install as many virtual machines as you need

During the installation of Windows Server 2016 Standard Edition, you encounter a disk that is marked as Disk 0 Unallocated Space on the Windows Setup wizard. What should you do to complete the installation on this disk?

Click Next to proceed with the installation

You have recently installed Windows Server 2016 Desktop Experience on a server. Your manager informs you that he needs to extensively use the command line and PowerShell. He also does not want the graphical interface. What should you do to meet his requirements? [Choose two that apply]

Format the server and install Server Core Reboot the server in the Server Core mode

Server Name?

Must be unique and include some description, like location or primary purpose

You have installed Windows Server 2016 Standard Edition on a server. After performing the basic configuration tasks, you notice that the hostname is not as per your organization's policy. To be able to set a new hostname, what would be the correct command that you can execute in PowerShell?

Rename-Computer -NewName PLABDMCORE02

Server roles?

Will determine how the server is used and what network services will be available to users

Server network protocols?

Windows installs both TCP/IPv4 and TCP/IPv6 by default in Windows Server 2016

Server workgroup or domain?

Workgroup is more suitable for smaller environments, domain provides more advantages

Microsoft Hyper-V Server 2016

free download with no licensing costs that allows you to make a server a Hyper-V virtualization server

Server IP Address?

should have a static IP address

On a newly installed Server Core system, you want to enabled Windows Remote Management. Which of the following command should you execute on Windows PowerShell?

winrm quickconfig

Server 2016 Essentials Edition

• aimed at small businesses with 25 or fewer users •Automatically configured as a root domain controller • Other automatically configured services: - Active Directory Certificate Services, DNS, File Services, Web Server (IIS), Network Policy Server, and Remote Desktop Services • Comes with a management interface called Dashboard • Other features include: - Client backups and Remote Web Access • No CALS are required

Windows Storage Server 2016

•focused on making a computer a storage appliance • Can be configured as a network-attached storage device for file-sharing applications - Or as a block-level Internet Small Computer System Interface (iSCSI) storage device for shared storage applications • Many of the server roles you can install on Standard or Datacenter editions are not available on Storage Server

MultiPoint Premium Server Edition

•volume licensing customers in academic markets only - Allows multiple users to share one Windows computer • Each user station can connect to the server directly using video cables, USB, or local area network (LAN) connection • You can achieve the functionality of MultiPoint Premium Server with Windows Server 2016 Standard Edition and Datacenter Edition by installing the MultiPoint Services role

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