Women's Psychology

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Which of the following is a reason why women may experience menopause at earlier stages of their life?

Women may have had surgery or other medical procedures that affect the reproductive system.

Who is MOST at risk for developing disordered eating behaviors?

Wilhemina, whose romantic partner is unhappy with her post-pregnancy belly.

Gender differences in responses to having sex for the first time show that men tended to ______, whereas women tended to _____.

achieve status as adult men; manage feeling loss

Relational aggression MOST often involves acts such as

damaging others' relationships and/or reputations.

Women who use their surname in professional settings but their spouse's name in personal settings are considered to be which of the following?

name shifting

In the United States, some patients seeking to have an abortion are subject to mandates requiring

All of the answer options are correct.

Maternal employment has been related to daughters'

All of the answer options are correct.

Men are able to effectively advocate for feminist goals because

All of the answer options are correct.

Most prospective adoptive parents, during the process of adopting,

All of the answer options are correct.

Mothers who are ___________ are especially likely to be blamed for their children's problems.

All of the answer options are correct.

Research has shown that children in high-quality child-care programs exhibit which of the following?

All of the answer options are correct.

Risk factors for borderline personality disorder include

All of the answer options are correct.

The Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act does which of the following?

All of the answer options are correct.

Tonya, who is yelling and shaking her fist in the air

All of the answer options are correct.

Transmen who did not have gender confirming surgery and who want to be pregnant may do which of the following?

All of the answer options are correct.

On average, heart disease tends to develop in women about ______ compared to men.

10 years later

During which years did researchers find the most equitable amount of time spent by married women and men on housework?


When a new baby is born, "Is it a boy or a girl?" is the first question about _____ % of the time.


Which of the following is the most accurate description of typical childbirth in the United States?

A baby in the breech position (feet facing the vaginal canal) is likely to be delivered surgically.

Freudian theories about the development of gendered personalities seem to assume which of the following?

All of the answer options are correct.

He Bai feels lucky to have very light skin because people assume her skin reflects

All of the answer options are correct.

How are people affected by viewing sexualized images of girls and women in the media?

All of the answer options are correct.

How can parents help counteract the harmful effects of the media in promoting acceptance of violence among their children?

All of the answer options are correct.

Which of the following is an accurate description of marriage worldwide?

Across the world, men tend to be older than women they marry.

Which of the following individuals BEST exemplifies the benefits of activism for activists themselves?

Alayah, who feels a strong connection and solidarity with the other volunteers who help build homes for Habitat for Humanity

Weddings in the United States are often


According to the article, 3 Ways that Gender Reveal Parties Can Be Harmful,

All of the above

Under what conditions will a feminist woman who works outside of the home be most likely to experience marital dissatisfaction related to the division of labor in her primary romantic relationship?

All of the answer options are correct.

Wendy identifies as asexual; accordingly, it is likely that she will

All of the answer options are correct.

When someone is objectified, that person is

All of the answer options are correct.

When women like Sandra Bland and Marissa Alexander act to protect themselves from actual or potential threats from aggressive men, they are at risk for arrest because

All of the answer options are correct.

What have researchers concluded about the predictions made based on sexual strategies theory?

Although women and men may differ in how much they focus on a potential partner's social status and attractiveness, both types of qualities tend to be valued by both.

Which of the following is an example of work-family conflict?

Anita needs to ask for a day off from work to take her son to a doctor's appointment because her husband has emphasized that he cannot miss work while being considered for promotion.

Which of the following teen girls is MOST likely to have experienced first vaginal sex as pleasurable?

Annika, who says, "Sex allowed me to express myself in a new way with my boyfriend."

Which of the following is NOT a question proposed by psychologist Elizabeth Cole (2009) that researchers should ask when considering intersectionality?

Are predominately White, middle-class women adequately represented in a university study?

Shih, Pittinsky, and Ambady (1999) demonstrated that math performance can be compromised for Asian women depending on which identity (Asian or woman) was primed. If this is the case, which of the following people would mostly experience stereotype threat at the intersection of race and gender?

Barack, who is reminded that he will be the first non-White male president.

Which of the following is an example of denial of personal discrimination?

Beth acknowledges sexism exists, but that she's never experienced it.

Why might some bisexual individuals choose to describe their sexual identity differently depending on the gender of their current partner?

Bisexual individuals may feel pressure to conform to dominant binary standards because of negative attitudes from society.

Compared to White men, ______ women are particularly disadvantaged in terms of the wage gap.

Black and Latinx

Which of the following statistics are NOT true? A. Women are the fastest growing group who are incarcerated and are more likely to be mothers, women of color, poor, and survivors of violence. B. Sixty-one percent of murder victims in the LGBTQ population are transgender women of color. C. The prevalence of eating disorders has been increasing since the 1950s. D. Women would rather be described as fat than mean or stupid. E. In the United States, women receive 50% of pay in comparison to men, and are likely to have their wages increase across occupations as they age and become less vulnerable to poverty.

Both D and E

_____ cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer type among women, though ______ cancer is the leading cause of cancer death for all groups of women with the exception of Hispanic women.

Breast; lung

Researchers propose that women and men both have the potential for pro-social behavior, but rates of such behavior are related to context, not just sex/gender. Which of the following is an example of pro-social gender behavior as related to context?

Carmen chases after a thief who stole a woman's purse.

Which of the following accurately describes the process of nondisjunction?

Chromosomes fail to disconnect when a cell divides.

Which of the following is NOT a documented gender difference in social media use among youth?

Compared to boys, girls use social media less often.

Why are women are more likely than men to develop post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) following combat trauma?

Compared to men, women feel less social support within the military and less cohesiveness with their unit.

Which of the following individuals BEST exemplifies behaviors characteristic of the final stage of becoming an ally?

Cristina, who volunteers at a soup kitchen and reflects on her own thoughts and reactions to know when to adjust potential internal biases

Which of the following individuals is most likely to experience heterosexist harassment?

Daniella, who prefers to wear men's clothing to work

General findings on self-esteem indicate which of the following?

Data do not support the common stereotype that young women lose self-esteem as they reach adolescence.

Which of the following activists is most at risk for experiencing burnout?

Diamond, who works on an activism campaign that is adopting her new strategic plan, but the people in more senior positions are taking credit for the plan and she has no one to talk to about it with

Which of the following college students is MOST likely to be satisfied with her body?

Eleni, a Mexican-American woman who enjoys not having to tan to look "sun-kissed."

Who developed objectification theory?

Fredrickson and Roberts

Which of the following hormones delays the onset of changes associated with puberty?


HAES stands for

Health at Every Size.

What have researchers concluded about how "fat talk" influences girls and women?

Hearing others participate in fat talk can have a negative impact on a bystander's own feelings about her body.

Vicki, a senior in high school, is a great mathematician who has experienced some challenges because of her physical disability, which requires she always use a wheelchair. Vicki intends to pursue a bachelor's degree in math and hopes to go on to pursue a doctorate. What kind of advice is Vicki likely to get from her academic counselor when she starts planning to apply to colleges?

Her counselor will encourage her to pursue a non-STEM academic track.

As noted in the textbook, researchers in France showed girls and boys a complicated object and then asked them to draw the object from memory. The girls did better when they were told it was a test of drawing skills, but the boys did better when they were told it was a test of geometry. This demonstrates which of the following?

How the female advantage on memory tasks disappears when the objects are stereotypically masculine.

Sean wants to have sex with Cristina and promises he "won't finish," so it won't count as "real sex." What part of the traditional sexual script is Sean apparently using to try to gain sexual access?

If a man does not have an orgasm, then there was no sex.

Which of the following statements about dating scripts involving a man and woman is the LEAST accurate?

In contemporary times, most people expect that the woman and the man are equally likely to drive to, plan, and pay for the date.

Which of the following statements BEST describes the relationship between anger and activism?

In response to feeling threatened, activism allows us to channel anger into constructive action.

Which of the following couples is most at risk for intimate partner violence?

Issa and Ty are in their early 20s, they are both employed part time, and they have three children.

Which of the following is true of the adult entertainment industry?

It both implicitly and explicitly links sexual content with aggression.

Which of the following transgender individuals is facing a transitioning obstacle?

Jason, who doesn't have health insurance and cannot afford gender-confirming/affirming surgery.

Which feminist theorist coined the idea "gender as performance," and what does this idea mean in everyday life?

Judith Butler; gender is something we do rather than who we are

Which of the following women living in the United States is MOST likely to hold unrealistic beliefs about relationships?

Lea, a surfing instructor in California, who obsessively watches soap operas

Which of the following individuals is MOST at risk for anxiety, lower self-esteem, and lower life satisfaction after no longer being pregnant?

Lia, who continued her pregnancy after being denied access to abortion

In the article, 9 Subtly Feminist Actions...., the author recommends all of the following EXCEPT:

Maintain friendships with mostly womenf

Which of the following was NOT described in the text as a reason to be concerned about the involvement of men in feminist activism?

Male feminists routinely fail to recognize the needs of people of color.

Imagine you are attending a hearing held in Washington, DC. You pay close attention to the lively discussion about reproductive justice and notice the U.S. Supreme Court justices often interrupt each other during their debate. Based on documented research, who is more likely to inerrupt whom?

Male justices are more likely to interrupt female justices.

Which of the following women living in the United States is most likely to be able to make a truly autonomous decision about what to do in response to an unexpected pregnancy?

Mandy, who works as an administrator for a global media company

Which of the following most accurately describes the link between poverty and fatness?

Many people who live in poverty cannot afford nutritious foods and access to exercise equipment.

Margaret, who is 12-years-old, is very excited for menarche. Based on research reviewed in the textbook, this is MOST likely because

Margaret has a good deal of education and feels adequately prepared for menarche.

Which of the following clients would benefit the most from consciousness raising?

Mary, who is being sexually harassed by her boss and feels guilty because her boss is married

Who is MOST at risk for developing depressive symptoms following an adoption process?

Mary, who placed her infant for adoption but did not receive any information about her infant's new home

Which of the following couples is most likely to have an expensive wedding?

Mary, who plans to be a homemaker, and Larry, who works in real estate

Why do some researchers call the gender revolution stalled and uneven?

Men continue to contribute less to family and household responsibilities, women continue to hold a disproportionate amount of low status jobs, and women continue to do more care work than men.

The author of the assigned article argues that all of the following are reasons to look forward to menopause EXCEPT:

More intense orgasms due to hot flashes

Based on past research on fathers' responses to their children, which of the following would you predict about Morty's behavior toward his son and daughter?

Morty will be sensitive to his son's anger and his daughter's sadness.

Which of the following is an example of quid pro quo harassment?

Patrick, a manager, asks Eileen on a date and promises to give her a pay raise if she dates him.

Trisha and Seamus are debating whether men are naturally more aggressive than women. Seamus says every man he knows who has taken the Big Five personality assessment has scored higher in aggression compared to the women; Trisha disagrees, and describes women and men lawyers who work at her law firm as equally aggressive. This debate exemplifies which of the following?

Pen-and-paper personality assessments may differ from behavioral observations.

Which of the following is the MOST accurate description of how pregnancy resolution is related to mental health?

People who are seeking or have had an abortion may experience stress related to unintended pregnancy, and stress may have a negative impact on mental health.

Who is the most likely to successfully negotiate the highest starting salary?

Phoebe, who emphasizes that she needs a high income to provide for her two children as a single mother.

Which of the following is NOT a feminist critique of comprehensive sex education programs?

Providing a sex positive view of sex may encourage students to engage in sex even if they don't have desire or feel ready.

Which of the following is the MOST accurate statement about public adoption?

Public adoptions can involve unexpected delays and barriers.

According to the text, what is a major limitation of research on beauty norms?

Researchers primarily focus on the thin ideal, a norm that is central to White women's concerns.

Based on research on the effects of discussing experiences of gender discrimination, which of the following targets of gender discrimination is likely to show the BEST mental health outcomes?

Ronnie, who did not tell anyone about her experiences, which she believed to be highly unusual

Given what is known about people who seek to have an abortion in the United States, who is most likely to decide to have an abortion after an unintended pregnancy?

Samantha, who is an impoverished single mother

Which of the following scenarios exemplifies cisgender privilege?

Sarah, a cisgender woman, is able to use the women's bathroom without any issues while Sam, a transwoman, often receives disapproving looks when entering a women's bathroom.

Which of the following is the most accurate description about how self-objectification affects girls and women of different ages?

Self-objectification is related to body shame at all ages.

SPARK stands for

Sexualization Protest: Action, Resistance, Knowledge.

Which of the following women is the most likely to endure a hostile work environment?

Sharice, who works in computer science

When a person says her social identity is her sense of self, what does she mean?

She derives her identity from her affiliation with different social groups.

Which of the following situations BEST exemplifies operant conditioning?

Sondra loves wearing pink after her father says how beautiful Sondra looks in this color.

Criticisms of programs that purport to help women leave abusive relationships include all of the following EXCEPT

Such programs involve a singular focus on shelter rather than a multi-pronged approach including case management, advocacy, health education, and support.

Which of the following would be an effect of the "think manager-think male" bias?

Supervisors looking to promote an ambitious and aggressive employee would favor Michael, a man, over Michelle, a woman.

Which of the following is one drawback of the Me Too movement?

Survivors may be triggered by upsetting memories.

Why are women in college at elevated risk for sexual assault?

The college social scene involves risky elements such as heavy substance use.

Which of the following accurately describes the phenomenon known as the motherhood wage penalty?

The pay difference between mothers and non-mothers is reflected even in hourly wages.

Which of the following is the LEAST accurate statement about ultrasound use?

The primary purpose of an ultrasound is to determine fetal sex.

Which of the following is NOT a recommendation made by the textbook about improving the existing research literature on beauty norms?

The shared concerns of White women and women of color could be identified.

Which of the following statements is LEAST accurate about sexual dysfunction among women?

There are four categories of sexual dysfunction among women: dysfunction related to infertility, orgasm, lubrication, and a deficient G spot.

Why might some LGBTQ individuals avoid certain occupations?

They may have a fear that negative attitudes or prejudice may lead to hiring biases and/or discrimination in the workplace.

Why did early feminist psychologists begin to question approaches to research on gender similarities and differences?

They were concerned that this singular focus would legitimate the belief that gender similarities and differences are important.

Which of the following women living in the United States is LEAST likely to be affected by colorism?

Tina, a multi-racial woman from Kenya with straight brown hair, who works in an office.

An older woman who was wrongfully terminated is suing her former employer on the basis of gender discrimination, but not age discrimination. Based on current legal policies, her lawyer would likely cite ______ in her defense to a judge.

Title IX

Which of the following best exemplifies the difference between explicit and implicit bias?

Valerie agrees with her wife that women and men both make good doctors, but her wife points out that Valerie will only see a male doctor.

Which of the following is the BEST explanation as to why wearing a leotard, which is a skin-tight one-piece garment, might interfere with a woman's ability to complete cognitive or behavioral tasks, such as taking a math test or giving an oral presentation?

Wearing a leotard elicits thoughts about one's body and appearance, which reduces the ability to focus.

Which of the following BEST explains the hesitation that many scientists may feel to become involved in political activism?

When scientists express opinions about political issues, their scientific work may be seen as biased.

The fatherhood wage bonus tends to be highest for

White men

A criticism of the LGBTQ community is that members of the community favor initiatives that mostly benefit which of the following groups of people?

White, able-bodied, lesbian and gay people

According to the text, who is MOST likely to conform to the expectation for being hairless from the neck down?

Wilhemina, whose romantic partner is unhappy with her post-pregnancy belly.

Based on research on inclusivity in STEM classrooms, which female high school math student working to solve problems should feel MOST confident?

Winona, who is working with three boys and two girls

Which of the following individuals is LEAST likely to experience self-objectification?

Yazmin, who is wearing a hijab

Which of the following women BEST illustrates the concept of self-silencing?

Zoe, who avoids telling her spouse how she feels so that he won't be angry

Feminism, according to bell hooks, is described as

a movement to end sexism, sexist exploitation, and oppression.

Social identity refers to

a person's sense of self as it relates to that individual's multiple affiliated social groups.

Which of the following eating disorders is the LEAST common?

anorexia nervosa

People with greater exposure to typical media depictions of fat women tend to show greater

anti-fat attitudes and the desire to avoid fat people.

Lindsay, a teenager, recently discovered that she is intersex and that her parents consented to genitoplasty for her shortly after her birth. Lindsay is likely experiencing which of the following feelings?

anxiety, betrayal, and helplessness

Research has indicated that employer perceptions of a candidate's physical _____ negatively affects working women more so than working men, and this effect _____ as employees age.

appearance; worsens

Older LGBTQ adults, compared to older heterosexual adults, are less likely to rely on family for caregiving because LGBTQ individuals

are less likely to have children and they haven't always been permitted to marry.

Younger women might have more negative attitudes toward menopause compared to older women because they

are more likely to associate menopause with aging and bodily changes.

In the article Having It All Kinda Sucks, the author

argues that society needs to do more to support women's choices

In "If Men Could Menstruate", Steinem

argues that those in power get to decide what biological aspects should be celebrated or stigmatized

Lily has many close friends, but she has not had a significant other in many years. She recently realized that she simply did not have any motivation to seek romantic connections with others and that she is very fulfilled living her life without a romantic partner. Lily is most likely


Which of the following is an example of sexual assertiveness?

asking one's partner to kiss her in a different way

Nancy's daughter Betsy, a single mom, has decided to join the military. Nancy has offered to let her grandchild, Betsy's 5-year-old daughter, move in while Betsy is away so that she can care for granddaughter full-time. Nancy's situation can best be described as

assuming a custodial role.

A counter evolutionary argument to the sexual strategies theory is the ___________________, which asserts that a man may do better by mating with and remaining monogamous to one woman to ensure the survival of his offspring.

attachment fertility theory

In her blog, Greta Christina argues

b & c only

In The Rape of Mr. Smith, the author argues

b and c only

Jasmin's closest friend recently passed away from a terminal illness and Jasmin has been feeling a profound sense of sadness since then. Jasmin's feelings are most consistent with which of the following?


Which of the following is NOT an institutionalized benefit of marriage?

better social support from same-gender friends

Trivanka Corporation currently has ten managers and 200 subordinate employees. Nine managers are White men, while one is a White woman. The fact that Regina, a Black woman, has not been promoted to manager status despite her impressive qualifications is likely the result of the glass


Sex that is unwanted but consensual is known as

compliant sex.

The biopsychosocial model is useful for understanding the lives of girls and women because it

considers how biological, psychological, and social aspects interact with one another.

Gender neutral family leave policies are preferable to leave for "primary caretakers" because primary caretaker leave policies

create structures that interfere with truly shared parenting.

The final stage of becoming an ally involves

dedication to promoting social justice.

A nursery rhyme about girls and boys includes such phrases as "sugar and spice and everything nice" to describe girls, and "snips and snails and puppy dog tails" to describe boys. This is an example of the _____ perspective.


It is important to review overlaps of scores to fully interpret the extent of the reported difference when interpreting which of the following?

effect size

Margarita's only child, Camila, has recently left home to join the military. Margarita begins feeling a sense of loss and loneliness over no longer having someone to care for and look after. Margarita's emotional experience is most consistent with ______, which is associated with the ______.

empty-nest syndrome; role loss hypothesis

The medical intervention that most directly involves pain management during childbirth is an


According to Orenstein's (2000) concept of the "half-changed world," it is important to do which of the following?

examine who benefits from feminist gains and if these gains actually provide equality

Which of the following is NOT an example of beauty work, as defined by the textbook?


Karen is a talented undergraduate student majoring in biology. Her professor, Dr. Cedillo, encourages her to apply to medical school because she thinks Karen will make an excellent doctor. However, Karen explains that based on her brother's experiences as a doctor, she believes she'd make a better nurse because they have less responsibility than doctors. This is an example of which of the following?

expectancy role value theory

The MOST common form of elder abuse documented involves

financial exploitation.

Transgender individuals may face workplace discrimination due to the misperception that they are more likely to

have a mental illness.

The benefits of an open adoption include

improved well-being for the birth mother and the child who had been adopted.

The textbook uses the analogy of walking a tightrope to describe the process of how women

in leadership roles have combined communal and agentic traits to be both liked and respected.

Which of the following refers to the implantation of an egg that was fertilized outside of the body into the uterus?

in vitro fertilization

Which of the following is the process by which a person accepts societal standards as a reference point for how one should look, be, and/or act?


Which of the following refers to the injection of washed sperm into the uterus at the time of ovulation?

intrauterine insemination

The HAES approach promotes all of the following EXCEPT

lack of personal responsibility for health behaviors.

Which of the following explains why grandparents who become primary caregivers of their grandchildren may experience a decrease in psychological health?

less free time and greater financial hardship

According to Freudian theory, which is NOT an inherent feminine personality trait?


Because of the ways in which objectification is linked to anxiety about death, women who are reminded of their own eventual death tend to

objectify themselves as well as other women.

Which of the following individuals is MOST likely to objectify the women with whom they work?


Researchers have found the greatest gender differences in aggression reflected in

peer-report data.

Which of the following describes when women engage in sexual activity with one another for the enjoyment of men?

performative bisexuality

What are some intersecting factors related to older individuals being more likely to be terminated from work than younger individuals?

physical health related to disability status and having accumulated higher pay due to career longevity

When a person holds a negative attitude toward someone because of their actual or perceived membership in a social group, this is known as


A primary benefit of a restorative justice approach to healing after intimate partner violence is to

provide an alternative to incarceration for perpetrators.

Acts of aggression intended to cause fear, shame, isolation, or deprivation are known as

psychological abuse.

Barb is known as the "school slut;" it's rumored that she had sex with the entire swim team. Barb is MOST likely to experience which of the following?

psychological distress such as depression, anxiety, and low self-esteem

Rhoda Unger argued for the distinction between sex and gender to do which of the following?

push the field of psychology away from biological essentialism

Mei is a Chinese American woman who people assume is shy and submissive, but also intelligent and working in a STEM field. In reality, Mei is an outgoing, assertive woman who is a public relations executive. She finds that people are often surprised by her personality and her line of work. These assumptions about Mei are examples of

racialized sexist stereotypes.

People who accept rape myths also tend to exhibit

racism, homophobia, and a belief in a just world.

Benevolent sexism is ________ viewed as sexist, even though research demonstrates that there are ______________ outcomes for women who experience it.

rarely; negative

In a correlational research design,

relationships between variables are examined.

George and Amal are married lawyers who moved to their current city when George was offered a prestigious partnership. Although Amal is also employed full time by the same firm, she's in a lower paying junior level position. Based on the available information, which of the following BEST describes why Amal does more housework than George?

relative resources theory

Studies indicate that the higher the percentage of women there are working in a specific profession, the lower the

salary of that profession.

When a person considers how others might evaluate her appearance, she is participating in


The view of sex and sexuality as healthy and positive aspects of a full life is known as

sex positivity.

Which term refers to practices that enable people to better recognize the ways in which they are affected by gendered stereotypes about appropriate roles?

sex role analysis

Institutions that only offer male and female bathrooms instead of gender-neutral bathrooms reinforce the concept of the

sex/gender binary.

A woman who does not experience vaginal lubrication or engorgement of the labia and clitoris might be most accurately diagnosed as having

sexual arousal disorder.

On tests of general intelligence, women and men tend to score


On tests of general intelligence, women and men tend to score


When a person says that differences between women and men can be understood by the roles they are traditionally expected to hold, she is describing which of the following?

social role theory

Role models can protect people from negative stereotypes about their social groups, which is known as

stereotype inoculation.

The LEAST formal types of activism that psychologists may engage in are

street activism.

Which of the following is NOT an example of a mate retention behavior?

telling a partner that she has never looked more beautiful

Using incarceration to achieve justice in cases of domestic violence

tends to involve the punishment of people of color, the poor, and people with mental illnesses.

Taceana had a cesarean section. She is feeling overwhelmed and anxious about bonding with her new baby, and they both are awake most of the nights. When her mother in law made recommendations about improving their sleep, Taceana burst into tears. Which term BEST describes Taceana's current state?

the baby blues

When researchers say women generally have higher verbal abilities than men, it is important to remember that

the difference is relatively small, meaning there is more similarity than difference.

Research has shown that when women move into male-dominated professions,

the salary and prestige of said profession decreases.

Liberal feminism primarily focuses on

the similarities between women and men and the role of governmental intervention in rectifying gender inequalities.

In the article, The Beginner's Guide to Activism, the author argues that

there are many different ways to be an activist

Which of the following is NOT a common characteristic of those who perpetrate intimate partner violence?

those who have low self-esteem

The process of allyship was described as a series of __________ stages.


According to the text, beauty norms

vary across time and place.

Victoria always earns the highest scores in her college math classes. She notices that, as she progresses through math courses, there are fewer women in her classes, and even fewer women professors. She also knows that women tend to earn higher grades than men in STEM courses, so what would Victoria most likely be wondering after coming to this realization?

why women are underrepresented in STEM fields

Alice Walker (1983) coined the identity label ______ that stems from the experiences of Black women and other women of color, and which encompasses feminism but doesn't prioritize sexism over other forms of oppression.


In classic research on the consequences of self-objectification, women and men wore either a swimsuit (a one piece for women; swim trunks for men) or a V-neck sweater before taking a math test. Results showed ___________ performed worse than _______________.

women in swimsuits; women in sweaters

Which message about Black womanhood might promote vulnerability to depression?

"Black women are strong."

Which of the following statements BEST matches the text's description of the younger generation of feminists?

"I'm empowered to wear sexy clothing and to enjoy how it makes me feel."

Which of the following statements would MOST likely be made by a male feminist?

"Men and women alike are held to arbitrary standards based on the idea of gender."

Which of the following responses to a friend who was just promoted at work best illustrates active constructive responding?

"Tell me everything, leave nothing out, and then let's go celebrate."

Which of the following responses to a pregnant women's expression of body dissatisfaction is most likely to help her feel better?

"Your body is amazing in how it can create and sustain life."

Compared to aging men, aging women tend to be labeled as _____ at _____ ages.

"old"; earlier

A sexually inexperienced teen couple spends prom night together in a hotel. They experiment with oral sex; no vaginal or anal penetration occurs. If they are typical teens, when asked if they are still virgins, the teens are likely to say


Which of the following women living in the United States during the 1970s would be MOST likely to receive a prescription for "mother's little helper"?

Vera, a White woman, who is unhappy in her marriage

Which of the following is NOT a sexual script about virginity loss in popular media?

Virginity should be discussed openly (with parents, teachers, and peers).

Which of the following most accurately defines stereotype threat?

When a person thinks their group is stereotyped as doing poorly on a certain task, their anxiety about confirming that stereotype can compromise their performance on that task.

Air France, Six Flags, and FedEx created policies banning people of color from wearing their hair natural or in dreadlocks to work. This policy mostly affected African American women, who filed lawsuits against the companies for privileging hairstyles worn by White women. The assumption that White women are examples of normative standards of professional dress is an example of

a power hierarchy.

The set of interrelated assumptions in Western culture about what sex involves and what people should expect during sex is known as

a sexual script.

Women with disabilities earn ______ compared to women without disabilities.

about 73% less than

A limitation of the sex/gender binary related to biology is that it

acknowledges only two genetic variations of XX and XY.

A study of female rape survivors found that _____ rape, or rape perpetrated by an intimate partner or someone known to the victim, is much more common than stranger rape.


Reproductive justice is MOST closely aligned with movements focused on

advocating basic human rights.

Which attribute has been most consistently linked to experiencing infertility?


Mary is a 40-year-old woman who shops at clothing stores targeted toward women in their 20s and sometimes wears her 18-year-old daughter's clothes. Mary's fashion choices reflect

age concealment.

Anxiety related to being in public and away from home is known as


Which of the following is described as a lifelong process in which people who enjoy unearned social privileges based on their identity develop relationships with people who are marginalized as a way to address social injustice?


Which of the following is the clearest sign that ovulation has just occurred, rendering a woman fertile within the next 24 or so hours?

an increase in body temperature

Franny and Felicia meet at a party and end up kissing. They agree that neither of them expects any further commitment from the other person. This is an example of

a hookup.

According to the text, the message that beauty is often equated with youth for women is especially reinforced by which of the following?

a lack of positive portrayals of older women in the media

Forms of genitoplasty performed on intersex individuals include which of the following?

clitoroplasty and phalloplasty

Spanking children is associated with increases in all of the following EXCEPT

cognitive abilities and school achievement.

Younger adults tend to stereotype older men more positively in domains of ______ while stereotyping older women more positively in domains of ______.

competence; social relationships

Moms Demand Action is a grassroots organization aimed at creating secure and peaceful communities with reduced gun violence. The group has advocated successfully to prevent

concealed weapon carry in public places like Starbucks and Kroger supermarkets.

The belief that because women and men have biological differences, they must also have differences in behavior, attitudes, goals, talents, and skills is known as

gender essentialism.

Jian-Yu was born biologically male, but wishes to be a woman. However, Jian-Yu is reluctant to come out as transgender and thus continues to use male pronouns, dresses as a man, and engages in behaviors that society labels as traditionally masculine. Jian-Yu is experiencing an inconsistency between _____ and _____.

gender identity; gender expression

Which of the following explains why women are more likely to pursue occupations that focus on care?

gender socialization as related to interpersonal relationships and social roles

The popular media often use research findings about gender differences to reinforce which of the following?

gender stereotypes

Sarah recently gave birth to fraternal twins. When asked about their personalities, she described her daughter as friendly and emotionally expressive, and her son as assertive and competitive. These descriptions are

gender stereotypes about femininity and masculinity.

Acts of aggression motivated by anger or bias due to a person's gender are BEST known as

gender-based violence

Acts of aggression motivated by anger or bias due to a person's gender are BEST known as

gender-based violence.

Xin does not identify as either a man or woman and prefers the pronouns they, their, and them. Xin could best be described as a

genderqueer individual.

Which if the following is NOT a biological marker used by medical providers in determining sex assignments of newborns in non-Western cultures?


You are holding a newborn baby dressed in all white asleep against your shoulder. Someone asks if the baby is a boy or a girl. If you say, "_____," research suggests that the person who asked is MOST likely to mention the word, "_______"

girl; sweet

Lupe, a Latinx teen, has many friendships but no romantic partner. She is likely to also have

good grades because she feels a sense of belonging at school.

Studies indicate that middle aged women who have greater exposure to the media tend to express

greater body dissatisfaction and disordered eating.

Individuals with complete androgen insensitivity (CAIS) _____, whereas individuals with partial androgen insensitivity (PAIS) _____.

have genitals that appear female; can present with "ambiguous" or masculinized genitalia

Statistics and research suggest that women are more likely to remarry if they

have higher income and lower concern about finances.

Though there are several negative stereotypes associated with older adults in the workforce, actual research has found that older adults

have higher levels of motivation and are more interested in change at work.

Destiny is a cisgender woman and Aaliyah is a transgender woman. The minority stress theory would predict that Aaliyah will likely

have poorer health outcomes than Destiny.

Which of the following is NOT a common symptom of postpartum depression?

hearing voices

The term ____ was used in the past to describe "ambiguous" genitalia, where terms such as "intersex" and "disorders of sex development" are more widely used nowadays.


If effect sizes are ___________, this means women and men would be more _____________.

negligible; similar than different

Justifying gender essentialism by citing biological differences is known as


Justifying gender essentialism by citing biological differences is known as


Adam and Alexandra are debating the origins of gender differences life outcomes. Adam argues that because women give birth, they are predisposed to staying home to raise children, or if they are driven to work outside the home, they are better suited to be nurses than doctors. Alexandra points to feminist psychologists' work on gender socialization, noting that sex and gender are not the same thing. Adam's explanation is based in _______________, whereas Alexandra considers the _______________ model.

neurosexism; biopsychosocial

Which of the following feminists tend to be most concerned with how expectations for femininity are used to oppress women?

second wave feminists

Research has indicated that one positive outcome for aging women may be that __________ decrease(s) with age.

self-objectification, body monitoring, appearance anxiety, and disordered eating

When a person considers how others might evaluate her appearance, she is participating in


Stereotype embodiment theory may affect behaviors if individuals engage in which of the following?


Radical feminists advocate for


Women are at greater risk for depression if they

serve as caregivers for a parent or spouse.

Before the Equal Pay Act passed in 1963, organizations were legally allowed to do which of the following?

set lower wages for jobs held mostly by women

Feminist psychologist Sari van Anders (2015) is credited with developing which of the following concepts?

sexual configurations theory (SCT)

When children learn about their sexual body parts, about sexual and romantic relationships, and where babies come from, they are experiencing

sexual socialization.

Which of the following occurs when sexuality is imposed on others, when people are perceived as sex objects, and when a person's value is reduced to their sexual appeal or sexual behavior?


The contemporary medical community uses hormone therapy (HT) as a ______ treatment for ______.

short-term; hot flashes and vaginal dryness

When a woman is visibly pregnant, she is LEAST likely to experience people

showing kindness as she applies for a new job.

Sonia only reads books like Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus. This would suggest that Sonia overlooks how women and men may be

similar to each other.

Keisha is a feminist psychologist whose research questions test the idea that women and men can be equally good caretakers. She argues that, when girls and boys are similarly socialized to care for others, they are just as likely in adulthood to offer nurturing behaviors to others. Her approach to research on women and men would be considered the _____ perspective.


Research on gender differences in expression of emotion indicates that, although there are some differences among girls and boys for emotional expression, the effect sizes are small, at less than 0.1. This means that there is greater _______________ than ________________.

similarity; difference

Elderspeak, defined as _______ speech with a(n) _______ tone, in a health-care setting tends to lead to ______ outcomes for the patient.

simplified; exaggerated; negative

A feminist who endorses comparable worth would make which of the following arguments?

A woman with a master's degree in education and a man with a master's degree in computer science should earn the same salary.

Which of the following is a type of grassroots activism that has been pursued to promote reproductive justice?

All of the answer options are correct.

Which of the following is an accurate description about the effects of the Me Too movement?

All of the answer options are correct.

Which of the following is true regarding sex trafficking?

All of the answer options are correct.

Which of the following women is disempowered by actual or potential gender-based violence?

All of the answer options are correct.

Which of the following women living in the United States would be considered a social mother?

All of the answer options are correct.

Which types of women tend to be underrepresented in the media?

All of the answer options are correct.

Why is social support important for older women?

All of the answer options are correct.

Women are at increased risk for sexual assault if they

All of the answer options are correct.

Women have a greater risk for being diagnosed with an anxiety disorder compared to men possibly due to which of the following?

All of the answer options are correct.

He Bai feels lucky to have very light skin because people assume her skin reflects

All of the answer options are correct. wealth. femininity. purity.

Which of the following workers is MOST likely to have access to paid family leave?

Allison, a 36-year-old female executive, who just gave birth to her first child

Which of the following individuals is offering informational social support?

Ally, who gives her niece advice about how to find the best college for her interests

In general, young feminists focus on ____________, whereas older feminists focus on ____________.

the joys of femininity; the perils of femininity

Shawn is reluctant to schedule a physical with his medical doctor because the last time he was at the hospital, his doctor invited a group of residents into the room to examine his post-surgical results, and they also spoke about Shawn in a way that made him feel very detached from his sense of self. This concept is referred to as

the medical gaze.

Referring to all police officers as "policemen" is an example of

the people = male bias.

Which of the following best describes lesbian feminism?

An offshoot of radical feminism that focuses on sexuality and reproduction as powerful forms of oppression.

Which of the following is NOT an accurate description of changes in rates of crime in the United States over the past 30 years?

Crimes against women have decreased.

Which of the following is a potential explanation for the fatherhood wage bonus?

Fathers are seen as warmer and more likeable than non-fathers.

Which of the following is NOT a key assumption of the traditional sexual script?

For a romantic relationship to succeed, a couple cannot have sex on the first date.

Which of the following individuals is MOST likely to receive an appropriate diagnosis of hypoactive sexual desire disorder?

Fred, who has sex twice a week to satisfy his wife, but would prefer to be left alone since he is rarely interested.

______________ sexism consists of negative beliefs about women, whereas ______________ sexism seems positive on the surface.

Hostile; benevolent

Which of the following is a double bind that women are likely to face in the early stages of their careers?

If women negotiate for a higher starting salary, they might be viewed in a negative social light; if they don't, they might experience financial loss.

Based on research on risk for divorce, which of the following newly married pairs is MOST at risk for divorcing?

Ilaria, who is 22-years-old, and Isaac who is 24-years-old; both of whom are White

Which of the following most accurately characterizes the tripartite model of social influence?

It describes the social forces that influence how we learn about acceptable bodies and societal beauty standards.

Which of the following is an explanation for why some researchers prefer to use a labyrinth as an analogy for women's pursuit of leadership positions?

It illustrates that some women find a way out of the maze, but many are thwarted by obstacles along the way.

Which is the LEAST accurate description of relational aggression?

It is frequently used by less popular girls to try to improve their social positions.

Why is denial of discrimination a problem?

It justifies not addressing gender inequalities and blames women for their lack of equality.

Which of the following is TRUE about post-colonial/transnational feminism?

It stems from the legacy of colonialism and resulting inequalities from Western rule and de-valuation of all other cultures as inferior when compared to the West.

Why might the term "successful aging" be problematic?

It stigmatizes those with chronic illness and/or disabilities.

Which of the following is true regarding the Redstockings protest of the 1968 and 1969 Miss America pageants?

It was a symbolic protest of items of oppression including bras, cosmetics, and high heels.

Julie and Meredith work in different departments at the same company. In Julie's department, male coworkers frequently make sexist jokes and microaggressions that are offensive to women. In Meredith's department, she was recently the target of a severe incident of harassment. In terms of job satisfaction, job performance, and mental health,

Julie and Meredith will likely experience equally negative outcomes.

According to the textbook, which of the following individuals is LEAST likely to have a positive attitude toward experiencing menopause?

June, an Asian American woman

Which feminist researcher criticized Freud's concept of penis envy, and called on his inability to consider a women's perspective and a more woman-centered approach?

Karen Horney

Who would be most accurately described as showing voluntary childlessness?

Karli, who froze her eggs so that she can decide whether to get pregnant later in life

Which of the following scenarios BEST exemplifies a polyamorous relationship?

Kat, a heterosexual woman, is openly sexually involved with two of her friends, Guy and Pete.

Which of the following individuals is providing affirmative consent?

Keisha, who says she wants to have sex and asks if her partner does as well.

Based on various factors discussed in the textbook, which of the following individuals would likely advance the farthest in the workplace with Matthew, a White male, as their mentor or sponsor?

Keith, a White male

Based on research on pregnancy and body dissatisfaction, which of the following pregnant women is MOST likely to enjoy positive feelings about her body?

Kim, who is in her third trimester and whose partner initiates sex multiple times a week

An individual with the chromosomal type XXY would best fit the criteria for being diagnosed with

Klinefelter syndrome.

Which psychologist based their theory of moral development almost entirely on wealthy White boys and men, yet applied their findings to human development as a whole?


Which of the following pairs of friends best illustrates co-rumination?

LaToya and Keisha, who continuously discuss Keisha's concerns about infertility.

Which of the following is an example of a person checking their privilege?

Lisa, a White woman, acknowledges that sexism is not the only form of oppression experienced by women of color.

According to the ADDRESSING model of social identity, which of the following women is more likely to experience more power in the United States today?

Lisa, who is a Christian woman

According to role enhancement theory, which of the follow individuals would have the highest well-being?

Margarita, a happily married new mother with a large, supportive family, and who has many coworkers she is close friends with

Which of the following situations involving teens and the media BEST exemplifies cultivation theory?

Mei wonders about the "small holes" on her face that she doesn't see on girls in her magazines. Mei's mother explains that these are called "pores," and that all people have them.

Which specific research finding BEST supports sexual strategies theory?

Men prefer women who are younger than themselves; women prefer men slightly older.

Which of the following people involved in a debate in an abnormal psychology class offers the BEST feminist critique of the concept of mental illness?

Mindy, who says, "It's wrong to focus on individual distress and to ignore the structural causes of distress."

Which of the following individuals provides the clearest example of borderline personality disorder?

Missy, who explodes with rage, demands that her husband leave, then feels abandoned by him

Which of the following assertions about in vitro fertilization (IVF) is MOST accurate?

Most often, those who undergo IVF become pregnant using their own genetic material.

Which of the following statements is LEAST true about sexual socialization in the home?

Most parents tend to be confident and comfortable discussing sexuality with their children in age appropriate ways.

Which of the following is the LEAST accurate description of typical attitudes about abortion in the United States?

Most people hold either an extremely pro-life or an extremely pro-choice view.

Which of the following is the LEAST accurate description of sexual assault in the United States?

Most rapes are perpetrated by strangers.

Which of the following individuals is experiencing the second shift?

Naomi, who works full time and does more household work than her husband

Which of the following teenagers is most likely to have positive body esteem?

Natalia, who sometimes fights with her single mother despite their overall warm and open relationship.

The group of women at greatest risk for sexual assault are _____ women.

Native American

What differentiates sexual assault against Native American women from other types of sexual assaults?

Native American women tend to be assaulted by non-Native American men, yet for other racial groups, assailants are typically from the same race.

In the article, "Why Didn't You Just Leave?", all of the following stories were included EXCEPT:

Nicole committed robbery with her abuser and was afraid he would frame her for the crime if she left

All of the following are included in The Invisible Knapsack EXCEPT:

None of the above

In the second article, the author says that all of the following are ways of mom-shaming EXCEPT:

Offering to Bring Her Family a Meal

Which of the following individuals is most likely to experience orgasm almost every time or every time they have partnered sexual activity?

Oliver, a heterosexual man

Which of the following is the MOST accurate description of how child care is divided among heterosexual couples?

On non-work days, fathers spend about half of their time on leisure activities.

List some of the medical interventions an individual who identifies as transgender can consider, and explain the potential benefits and risks of these options.

One of the medical interventions that can be helpful for adolescents involves a tasking hormone known as GnRH agonist, it postpones the onset of further pubertal changes. It gives adolescents time to evaluate risks and benefits of starting cross-sex hormone treatment. One concern is that there is not much known about the long term effects of pubertal blockers Another medical intervention includes sex reassignment surgery, which involves an individual changing one's sex or gentialia. The benefit would be that the individual can finally be free while a downside is that individuals might feel pressured and it is a big thing to go under the knife with many complication involved.

Which of the following is the MOST accurate description of a polyamorous (poly) relationship?

Only people who are honest about having multiple partners are in poly relationships.

Adrienne was diagnosed by her physician as obese. Based on the research presented in your textbook, which of the following is NOT an accurate description of how others might respond to Adrienne?

She will be respected by others as long as she maintains good grooming and hygiene.

Which of the following research result best supports cultivation theory?

Those who watch more TV are more likely to perceive themselves as overweight.

Which of the following women is MOST likely to be criminalized by police for her unusual behavior?

Tonya, who is yelling and shaking her fist in the air

Which of the following assertions is MOST accurate?

Traditional dating scripts may benefit women with limited access to money or transportation.

How are transwomen sexualized in the media?

Transwomen are often depicted in terms of close up shots of body parts and are also often asked about the nature of their most intimate body parts.

An individual with the chromosomal type XO would best fit the criteria for being diagnosed with

Turner's syndrome.

Which of the following is a form of domestic violence?

All of the answer options are correct.

Women are at ______ greater risk of developing Alzheimer's disease compared to men.


The Age Discrimination and Employment Act (ADEA) of 1967 prohibits discrimination of older adults, who are defined under this act as over age


The Age Discrimination and Employment Act (ADEA) of 1967 prohibits discrimination of older adults, who are defined under this act as over age


Which of the following describes a study grounded in principles of feminist psychology?

A qualitative study focused on cultural and social factors that contribute to the development of eating disorders and culturally appropriate interventions.

Which of the following is the BEST explanation as to why women may experience negative outcomes after divorce?

After divorce, most women experience considerable financial decline.

Which of the following scenarios BEST demonstrates resiliency?

After leaving her abusive husband, Raven joined a domestic violence survivor support group and sought to develop connections with other group members.

In the article, Marche argues that

All of the above

Sigmund Freud's theory suggested that anatomical differences between girls and boys that give way to personality differences

All of the answer choices are correct.

Youth who watch more TV and play more video games depicting gender stereotypic messages also

All of the answer choices are correct.

When a woman moves on from an abusive relationship, she is likely to

All of the answer options are correct

Why does the text suggest that violence may be addressed via candid conversations with men about masculinity?

All of the answer options are correct

A man who has multiple wives could accurately be described as

All of the answer options are correct.

According to past research, why have women engaged in token resistance?

All of the answer options are correct.

According to the text, normative discontent occurs because

All of the answer options are correct.

Adverse childhood experiences (ACES) include which of the following?

All of the answer options are correct.

Although using social media for activism is often criticized, some of the apparent benefits include which of the following?

All of the answer options are correct.

Barbie, a doll that depicts an idealized 19-year-old body, differs from the typical 19-year-old in which of the following ways?

All of the answer options are correct.

Compared to those who aren't married, married individuals tend to

All of the answer options are correct.

Early treatments for hysteria in women have included which of the following?

All of the answer options are correct.

Feminist scholars debate whether self-sexualization

All of the answer options are correct.

For most heterosexual couples who share a home, which of the following task is a woman more likely than a man to manage?

All of the answer options are correct.

How does colorism affect women in the United States?

All of the answer options are correct.

How does objectification harm women as individuals and also as a social group?

All of the answer options are correct.

In a "pronatalist" country, where most people perceive it is necessary for women to bear and raise children,

All of the answer options are correct.

The United States once had universal child care

All of the answer options are correct.

The decision to use a particular method of contraception is influenced by

All of the answer options are correct.

The diagnostic criteria used to define what is and is not abnormal

All of the answer options are correct.

The term "hate crime" refers to

All of the answer options are correct.

To help promote the participation of girls and women in STEM fields, it helps for girls and women to be

All of the answer options are correct.

Which hormone is correctly paired with its function in the menstrual cycle?

All of the answer options are correct.

Which of the following affects the tendency for many women to feel incompetent as new mothers?

All of the answer options are correct.

Which of the following associations with feminist therapy is now considered a best practice used by even nonfeminist therapists?

All of the answer options are correct.

Which of the following attitudes is consistent with the motherhood mandate, as described in the text?

All of the answer options are correct.

Which of the following behaviors is an example of coercive power?

All of the answer options are correct.

Which of the following groups of people can be important sources of information about sex and sexuality for young people?

All of the answer options are correct.

Which of the following is a barrier to psychotherapy for women in poverty who have depression?

All of the answer options are correct.

Which of the following is a benefit of online dating compared to traditional dating?

All of the answer options are correct.

Who is the social psychologist who inspired widespread social change for individuals with disabilities?

Beatrice Wright

Which of the following individuals seems to be experiencing identity-based bullying?

Brie, a lesbian teenager, is accused of being too ugly to attract a man.

Which is the LEAST accurate statement about gender differences in rumination?

Compared to men, women's greater risk for depression is mostly due to differences in rumination.

In a committee meeting on how to best serve Latinx students at their university, Dr. Gutierrez suggested a training she'd attended on best practices for recruiting, retaining, and graduating Latinx students. Fifteen minutes later, Dr. Patel shared he had reviewed websites of other universities who had large Latinx student populations and felt the website practices could be easily replicated. According to research, who would be viewed as more competent for deciding how to serve their Latinx students?

Dr. Patel because he is male

Which of the following is NOT an example of the problematic nature of the term "empowerment" as applied to the lives of girls and women?

Empowerment can be used to focus on large-scale change and examine accomplishments within and among diverse groups of women.

Which of the following people is exhibiting mindfulness?

Esther, who thinks to herself, "I didn't do what they wanted. I don't enjoy situations when I let people down," whenever she receives feedback at work.

Which of the following people would be most vulnerable to experiencing elder abuse?

Ethel, an 80-year-old woman who suffers from dementia and is confined to a wheelchair.

In which of the following scenarios is a person MOST likely to experience stereotype threat?

Eva is the first in her family to go to college, and right before her interview for a doctoral program, she is reminded that first-generation students tend to have a difficult time in graduate school.

Which woman is likely to report the MOST dissatisfaction with her own romantic relationship?

Quinn, who is a fan of melodramatic serialized TV shows

Which of the following accurately describes psychological research and bias?

The identities of both the researcher and the selected participants may contribute to bias.

All of the following factors contributed to the formation of the psychology of women in the mid-twentieth century EXCEPT

The lack of development of college courses taught by and textbooks written by feminist psychologists.

Which of the following is the MOST accurate description of the sexual strategies theory?

Women and men approach relationships differently because different approaches lead to successful reproductive outcomes for each.

What do the terms "categorical" and "dimensional" mean when used in research on differences?

Women are one way and men are another; differences between men and women are a matter of degree.

How is the principle of least interest related to gender and relationships?

Women are socialized to care about relationships and are expected by others to care about relationships, both of which reduce women's relational power.

Which of the following statements is MOST accurate?

Women may minimize rape or blame victims to feel less personally threatened by rape.

Which of the following was NOT a documented effect of educational efforts for college students that encourage bystander intervention?

Women were less likely to perpetrate violence.

Which of the following is one reason why women are not as successful as men when negotiating a starting salary?

Women who negotiate are seen as violating gender expectations associated with possessing caring and communal traits.

Which of the following is the MOST accurate description of research on selfies?

Women who post more selfies on social media show greater acceptance of the thin ideal.

Which of the following is a potential drawback of women having leadership roles?

Women working in leadership roles may create a false perception that gender equality has been achieved and thus gender discrimination is no longer an issue.

In the article, the waiter

a & b only

According to the article To Go Coed or Not?,

a and b only

According to the assigned article,

a and b only

Regarding spatial skills assessment, mental rotation test scores tend to show a male advantage with a large effect size of d = 0.70. However, it is also important to remember that

a d = 0.70 effect size also indicates approximately 72% overlap in scores between women and men.

Postpartum mood is often affected by hormonal changes after birth, which typically include

a decrease in progesterone and estrogen levels.

Trisha has been working at the same company for five years and has never gotten a raise in pay. She receives conflicting advice for how she should ask for an increase in her pay; some of her mentors say she should be direct and ask exactly for how much she wants, while others suggest she should ask nicely if there is room in the budget for a raise. She's worried that the first strategy may be perceived as entitled and aggressive, whereas the second strategy may be easily dismissed. This is an example of

a double bind.

Heteronormativity refers to the

assumption that all people are heterosexual (attracted to the opposite sex) and that sex characteristics are binary (either female or male).

Alice co-sleeps with her baby and feeds her baby whenever the baby seems hungry. She carries the baby in a sling, so that they are in constant physical contact, and she frequently plays videos to stimulate her baby's cognitive development. Alice seems to be engaged in

attachment parenting.

Additional factors that may contribute to the wage gap include the greater likelihood that aging women, more so than aging men,

attempt to reenter the workforce after caring for children, a divorce, or the death of a partner.

A two-word expression in which the word order is fixed, such as "pros and cons," is known as a(n)

binomial pair.

According to the American Psychological Association (APA), sex refers to ________ and gender refers to ___________.

biology and anatomy; attitudes and roles associated with biological sex

Darius has been romantically interested in both men and women, but he has no interest in engaging in sexual activities with women. He has consistently had male sexual partners and reports high levels of sexual attraction to men. Darius could best be described as _____ and _____.

biromantic; homosexual

Hormonal contraceptives include which of the following?

birth control pills

You want to encourage your younger cousin to use birth control, and she says that she wants to use a barrier method. Which option does NOT support her preference?

birth control pills

Spencer is a cisgender woman who has dated both cisgender men and cisgender women. Spencer typically does not experience attraction toward another person until they have known one another for some time and formed a strong emotional attachment to one another. Spencer's sexual orientation could be best described as

bisexual and demisexual.

Which of the following is an example of scapegoating?

blaming newly arrived immigrants for the U.S. economy

Transformational leadership skills consist of ______ traits.

both communal and agentic

Bisexual individuals may encounter binegativity from which of the following groups of individuals?

both heterosexual and gay/lesbian individuals

John and Jane attended the same college, though John studied finance and Jane studied psychology. They applied to the same organization when they graduated, with John being hired as a manager and Jane being hired as an assistant in the Human Resources department. John outranks Jane and makes significantly more money than she does. This is an example of ______ occupational gender segregation.

both horizontal and vertical

Parents of boomerang kids may experience

both positive (i.e., bonding with children) and negative outcomes (i.e., conflict between partners).

Sexual orientation may encompass

both sexual and romantic attraction.

Breastfeeding has been shown in research studies to benefit the physical health of

both the mother and the child.

After reading passive descriptions of rape (e.g., "She was raped") rather than active descriptions ("He raped her"), ________________ believed that violence against women was more acceptable.

both women and men

After exposure to sexually objectified images of female bodies, 11- to 16-year-old _________ tended to show stronger acceptance of sexual harassment.

boys and girls who were White

A benefit of using the term "differences" of sex development rather than "disorders" of sex development is that it

challenges the assumption of a sex/gender binary and may reduce stigma.

When Sojourner Truth declared, "Ain't I a woman?" she was

challenging the idea of the inherently fragile woman by pointing to the strength of Black women.

According to classic research, three years after TV was introduced to the Fiji Islands, Fijian girls had an increased desire for thinness and higher rates of disordered eating. These study results are MOST consistent with which of the following?

cultivation theory

Which of the following reflects our beliefs about what should happen and how people should act on a date?

dating scripts

Research demonstrates that women who deviate from traditional gender-typical behaviors are often referred to as animal-related terms (e.g., "bitch"). This is an example of

degrading language.

The mass release of people diagnosed with mental illness from psychiatric hospitals to the community was known as


Malia was recently awarded 1 million dollars from the National Institutes of Health to study pain at the molecular level. One stipulation of the grant is that she include equal numbers of women and men participants in her sample to test for variance among women and men. This is an example of the ____________ approach to research.


Barbara's wife Valerija recently passed away from natural causes. Barbara and Valerija never disclosed their relationship status to Valerija's family, so they assume that Barbara was only a friend of hers. Barbara is therefore unable to fully express her sadness when she interacts with Valerija's family. Barbara's situation can best be described by

disenfranchised grief.

Although all groups of women are objectified in the media, being a member of the __________ group means sexualized images carry ______________ weight because there are various other representations of that group.

dominant group; less

Dr. Jackson recently taught a course on the psychology of women where half the class was women who identified as feminists, and the other half comprised of male college athletes. She expected lively debates, but instead found both groups to be reserved throughout each class meeting; the women deferred to the men during discussions, while the men complimented the women on their expertise about gender. After interviewing the students, she learned that the women were worried about being seen as too feminist, whereas the men were worried they'd be perceived as sexist. The students' ____________ of the other group influenced their _______________ in the classroom, making discussions less authentic because they were all doing gender.

expectations; interactions

Research suggests that, compared to children raised by lesbian parents, children of heterosexual parents

experience more physical forms of discipline by their mothers.

If a transgender person is of a younger age, racial minority status, and lower socioeconomic status, this person has a greater risk of

experiencing a violent attack.

The difference between family caregiving and assisted caregiving in a health facility is that

family caregiving is provided by an unpaid friend or family member.

Which is NOT a common reason described in the text for deciding to have an abortion?

fear of childbirth

Which of the following factors increases the likelihood of in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatment success?

female factor infertility

Jamila conducts a meta-analysis to analyze results from hundreds of studies on gender and intelligence. She finds no significant gender differences and decides to discard this work, so that she can focus on research that does identify significant differences. Jamila's decision to not publish her work on nonsignificant findings is known as the _____ problem.

file drawer

Feminist researchers recommend asking ________ questions to take into account the __________ of gender research.

four; complexity

In terms of legal policies, Title IX dictates that discrimination based on ______ is illegal.


The Genderbread Person is one way to visually represent the

gender bundle.

If gender differences are universal, then

gender differences will be consistent regardless of race or socioeconomic status.

When an individual wishes to be recognized and treated as a different gender from the one based on their assigned sex at birth, that person may be diagnosed as having ___________, according to the DSM-5.

gender dysphoria

Jordan does not consider homosexuality to be a valid sexual orientation. Instead, he believes that anyone who self-identifies as gay or lesbian is simply going through a phase and that all individuals are exclusively attracted to people of the opposite sex. Jordan's thinking endorses which of the following?


Which of the following general belief systems are NOT directly linked to colorism?


Compulsory heterosexuality means that

heterosexuality is considered normal, natural, and a learned form of sexual preference or sexual orientation.

Center-based child care can be problematic to working parents due to

high financial costs.

When fathers do more domestic work, this can lead to which of the following outcomes for their daughters?

higher career aspirations

Solange and Brittany have just come out to their families. Solange's parents and siblings have all reacted positively, providing her with unconditional support and acceptance. Brittany's family has expressed disapproval and rejected her identity as a lesbian. Compared to Brittany, Solange is likely to experience _____ and _____.

higher self-esteem; lower levels of depression.

Which of the following refers to the unresolved grief that affects an individual or group in successive generations of those who have suffered significant trauma?

historical trauma

How researchers ask questions on sexual behavior matters, as demonstrated by the research findings that women and men may answer more ______________ if they think their answers are _____________.

honestly; monitored by a lie detector

If boys are encouraged to pursue careers that pay high salaries, they may be driven toward choosing STEM majors (i.e., architecture, engineering, finance), whereas if girls are encouraged to care for others, they may be driven toward choosing people-oriented majors (i.e., psychology, nursing, education). This is an example of ______ occupational gender segregation.


Although the Equal Pay Act attempted to address work related inequality, it does NOT address

horizontal occupational gender segregation.

Emma Watson's 2014 #heforshe campaign addressed underlying social issues around gender by asking men to consider which of the following?

how gender stereotypes are harmful for both men and women

Research on older, heterosexual married couples has indicated that

husbands report greater marital satisfaction than wives.

Research on interests shows that there are significant differences between women and men. However, researchers argue that gender-consistent preferences are more likely to be reported when sex/gender stereotypes are activated. An example of this would be asking adolescent girls and boys about their

ideal careers.

Research indicates that when children move out of the house, mothers may report positive outcomes such as

increased self-care and a greater sense of freedom.

Pat lives with his spouse and two children. Pat is responsible for the yard work, taking out the trash, and clearing out the gutters. Which term BEST describes Pat's contributions to the household?

intermittent labor

Homosexual individuals who wish they were heterosexual are likely experiencing which of the following?

internalized homophobia, internalized heterosexism, or internalized homonegativity

Brendan, a high school student, wishes that he had been born a girl and named Brenda. Brendan has not told this to anyone out of fear of rejection and wishes he "felt" more like a boy. Brendan's feelings are likely the result of which of the following?

internalized transphobia

The term _____ refers to the idea that no woman is just a woman. She also has a va-riety of other social identities and locations including, but not limited to, age, ethnicity, sexual orien-tation, ability status, class, etc. These identities are interconnected and cannot be looked at separately.


Davenport (2016) examined whether socioeconomic status, religion, and gender would determine how three biracial subgroups of women and men (Latinx-White, Asian-White, and Black-White) would define their racial identity. The results indicated that socioeconomic status and religion predicted whether participants identified as White or as a racial minority. Davenport concluded that how people racially identify may be affected by other social categories (e.g., class, religion, gender). This is an example of


Since being an ally requires one to be able to identify all forms of oppression, including within oneself, it can be inferred that an effective ally is required to engage in which of the following?


The rights of women to either have or not have children and to parent the children they do have in safe and healthy environments is

known as reproductive justice.

Among women pursuing degrees in higher education, more intelligent women showed _____ interest in a potential partner who ______.

less; has greater wealth and status

Women tend to report being __________ satisfied than men with partnered sexual encounters, which is largely due to whether the sex they have _________________.

less; meets their expectations for physical pleasure

When perpetrators of rape are intoxicated, they are blamed ________; when victims of rape are intoxicated, they are blamed __________

less; more

When perpetrators of rape are intoxicated, they are blamed ________; when victims of rape are intoxicated, they are blamed ___________.

less; more

In The Invisible Knapsack, the author

lists conditions or privileges that she enjoys as a white person that people of color may not share

According to the self-fulfilling prophecy, if parents have _____ expectations for how their daughters would perform in math courses, their daughters are likely to have _____ academic achievement in math.

low; low

Women tend to smile more than men. Women are also often told to smile when they seem sullen or angry. This indicates women's _______status and men's ___________status, with women feeling obligated to smile, and men feeling entitled to tell women to smile.

lower; higher

Marisol reads several women's magazines that feature advertisements with models promoting various beauty products. Marisol is at risk for body dissatisfaction and depression to the degree that she

makes social comparisons between herself and the models.

An ally interacts and engages with members of diverse communities. This is BEST described as

making an effort not to be isolated.

Research has demonstrated that biology students are more likely to nominate __________ students as the strongest students in class compared to ________________.

male; women

Self-silencing and repressed anger among Latinx girls and women are MOST closely related to


Toys that feature bold colors, action, and construction tend to be viewed as


Compared to women who are judged as not meeting societal standards for attractiveness, women who are judged as attractive

may be judged negatively for being either too attractive or too appearance-focused.

Women tend to score slightly better than men on _____ and _____ on tests of general intelligence.

memory; processing speed

Anais is celebrating her 21st birthday at the beach, where she and a large group of friends are playing volleyball and swimming. Who might be involved in objectifying Anais?

men, women, and Anais herself

Beth is interested in research findings on gender differences in intelligence. She is overwhelmed by the number of studies on the topic and decides it would be more useful to combine and analyze results from all of studies she reads. The best statistical technique for Beth to use would be


When instances of sexual harassment are reported in a workplace, a typical response from colleagues/coworkers is to

minimize the harassment.

Clea is 12 weeks pregnant when she begins to experience heavy vaginal bleeding. Clea is most likely experiencing


After women retire, they tend to experience

mixed outcomes, such as initial boredom or loss of worker identity, yet having more time for leisure.

Which of the following activities completed for pay is NOT considered sex work?


Girls rank the media and their peers as

more important than their parents as sources of information about sex.

Older lesbians are perceived similarly as men in the sense that younger individuals assume that both are

more masculine and independent.

Paid leave may benefit

mothers, children, business, and the economy.

Meta-analyses on gender difference research have generally found that reported effect sizes tend to be


Meta-analyses on gender difference research have generally found that reported effect sizes tend to be


Psychology of women is most accurately described as a subfield of psychology that focuses

on the lives of girls and women, with the inclusion of political and social movements.

The term launching phase refers to a period of time during which

one child or more has left home, but the younger children in the family continue to live at home.

Conferred dominance is when ______________, whereas legitimizing myths _______________.

one group is assumed to have more authority than another group; justify social hierarchy

Patricia has cerebral palsy, a type of physical disability. She is more likely to face degradation due to her economic and social realities, including poverty, lack of access to accessible housing, and a lack of opportunities in the workplace despite educational attainment. She is also more likely to be physically or sexually mistreated by a partner. This scenario is an example of


Menopause is the result of decreased hormone production in the ______, and it typically occurs around age ______.

ovaries; 50

Elyse is developing a fear of attacks; she unexpectedly has acute episodes of anxiety and is developing patterns of worry about having her next episode. Based on the available information, Elyse would most likely be diagnosed with

panic disorder.

The three parts of the tripartite model of social influence on body image are

parents, peers, and the media.

The gender bundle metaphor proposes that aspects of sex/gender are

part of the social context and understanding of gender.

The two main reasons that older women experience less sexual activity compared to younger women are

partner's health status and the lack of a partner.

Although she is not aware of this, Juanita is one month away from experiencing her last menstrual cycle. She is currently in the _____ stage.


Symptoms of bodily changes that include fluctuations in the length and regularity of the menstrual cycle, hot flashes, night sweats, and vaginal dryness correspond to the _____ stage.


Which of the following is NOT an example of a self-care strategy?

persisting in the face of challenges

Although researchers have difficulty agreeing on aspects of successful aging, variables that are typically studied include

physical health, emotional well-being, community engagement, and financial resources.

An ally shifts others' attention from their own voice (one that is easily heard) to marginalized voices (that have a harder time being heard). This is BEST described as

playing a supporting role.

Self-objectification may be both expected and beneficial while doing which of the following?

posing for a portrait

Paid leave generally leads to

positive health outcomes for newborns and mothers.

When she began to go through puberty, Ellie experienced unwanted sexual attention from a family member. Ellie began to have nightmares and avoid family gatherings. Based on the available information, Ellie would most likely be diagnosed with

post-traumatic stress disorder.

Erykah has not had a menstrual cycle in 18 months. She is currently in the _____ stage


Professor Nguyen begins her lecture with, "Because we can only understand gender in terms of the options that are socioculturally available, people in different cultures recognize and adopt different gender identities for themselves." The topic of this lecture is most likely

postmodern perspectives on gender.

Which of the following is the theoretical perspective that BEST explains why children are expected to identify within binary categories (i.e., girl or boy) even if these labels do not feel accurate in representing their internal experience?


Tanisha delivered her first baby vaginally two months ago. She's exhausted and overwhelmed—she won't let anyone else hold the baby, and she can't sleep at night because she checks that her baby is still breathing every twenty minutes. Which term seems to BEST describe Tanisha's current state?

postpartum anxiety

According to Judith Butler, opposing identity categories (e.g., men/women, heterosexual/gay, cis/trans) reflects differences in


Riley was born biologically male but identifies as female. Riley has not undergone hormone therapy or surgery, though she plans to have gender-confirming/affirming surgery to change her sex to reflect her gender identity. Based on this information, Riley would be considered


Imagine you are a university administrator who is trying to improve participation rates for women in STEM. You have heard that Harvey Mudd College has made significant strides in participation rates, so you review their policy changes. Based on Harvey Mudd's success, what are some programs you would want to implement?

promoting women to leadership positions

A _____ script is NOT a dating script as described in the text regarding lesbian relationships.


Darnell, born Shanice, recently told his family that he wants to live as a man, only be referred to as "Darnell," and use the pronouns he/him/his in reference to him. Darnell's parents and siblings now consistently call him Darnell, use his preferred pronouns, and refer to him as their son or brother. His family's behavior is an example of


Research from the American Medical Association (AMA) has indicated that which of the following may be a successful method of improving health seeking behaviors and health-care treatment for women of all ages?

recruiting more students of diverse backgrounds into health-care fields

Which of the following theories suggests that the person who brings more resources to the relationship gets to use those resources in order to avoid doing household labor?

relative resources theory

Studies that use ______ have found evidence that ______ toward older women occurred more frequently compared to rates for older men.

resumés; hiring biases in the workplace

Sex differentiation, the process of developing sex-specific characteristics, typically begins during the _____ week of pregnancy.


Compared to men, women tend to have _____ friendship networks and to feel _______ to their friends.

smaller; closer

According to ________, cultural beliefs about gender are not based on objective facts about inherent essential characteristics of gender; rather, these beliefs uphold particular social and economic systems and inequalities.

social construction theories

Social identity refers to _________________, whereas social stratification considers _____.

social group affiliation; social hierarchy

Medical procedures performed on intersex newborns are considered medical emergencies even though these procedures are purely cosmetic and carry more health risks than health benefits. The idea that these procedures need to be performed quickly or even at all illustrates which of the following?

social pressure and stigma associated with deviating from the sex/gender binary

The term "__________________" refers to the feeling of being cared for and assisted by others.

social support

Multigenerational homes are more common in the _____ region of the United States.


When women experience their bodies primarily as sexual objects that can provide of pleasure for partners, they are engaging in


Research focusing on stereotype embodiment theory, or the internalization of aging stereotypes, has suggested that this concept is related to

stereotype threat.

The phenomenon that describes women being relegated to lower status work positions with low pay and having more difficulty with career advancement is best known as the

sticky floor.

Hector, a transman, refuses to apply for an internship at Mountaintop Law Firm because the organization has a history of mistreating LGBTQ employees and interns. Hector's decision is the result of

stigma awareness.

The fact that Latinx and Black women are less likely than White women to receive treatment for infertility provides a clear example of

stratified reproduction.

Common reasons for divorce described in the text include all of the following EXCEPT

stress from infertility.

After Alexi was raped, police asked what she was wearing and why she was out alone. These questions reflect which of the following?

structural violence

Body ____________________ is a behavioral manifestation of self-objectification in which one views one's body from an observer's perspective, focusing on how it looks over what it can do.


As she led a meeting at work, Erika often checked in with new colleagues by asking, "Is it okay to move onto the next topic?" and for their approval about certain topics such as, "The luncheons we have on Fridays are an informal way to get to know each other and conduct business, right?" Some research demonstrates that women use these speech patterns to increase connection between themselves and others. Erica's speech pattern is an example of

tentative speech.

Cassie has had a biopsy after finding a lump in her breast. While waiting to find out whether she has breast cancer, she treats herself to new clothes, a haircut, and a manicure. Which psychological theory best explains her behavior?

terror management theory

5-alpha reductase deficiency is a condition in which

testosterone cannot convert to dihydrotestosterone.

The Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978 enforces

that pregnant women are treated equally to employees with a similar ability to work.

Feminist psychologist Rhoda Unger moved the discussion away from gender essentialism by making the distinction between sex and gender to demonstrate

that sexist socialization practices play a significant role in gender differences.

The following events are noteworthy features of which wave of feminism: The Seneca Falls Convention, the emphasis on women gaining the right to vote, and Sojourner Truth's "Ain't I a Woman?" address, which critiqued how Black women were not protected with basic human rights, including freedom from physical and emotional pain and abuse?

the first wave

It is contested as to whether this is a legitimate "wave" of feminism, but it is marked by the use of social media campaigns such as the Me Too movement, the Women's March on Washington, and the legalization of same-sex marriage by the Supreme Court decision United States v. Windsor. These events are noteworthy features of which wave of feminism?

the fourth wave

Which of the following is MOST likely to directly perpetuate the negative stereotype that women are poor leaders?

the glass cliff

Carolina's 18-year-old daughter Jane has recently moved out of the house to attend college. Although Carolina misses Jane very much, she also feels more relaxed now that she has fewer responsibilities such as preparing meals for Jane, helping her with her schoolwork, doing her laundry, and attending parent-teacher conferences. Carolina's experiences can best be characterized as

the role strain relief hypothesis.

Which of the following refers to the completion of household labor while also working outside the home?

the second shift

Cultural spillover theory refers to

the tendency for those in the military to perceive aggression as more acceptable in civilian life.

In a committee meeting on how to best serve Latinx students at their university, Dr. Gutierrez suggested a training she'd attended on best practices, but her colleagues failed to acknowledge her suggestion and kept brainstorming. Fifteen minutes later, Dr. Smith suggested the same workshop, which prompted the committee to agree to attend the workshop. Ignoring the female professor and believing the male professor is an example of which of the following?

the theory of communicator status

Bernice's husband recently died in an unexpected accident and Bernice has been engaging in riskier behavior since her loss. Bernice's behavior best fits the concept of

the widowhood effect.

Within a book, movie, or TV show, the Smurfette principle refers to whether

there is one token female character who exists only in reference to male characters.

Dr. Rodarte, a new engineering professor at Research University, is preparing for her first lab meeting that will include several doctoral students. How many male doctoral students can Dr. Rodarte expect in her lab compared to female doctoral students?

three times as many men as women

Why do feminist researchers recommend asking four questions about differences?

to account for intersecting identities, which may change a woman or man's experience

Why do people with high but unstable self-esteem engage in negative behaviors like bullying, sexual experimentation, or drug or alcohol use?

to protect their self-esteem

What is the intended effect of helping clients view personal problems as situated within larger structural systems?

to reduce self-blame

After undergoing ________________ surrogacy, the woman who carried and delivered the baby is most likely to be recognized by a court of law as a legitimate mother with parental rights.


Within the LGBTQ population, who is the most vulnerable to murder, hate crimes, police violence, discrimination, threats, and intimidation?

transgender women of color

Which of the following describes infantilization?

treating older adults as if they are children

Issues of work-family balance, such as wealthy women hiring immigrant women to care for their children, can ______ between different groups of women.

worsen inequality

Which of the following refers to things of value that, in an ideal world, should be provided to everyone, but aren't?

unearned entitlements

Privilege is a term that describes ___________, and an example of privilege is ___________.

unearned entitlements; conferred dominance

Terms like lawyer, doctor, or professor are assumed to be male and are an example of

unmarked words.

Judy, a team leader, always makes sure to mention the names of specific team members who make helpful suggestions to the CEO. By doing so, Judy is making sure that employees who might otherwise be overlooked are getting due credit for their ideas. Judy is doing which of the following?

using amplification to help her team members

In response to Hillary Clinton's presidential candidacy, some feminists felt that Clinton

was more focused on women's rights than on social justice generally.

Who is MOST likely to have positive attitudes about a woman who chooses not to have a child?

well-educated women

A historical reason for the wage gap is that salaries were determined at a time when employers assumed that women

were less likely to be the primary financial provider for a family.

Tamika, a college student attending an HBC (historically Black college), identifies her experiences of oppression as strongly correlated to both racism and gender; racism plays a dominant and intersecting role in her experiences of gender. Because of these factors, Tamika would probably identity most with which form of feminism?


Studies have shown that ______ are more likely to exhibit qualities of a transformational leader.


Gender essentialism is the belief that

women and men are fundamentally different because of unchanging factors related to biology and genetics.

After women and men in the military are exposed to combat trauma,

women are more likely than men to develop post-traumatic stress.

This chapter notes that the well-being of girls and women is still at risk in part because

women are often asked to do non-paid labor or menial tasks such as organizing meetings, serving as note-taker, and planning office parties unlike their male peers.

Statistics show that ______ are even more vulnerable to experiencing workplace harassment.

women of color and women who are immigrants

An economic disadvantage of aging women compared to aging men is that

women tend to have less money in savings and receive less in terms of Social Security and pension.

Women who internalize societal beauty norms are prone to compare themselves to

women that they know. images of women on social media Correct! All of the answer options are correct. the thin ideal as represented in the media.

The term sandwich generation refers to

women who care for both older relatives and their own younger children.

Which of the following groups of women has NOT been shown to be at elevated risk for sexual assault?

women who have been widowed

The "invisible war" refers to

women's risk for being sexually assaulted by a fellow soldier.

In terms of care work, ______ are more likely to cluster in these occupations ______.

women; even though they pay less

Activist shareholders are likely to provide unsolicited advice to ______ who are ______.

women; leaders

The maternal wall is a phenomenon that refers to ______ being judged more ______ than ______.

working mothers; harshly; working non-mothers

When a newborn has "ambiguous" genitalia, parents typically experience a shift from happiness to


When a newborn has "ambiguous" genitalia, parents typically experience a shift from happiness to


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