workbook 4

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carpal tunnel syndrome

35 secretary: what is one probable diagnosis

flexor digitorum superficialis and profundus, flexor carpi radialis, flexor pollicis longus

35 secretary: which flexor muscles pass under the flexor retinaculum

median and ulnar nerves

35 secretary: which nerves are being compressed

opponens pollicis, flexor pollicis brevis, abductor pollicis

35 secretary: which other two thumb muscles would be affected

flexion, abduction, opposition

35 secretary: which thumb motions would be compromise

lateral end of clavicle and acromion process of scapula

65 woman: what bony features make up the A-C joint

abduction of humerus

65 woman: what is the primary action of the impinging muscle

supraspinatus muscle

65 woman: what muscle is being impinged

subscapularis, teres major, coracobrachialis

65 woman: what other muscles must have also been strained, causing difficulty in fastening the blouse

acromion process of scapula

65 woman: what skeletal feature is it impinging on

Poland's syndrome

a condition in which a person is missing the pectoralis major muscle on one side and also has some skeletal abnormalities is known as

cause by inflammation of flexor retinaculum-decreasing size of carpal tunnel median nerve

a patient complains of carpel tunnel syndrome. explain the condition to the patient. what commonly causes the condition? which nerve is usually compressed?

results from repetitive use of the superficial muscles of the forearm common flexor tendon

a patient complains of golfers elbow. what causes this condition? which specific tendon is strained?

extensor carpi ulnaris

all of the following abduct the hand at the wrist except the

abduction of the arm

all of the following are actions of the pectoralis major muscle except:

rhomboideus minor

all of the following are rotator cuff muscles except the


all of the following muscle are adductors of the humerus except the

flexor pollicis longus

all of the following muscles flex the wrist except the

adductor pollicis

all of the following originate on the retinaculum except the

flexion of elbow

damage to the musculocutaneous nerve would limit __ of the arm at the elbow

levator scapularis upper trapezium rhomboideum major/minor

list the several muscles that work together to raise the scapula


movement to palms forward as in the anatomical position involves contraction of the __ muscle

serratus anterior

the __ abducts the scapula

supraspinatus infraspinatus

the __ and __ muscles are located on the dorsal surface of the scapula

abductor pollicis brevis

the __ assists in opposition of the thumb

levator scapulae

the __ elevates the scapula

pronator quadratus

the __ is located deep between the distal ends of the radius and ulna

pectoralis minor

the __ muscle arises from the third through fifth rib and inserts on the coracoid process of the scapula


the __ muscle depresses the clavicle and draws the shoulder forward and downward

triceps brachii

the __ muscle is the most important extensor of the forearm


the __ portion of the deltoid extends and laterally rotates the arm

teres minor

the __ rotates the arm laterally

thenar eminence

the abductor pollicis brevis, opponens pollicis, and adductor pollicis all make up the

extensor pollicis longus

the anatomical snuff box is formed from the extensor pollicis brevis and the


the deepest muscles of the hand are the


the flexor digiti minimi is innervated by the __ nerve


the flexors of the elbow include all but the


the group of four muscles that assist the extensor digitorum in extending the fingers are the


the large muscle inserting in the floor of the intertubercular groove of the humerus is the

latissimus dorsi

the large muscle that arises from the lumbodorsal fascia and extends, adducts, and medially rotates the arm is the

latissimus dorsi

the muscle important in bringing the arm down in a power stoke such as in hammering or rowing is the

abductor pollicis

the muscle that abducts the thumb is the

extensor digiti minimi

the muscle that extends the little finger is the

flexor carpi radialis

the muscle that flexes and abducts the hand at the wrist is the

flexor digitorum superficialis

the muscle that flexes the hand at the wrist and the middle digits of fingers 2 through 5 is the

flexor digitorum superficialis

the muscle that flexes the middle phalanx of digits 2 through 5 is the

flexor pollicis longus

the muscle that flexes the thumb is the

latissimus dorsi

the muscle that has been used as a cardiac assist muscle is the __ muscle

serratus anterior

the muscle that is important in pushing forward and punching is the

rhomboideus major

the muscle that originates on the spines of the vertebrae and inserts on the medial border of the scapula and that adducts, retracts, elevates, and rotates the scapula is the

opponens pollicis

the muscle that rotates the thumb into the opposition position is the

palmaris longus

the muscle that tenses the palmar fascia and flexes the hand at the wrist is the

levator scapulae

the muscle that works with the upper trapezius when shrugging the shoulder is the

palmaris brevis

the muscle that wrinkles the skin of the palm is the

upper trapezius and serratus anterior

the muscles that cause upward rotation of the scapular are the


the muscles that stabilizes the elbow during rapid flexion and extension such as in hammering is the


the only flexor of the elbow that inserts on the styloid process of the radius is the


the pectoralis major, coracobrachialis, latissimus dorsi, and teres major all work together to cause what type of movement of the glenohumeral joint

flexor digitorum profundus

the primary flexor of the distal phalanges of the fingers is the


the radial nerve often passes through the superficial and deep layers of what muscle


the rotator cuff muscle often implicated in frozen shoulder syndrome is the

teres major

the rotator cuff muscles do not include the

coracoid process of the scapula

the short head of the biceps brachii originates on the


the shoulder muscle that is one of the prime injection sites is the


the small muscle that depresses the clavicle and draws the shoulder forward and downward is the

pain pattern is similar for the two

the sternalis muscles are found in only 1 of 20 people. in those in whom it does occur, it sometimes causes a misdiagnosis of a myocardial infarction. why

long head

the supraglenoid tubercle of the scapula is the origin of the __ of the biceps brachii

pronation of the lower arm flexion of the wrist flexion of the digits

what are the three primary actions of the muscles that originate from the medial supracondylar ridge and medial epicondyle of the humerus


when rolling a bowling ball forward, the primary movement at the shoulder joint is


which of the following muscles does not extend the shoulder joint

pronator quadratus

which of the following muscles does not flex the wrist

rhomboideus major and trapezius

which of the following muscles helps stabilize the scapula preparatory to movement


which of the following muscles helps to flex the glenohumeral joint

triceps brachii

which of the following muscles inserts on the olecranon process of the ulna


which of the following muscles is innervated by the axillary nerve

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