Working in groups - Chapter 13 (T-F)

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A presentation's logistics refers to the strategic planning, arranging, and use of people, facilities, time, and materials relevant to your presentation. a. True b. False


A presentation's purpose answers the question "What do I want my listeners to know, think, believe, or do as a result of my presentation?" a. True b. False


A survey of college students about the ways in which their professors use PowerPoint found that many professors cram slides with text and then recite the text during class. a. True b. False


An effective presentation on how to fill out a social security application should use time arrangement as an organizational pattern. a. True b. False


An effective presentation that focuses on explaining why global warming increased significantly in the 20th century should use a causes and effects organizational pattern. a. True b. False


An effective presentation that informs an audience about ways to prevent children from being exposed to the dangers of online pornography should use a problem- solution organizational pattern. a. True b. False


As a back-up plan, you should always be prepared to make a presentation without your presentation aids. a. True b. False


As is the case with individual presentations, an effective team presentation should follow the 7 elements and guiding principles of presentation speaking. a. True b. False


Demographic traits include age, gender, race, ethnicity, religion, and marital status. a. True b. False


Do not use more than 2 different fonts on a single slide. a. True b. False


Extemporaneous speaking involves using an outline or a set of notes to guide you through your presentation. a. True b. False


Group presentations include those you give to group members in the group's meeting and those you give to a nongroup audience on behalf of your group. a. True b. False


If 1 of the main points in your presentation is not as strong as 2 others, place it in the middle position of your presentation outline. a. True b. False


If most of your listeners agree with you or are undecided, focus on introducing new information or summarizing important idea and arguments. a. True b. False


If most of your listeners disagree with you, make sure you have set realistic goals for your presentation. a. True b. False


If you are not a recognized expert on a subject, you should try to demonstrate that you are well-prepared to address the subject. a. True b. False


If, despite your best efforts, you don't get any questions in a question-and-answer session, be prepared with some of your own. a. True b. False


Impromptu speaking is a form of delivery in which a speaker does not have time to prepare or practice a presentation in advance. a. True b. False


In audioconferences, you must rely on your voice to communicate your meaning and emotions. a. True b. False


In general, avoid using a variety of background sound effects or music when supporting your presentation with computer-generated slides. a. True b. False


The key elements of presentation speaking are purpose, audience, credibility, logistics, content, organization, and performance. a. True b. False


The only kind of eye contact that successfully establishes the feeling of connection with audience members is a reasonably long, in-focus look at individual listeners. a. True b. False


The use of PowerPoint to create presentation slides has been criticized because it often dominates and trivializes content. a. True b. False


When answering questions in a question and-answer session, a speaker should be brief, honest, and specific. a. True b. False


When preparing computer slides, avoid type that is smaller than 24 points. a. True b. False


When trying to find common ground with listeners, find a belief or value that you share with those who disagree with you. a. True b. False


Your credibility as a speaker represents the extent to which listeners believe you and the things you say. a. True b. False


A presentation's purpose answers the question "What do I want my listeners to know, think, believe, or do as a result of my presentation?" a. True b. False


According to researchers, the 3 components of speaker credibility are likability, attractiveness, and immediacy. a. True b. False


An effective presentation that summarizes the arguments used by those who support and oppose the teaching of evolution in public schools should use a problem-solution organizational pattern. a. True b. False


Aristotle's concept of ethos has evolved into what we now call speaker content. a. True b. False


If most of your listeners disagree with you, focus on introducing new information and summarizing important ideas and arguments. a. True b. False


If you want to make sure that audience members participate in a question-and- answer session, begin each session with the following question: "Are there any questions?" a. True b. False


If your listeners agree with you or are undecided, the 2 best strategies to use are finding common ground and setting modest, realistic goals. a. True b. False


Paper handouts cannot show text, numbers, data, graphics, and images more effectively than slides can. a. True b. False


Reading from the script of your presentation ensures that your presentation will be accurate and well received by your audience. a. True b. False


Selecting appropriate content is the first and most important step in developing a successful presentation. a. True b. False


Team presentations save time, effort, and money for those preparing and making the presentation. a. True b. False


The 6-by-6 rule says you should not display more than 6 computer-generated slides in 6 minutes of speaking time. a. True b. False


The individual attributes of audience members include age, gender, ethnicity, religion, and marital status. a. True b. False


The most tolerable and useful all-purpose rate of presentation speaking is 180-250 words per minute. a. True b. False


The use of PowerPoint to create presentation slides has been criticized because it is less interesting than a live speaker. a. True b. False


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