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Antecedent conditions refer to the societal trends that enable servant leadership to be effective.


Research of which approach to authentic leadership was conducted using interviews of successful leaders?

George's practical model Luthans and Avolio's practical model Luthans and Avolio's theoretical model Walumbawa's positive psychology model A

A negative feature of authentic leadership is that ______.

It is a process that can be learned. The practical approach lacks substantial research support. It is appealing to people looking for good leaders. It provides ideas for how to develop as an authentic leader. B

Which of the following is a strength of servant leadership approach?

Research supports the identification of the seven leader behaviors. The follower focus implies servant leadership is not about leading. There is no consensus on a common definition of servant leadership. It frames leadership on the principles of followers first. D

Which of the following scholars argued that followers want to have an open, trusting relationship with their leaders, and will then give them greater loyalty and commitment?

Terry George Walumbwa et al. Luthans and Avolio B

Follower receptivity is an outcome of servant leadership.


There is a lack of agreement among researchers on what specific characteristics define servant leadership.


The fact that recent leadership literature has now focused more explicitly on followership than ever before is considered ______.

a weakness of followership studies a strength of followership studies a conflict with leadership studies a scholarly trend on the decline B

Liden's servant leadership model is "trait-like" in that ______.

leader behaviors are identified leader attributes are part of the antecedent conditions humility is a consistent servant leadership factor identifying leader traits is an outcome of servant leadership B

There are commonalities among the major followership typologies such that all of the following are general follower "types" except ______.

leader-follower submissive-compliant independent-assertive active-engaged A

Which theory is one of the newest areas of leadership research?

leader-member exchange transactional authentic behavioral C

Some of the main concepts of authentic leadership were identified earlier as a part of which approach?

leader-member exchange transformational path-goal adaptive B

In recent studies, servant leadership has been shown to increase all of the following except______.

organizational citizenship behavior intrinsic motivation willingness to help coworkers employee turnover D

The authentic leadership approach assumes that ______.

people can develop authenticity over a lifetime critical life events in childhood set a fixed capacity for authenticity only a fraction of people have the capability to be authentic leaders authentic leadership is too abstract to be measured A

Studying authentic leadership is timely and worthwhile when ______.

people prefer transactional leadership people are apprehensive and want trustworthy leadership people are energized and do not need involved leadership people prefer leaders to put them first B

According to the 10 characteristics of servant leadership, stewardship is ______.

clear and persistent communication that convinces others to change attempting to see the world from another's point of view referring to the leader's ability to see the future taking responsibility for the leadership role D

Individuals with deep interest in and who truly care about what they do and also care about helping others are using which characteristics of authentic leadership?

compassion and heart relationship and purpose heart and connectedness self-discipline and passion A

Rafi is on a website development team. She is the teammate who helps to maintain the status quo but will support an idea once she sees that others are supporting it. According to Kelley's followership typology, Rafi is a follower best described as ______.

conformist passive exemplary pragmatic D

Chaleff argues that followers ______.

serve leaders become leaders serve a common purpose along with leaders have a duty to follow the leader C

A theory of followership discussed in the textbook explicitly includes which of the following elements in the model?

situations, tasks, and relationships characteristics, behaviors, and outcomes skills, culture, and ethics context, interactions, and support B

Reversing the lens means ______.

studying followership by considering how followers impact leaders and organizations putting leaders in followership roles for a period of time to get perspective taking a sharper focus on how leaders impact the entirety of the organization removing leaders completely from the followership equation A

Author Susan Cain suggests organizations need to downplay the glorification of ______ skills and that the world needs more ______.

technical; visionaries social; introverts research; leaders leadership; followers D

Which definition of authentic leadership views leadership as something to be nurtured in a leader?

intrapersonal interpersonal developmental fundamental C

Asha is a regional vice president of a multinational beverage company. She is a servant leader, known for her ethical behaviors. Asha's ethical behavior was best exemplified when she ______.

was anonymously sent a competitor's recipe and immediately reported it to the competitor asked all of her employees to complete an online ethics training module held focus group sessions with each of her regional teams to hear concerns gave 2% of company profits to the various urban community foundations in her region A

There is no single accepted definition of authentic leadership, but it can be conceptualized in how many ways?

1 2 3 4 C

A recently proposed theory of followership includes followership characteristics, leader characteristics, followership and leadership behaviors, and followership outcomes.

1) True 2) False A

In the proposed theoretical model of followership by Uhl-Bein, follower traits are included.

1) True 2) False A

Moral reasoning is a factor that influences our capacity to make ethical decisions.

1) True 2) False A

Self-discipline is a dimension of authentic leadership in George's model.

1) True 2) False A

The followership approach is both descriptive and prescriptive in nature.

1) True 2) False A

Which researcher(s) identified the 10 characteristics of servant leaders?

Liden et al. Luthans and Avolio Riggio Spears D

From a relational-based perspective, the new followership literature encourages us to view leadership as ______.

a process where power differentials should be underscored a position that more followers should strive toward a co-constructed process wherein followers and leaders share equally the vantage point from which follower roles are determined C

Stating that authentic leadership provides broad guidelines for those who wish to become authentic leaders is ______.

an overgeneralization an inaccurate statement a weakness of authentic leadership a strength of authentic leadership D

Servant leadership ______.

directly impacts society indirectly impacts society has not been shown to impact society is not a useful theory of leadership B

The purpose of Liden et al.'s research on servant leadership was to ______.

discredit servant leadership as a theory clarify the altruistic nature of servant leadership provide a framework consistent with transformational leadership provide a framework for understanding servant leadership complexities D

Which of the following is not a servant leader behavior?

empowering behaving ethically geniality conceptualizing C

Authentic leadership focuses on ______.

followers first leadership outcomes leadership for change leadership that is genuine D

Kim leads a team of graduate students in food science who discover a new food ingredient that tastes like salt but contains no artificial ingredients. Kim gives credit for the discovery to her graduate students. She is displaying what servant leader behavior?

foresight emotional healing putting followers first empowering C

Chaleff studied the role of followers because he was impacted as a young person when ______.

he took on the role of leader to his younger sisters when his parents died his father was seriously injured in a workplace riot he was routinely bullied at school and left out of peer groups he learned about Hitler and the horrors of the World War II holocaust D

Greenleaf credits his early formulation of servant leadership to ______.

his years moving around from job to job a powerful religious experience a mythical story about a band of travelers time he spent incarcerated in jail C

Followership as an area of study is considered ______.

in its early stages fully developed unnecessary due to robust leadership models controversial A

Which of the following is the best synopsis of the leadership co-created process model?

leaders co-opt the work of followers and highlight it for themselves situations create the opportunities for leaders to emerge and then followers come along leader characteristics attract certain follower motivations which produce results following and leading behaviors interact to create leadership which produces outcomes D

According to servant leadership, followers will realize their full capabilities when ______.

leaders nurture them, help them with personal goals, and give them control leaders reward everyone fairly and ensure diversity across teams leader style is matched closely with each follower's motivational level followers initiate extra-role behaviors with leaders to enhance the relationship A

Studying followership helps to ______ our understanding of leadership.

negate complete reverse simplify B

In George's model of authentic leadership, the central component or as he called it "true north" is ______.

relationships the leader compassion consistency B

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