World Civilization Ch. 24

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How did Nietzsche glorify the irrational?

According to Nietzsche, Western bourgeois society was decadent and incapable of any real cultural creativity, primarily because of its excessive emphasis on the rational faculty at the expense of emotions, passions, and instincts. He believes that Christianity should shoulder much of the blame for Western civilizations enfeeblement (weakening). The "slave morality" of Christianity, he believed, had obliterated the human impulse for life and has crushed the human will. To renew Western society Nietzsche said one must recognize "God is Dead" That the Europeans had killed God so it was no longer possible to believe in some kind of cosmic order. With eliminating god and hence christian morality has liberated human beings and made it possible to create higher kind of being Nietzsche called the superman. Which Superior intellectuals must free themselves from the ordinary thinking of the masses, create their own values and lead the mass.

How was the British rule in India?

British ruled India directly. they brought order to a society that had been divided by civil wars and created a relatively honest and efficient government. they also brought western technology, railroads, banks, mines, medical knowledge, industry, hospital and schools. But because of the increasing population extreme poverty swept India and British rule was being abused and India sought complete independence.

What was the new imperialism?

Imperialism is the extension of a nation's power over other lands. and NEW imperialism began as the nations now sought nothing less than TOTAL CONTROL over other countries. It was mainly in European, the U.S, and the Empire of Japan. the book said " the revival of imperialism after 1880 in which European nations established colonies throughout much of Asia and Africa".

How did scientists such as Marie Curie, Max Planck, and Albert Einstein challenge the scientific view of the universe?

Marie Curie- Discovered that the element radium gave off rays of radiation that apparently came from within the atom itself. Atoms were not simply hard, material bodies but small worlds containing such subatomic particles as electrons and protons that behave in seemingly random and inexplicable fashion. Inquiry into the disintegrative process within atoms became a central theme of the new physics. Max Planck- A Berlin physicist. He rejected the belief that a heated body radiates energy in a steady stream but maintained instead that energy is radiated discontinuously, in irregular packets that he called "quanta". The quantum theory raised fundamental questions about the subatomic realm of the atom. In 1990s, the old view of atoms as the basic building blocks of the material world was being seriously questioned, and Newtonian physics was in trouble. Albert Einstein- Pushed the theory of thermodynamics into new terrain. In 1905 he published a book titled "Electro- Dynamics of Moving Bodies" that contained his special theory of relativity. According to the relativity theory, space and time are not absolute but relative to the observer, and both are interwoven into what Einstein called a four-dimensional space-time continuum.Einstein concluded that matter was nothing but another form of energy. Many scientist were unable to comprehend Einstein's ideas, but during a total eclipse of the sun in 1919, scientist were able to demonstrate that light was deflected in the gravitational field of sun, just as Einstein had predicted. This confirmed his general theory of relativity and opened the scientific and intellectual world to his ideas.

What was the "Scramble for Africa"? (Read also the excerpts on pages 746 and 750)

Scramble for Africa was the invasion, occupation, colonization and annexation of African territory by the European power during the period of New Imperialism.

What was the Triple Entente and what was the Triple Alliance?

The Triple ALLIANCE was an agreement in 1882 between [Germany, Austria, and Italy] to support each other if any of them was attacked by either France or Russia. The Triple ENTENTE was an agreement between Russia, Great Britain, and France in contrast to the triple alliance that stated that they were morally obligated to support each other.

What was the Zionist movement? Who was its leader? (Read the excerpt on page 740) Read also on page 741 the Alfred Dreyfus affair.

The Zionist movement was a movement that created and supported the Jewish national state in Palestine (The homeland of the Jews). A main thought was to the return back to the homeland. Its leader was Theodor Herzl.

How did the working-class movement in Britain transform liberalism?

The demands of the working class caused liberals to move away from their ideas. Liberals were forced to adopt significant social reforms due to the pressure of the two working class organization. (Trade Unions and the Labour Party)

What is Impressionism? Who was one of the founders of the Impressionism movement?

The impressionism was an art movement that originated in Paris. Its purpose was to reject the official and structural way of painting and the structure of the government. but instead the impressionist favored unfinished paintings and more of a free will painting that demonstrated the artist's impression. The main founders of Impressionism was Claude Monet, Edgar Degas, and Camille Pissarro.

Why did Maria Montessori and Clara Barton embody the concept of the "new women"?

The new women were the women who were becoming more prominent in the 20th century. they were women who rejected traditional feminine roles. Maria Montessori attended medical school at the University of Rome. Became the first Italian woman to receive a medical degree in 1896. And she began a lecture tour on the topic of "new women" Clara Barton transformed nursing into a profession during the American Civil war (women in white)

How did Emmeline Pankhurst and her daughters advance the cause of women's suffrage? (Read the excerpt on page 736) What was Suffragist fundamental aim?

Took a radical, public and publicized approach to the movement, employing different media and provocating public actions. Like pelting male politicians with eggs. The suffragist fundamental aim was to gain women's full Citizenship in the nation-state. (to gain the right to vote and equal treatment as men)

Describe the women's place in society in the 19th century Europe?

Women mainly worked at home. They took care of domestic jobs such as cleaning cooking, doing laundry shopping and etc.

How did the socialist parties react to Russia's industrialization?

- Negatively The social revolutionaries worked to overthrow the tsarist autocracy and establish peasant socialism, having no other outlet for their opposition to the regime. they advocated political terrorism and attempted to kill government officials and members of the ruling dynasty.

What is repression according to Freud's theory of psychoanalysis?

A process by which unsettling experiences were blotted from conscious awareness but still continued to influence behavior because they had become part of the unconscious.

What is the difference between Naturalism and Realism in literature? How are Emile Zola, Leo Tolstoy, and Fyodor Dostoevsky good examples of Naturalism?

Naturalism accepted the material world as real and felt that literature should be realistic. Although Naturalism was a continuation of realism, it lacked the underlying note of liberal optimism about people and society that had been prevalent in the 1850s. 1) Realism sought to be a faithful representation of life, while naturalism was more like a "chronicle of despair." In a way, naturalism proceeded from realism, and can be seen as an exaggerated form of realism; it shows humans as being determined by environment, heredity, and social conditions beyond their control, and thus rather helpless to escape their circumstances. 2) While in realism the main focus was on the middle class and its problems, naturalism often focused on poorly educated or lower-class characters, and on themes involving violence and taboo activities. 3) While in realism, faithful representation of reality including the details of nature is important, in Naturalism, nature itself is a force, generally a powerful, indifferent mechanism. Zola: showed how alcoholism and different environment affected people's lives Tolstoy: War in Peace, a lengthy novel played out against the historical background of Napoleon's invasion in Russia in 1812, it is realistic in its vivid descriptions of military life and character portrayal Dostoevsky: combined natives skill and acute psychological and moral observation with profound insight and to human nature

How did Ernest Renan question the accuracy of the Bible?

Presented a radically different picture of Jesus. He saw Jesus not as the son of God but as a human being whose value lay in the example he provided by his life and teaching.

What were some of the arguments to justified imperialism? What was the "white man's burden," and what does the concept reveal about European attitudes towards non-Europeans?

Some arguments was that emerging businesses demanded it. They claimed that it was their responsibility as the superior race to take over other countries. Some claimed that it was God's will. BOOK: "One of the justifications for European imperialism was the notion that superior white peoples had a moral obligation to raise ignorant native peoples to a higher level of civilization." The "White man's burden" was a poem written by Rudyard Kipling based on the idea that the U.S was the superior race and had to take over other countries in order to uplift civilize, Christianize other native people.The concept revealed that the Europeans thought that they were better and more superior than the non-Europeans.

Explain Social Darwinism according to Herbert Spencer.

Spencer argued that societies were organisms that evolved through time from a struggle with their environment as he explained in his book "Social". Spencer argues that societies were organisms that evolved through time from a struggle with their environment. Progress came from "the struggle for survival," as the "fit"- the strong- advanced while the weak declined.

What was the first occupation to be opened up for women?


What was the Balkans crisis of 1874-1978? What was the Congress of Berlin of 1878?

The Balkans Crisis of 1874-1978 was when Bosnia and Herzegovina rebelled against the Ottoman rule which lead to Serbia declaring war on the Ottoman Empire in 1876. along with Serbia, Russia also declared war on the Ottoman. The Congress of Berlin was a meeting between the major powers in Europe, at which they reconsidered and replaced the Treaty of San Stefano (which was signed by Russian and Turkey) with the TREATY OF BERLIN. The goal of the Congress of Berlin was to reduce the power of the Ottoman Empire.

What was the Balkans crisis of 1908-1913? (See box on page 757.)

The Balkans Crisis of 1908-13 was when the decline of the Ottoman Empire had turned the region into a tinderbox of ethnic and religious tensions. 1908- The Crisis started when Austria annexed Bosnia and Herzegovina, which upsets Serbia because they wanted to claim Bosnia as part of the Greater Serbia. 1912- The first Balkan war occur where The Balkan league which included Serbia, Bulgaria, Montenegro, and Greece defeated the Ottoman Empire (Turks). 1913- The second Balkan war occur when the countries in the Balkan league argued over power and turned against each other.

How was the Jews treated in many Europeans countries in the 19th century? How did the Austrian Empire and Germany treat the Jews? Describe the Russian's Jews persecution and pogroms?

The Jews were persecuted and murdered. they eventually they were emancipated in most countries but still faced restrictions. In the Austrian Empire the Jews took many steps forward to gaining freedom but were to prove their loyalty to Austria. they were excluded from many professions and in most cases was restricted from many things even though they gain many rights. Eventually they gained full citizen rights in 1867. In Germany the Jews were persecuted. The were put into ghettos and concentrations camps. This led to the Pogroms where many Jews were massacred.

What was the Meiji Restoration?

The Meiji Restoration was a political and social revolution in japan that adopted western methods. It came about due to the fall of Emperor Tokugawa Shogun and the power was restored new emperor that took the name " Meiji " (enlightened ruler)

What was the "open door" policy?

The Open Door Policy was a statement of principle initiated by the U.S for the protection of equal privileges among countries trading with China and in support of Chinese territorial and administrative integrity. The policy was to keep China open to trade with all countries on an equal basis and keeping any one nation from total control of the country.

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