World Geography Midterm

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According to a 2008 European Commission study, what percentage of the world's population is more than two days travel time from a city of 50000 people or more

10 percent

In 2014 scientist estimated that what percentage of the air pollution in Los Angeles, California actually originated in China

12 to 24 percent

All human life began in Africa and started to migrate out about how many years


Globalization of the world's people and places began about


The Mughal Empire was the last Muslim empire to rule in South Asia. The time period of Mughal rule was approximately

1526-1857 CE

British influence and later rule in South Asia started in the 1600's and ended in the ____ when Pakistan and India became independent


In the 1930's in southern Rhodesia now Zimbabwe more than 98 percent of the people were indigenous and they were appointed about what percent of the land


The greenhouse effect keeps earth at a livable temperature. About how many degrees Fahrenheit cooler would earth be without the greenhouse effect.


The drainage basins of the major South Asia rivers support about _____ of the regions people

700 million

There are over 1 billion Hindus in the world. About what percentage live in India


The three large monotheistic faiths of the world all began in this region. They are collectively called

Abrahamic faiths

Pakistan is a highly populated Islamic country in South Asia. One of the three major ethnic groups there are the Pashtun. They are also a major ethnic group in...


Following World War 2 many formerly colonized countries became independent sates. Where was the greatest concentration of these countries

Africa and Asia

Land alienation and societal marginalization was felt by many what during the first half of the 20th century


The influence of human behavior on earth since the Industrial Revolution in the late 1700's is so significant that it constitutes a new geographical era called the


What was the system of legal segregation of people by race, ethnicity, and ancestry used in South Africa until the early 1990's


In 2011 longtime leaders in the countries of Libya, Tunisia, and Egypt were toppled in what is called the

Arab Spring

Since the 1970's imports of_____have inhibited African agriculture

Asian rice

Ancient empires of Mesopotamia included Akkadian, Babylonia, Sumer, and


Which of the following was the focal point for global trade and exchange of cultural


Most developed countries are located in the Northern Hemisphere. Which of the following are notable exceptions?

Australia and New Zealand

The largest language family in Sub-Saharan Africa is the Niger-Korodofanian and includes the widespread what language of West and Southern Africa.


The division of Africa into many colonial spheres and states happened at the Conference in 1884-1885 in


The primary rivers system of South Asia are the Ganges, Indus, and


The sacred text called the Rig Vega is attributed to the Aryans. The elites of the Aryan people became priests of the Hindu caste called


The Arabian Peninsula, Egypt,Palestine, and Jordan, were controlled by the______ until the early mid-twentieth century


Monks and monastic life is an important part of the social hierarchy of which religion


Siddhartha Gautama, living in the sixth century BCE, is considered the founder of which religion


The hearths of two major world religions are found in South Asia. These are Hinduism and


Which Arab city has the largest population


Which of the following countries is found in the equatorial climate zone


The Big Five megafauna that drives much of the ecotourism trade include lions elephants leopards rhinos and

Cape buffalo

Which country has the highest Gross National Income in South America?


Which of the following is a good example of a country that moved from the periphery to the semi periphery as it increasingly engaged in manufacturing and became a major global exporter as exemplified by the heavy freight traffic in Hong Kong Harbor?


Why do some scholars think China will supersede the United States as the dominant world superpower

China has grown as a global epicenter of manufacturing

Classify the primary language family and ethnicity of southern India


The two major regions of European settlements in Sub-Saharan Africa are southern Africa and

East Africa

Which is not true about the first wave

Economies were focused on tourism

Which is not true about the second wave

Economies were focused on tourism

The Indus Valley Civilization flourished around the same time as those of the

Egyptians and Sumerians

The Indo-European language family includes Hindi, Punjabi, Gujarati, Bengali, and


What does the term scramble for Africa mean

European powers divided the second largest continent amoung themselves

The prevailing colonial power in North Africa until the 1950's and 1960's was the


The road to Indian Independence was led by Muslims, Hindus, and Sikhs, many of whom were educated in...

Great Britain

What is the term for the introduction of hybrid seeds new fertilizers and pesticides and in some cases mechanization

Green Revolution

In many studies researchers have found human contact with monkeys to be the source of


Which disease is not a vector transmitted disease


What is the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere?


During the time of the winter solstice a dry northeasterly winds known as what sweep over West Africa


To defy British power what did Mahatma Gandhi do in 1930's

He led a march to stop the British from controlling the sale of salt

What tool assesses life expectancy, literacy, years of schooling, and per capita GDP

Human Development Index

India has the third largest Muslim population in the world,following Pakistan and


Which of the following is not one of the three finical institutions with Bretton Wood.

International Reverse Bank

In the Saharan region of Africa including the Sub-Saharan states such as Niger Mali, Chad what is the most common religion


Palestine was partitioned by the United Nations in 1948 to create the state of


What is the ITCZ

It is a low pressure belt whose location migrates

Which of the following is not a criticism of weak sustainable development

It requires reconceptualizing development as a process that does not include increasing consumption

Which of the following is not true about the earthquakes that hit Haiti in 2010?

It would have been worse if the country had not enacted tough building codes in 1985

An observation member of which religion is a strict vegan and believes that all animals and plants have souls


Globalization included colonial empires such as Ottoman in Southwest Asia, the French in the Maghreb, and the...


The city of Jerusalem is a sacred space and holy city for

Jews, Christians, Muslims,

Although Arabic diffused with Islam several other languages remain important in SW Asia and North Africa. These include Hebrew, Berber, Farsi, Turkish and


Oil production has been critical to the economic development of many previously poor countries. The first country to establish a sovereign wealth fund for the economic security of its people is


The 45 degree line of the blank curve represents perfect equality where equal portions of the population control equal amounts of income


Which of the following pairs are two of the wealthiest countries in the world that are also landlocked

Luxembourg and Switzerland

What was the original area for the domestication of corn tomatoes and the turkey


The earliest cities in Southwest Asia and North Africa began about 4000 BCE in


The Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem is a sacred space for


The Himalaya and the Karakoram mountain ranges are located primarily in

Nepal, India, Pakistan

The major rivers responsible for much of the life and agriculture in Southwest Asia and North Africa are the Euphrates and

Nile and Tigris

Most African countries became independent from colonial rule by 1960 and in 1964 formed the

Organization for African Unity

OPEC was created in 1965 and changed the political and economic development of many countries. OPEC stands for

Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries

Hundreds of Muslim rulers remained in the princely states during the British Raj. During the 1930's and 1940's they lobbied and negotiated the creation of


What basis allows comparisons between countries regardless of population size.

Per capita

The vast majority of petroleum resources begin exported from Southwest Asia and North Africa come from the countries bordering the

Persian Gulf

Outsourcing has changed significantly since the original model. Since 2011 which country has surpassed India with over 350,000 call centers


What are the underground conduits for water collection from in ancient Iran called


Densely populated zones of Africa include the Nile River, Coastal West, southern Africa and

Rift Valley lake district

The leading crude oil exporter in Southwest Asia and North Africa is the kingdom of

Saudi Arabia

Wahhabism is a fundamentals sect of Islam that exhorts piety, rejection of non Muslim beliefs, and segregation of men and women in public spaces. This set dominates

Saudi Arabia

About 15 percent of all Muslims believe that a descendant of the prophet Muhammad should lead the faithful. This branch of Islam is the


Which religion is located primarily in the Punjab region and denounces the caste system by affirming that all people are equal


The Punjab region is divided between Pakistan and India by the border drawn by the British. The Punjab cities of Lahore and Amritsar are here and populated primarily by


Since the end of WW2 Sir Lanka has fought one of the bloodiest civil wars in the world. On one side is the Tamil ethnic group and on the other side is the


Regulated to Arabic in North Africa and the Middle East are some of the main languages spoken in much of Ethiopia and


The first wave of colonialism was

Spain and Portugal

Political scientists outlined four hegemons between to 1500 to 2000. What is the correct order

Spain-1500 Netherlands-1600 Great Britain-1700,1800 United States-1900

Which is not true about strong globalization

States play a significant role in world trade

Some of the first self-sufficient states were located in


What development meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs


What is the result of the UN security Council being dominated by only five countries

The Security Council's decisions are some of the most politicized

Which of the following is the most remote place in the world

The Tibetan Plateau

Why are the names Southwest Asia and North Africa more accurate than Middle East

The center of the continent is the reference point

What was the reason behind the General Agreement on Trade

There was a belief that trade restrictions had led to the Great Depression

Why were STPI's started in India in the 1990's

They provided economic incentives to grow India's role in the global economy

By the 1200's CE more than 25000 students attended a university where. It is located at the southern end of the Saharan caravan routes on the Niger River.


Sub tropical high pressure cells are located near the

Tropic of Cancer

The world climate regions as classified and defined by who and modified by Alan Arbogast may be used to denote regions.

Waldimir Koppen

The creation of a national homeland for the Jewish people in Palestine was encouraged by Great Britain and the


Approximately how many landlocked countries are in the world

above 40

Tensions among communities in Africa can especially revolve around____ a park

access to

As a country or area develops the nature of the economy changes or progresses through a series of stages. what is the correct order?

agriculture, industrial, and service

In India the strong cultural preference for sons over daughters is prevalent among...

all societies

Which is not part of the secondary activities?

assembly line working

Geographers often describe the nature of economies in terms of primary, secondary, and tertiary economics activities,. Which of the following is not part of primary activities?

automotive manufacturing

Which of the following is the negative impact on a region from economic growth in another region


The earlier name for a portion of modern day Iraq is Mesopotamia which means

between the rivers

Temperature and rainfall are two of the major factors determining a


Most fair trade goods are produced in Latin America especially Mexico, but certified fair trade production is expanding rapidly in

both Africa and Asia

The divide between the Global North and the Global South is a what categorization between wealthy and poorer countries

both socioeconomic and political

What is the cheapest method to transport heavy goods and materials

by sea

What is the sub-discipline of geography concerned with the construction of maps


Which of the following could a physical geographer study

climate and landforms

What is the leading fair trade product


One way geographers have thought about scale from the individual at the center out to the global scale

concentric {like a bulls-eye}

The formal economy is based on goods and services and are...

counted and taxed by governments

The terraced rice fields of Ifugao Province in the Philippines is an example of...

cultural landscape

The visible imprint of people on the surface of the earth is seen in the

cultural landscape

The world's largest delta is found in Bangladesh. Flooding regularly occurs here because of


Varanasi, India, is the city associated with what Hindu tradition


Although people in remote locations have gained connection through Internet access and mobile phone usage there is a notable gap between the average bandwidth and accessibility creating what is referred to as the

digital divide

More than any other world region, Southwest Asia and North Africa are noted for


Which of the following refers to situations in which areas are in relationship with one another and one area is developing at the expense of the other


When were many national parks hunting reserves and forest preserves created in Africa

during colonial times

A policy promoting growth of gross national happiness rather than_____ growth is sanctioned by the monarchy of Bhutan


Other than the ITCZ another important factor affecting climate in Sub-Saharan Africa is


Which is not true about weak globalization

emerged since the 1970's

Transportation networks may be intentionally designed to

enhance connectivity for some communities while marginalizing others

The physical context of the earth refers to...


Geographers went through their own period where they used environmental differences to explain everything from intelligence to wealth. What is this called.

environmental determinism

What does the world bank require for World Bank sponsored projects

environmental impact statements

The map of world regions demonstrates the role of_______diffusion of ideas


Christianity spreading from one person to another as one taught the next the tenths of the faith is an example of

expansion diffusion

The simple spread of a concept or an idea from one person to the next in close proximity to one another is called

expansion diffusion

Land locked countries face particular exporting problems because both time and money are required to cross country borders making transportation


The purpose of colonial railway lines was primarily to

export resources

While wealthier economies may appear to be cleaner much of this gain may be the result of______ dirty industries to other countries


Gendered eating practices in rural Bangladesh and India means that a mother first feeds her


Bangladesh was formerly called East Pakistan, and today many NGO's operate here to alleviate poverty. Which of the following is a major problem for for Bangladeshis


Which is not part of the tertiary activities?


A climate region of the world is a

formal region

What is an area of land distinguished by either cultural or physical traits or criteria?

formal region

Because the British colonial administration sought to extract wealth from local populations and increased the need for cash crops to pay taxes they caused at least

four major famines

A public school district in the United States is a

functional region

Improvements in country's natural resource base often what development


Atlantic slave trade in Africa and spice trade in Asia had a

global reach

Which of the following describes the process of heightening interactions, increasing, interdependence, and deepening relations across country boundaries


The process of a company adapting its product to meet the demands of local culture is known as


Several components in the atmosphere are responsible for the greenhouse effect including water vapor, methane, ozone, nitrous oxides, carbon dioxide, and other trace gases. They are known as

greenhouse gases

The________ per capita is the most widely accepted way of measuring wealth by countries in the world today because the statistic tries to account for the flow of wealth in our globalized world.

gross national income

An area where an important idea starts and spreads outward such as wheat domestication is known as a


The origin or place that a new good or service is initially produced is referred to as the


The spread of Christianity from its hearth in Jerusalem to people and lands along the northern Mediterranean Sea is a good example of

hierarchical diffusion

Hutments and other slum settlements in South Asia are an example of...

high density housing

We can see places that were tied together and places that were not by studying

historical spatial interaction

Which of the following describes a type of transportation network where a few large central nodes are connected to smaller points

hub and spoke system

Research in new regional geography see regions as

human constructs

A study of migrant workers from Indonesia going to Saudi Arabia is a study of...

human geography

The two major fields of study within geography are physical geography and...

human geography

Pastoralism is largely defined by animal


Which of the following is a term often used by geographers to describe the dominance of one state on the global stage

imperialist state

In general Americans change their behavior by increasing their use of public transportation and purchasing more fuel-efficient vehicles

in response to a significant increase in gasoline prices

The green revolution in South Asia and elsewhere refers to

increased crop yields

What fueled the second wave of colonialism


Suburbs, large roads, limited sidewalks, and a near lack of public transportation characterize the United States. These aspects are largely the result of

inexpensive oil prices

Most street vendors, local craftsman, farmers market and roadside stalls are all part of the

informal economy

Pressure systems wind patterns and precipitation in the tropics are heavily impacted by


Throughout the entire year tropical regions around the equator receive mainly direct


What is the significance of the Brundtland Commission Report in 1987

it defined and popularized sustainable development

Environmental narratives are told to

justify conservation and development projects

A corrupt government in the form of embezzlement or theft from the state is termed a...


Functional zonation refers to

land use districts

Countries such as Mali,Burkina Faso, Chad, and Niger have economic challenges not only because of climate but also because they are all


Th effects of global climate change will be distributed unevenly across the planet. Which of the following is not a factor contributing to the vulnerability of a group of people

level of education

A number of social scientist suggest that we should measure more than wealth in our assessment of development. What else should we access

literacy, life expectancy, infant mortality

geographers recognize the power of the content of national policies or the behavior of multinational companies to influence events and a wide range of global issues. What are the influencers called

local actors

One method of finding absolute location on a map is by

longitude and latitude

Winds flow from high pressure to

low pressure

The ITCZ is a

low pressure belt

The failure of public schools in Pakistan has led to the creation of many more...


Identify the correct trade flow

manufactured good, slaves, and commodities

Geographers Oppong and Kalipeni look to colonial labor structures as having a strong role in the rapid spread of HIV/AIDS. This is the what thesis

migrant labor thesis

What does MAUP stand or

modifiable areal unit problem

______ identifies the structure, layout, and infrastructure of a city


Which was not a driving force behind Bretton Woods conference

national defense

An important part of colonialism was dependency. This was accomplished in many ways and usually included creating a

need for money

The primary purpose for the colonialism was

need for resources and tributes

The World Bank and its credit management is an example of


When a monsoon occurs in the summer it is because of the

northerly location of a low pressure belt

What is the most important cash crop export in Mediterranean agriculture especially in Tunisia

olive oil

Besides being problematic in its own right, top-down development often experienced a lack of______that inhabited the longer term sustainability of programs because local people had little interest in maintaining projects they did not initiate or request


Where climate impacts agriculture with too little rain such as the Sahel and other dry savanna biomes people mainly practice


A region that people may imagine to exist such as Dixie is a

perceptual region

Interpreting the impact of tectonic activity on the landforms of East Africa would probably be the work of a

physical geographer

The uniqueness of a location and its shaping refers to...


Ideas and goods diffuse from the hearth first to

places most connected to the hearth

South Asia is called the subcontinent because of

plate tectonics

What is the choropleth map used to show

population density

Modern colonialism began in 15 century Europe. It was different from the Roman or any preceding empire because the focus in this modern era was to gain


Using physical geography to define world regions a geographer may use


A monsoon is similar to

predictable rainfall

A major obstacle that developing countries often face is the problem of being stuck as a producer of raw materials, or stuck in an economy dominated by the______sector


Which of the following is not one of the most common measurements of wealth?

purchasing power

A transportation network that favors movement to and from a central point or location such as a capital city to a residential area is known as what type of network


The difference between the Sahara a true desert and the semi-arid Sahel region to its south is


There are two basic types of maps, thematic maps and______ maps


Understanding the context behind the transmission of AIDS in Africa, Asia, Europe, and North America is using a

regional approach

The study of oxisols in the tropics is an example of research and understanding in

regional geography

Development ideas that emphasize structure or the global framework under which countries operate say that the blank between countries are as or more important than internal policies for determining the future development of a country


Collecting data for research or mapping by using instruments that are far from the area of study is called

remote sensing

The Serengeti in Tanzania and Kenya is a well-known example of which biome


Which of the following is characterized by vast grasslands and isolated trees


Multiple regions exist within a large area such as Africa. This is an example of the importance of


The Indus River system is located mostly in which climate zone


Local factors have a significant influence on a place two geographic terms that describe these local factors are

site and situation

Corn, yams, cassava, and bananas are common crops in areas of which type of agriculture

slash and burn

Between 1914 and the end of World War 2 the Jewish population of Palestine grew from 60,000 to

slightly more than 500,000

Rainfall and ______ are the main sources of South Asia's rivers


The distinctive caste system of India divides people in a

social hierarchy

Flooding of the Nile was critical to Egyptian agriculture because of

soil fertilization

Sub Saharan Africa includes all of the countries

south of the Sahara

What is the most seriously HIV/AIDS region

southern Africa

Geography is the study of people, place, environment, and...


What do abstract connections and constructs of time, distance, and relations refer to...


What is the degree of contact between people and places

spatial interaction

The physical boundaries of Southwest Asia and North Africa have contributed to all but which of the following

stable democratic governments

The place on earth receiving the direct rays of the sun is the

sub polar point

The place on earth receiving the direct rays of the sun is the

sub-polar point

Around 10,000 BCE crop agriculture first started in

the Fertile Crescent

As a percentage of GNI which of the following countries contributes the most total dollar in foreign aid

the United States

Since 1967 the Palestinian lands of Gaza and ____have been occupied and controlled by Israel although some level of autonomy to Palestine was granted in 2005

the West Bank

What aspect of climate change most concerns scientist connected with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

the extent to which human activity causes it

Nationalization of resources such as copper in Zambia means that_________now controls and owns it

the government

Permanent cultivation of corn, potatoes, and greens is especially common in high population density areas of

the highlands of Uganda, Kenya, Rwanda

We often perceive regions to exist even though we have never been to them. A strong example of regional perception in the United States is

the south

Who wanted to maintain international peace and security

the united nations

Relative locations of places are shown on what type of map


what means considering and understanding the context of what is going on in the world

thinking geographically

Understanding World Regional Geography is designed to highlight 24...

threshold concepts

Which of the following describes the process that accelerates the experience of time and reduces the significance of distance in information technology networks

time space compression

Which of the following is not one of the leading fair trade products


The emphasis on participation in participatory development came about in reaction to a history of________development projects that left local people with little to no sense of ownership of the project undertaken by outsiders in their communities


A name of a place or place name is referred to as a


Which of these is not a classic element of an Islam city

town hall or public house

In addition to the Sahara Africa has about 5 million square miles of

tropical savanna

A monsoon in South Asia occurs

twice a year

In 1945 following the world wars this organization had 51 members countries in 2015 membership has grown to 193

united nations

The relative importance of cities over smaller towns and rural areas is referred to as

urban hierarchies

By importing grain rather than growing it what else are countries importing

virtual water

At the time of independence for India and Pakistan, what happened in the state of Kashmir


When air descends at the sub tropical high pressure cells the air


The perception of a place refers to a way people construct their ideas about

what a place is like

Microcredit lending programs in Bangladesh and other countries focuses on loans to...


Unlike other regions of the world the majority of people in Subsaharan Africa living with HIV are


Which of the following offers a geography for dependency theory by depicting the world in terms of the core, semi-periphery, and periphery.

world systems theory

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