World History 4.2-Social Impact of Industrialization

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Groups of textile workers who felt machines were costing them their jobs. They broke into factories and smashed machines and set fires.


In Manchester it was referred to as a cloud of coal vapor, as a pounding noise of steam engines, and as a filthy stench of the river.

Sense of Community

In rural villages, people had strong ties to the community. In Industrial cities, people felt bewildered and lost. The Industrial Revolution helped create both a new middle class and a new urban working class.

Communism: proletariat and bourgeoisie

Karl and Friedrich wrote "The Communism Manifesto". Communism would bring a classless society in which the means of production would be owned in common for the good of all. The Proletariats are the working class poor or the "have not's" in society. The bourgeoisie are the industrial middle class or the "have's" in society.

Karl Marx/Friedrich Engels

Karl was a German philosopher. He came up with the theory of Scientific Socialism. He was forced out of Prussia then left Paris and settled in London. Friedrich wrote "The Condition of Working Class in England". He collaborated with Karl Marx.

Thomas Malthus

-Anglican Clergyman -"Essay on the Principle of Population" -Population increasing faster than food supply -Poverty, famine, and misery are unavoidable -Only checks on population growth were war, disease, and famine -Families should have fewer children -Discouraged charitable handouts and vaccinations

David Ricardo

-He said that rapid population growth leads to: Competition for jobs, lower wages, and unemployment. -"Iron Law of Wages," he wrote. -Wage increases were futile. -When wages are high families often have more children instead of raising their standard of living.

utilitarianism: Jeremy Bentham

-Jeremy Bentham, a British philosopher, said that society should work for "the greatest happiness for the greatest number", also known as utilitarianism. -Laws should be judged by their usefulness.

Adam Smith: Free market and capitalism

-Scottish economist -"Wealth of Nations" -Free Enterprise -Capitalism-Private ownership of business -Competition-better quality goods and price -Efficiency-how well something is made -Known as the grandfather of economics

socialism: means of production

-The belief that the means of production should be owned and controlled by society. -Directly. -The Government should run everything.


Multistory buildings tiny 2 tiny room apartments with no running water. There was no running water, no sewage system, and no sanitation system.

labor unions

Organizations of workers who bargained for better pay and working conditions. Workers organizations. Organized by trade. Workers Reforms. Collective bargaining.


A Religious movement influenced by the Industrial Revolution. John Wesley was a founder. He had a personal need for faith, and he had a somber, moral lifestyle that equaled improvement. Promised forgiveness of sins and a better life to come. Sunday school for workers. Helped channel workers anger away from revolutionary reform. The heart of the new industrial city was the factory. There, the technology of the machine age imposed a harsh and dangerous way of life on the workers. the miners who supplied the coal and iron for the industrial Age faced equally unsafe working conditions.

Laissez faire

A policy allowing business to operate without government interferance. "Let them alone"

Social democracy: strict Marxists and social democrats

A political ideology in which there is a gradual transition from capitalism to socialism instead of a sudden violent overthrow of the system. The strict Marxists believed in revolution to end capitalism. The social democrats believed in the possibility of peaceful reform.

Children (factory and mines)

Factory Started working at the age of 7 or 8. Sometimes as young as 5. Changed spools-small hands. They crawled under machinery to fix broken threads. Mines Worse than factories. They sat in darkness, opening/closing air vents. They hauled coal carts.

"factory acts" 1830s/1840s

Regulated child employment in factories. Prohibited women and children from working in underground mines. Established a 10 hour work day in textile mills for women and children under 18. The early Industrial age brought great hardships and much misery- the conditions in the first factories and mines were generally terrible. Despite the negative aspects of industrialization, the new industrial world eventually brought many advantages.

Nations that embraced Marxists ideals (3)

Russia, China, and Cuba

utopianism: Robert Owen

The belief that work was shared by all and property was owned in common. No difference between rich and poor. Everyone lived in cooperation with each other. Based on Thomas Moore's book "Utopia". Robert Owen was a wealthy Welsh manufacturer. He said that competition caused society's problems. Cooperation would improve life. New Lanark was a Scottish Mill Town. It became a model industrial community.

Positive effects: Standard of Living, Job opportunities, Social Mobility, and political influence

The demand for mass-produced goods grew. More factories opened/created more jobs. Wages rose. Cost od railroad travel fell. Horizons widened. Opportunities increased.


The movement of people from the countryside to cities. Rural to Urban. Between 1850 and 1900 the population of London increased from 2.5 million to 6.5 million people. The Industrial Revolution resulted in a rapid growth of cities. Almost overnight, small towns around mines and factories mushroomed into cities. The ever-Increasing demand for workers caused masses of people to migrate from farms to cities.

Industrial Middle Class/bourgeoisie

The new middle class who owned and operated the factories, mines, and railroads. They lived in well-furnished homes on paved streets. They wore fancy clothing and ate well. They took pride in hard work to get ahead. The women stayed home to raise their children. They had money.

Industrial working class

They were the new working class poor. They lived in filthy, foul-smelling slums. They struggled to survive.

Working Conditions (factories)

Worked 12 to 16 hours a day. Worked 6 days a week. Exhausted. Bad air. sick workers lost their jobs. No safety devices.

Working Conditions (mines)

Worse than factories. Darkness. Coal Dust. Explosions. Move heavy loads.

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