World History

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I can define humanism and individualism and describe their relevance to the Renaissance.

Humanism is the belief that humans can also be divine beings, not just religious people. Individualism is when you are independent and self reliant. Humanism was created in the Renaissance and was a popular outlook, and also more people were independent and individualism was introduced during the renaissance.


Humanism is the thought in which human interests, values and dignity predominate. Francesco Petrarca was commonly agonized as Petrarch and he was believed to be one of the first humanists and the "Founder of Humanism". Humanism was definitely a big part of the renaissance.

printing press

A printing press is a machine for printing text or pictures from type or plates. The printing press was significant because it helped people print books, literature, etc.


A vernacular is the native dialect or native language of a specific population especially as distinguished from a literary, national or standard variety of the language. With the rise of the vernacular languages during the renaissance, translating to and from latin had great importance.

I can identify, describe, and apply the artistic changes of the Italian and Northern Renaissance movements.

Art was a large part of the renaissance and there were many different types of art. Different perspectives were introduced into art as well as many other styles. Also, paintings were not as religious. Northern renaissance movements were smaller, less religious and were usually paintings of normal people.

I can explain why Florence, Italy was the birthplace of the Renaissance.

Florence was the birthplace of the Renaissance because there was a lot of wealth, separate city-state governments and there were a lot of people willing to buy art/ support artists. Very secular and urbanized. Trade routes went through florence.

Italian city-states

Italian city states were small independent states mostly in the central and northern italian peninsula( places where trade grew). The Italian city states prospered from a flourishing trade that had expanded in the Middle ages.

I can identify and describe the background causes and the motivations for the exploration of the world by Europeans.

Motives for the exploration of the world are wealth, fame and territory. The europeans, spanish and the english all had different motives, but all wanted to find the northwest passage, which they believed was a direct route to orient(the home of wealth silk,spices)

Niccolo Machiavelli

Niccolò Machiavelli loved political power, and his book is one of the most influential works on political power in the western world. Niccolo was not famous for art or being a religious leader, he was most famous for his book "The Prince". He also wrote other short stories, histories, and even plays.

I can assess the impact of the spread of Protestantism and the resulting Counter Reformation.

Protestantism is the faith, practice, and church order of the Protestant churches. Europe became increasingly split between the catholics and this new branch of christianity- Protestantism. The Counter-Reformation, also called the Catholic Reformation or the Catholic Revival, was the period of Catholic resurgence initiated in response to the Protestant Reformation, beginning with the Council of Trent.

I can define secularism and explain its historical significance during the Renaissance.

Secularism is the principle of separation of the state from religious institutions. (also means non religious). Secularism was part of the renaissance because it exhibited itself in the development of humanism, when people began to show more interest in human cultural achievements and the possibilities of their fulfillment in this world.

I can describe why the Protestant Reformation was both a religious and political revolution.

The Roman Catholic church was a very large part of the Protestant Reformation and religion played a very large role. The massive turmoil that the Reformation caused had a lasting impact on European politics. Soon after the Catholic Church deemed Martin Luther a "protestant," Europe became divided along confessional, as well as territorial, lines. The religious turmoil of the period led to warfare within most states and between many.

I can describe and analyze the ways in which European exploration connected the world economically and culturally.

The european exploration connected the world through trade. Also, religion was spread throughout the world, which spread culture.

Greco-Roman culture

The habit or principle of being independent and self reliant. A new view of human beings emerged as people in the Italian Renaissance began to emphasize individual ability. A high regard for human worth and a realization of what individuals could achieve created a new social ideal.

I can identify and describe how politics of the Renaissance differed from those of the Medieval era, including the application of Machiavellian principles.

The machiavellian principles state that you must follow certain steps in order to be a good leader. He also feels that it is better to be feared than to be loved. Politics in the Renaissance differed from those in the medieval era because in the Medieval era, the Roman Catholic church was very popular and important and the pope was very powerful. In the renaissance, the church lost a lot of its power and there was more individualism.

I can describe how the causes of the Protestant Reformation were rooted in Renaissance ideology.

The renaissance spread ideas of humanism, which then caused people in the Protestant Reformation to interact and understand god by themselves. Technological advances in the Renaissance caused the printing press to be made (the bible could be printed, began to be printed in different languages). Individualism was also a new aspect

I can explain why the Renaissance was a rebirth of Greco-Roman culture and scholarship.

The word Renaissance means rebirth and this period in European civilization immediately following the Middle Ages and conventionally held to have been characterized by a surge of interest in Classical scholarship and values.


a social theory favoring freedom of action for individuals over collective or state control.


denoting attitudes, activities,or other things that have no religious or spiritual basis. Secularism emerged as increasing wealth created new possibilities for the enjoyment of material things.

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