World History Chapter 3 Sections 1-3

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-American born descendants of Spanish settlers -owned most plantations, ranches, and mines -second highest


-Aztec Empire -thought Cortés was a God so sent him gifts with religious meaning -told Cortés not to come back to Tenochtitlán -surrendered to Cortés

What large area of South America was not controlled by the Spanish?

-Brazil was claimed by Portugal

Which of the European colonizers enjoyed the most self-government?

-English Colonists

What three places does triangle trade connect?

-Europe, Africa, and Americas

Who benefits the most from Triangle Trade?

-European economies

What was exchanged on the third leg?

-European manufactured goods

Who did Pizarro conquer and how was he able to do this with so few men?

-Inca because Pizarro had superior weapons and the Inca were weakened by the European diseases -Inca just had a Civil War so they weren't United

With whom did Cortes arrange alliances?

-Malinche (the enemies of the Aztecs)


-Spanish conqueror who arrived in the Americas -seized Native American's gold -convert to Christianity -had superior guns/cannons than Americans and horses

*How did a small number of Spanish conquistadors conquer huge Native American empires?

-The Spanish conquistadors were able to conquer Native American empires by spreading diseases to the Native Americans (have no immunity). Hernán Cortés was one of the many Spanish conquistadors, he landed on the coast of Mexico, began his exploring towards the capital of Aztec empire with 600 men, horses and cannons, to Tenochtitlán. He had a translator and advisor named Malinche who helped them explore. All of those things were able to help them conquer Native American empires.

What was the result of the French and Indian War?

-Treaty of Paris -ended the war -assured British dominance in North America -France was forced to cede all lands to Britain -France regained sugar-producing islands in the Caribbean and slave-trading outposts in Africa


-capital of Aztec Empire -where modern day Mexico was built -where Cortés meets Montezuma

How did the encomienda system work?

-forced Native Americans to work and if they didn't they were killed -eventually this was replaced with slavery from African Americans

What was the most important economic activity in New France?

-fur trapping and trading

What activity turned around the English colony at Jamestown?

-growing and exporting tobacco

What was exchanged on the first leg?

-guns, tools & cloth

How is Bartolomé de las Casas involved in this conquest of the Americas?

-he was a Spanish priest -realizes what is happening to Native Americans -complains to the king -supports African slavery

Hernán Cortés

-landowner in Cuba -began an island trek to Tenochtitlán

What did the Spanish hope to gain by conquering the Native Americans?

-make Native Americans loyal to Spain -convert them to Christianity -land, raw material and work force


-people born in Spain -top of colonial society -highest position of colonial governments and the Catholic Church


-people of African and European descent


-people of Native American and European descent


-resistance to antibodies -Conquistadors had diseases Americans didn't have immunity to

What passage do slaves take to go to Americas?

-second leg (middle passage)

What was exchanged on the second leg (middle passage) ?

-slaves & gold

*How did European struggles shape the North American continent?

-the five nations struggling for power in North America each left their mark on the region in terms of culture and government, but eventually Britain gained dominance

*How did Spain and Portugal build colonies in the Americas?

-they conquered native peoples, used their land, resources and forced labor to build colonies

What was one way in which Native Americans resisted the Spanish conquest of South America?

-they preserved many aspects of their own culture (language, religious traditions & clothing)

What was the attitude of the Spanish towards the Aztec religion?

-they were disrespectful towards it -tried to convert everyone to christanity

Why were the Spanish offended by the Taino?

-they weren't willing to convert to Christianity

What was the purpose of the Mayflower Compact?

-to set out guidelines for governing the colonies in America -for self-government to be created and enforced in America -living as a Cilvil Society

Civil war

-war fought between groups of people in the same nation


-worker forced for a landlord -impossible amount of debt to pay off

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