World History Chapter 9: Napoleon's Rise and Fall

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Napoleon's bureaucratic reforms

Promotion of government officials were based on ability

Frederick William III

Prussia's representative at the Congress of Vienna

Alexander I

Russia's representative at the Congress of Vienna

Balance of power

The Congress of Vienna rearranged European territories to form a new __________________.

Concert of Europe

The __________________ was a series of conferences attended by the great powers to maintain the balance of power.

Principle of intervention

The idea that great powers have the right to send armies into countries where there are revolutions to restore legitimate government

Duke of Wellington

Commander of British and Prussian forces at the Battle of Waterloo and British troops sent to aid the Spanish and Portuguese patriots


Disliked individual rights and representative government


Ideological force that threatened the existing order and the new balance of power


Ideology that contributed to the collapse of Napoleon's Empire


In March 1814, Napoleon abdicated after suffering a major defeat and was exiled to the island of __________________.

Continental System

It closed European ports to British goods in an effort by Napoleon to hurt Britain economically

Concordat of 1801

It gave control of the French Catholic Church back to the pope and recognized Catholicism as the religion of the majority of French citizens

Continental System

It hurt Europe more than it hurt Great Britain and contributed to the collapse of Napoleon's empire

Continental System

It led to the War of 1812 between the United States and Great Britain

Napoleonic Code

It simplified and unified France's civil law

Napoleonic Code

It treated women less equal than men

Napoleon's bureaucratic reforms

Lycees, public schools, were established to train public officials and increase literacy


Name of the new government set up by Napoleon and friends following the overthrow of the Directory


__________________ became the king of France after the defeat and abdication of Napoleon.


A political philosophy based on the belief that people should be free from government restraints


A political philosophy based on tradition and social stability


Believed that each nationality should have its own government


Believed that limited government based on written constitutions was best

Horatio Nelson

Admiral __________________ commanded British fleets against Napoleon, defeating him at Egypt and the Battle of Trafalgar.

St. Helena

After Napoleon's defeat at Waterloo in 1815, he was exiled to the island of __________________.

Congress of Vienna

After Napoleon's defeat, the great powers met at the __________________ to arrange a final peace settlement.

Religious toleration

As Napoleon conquered Europe, he spread revolutionary ideas such as equality and __________________.

Furst von Metternich

Austria's representative at the Congress of Vienna


Believed in representative assemblies elected by qualified voters


Believed organized religion was crucial to an ordered society


Favored obedience to political authority


Favored religious toleration and the separation of church and state

Charles Maurice de Talleyrand

France's representative at the Congress of Vienna

Peace and stability

Goals of the Congress of Vienna included ensuring __________________ in Europe and restoring the older order or the rightful royal families to their thrones.

Viscount Castlereagh

Great Britain's representative at the Congress of Vienna


Napoleon lost to Britain in Egypt and at the naval Battle of __________________ off the coast of Spain.


Napoleon used the money made after selling __________________ to the United States to support his empire building in Europe.


Napoleon was born on the island of __________________.


Napoleon was defeated at __________________ in 1815 and then exiled to the island of St. Helena.

Napoleonic Code, Fired corrupt officials, Established the Lycee, a public school system, Granted government jobs based on merit or ability, Set up a new efficient and fair tax system, Established new system of banking (Bank of France), Used a better system of financial management

Napoleon's reforms


Napoleon's spreading of revolutionary ideas (equality, religious toleration, etc.) contributed to the development of __________________.


Nation that refused to honor the Continental System which led Napoleon to attack it by going through Spain


Nation that withdrew from the Continental System in 1810 which led Napoleon to invade it


Nation whose army retreated hundreds of miles, burning their own villages and countryside


One of Napoleon's economic reforms was creating a more efficient and fairer system of __________________.


One of Napoleon's economic reforms was the establishment of a new __________________ system.


The unique cultural identity of a people based on common language, religion, and national symbols

Great Britain

Viscount Castlereagh represented __________________ at the Congress of Vienna.

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