World History Chapter Test Review

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Muslim Turks in the Holy Land.

"From Jerusalem and the city of Constantinople comes a grievous report. An accursed race . . . has violently invaded the lands of those Christians and has depopulated them by pillage and fire. "With these words, Pope Urban II called for the overthrow of . . .


"If I had been there with my valiant Franks, I would have avenged Him."—Clovis, King of the Franks Given the strategy that Clovis used to win loyalty from his subjects in Gaul, to whom is Clovis most likely referring?

worship at holy places.

"Then people long to go on pilgrimages . . . To seek the stranger strands Of far-off saints, hallowed in sundry lands," —Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales The journeys described in this passage were undertaken by Christians to . . .

moved Europe from bartering toward a money-based economy.

A positive outcome of the Crusades was that it . . .

monarchs were obliged to obey the law.

At the event depicted here, King John committed himself to the idea that . . .


Before it was conquered by Anglo-Saxons in the 400s and 500s, the island in the upper part of the map was a Roman colony known as . . .

was based on religious teachings and governed many aspects of medieval life.

Canon Law

sending out missi dominici to keep control over his provincial rulers.

Charlemagne briefly reunited much of Western Europe by

lending money at interest

During the Middle Ages, which of the following economic activities was engaged in exclusively by Jews?

Hundred Years' War.

From 1337 to 1453, the desire to control a waterway shown on this map was a major cause of the . . .

The Domesday Book

From which of these is this excerpt most likely taken? Here is subscribed the inquisition of lands as the barons of the king have made inquiry into them; that is to say by the oath of the sheriff of the shire, and of all the barons and their Frenchmen, and the whole hundred, the priests, reeves, and six villains of each manor; then, what the manor is called, who held it in the time of king Edward, who holds now . . .

It set the pattern for close ties between Church and state.

How did Byzantine Christianity influence Russian Orthodox Christianity?

Its geography and location facilitated migration.

How did Eastern Europe become home to so many ethnic groups?

Germanic kings waged wars of conquest.

How did Germanic tribes carve Europe into small kingdoms?

It caused conflict because both Church and monarch claimed the same powers.

How did Henry II's belief that his royal courts had the right to try clergymen accused of crimes affect his relationship with the Church?

He stated that the pope was second only to God.

How did Pope Innocent III assert the power of the Church?

He kept land for himself.

How did William increase royal power in England?

They reflected themes of loyalty and heroism that were prized in Europe.

How did epic poems reflect the culture of medieval Europe?

They helped legal thinkers to create modern international law.

How did ideas in Justinian's Code influence Western political and legal traditions?

Christians accepted many ideas on faith rather than by using reason.

How did new knowledge based on Aristotle and other Greek thinkers pose a challenge to Christian scholars?

The council elected a new pope and gave him total authority over the Church.

How did the Church council at Constance, Germany, settle the crisis in 1417?

The need for a larger, standing army with greater mobility made the vassal system obsolete.

How did the Hundred Years' War affect the medieval structure of feudalism, in which vassals owed military service to the king?

It provided them an opportunity for advancement.

How did the development of universities affect members of the growing middle class?

Universities grew up around cathedrals, and courses of study helped educate clergy.

How did the development of universities in medieval Europe strengthen the Church and unify society?

They provided protection and gave peasants land to farm.

How did the economic system of manorialism MOST affect nobles?

Trade slowed greatly, and Western Europe became politically divided.

How did the fall of Rome impact Western Europe?

More children had access to education.

How did the growth of towns affect the lives of children in the Middle Ages?

Women were able to join and even run guilds.

How did the growth of trade and manufacturing change women's lives in Europe?

It caused people to question the authority of the Church.

How did the second Great Schism help lead to the end of medieval Europe?

It shows that the manor was a self-sufficient community that could grow its own food and attend to its religious needs.

How does this illustration of a manor illustrate that the manor was at the heart of the feudal economy?

Expelling Jews and Muslims, including businessmen, probably weakened the economy and made the culture less diverse.

How might the Reconquista have affected Spain's economic and cultural life?

It challenged monarchs' attempts to control the clergy.

How was the Church an obstacle to monarchs who wanted more power?

Vikings, Muslims, and Magyars invaded Europe at a time of political weakness.

How would you BEST describe the factors contributing to the development of the political and social system of feudalism?

peace in the area between China and Eastern Europe.

I am the punishment of God . . . If you had not committed great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like me upon you." —Genghis KhanThe Mongol conquest of Russia, under the descendants of this ruler, led to . . .

power of the Church in medieval Europe.

In 1040 the Church forbade the barons to make any attack on each other between sunset on Wednesday and sunrise on the following Monday, or upon any ecclesiastical fast or feast day . . . on pain of excommunication. This excerpt illustrates the . . .

sought to increase their power and limit the power of nobles.

Ivan the Great and Ivan the Terrible of Russia were similar to England's William the Conqueror and Henry II in that they . . .

reforming the laws of ancient Rome.

Justinian contributed to the flourishing of the Byzantine empire after Rome's decline by

Becket disagreed with Henry's efforts to extend royal power over the Church.

King Henry II is said to have shouted the following about Thomas Becket, Archbishop of Canterbury, inadvertently leading to Becket's murder. Why did Henry call Becket a "meddlesome priest"? "What cowards I have brought up in my court. Who will rid me of this meddlesome priest?"—King Henry II, 1170

the lack of natural barriers on the steppe encouraged migration.

One way in which Russia's geography affected its early history was that

the principle that the monarch must obey the law.

The Magna Carta was important because it established

Benedictine Rule.

The activity depicted here was an aspect of daily life under the . . .

Religion was at the core of medieval society.

The education of an average child during the Middle Ages centered on basic religious knowledge. What does this imply about the values of medieval society?

taxing and governing the town in which it did business.

The group shown here would likely be involved in . . .

a change in the basic structure of medieval society.

The most far-reaching consequence to Europe from the Black Death was

the Third Crusade.

The region shown here experienced conflict between Christians and Muslims during . . .

Hundred Years' War.

The technology shown here revolutionized warfare during the . . .

an interdict.

This excerpt about medieval Christianity is specifically describing the nature of . . .. . . extended over a whole town or diocese or district or country, and involved the innocent with the guilty. It was a suspension of religion in public exercise, including even the rites of marriage and burial. . .

rapid spread of the bubonic plague.

This medieval illustration depicts a direct cause of the . . .

Gothic cathedrals were the major architectural advancement.

We know that religion was central to the art and architecture of the Middle Ages because

Reformers began to challenge the traditional role of the Church.

What became a significant threat to Church power as a result of the Great Western Schism?

Both the Pope and Charlemagne gained power, and the ideal of a united Christendom was established.

What can be inferred from this image of Pope Leo III crowning Charlemagne?

As vassals, they swore loyalty and provided military service.

What characteristic of the development of the political and social system of feudalism BEST summarizes the life of knights and nobles?

The Church was granted the power to elect and invest bishops, but the emperor could invest them with fiefs.

What compromise between the Church and the Holy Roman Empire resulted from the Concordat of Worms?

The Church was granted the power to elect and invest bishops, but the emperor could invest them with fiefs.

What compromise resulted from the Concordat of Worms?

Tournaments were formal events that provided entertainment for the nobility.

What conclusion can you draw from this illustration of a tournament?

his love of nature

What do the birds in this stained glass portrait of St Francis of Assisi most likely represent?

The French kings moved to strengthen the monarchy.

What happened in France as a result of the Hundred Years' War?

Cities in Europe were less wealthy and grand than Constantinople.

What inference can be drawn from this statement from a Crusader seeing Constantinople for the first time? "[T)hose who had never seen Constantinople opened wide eyes now; for they could not believe that so rich a city could be in the whole world, when they saw her lofty walls and her stately towers wherewith she was encompassed, and these stately palaces and lofty churches, so many in number as no man might believe who had not seen them, and the length and breadth of this town which was sovereign over all others."—Villehardouin, a French Crusader

A knight rescues a peasant family from a fire.

What is the best example of the code of chivalry?

God's universe is orderly and predictable.

What is the best paraphrase of the main idea of this quotation from the scholastic Thomas Aquinas? "Nothing which implies contradiction falls under the omnipotence of God."—Summa Theologica

Jews were attracted to Eastern Europe because because they could practice Judaism there without persecution.

What pull factors attracted European Jews to Eastern Europe during the late Middle Ages?

Faith and reason do not contradict each other.

What was a central idea in Thomas Aquinas's Summa Theologica?

One-third of the population of Europe died, production declined, and the cost of labor soared.

What was the impact on Europe of the disease described below? "We see death coming into our midst like black smoke, a plague which cuts off the young, a rootless phantom which has no mercy or fair countenance. Woe is me. . . . It is an ugly eruption that comes with unseemly haste. It is agrievous ornament that breaks out in a rash. The early ornaments of black death."—Jevan Gethin

It was located at a crossroads for trade between Asia and Europe.

What was the main reason that Constantinople was a good location for the capital of the Byzantine Empire?

Many talented people fled Spain.

What was the result of Isabella's efforts to bring religious unity to Spain?

It suggested a new interest in ordinary people and the stories that entertained and educated them.

What was the significance of the emergence of a vernacular language in medieval Europe?

granted town charters, introduced national tax, extended royal lands

Which actions did French kings take to increase royal power?

They worked hard and had poor diets, so were vulnerable to disease

Which could MOST likely have caused peasants on medieval manors to die so young?

They managed the daily activities of their manor.

Which describes how noblewomen contributed to the economic system of manorialism?

A) Forests; B) Farmland; C) Steppe

Which list correctly arranges the major geographical regions of Russia?

the use of icons in Church teachings and worship

Which of the following is a characteristic of the medieval Eastern Orthodox Church?

They brought new ideas and goods to Europe.

Which of the following items best explains the Crusades' lasting influence on life in Europe?

Poland's government established a policy of toleration toward Jews.

Which of the following items is one reason why Eastern Europe became a refuge for Jews?

Traveling friars lived and preached among the common people.

Which of the following was one of the ways Christianity spread across Europe?

1) monarch, 2) lords, 3) vassals, 4) peasants

Which of these correctly arranges the general hierarchy of the European feudal system?

Western Christians accepted the authority of the pope in Rome

Which of these remained true following the Great Schism?

They were spiritual leaders who also exercised secular power.

Which statement best describes the role of the popes in the Middle Ages?

A serf was bound to the land upon which he or she worked.

Which statement might be an accurate description of a serf's life?

Many medieval Christians were suspicious of Jewish culture and practices.

Why did prejudice against Jews increase in the late 1000s?

Moscow was the center of expanding political power.

Why did the speaker of the statement below call Moscow the "third Rome"?" [T]he third Rome . . . shines like the sun . . . throughout the whole universe . . .. [T]wo Romes have fallen, and the third one stands and a fourth one there shall not be."—Philotheos, quoted in Tsar and People(Cherniavsky)

It cut off Russia from Western Europe at a time of great scientific progress.

Why was Mongol rule over Russia significant?

Also known as "Justinian's Code," it revised and organized centuries of Roman law into a consistent, understandable legal code.

Why was the Corpus Juris Civilis significant?

It prompted the first of the Crusades.

Why was the invasion of the Byzantine empire by the Seljuk Turks significant?

They helped preserve ancient Greek and Roman ideas.

Why were Byzantine scholars so important to Western Europe?

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