World History FINAL review

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**1 Southeast Asian country independent as of 1914**

**Thailand- how/why?- right in between French ad the British, they don't want war with each other, so they don't try to take Thailand, creates a buffer zone between their colonies**

**Describe Bismarck - title, personality, goal, how/why he was Realpolitik**

**The man who unifies Germany- 3 for Italy- Garibaldi, Mezzini, Cavour; Iron Chancellor- don't mess with Bismarck, tough, prime minister of Prussia, he wants to triple the size of Prussia, Blood and iron- war, shed blood, going to do whatever he has to do to get the job done, different than the liberals, do it at any cost, take it by force, Realpolitik- realistic politics, tough minded evaluations, the states needs and he will get it and take it, no fancy political theories, master, incredibly manipulative, ruthless in decision making, About realpolitik, not about individual, if it is essential to the state he will take it, what is essential is power and unification at any cost, no alternative, sounds like- Machiavelli- renaissance writer, wrote the Prince, the ends justify the means; believes that it is better to be feared than loved but you never want to be hated, power at any cost, power more important than principles, One goal- to unify Germany, three wars, nationalism War with Denmark- easiest to take, doesn't stand a chance against Austria and Prussia, two provinces gained- Prussia gets Schleswig, Austria gets Holstein, Bismarck is not done, he turns on Austria Austro- Prussian War- two years after Denmark war, he wins, only takes him 7 weeks to beat the Austrians, takes Holstein back, gets rid of the Confederation and makes the North Confederation- no difference from the first one, not under the congress of Vienna he controls it Franco-Prussian War- the leader of France is Napoleon III, nephew of Napoleon, France upset about Prussia crushing Austria, changes the balance of power, afraid that now that Prussia has crushed Austria that Prussia is getting too powerful, Bismarck uses it to his favor, he rallies the German people because it makes them happy and powerful, "Ems Dispatch"- great example of Realpolitik, how manipulative Bismarck is, can't be hated, in war the aggressor is the one that starts the war is the one that's hated, finds a way to make the other one look like the aggressor, telegram that Bismarck writes and accidently leaks it to the press, supposed to be between King William and the French Ambassador, makes it seem that the king insulted french, nationalism- the french people won't let him sit around and take this, Similar in the beginning, and different at the end Italy- independent states, some under control of Prussia and Austria, driving force was Nationalism, after unification- still fighting, between north and south, regionalism, problems with the Pope, people immigrating to America because of poverty, all of these problems, weak, never becomes a major power Germany- unifies and becomes THE power in Europe, reason why is because of Bismarck, a genius, be ahead of the problems to come, so Germany stays strong, catches up to Britain and France in Industrializing, builds lots of railroads, transportation, capitalism and socialism, why would German people go towards socialism because capitalism is not fair, people upset about- low wages, long hours, working conditions, Bismarck doesn't want them to socialist, he makes reforms- he will provide state funded health care, accident protection, won't lose job pensions, retirement plans, makes sure people don't move towards socialism, wants to keep his power, people pay taxes, but they are not angry, he is helping them, getting a benefit out of it, keeps him in power Bismarck becomes chancellor, industrializes very quickly, now that Germany is industrialized, Bismarck uses that to increase his military, mass produces weapons Government- constitution, establishes a two house legislature- first house- Bundesrat, upper house, appointed by the rulers of the upper state, so selected by Bismarck, had veto power over every single piece of legislature, veto things whenever Bismarck tells them too, power always in the hands of Bismarck and William; second house- Reichstag, lower house, elected, all men can vote; he is conservative, not as conservative as others because he wants power, wants some change only if it benefits him, gets into a fight with the church over who is in charge, he clearly thinks he should be in charge, the church historically had influence over the people, the battle that he goes up against the church is called- KULTURKAMPF- struggle for culture; William II- grandson of William I- he believes in the divine right of kings, believes that God chose him, does not like to share power, before this they had a nice arrangement- William gets to be on the money and all the perks while Bismarck has the power- William asks Bismarck to step down from power, not a good idea to get rid of him, everything is stable, he has done a good job, people don't love him but he gave them things, he is heart, brain, and swords, he controls the military and the government; William II- works to make Germany a world power, France are enemies, the same enemies as Spain and Britain, he enters into an alliance with Italy, Austria, Hungary and Russia**

**Characteristics of the Renaissance**

**Urban society- Growth of large, wealthy city-states due to increased trade with the East , Also led to the growth of wealthy, powerful merchant class to be patrons of the arts and sciences; Rebirth of interest in the Classical world- Heavily influenced by Greek and Roman culture, Virtually ignored during Middle Ages, Now reading Arabic translations of original texts on classical art, philosophy and science; Secular societySociety no longer controlled by religion More of "Me" society - concerned with the here and now on earth and not just with going to Heaven, No longer just about God - emphasized individual abilities and fulfilling your potential - becoming a well rounded person, Stressed a well rounded education as a way for individuals to reach their full potential and become "complete citizens" Led to the concept of the "Renaissance man" (or woman), universal man, a person who is well-rounded and versatile, has many interests and is multi-talented like Greek, People are still devoted to God but it isn't the main focus. People started to want to collect money and possessions**


This was the royal dynasty of electors in Prussia,German noble family Consolidated their power after the Treaty of Westphalia by uniting some of the German states under their rule Established autocratic government - reduced the power of the Prussian nobles (junkers)

Invasion of Russia

Why?- Czar Alexander I, says to Napoleon in 1812 that Russia isn't going to be part of the continental system, Russia isn't directly controlled by Napoleon, peace treaties, Napoleon has 2 choices- 1. let Russia out- consequences- other people would revolt to, makes Napoleon look bad; 2. attack Russia- show the rest of Europe what happens, Takes his 600,000 soldiers, from all over the empire, marches them to Russia, when he gets there the Russian army retreats, Napoleon advances and Russia retreats, Scorched earth policy, by the time Napoleon reaches Moscow it is October, it is winter and the worst winter Russia has had in 90 years, men are starving and freezing, has to walk back through all the charred land, loses 500,000 men, comes back with 100,000 men, basically no fighting, all die of famine or cold, back in France he tries to rebuild an army, cannot recover from this

Bartolome de las Casas

against the encomienda system, priest, recommended to import African slaves, fights for better treatment of the natives, has long term effects in the new world

Scramble for Africa

all the Europeans want African land all at the same time, African land grab, try to control as much land as they can, because of the rivalries, decide in the Berlin conference to divide it up

League of Nations

an international organization formed in 1920 to promote cooperation and peace among nations, US and Germany didn't sign it

Woodrow Wilson

declare war in1917, takes a full year to get to Europe, in the war for 37 seconds, fourteen points,

End/results of World War I

Germany shifts all its forces to the Western front because Russia drops out of the war, 1917- Germany is ahead until 1918 when the US arrives, when the US enters the war Germany already knows its defeated, the US refused to deal with the Kaiser- Germany knows this, people of Germany force the Kaiser to abdicate- to give up, even all six of his sons, the Kaiser and his 6 sons flee to the Netherlands because it is neutral, Once the Kaiser is off the throne, Germany agrees to an armistice- seize fire, why?- starting to lose but they don't want to surrender, Once the armistice is signed, we gather at the Paris Peace Conference- Big Three- France- Georges Clemenceau, Britain- David Lloyd George, US- Woodrow Wilson, Wilson brings some ideas with him- 14 points- 3 main things-reduction of weapons, right for all people to choose their own governments, organization that all nations would join to protect one another from aggression- called the League of Nations- purpose to encourage international concentration, Germany and the US don't sign this, Treaty of Versailles; Results- Collapse of 4 major governments- Germany, Russia, AH, and Ottoman, Creation of new nations- Austria, Hungary, Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, Finland, Poland, Turkey, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Failure to create new nations outside eastern Europe- rest of land instead of becoming independent nations they became mandates- controlled by European nations, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Jordan, Palestine; Balfour Declaration- British promise that they will create a Jewish homeland in Palestine, unfortunately the land is occupied by Muslim Arabs, still fighting about it; unrest in the colonies- step forward, helping mother country, expecting independence, don't get it, Destruction of Europe- France, Russia, Germany; get hit the hardest, infrastructure and economy, hit hard financially because they have to rebuild everything, homes destroyed, already broke because of paying for the war, by the time we get rebuilt WWII happens in the same place, High seath tolls- 9 millions soldiers, 5 million civilions, Germany loses the most- 2 millions, US- lose 120,000 people, most die of the flu,

Johann Tetzel

"As soon as the coin in the coffer rings, the soul from purgatory springs", key role sold indulgences, claimed you could buy your family out of purgatory, made salvation a monetary transaction, get out of trouble with money

Renaissance - what does it mean, dates, country it began in

"rebirth" or "revival", began in Italy in the mid- 1300s, Spread from Florence to the rest of Italy in the 1400's and 1500's Gradually spread to other Western European countries in the 1500's and 1600's = Northern Renaissance Resulted from the changes in society that took place at the end of the Middle Ages due to the Black Death, Great Schism, and 100 Years War. The population goes down in the Middle Ages and it helps in the Renaissance because they didn't have as many people to feed so they have a food surplus, so not everyone has to farm so there is a division of labor, revival of trade, new jobs Time of political and economic changes Growth of centralized monarchy all over Europe except in Italy (and Germany) which was not unified politically Italy = individual city-states fighting for land and power Time of creativity in the arts and sciences Get an important shift from wanting salvation in the Middle Ages


"the cradle of the Renaissance" Wealthy city-state and a center of trade in Italy Unofficially under the rule of the Medici family Very rich banking family known for their ruthless ambition and ability to get what they wanted often through bribery, corruption and violence, Never elected into government positions, used their wealth to gain supporters which then became officials,They were known as the godfathers of the Renaissance,Their power will extend beyond Florence as well as members of the family become popes and, through marriage, queens of other Western European countries, Attracted outstanding artists, architects, and writers because of the Medici patronage

**Motives for New Imperialism**

** Economic interests- motivated by money, Europe is industrialized so they need two things- markets to sell industrialized goods and raw materials for their industrialization processes Political interests- more power, more land, bigger empire, more prestige, balance of power, power struggles spill out of Europe and into colonies, colonial strength Social Darwinism- a form of racism, white Europeans are superior, think they are better than the Africans, primary justification for imperialism, as nature's way of improving the species, fit nations survive, weak nations get taken over; Missionary- Europeans so themselves as the bearers of civilization, wanted to spread not just Christianity but civility, western customs, Like GOLD, GOD, and GLORY**

**Causes of the French Revolution**

**1. Political- Louis XVI- absolute monarch, unlimited power, estates general hasn't met since Louis XIII, 175 years, people growing resentful in the power of the king, have no rights or say, no civil rights, early on it was okay because Louis XIV was okay but the next two Louis' were incompetent, stupid things; Uses the letters- being issued against political advisories and writers, anyone speaking out against the king, order you in prison or executed, no right to appear in court, king can do anything he wants to you, order you to a colony, banish you, fearful atmosphere; 2. Social structure- old order, Lingering from the middle ages, three classes/ estates- 1. clergy 2. nobility, 3. common people, very rigid classes, you can't move classes; 3. Economic crises- Louis XIV started spending when he built Versailles, Jean Baptiste Colbert- finance minster, cannot save France from the spending habits, spends a large part of money supporting the American Revolution, American Revolution inspires the French commoners to revolt, Louis XVI is desperate for money, tries to force the first and second estate to pay taxes, but they say no, and he is like whatever, but he has absolute power so he doesn't put his foot down because those 3% are the only people who like him, Natural disasters- ivy winter in 1788 that destroys crops, food shortages, prices rise, so 80% can't afford food; 4. Enlightenment thinking- Government should take care of people, people have rights**

**Characteristics of Renaissance art**

**1. Realism- Studied movement and anatomy to depict human body more accurately, Attempted to depict individuals with individual personalities and emotions Placed people and objects realistically in the natural world Used linear perspective: a realistic human view made paintings look 3 dimensional - they had depth, did not look like a flat surface, distant objects were painted smaller to make them appear farther away to the viewer, Characteristics -Secular, Own facial features - studied movement and anatomy, Placed people/objects realistically, Sense of depth in the picture; 2. Secular not just religious subject matter- Religious art created for churches, financed by Pope, Secular art included portraits and nudes financed by wealthy patrons - merchants, nobles like Lorenzo da Vinci, Wanted to display beauty and wealth for all to see, Not motivated by spirituality and the creation of art to glorify God; 3. Inspired by the classical world, Nudes - never portrayed in the art of the Middle Ages but very popular in Greek and Roman art and, therefore, in Renaissance art, Greek columns and Roman arches used in Renaissance architecture, Beauty, balance and harmony just as in Classical world**

**Differences between Catholic and Protestant beliefs/practices**

**1. god's grace comes from faith alone, not about good deeds 2. Denounced the authority of the Pope, Jesus us the only leader 3. Bible is the final authority in all religious matters, not the pope 4. Priesthood of all believers people could have a one on one relationship with god without a priest 5. You don't need the church to help you 6. Translated bible into German so people could read it, could interpret bible for themselves 7. Introduced an established lutherism- guided by the bible not by the traditions of the church, rejected 5 of 7 sacraments, only had baptism and communion, banned indulgences, confessions, saints, relics, replaced latin with the vernacular, approved of clergy marrying, the individual could have their own relationship with God**

**Reasons why the Industrialized nations succeeded in New Imperialism**

**1. no unity among Africans 2. used deception, take advantage 3. technology, new weapons, controlling disease**

**Describe each of the 3 Estates**

**1st estate- 1% of the population owns 10% of the land, clergy, Roman Catholic church, bishops become very wealthy,- no taxes; 2nd estate- 2% of population that own 25-30% of the population, No taxes 3rd estate- 97% of the population that own no land, not just the same, has three more groups- why does that matter, top two groups could always out vote the commoners, even though there are 97% of people, can't agree on ideas because of the three sub divisions, they all pay taxes, peasants pay most of the taxes, top are for the church, 1. bourgeoisie- merchants, industrialist, government workers, head of the military, bankers , doctors, wealthy and well educated, nobility owns land and title, 2. sans culottes- means without knee bridges, wore short pants, and stockings, craftspeople, artisans, shop keepers, people who work with their hands, 3. peasants- 75- 80 % of population, farmers, unemployed, forced to work on government projects, feel very much like surfs**

**Austria-Hungary, Serbia, Germany, Russia, France, Belgium, Great Britain, US, Italy**

**AH blames Serbia for the assassination, AH calls her best friend Germany- crazy friend, Germany gives AH a blank check- Germany agrees to do and provide anything that AH needs; Germany could have ended the war if they calmed AH down AH sends Serbia an ultimatum- either has Serbia admit to the assassination or AH will declare war on you, if they admit that they are part of the assassination AH will crush it so there is no way out, Serbia calls Russia, helps them because they are ethnically Slavic; 3. Serbia calls Russia- helps because they are ethnically Slavic, Czar calls up Germany to tell AH to leave Serbia alone, Germany not rational, Kaiser refuses to talk to AH, Russia mobilizes their troops, Russia was getting ready just in case there was war but Germany sees them and declares war on Russia, Russia needs back up so she calls her friend France 4. Russia calls France- France is all in because they hate Germany, France gives Russia a blank check, waiting for over 60 years, Germany tries to tell France to stay neutral, Germany declares war on France**

**Life before and after the IR - changes that take place**

**Before- 1. cottage industry, made by hand in the home 2. energy sources are wind, water, humans, or animals 3. producer economy, made what you needed 4. living in rural areas, small villages 5. life is simple, only owned what you needed, one outfit 6. most people are farmers 7. people are independent 8. one with nature, working with the earth, take care of the earth to get what you need After- 1. machines making goods 2. burning coal or steam power 3. consumer economy, buy what you needed 4. living in big cities, factory towns 5. life is complex, lots of new inventions 6. factory workers 7. very rigid, live on a bell schedule 8. polluting the earth, at odds with nature**

**Results of New Imperialism**

**Benefits- railroads, info structure, education systems, modern economic system, some industrial development, growth of cities and manufacturing, market system that leads to middle class- Adam smith; why?- to benefit the Europeans that live there, Drawbacks- loss of culture, total economic subordination, grew and produced what they Europeans told you to produce, raw materials are being exported which is benefiting the Europeans, most profits made go directly to the mother country, natives- laborers, live in poverty, still forced to pay very high taxes Similarities in Africa and India- motives are still the same, rise of nationalism, racism, resentment, reason for European success, some of the reforms are good,Division of Land- no rhyme or reason on how Africa is divided, ignore tribal rivalries and histories, group tribes together based on nothing Monoculture or "Banana Republics"- Europeans would force the colony to grow one crop or mine one mineral, you cannot have a healthy economy if you only do one thing, need lots of different things, force monocultures on the colonies**

**The goal of the Catholic Reformation**

**Counter- Reformation- trying to make Catholicism stronger after the Protestant reformation, Monks-convinced people to burn their jewelry, was excommunicated by the Pope, Jesuits founded by St. Ignatius Loyola- vows of poverty, chastity, and loyalty to the Pope, stop the spread of Protestant, use of education to spread their method, acting as advisors, acted in missionaries all around the world; Council of Trent- convened by Pope Paul III, took steps to end abuses, banned the sale of Indulgences, rejected the idea of faith as an individual, Charles Borromeo- arch bishop of Milan, implemented council of Trent's reforms, built new school to educate priests, Francis of Sales- founded a religious order for women, network of schools to help women, giving them too large of a role; Inquisition-church court who tried people that were heretics, used in Spain in early 1400's against Jews, Muslims, and Protestants, used torture until people confessed, enforced unity; Index of Forbidden Books- used to stamp out rebellion, list of books people couldn't read could cause rebellion; Teresa of Avila- became a nun against the orders of her father, fasting, made it more strict, visions of Christ, inspired many Protestants to become Catholic**

**Napoleon - creating his Grand Empire, sparking nationalism, what happens to him etc**

**During revolution, people see Napoleon as a savior, defends the National convention against the royalists, wins important battles against the British, seen as a National hero, small guy but packed with charisma, like alexander the Great, Peter the Great but they are tall giant men, same personality but he is tiny, amazing orator His ego helps him gain but is his downfall, gets him to the top very quickly and brings him down, After the Revolution, when the Directory is established- five men who write the second Constitution, going be the Directory that appoints Napoleon head of the French army, against Austria, Prussia, Great Britain, and Russia, Coup d'etat- military overthrowing of the government, mostly violent, not as violent as it could have been, everybody loves him because the government is corrupt, been ten years since the Revolution started, still have economic problems, gotten rid of the Old order and worked for tax equality, people at the bottom of society are suffering, life hasn't changed that much for the average french citizen Sets up new government- 6th change in the government, title first consul, last time we saw this was in Rome with the Triumvirates, Napoleon is really smart, move into the Tuilleries where Louis and his family were held, calls himself Consul for life, in 1802 becomes a dictator, becoming more and more like Caesar, 1804- napoleon is crowned Emperor of France, like Caesar, the Pope was supposed to crown him emperor, Napoleon takes the crown from the Pope and places the crown on his own head, he has more power than the church, crowned in the Notre dame cathedral, 1804-1814- napoleon builds his grand empire, most people building empires in America, and some parts of Asia, wants a European empire, he has given up on the Americas because he sold Louisiana in the Louisiana purchase, he lets the Americas go, to create his empire he goes into the Napoleonic wars, Directly annexing, he invades and takes, directly add territory to his own, already touch him Set up puppet government, picks people he likes and puts them into the monarchies in other countries, Spain becomes a puppet government, his brother Joseph becomes the King of Spain, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, and the Grand Duchy of Warsaw, still there own country but someone else is in charge, Force his enemies to sign peace treaties- Prussia, Austria and Russia sign them because they are scared of him, he already controls all the rest of Europe, the more he controls the more people he has to join the army, , Britain is the only country that is not under Napoleon's control, doesn't have a good navy but Britain's navy is the best in the world, can't get past their navy, two other countries are not under napoleon's control- Portugal and Sweden, First is encouraging French Nationalism, other countries can't stand him, people hate him, he is spreading nationalism to other countries, causes rebellions, want to be ruled by someone from their own country, nationalism ends up being a problem for napoleon, afraid his empire is going to fall apart when he dies, divorces and marries someone, has a baby buy named Napoleon II, doesn't ensure that his empire is safe, In a weakened state, enemies see this as the perfect time to attack him, Russia, Austria, Prussia, and Britain form an alliance, biggest militaries in Europe, all working together, bad for Napoleon, he thinks he stands a chance, in 1814 the alliance defeats Napoleon- called the battle of Nations, is forced to abdicate as emperor of France, exiled to the island of Elba- tiny island out in the Mediterranean, once they got rid napoleon they restore the monarchy, Louis XVI- beheaded, Louis XVII-died in prison, Louis XVIII- brother of Louis XVI, , People are angry because they just went through a revolution to get rid of the monarchy, people are terrified that the old order will come back, THE HUNDRED DAYS, Exile him to St. Helena- a volcano in the middle of the ocean, he dies on the island, stomach cancer, poisoned, nothing definitive Legacy for France- leaves behind a centralized government, a constitution, limited suffrage- voting rights; more rights for the citizens, more rights than the old order, doesn't totally fulfill the goals of the revolution Legacy for the rest of the world- nationalism- biggest legacy, continues to grow, leads to WWI, Louisiana purchase, changes the course of American history**

**Why France and Britain ended up with different types of monarchies in the 1600's and 1700's**

**England has developed a limited monarchy, in France does not develop a limited monarchy, why?- they have a parliament its called the estates general, but the estates general doesn't do anything, between 1614-1789 they never meet, as a result France develops an absolute monarchy they claim the Divine Right of Kings, kings are Catholic**

**2 African countries independent as of 1914**

**Ethiopia and Liberia**

**Conditions in Europe after WWI and the Treaty of Versailles - describe the interwar years**

**Germany shifts all its forces to the Western front because Russia drops out of the war, 1917- Germany is ahead until 1918 when the US arrives, when the US enters the war Germany already knows its defeated, the US refused to deal with the Kaiser- Germany knows this, people of Germany force the Kaiser to abdicate- to give up, even all six of his sons, the Kaiser and his 6 sons flee to the Netherlands because it is neutral Once the Kaiser is off the throne, Germany agrees to an armistice- seize fire, why?- starting to lose but they don't want to surrender, Once the armistice is signed, we gather at the Paris Peace Conference- Big Three- France- Georges Clemenceau, Britain- David Lloyd George, US- Woodrow Wilson, Wilson brings some ideas with him- 14 points- 3 main things-reduction of weapons, right for all people to choose their own governments, organization that all nations would join to protect one another from aggression- called the League of Nations- purpose to encourage international concentration, Germany and the US don't sign this; Treaty of Versailles- the US doesn't sign it, signed June 28, 1919, 5 years to the day the Franz Ferdinand was shot, 1. Germany is forced to pay for all the damages 2. put a war guilt clause on Germany took full responsibility for the was 3. limit the size of its military, eliminate air force completely 4. forced to return land in Europe and the colonies, back to France and Russia- turned into new nations, loses colonies to France, Britain, and Japan; did not reflect Wilson's 14 points; nobody is happy about this agreement, he doesn't want anyone too come out ahead or go down, US not happy because Germany is severely punished, France- don't think Germany has been punished enough, Italy and Japan- don't receive land they hoped to receive, Russia- not invited, they don't get their land back, colonies- not really a part of it**

**Explain how/why each of the following countries got involved in World War I, What side they were on, what happened to them after the war**

**Germany v France- neighbors and long time enemies, why?- Germany is a threat because of their industrialization and their military, from France's point of view- bitter about the Franco- Prussian War, hate the Germans, France is desperate to be superior to Germany, not good enough to surpass them but has to watch Germany suffer, revenge Germany v Britain- industrial rivals, economic rivals, Germany doesn't feel that Britain doesn't give them the respect that they deserve, Britain- Germany is the new kid on the block; Germany- is building a navy trying to surpass the British navy, Britain feels threatened Germany v Russia- czar and Kaiser are related, distant relatives, for a long time they have been allies, Germany doesn't resign the treaty, forgot to do it, becomes a big deal because Russia goes with Britain and France Germany and Austria- Hungary- all German speaking, ethnically are the same, best buds Britain, France and Russia- common enemy- Germany**

*8 Differences in New Imperialism in China and Japan**

**Japan- faced them head on, learned from the west, emerge as a great industrial imperial power, China- clinging to traditional ways, turmoil, folds under the influence, resist the west Japan- relationship with the west- becomes part of the west, not controlled by them China- controlled by the west even though not a colony**


**Represents a change in attitude from the Middle Ages, Reflects the influence of Classical culture, Illustrates the spirit of the Renaissance:individualism and secularism, Focused on worldly subjects rather than just religious issues-changed the nature of education as opposed to spiritual and religious structures-they studied Latin, poetry, ethics, literature, science, math, etc, Liberal Arts Schools taught them-The schools are for upper class men With exception for women but they don't learn the same things, they learned singing and dancing, things that society thought would make them better wives and better mothers, Glorifying the individual and secularism achievements, "Men can do all things if they will", Individualism - the belief in the importance of the individual and the individuals achievements and problems, Secularism-Emphasis on thinking for yourself - reason, experimentation and a questioning attitude, Did not replace Christianity but greatly influenced many dominant members of society: nobles, merchants, artists and writers, Petrarch: the Father of Humanism, Italian writer, wrote poetry, the first modern poet, perfects the sonnet, Shakespeare and Chaucer are both heavy influenced by his sonnets, Canzoniere: 365 sonnets in it, one for everyday of the year, all written to Laura, Canzonniere means Laura, all emotions love, grief, despair, Laura died very young**

**Negative changes for labor and cities during the 1st IR**

**Urbanization- incredibly rapid, half of Britain's population live in cities, first time ever- more people working in the cities than farmers, small towns are becoming big cities Population growing rapidly, people building houses quickly and cheaply, put back to back and only had one entrance, a row of 40 houses had six bathrooms and all the waste was collected by night men, 9 people lived in one house, 6 toilets for 360 people, land lords had to pay to get cesspits emptied but never did, no pipes, no fresh water, sewage goes into the river, un paved streets, muddy, filled with trash and poop, dark allies, not a lot of sunlight, growing so fast it can't accommodate the people, inside the apartment- damp filthy and dark, no building codes, cities divided based on social class, if the factory is in the center the workers live right outside the cities, richer people are getting further away Lack of hygiene, no sanitary care, cholera, typhoid, typhus, small pox, and tuberculosis**

**Trace the path of aggression of Hitler during the late 1930's and early 1940's**

**We never learned this so I Don't know what to pit**

**Positive changes taking place during the late IR**

**old order is officially gone, growth of the middle class, Starts to increase for everyone at the end of the industrial revolution, even lower class changes significantly, level of material comfort is the standard of living, things are cheaper because of mass production, even the poor can afford more stuff, Changes are really referring to western industrialized countries, control wealth and all of the areas that are not industrialized, control wealth globally, dominate non industrialized nations, strengthened economy, use industry to build massive weapons, ships, improving military strengthen, control raw material and mass production, colonization- Africa; Late industrial revolution]ne industrial powers emerging- Britain-, Belgium, US, Japan, Germany, France, the Netherlands Sources of energy- coal steam-, electricity, internal combustion engine; Building material- iron- steel; Transportation- sailing ships- trains, planes, automobiles, steam ships; Communication- phone, telegraph, radio, phonograph; Science, medicine, social sciences- anesthetic, antiseptic, anthropology, sociology, archaeology, psychotherapy, pasteurization, theory of evolution, radioactivity, periodic table, vaccines for anthrax and rabies, theory of relativity; Products- chemicals, cleaning chemicals, medicines, cars, sewing machine, clocks, bikes, typewriter**


Andrew Carnegie, replace iron as the new building material, lighter, cheaper than iron because of the Bessemer process

Motives for exploration

1. God, reformation and counter reformation, new religious fervor happening, Catholics want to spread Catholicism, Protestants want to spread too, all of these things fit together, moral justification- for massacres, not why they are going, find a trade route 2. Glory- desire for adventure, Renaissance artists were creating art for money and fame, fame for yourself, government has the money to fund exploration, have to have sailors that want fame and adventure, feeling of the Renaissance, spirit of Renaissance- intellectual curiosity, individualism, role of Marco Polo- Italian merchant who went to Asia, lives in court of Kublai Khan, writes book about life in Asia, luxury goods, they want it 3. Gold- 2 parts, in beginning -economic drive to explore to find a water route to Asia, economic prosperity for their country/ once into exploration- find gold, no one cares about silk or trade routes

What country explored first? Second? Routes of each country

1. Portugal- around Africa 2. Spain- went west around the world through the Atlantic ocean

2 religions Reformation splits Christianity into

1. Protestant 2. Catholic

Obstacles to exploration

1. superstitions- majority of population believes that the world is flat, could fall off the edge of the earth, the ocean was full of sea monsters, parts of the ocean where the water boiled- underwater volcano, ocean was a giant whirlpool- could get sucked into the black abyss, prevented men from sailing 2. Sickness- Infected gums, scurvy- lack of vitamin C in body, makes them sick, don't have fresh fruit or vegetables, mostly, dried meat and food, eating rotten food, only have a certain amount of fresh water 3. Risk- death from boat sinking, diseases, hunger thirst, hostile natives, have to be strong enough to defend yourself

Martin Luther

1483-1546, German monk, professor of theology, wasn't the first to reform the church, he had a conversion experience, thunderstorm prays to saint that he will become monk, leaves church and marries, against the selling of indulgences, did not see himself as a rebel his teachings- 1. god's grace comes from faith alone, not about good deeds 2. Denounced the authority of the Pope, Jesus us the only leader 3. Bible is the final authority in all religious matters, not the pope 4. Priesthood of all believers people could have a one on one relationship with god without a priest 5. You don't need the church to help you 6. Translated bible into German so people could read it, could interpret bible for themselves 7. Introduced an established lutherism- guided by the bible not by the traditions of the church, rejected 5 of 7 sacraments, only had baptism and communion, banned indulgences, confessions, saints, relics, replaced latin with the vernacular, approved of clergy marrying, the individual could have their own relationship with God


Also known as the Age of Reason, flows out of the Scientific Revolution, intellects- writers, philosophers, politicians,- could apply same principles of reason and logic to social issues and political problems, intellectual revolution, led by philosophes- lovers of wisdom, French philosophers, not all French, not all philosophers, some economists, writers Spreading through publications, start to publish ideas in books and magazines thanks to the printing press, go to salons, used to gather in coffee shops and than the women of Paris host formal social gatherings, Salons- women of Paris hosting parties in their drawing rooms, for the most part women are not a part of this movement except Mary Wollstonecraft Really penetrate every aspect of society, literature, art, music

Qing/Manchu Dynasty

Always been very traditional and conservative, prided itself on the fact that it maintains such a pure culture, keeping outside influences out, even though for 100s of year Europe has wanted to control it, Ming and Qing dynasties- didn't mind Chinese goods leaving but no goods came in, In the 1700s the late Qing dynasty starts to fall apart, unrest among peasants, overpopulation which leads to- disease, famine; decline of the Qing Dynasty Industrial Revolution- as the Qing dynasty starts to decline there is more outside pressure from the Europeans to trade with them, have to sell their products that they are mass producing, China is a huge untapped market, want to get into these markets 1800s- Chinese trying to resist European domination, but ultimately they can't keep them out, strange predicament- don't want to be fully westernized but they want to be modern, they want to be modern but not let go of the past, want to compete with modernized nations, can't do it, takes them a while to figure out you can't have it both ways

Berlin Conference

Bismarck leads it, he invites European nations, agrees that any nation could claim any part of Africa by telling the others and had clear control over it, Africans were not invited to the Conference, similar to the congress of Vienna, they don't take into consideration the tribal history, have tribes that are rivals within there colony

Unification of Germany - Prussia, Bismarck, William I

Bonds- language, history, culture, and to some degree religion, mostly Protestant or Catholic, Zollverein- customs union, economically tied together the states, removed taxes, tax free zone, can trade between German states and not be taxed; music of Wagner- famous composer, writes music about German myths and traditions Earliest German nationalists were liberals- liberals rebel in 1848, major failure; in 1862 when conservatives get serious in uniting germany- King William I, and Otto von Bismarck- different route to unification; Bismarck- The man who unifies Germany- 3 for Italy- Garibaldi, Mezzini, Cavour; Iron Chancellor- don't mess with Bismarck, tough, prime minister of Prussia, he wants to triple the size of Prussia Blood and iron- war, shed blood, going to do whatever he has to do to get the job done, different than the liberals, do it at any cost, take it by force Realpolitik- realistic politics, tough minded evaluations, the states needs and he will get it and take it, no fancy political theories, master, incredibly manipulative, ruthless in decision making; becomes Kaiser William I, Bismarck names the German Empire the Second Reich, the first German empire was the Holy Roman Empire, tying it back to powerful roots, Hitler calls Germany the Third Reich, he is trying to make him look powerful, and connect him to Bismarck

Balfour Declaration

British promise that they will create a Jewish homeland in Palestine, unfortunately the land is occupied by Muslim Arabs, still fighting about it

Gunpowder Empires

Called gunpowder empires because they are conquering with advanced weaponry, use of the cannon,All three empires rise after the fall of the Mongols, all are going to be Muslim non of them are Arabs

Vitruvian Man

Connection between math and art Using geometry to study human proportions Named after a Roman architect named Vitruvius Divinci reads and is influenced by Vitruvius He is trying to proof Vitruvius

Multinational state

Countries that Austria/Hungary breaks into- Czechoslovakia, Austria, Hungary, Yugoslavia; Ottoman Empire breaks into- Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, Holstein, Transjordan, Iraq, very diverse ethnic background, only a quarter of the population is Austria, ¾ are against you, all want their own individual states, a lot of Slovaks want different states, not willing to give that to them;

Church of England/Anglican Church

Dissolved monastaries and convents, gave land to nobles, similar to teachings of Luther, mass in English, kept catholic forms of worship, for the most part though, Henry VIII kept the Catholic forms of worship

Peter the Great

End of 1600s beginning 1700s- Peter the Great, young, 6`9, good personality, boundless energy, last time we saw a ruler like this was Alexander the Great, Peter is not nice to everyone, absolute ruler, main goal of his life is he wants to modernize and westernize Europe, architecture, catch up with the rest of Europe, travels in disguise to learn about the culture, really true sense of how the Europeans do it, brings smart people back with him, teachers, technical experts,

Triangular trade

Europe to Africa, Africa to Americas, Americas to Europe 1. Manufactured goods go from Europe to Africa, Europeans trade weapons and alcohol for slaves, load slaves unto the ship 2. Called the Middle Passage, brings slaves, unload slaves, load raw materials 3. Raw materials from colonies go to the mother country in Europe, in Europe you take the raw materials and make them into manufactured goods

Spanish Armada

Fleet of ships sent by Philip II, 130 ships carrying 20,000 soldiers, believed that this fleet was invincible Why?- Elizabeth helped the Ditch rebel and gain independence, they are attacking Spanish ships, she's Protestant, to political and one religious reason to go to war He thought that God is on his side, defeat English no problem, believed that Elizabeth is the only protestant and the people want to be Catholic but that is so not true Go to War in the English channel, deep draft ships, the ships get stuck 3. 4. and 5. battles won by the British because of weather and the type of ships that they have, fast and easy to maneuver, light there ships on fire and sail them out towards the Spanish ,part of the Armada is destroyed, the ones that make it have to go all the way around Scotland and Ireland and back across the ocean to get home, most ships are destroyed by weather on the way home Reality check for Philip, signifies the end of Spanish naval superiority, England is the best naval power even today,

Western Front

France and Belgium, fighting British and French, even though it is on the border of France and Belgium Schlieffen's plan is a huge failure- Britain gets involved, Russia was going to take a long time to mobilize, Germany has to split their troops, has to defeat France and Britain, Germany is weakened when the troops divide,

Johann Gutenberg

German printer who was the first in Europe to print using movable type and the first to use a press (1400-1468)


German form of czar and Caesar that means Emperor

Doctrine of Predestination

God long ago decided if they were to go to heaven or hell, nothing you can do to change that


Has two wings in a U shape, small hunting lodge, takes thirty years, 13,000 fountains, 2,000 rooms, he wanted Versailles to be instantly ready, he has 25,000 full grown trees planted, didn't want to wait for the trees to grow, 15,000 acres of gardens, hangs the Mona Lisa in his room, Da Vinci did not have a will so everything goes to the king, built by louis XIV, 10,000 people could live at Versailles, in 1682 forced the nobility to move their, which is about 10,000 people, keep your friends close and you enemies closer, the nobles can't be plotting against him, everyday they get to see the king and they serve him, they can't work so Louis pays for all the nobles to eat and sleep and party, the nobles are financially dependent on the king

Act of Supremacy

Henry as the head of the church, did not have to listen to pope, civil authority rules of spiritual authority, complete break with the pope

Henry IV (of Navarre)

Henry wasn't an absolute Monarch but the power he brings is an important step, brings a lot of power back to the monarchy, in a couple of kings we have an absolute monarchs, assassinate in 1610 by a crazy Catholic, people believed that all Huguenots should convert, doesn't do it, he is stabbed to death


High renaissance artists Leonardo and Michelangelo are different as artists and people religious, catholic, he is still a high renaissance art- criteria- realism, secularism, inspired by the classical world, he is not secular, takes religious themes and combines them with the classical world, worked for lorenzo de Medici, was asked to live at the home, was his patron- financial support, moves to Florence to work for the Pope, to build a tomb than the sistene chape, Not as multitalented as Leonardo- Artist, sculptor and architect, considered himself a sculptor, his philosophy- every piece of stone was already the sculpture it was to become, releasing from its captivity

Problems/differences: Hinduism and Islam in India

Hinduism- could be polytheistic, technically one god but hundreds of devas, can't eat cow because it is sacred, can drink, no rights for women, caste system Islam- monotheistic, Muslims considered devas gods, don't eat pork because they are unclean, no drinking, women treated better, don't support caste system, everyone is equal in the eyes of Allah

Communist Manifesto and Karl Marx - ideas, predictions etc.

Idea of blaming capitalism for the big gap between poor and rich, Karl Marx wrote- Communist Manifesto- history between the haves and the have nots, haves- bourgeoisie, universal term for the wealthy, people who control society, oppressors; have nots- proletariat, those being oppressed, dependent on the haves for their jobs and incomes, Marx predicted that the proletariat would fight and win against the bourgeoisie, where wealth and power would be shared with everyone, it works but not the way he predicts 2 areas Germany- 1912 and Russia- 1917- why does socialism not work that Marx thinks it will work-1. nationalism- everyone is proud of their own country, don't want to work with other countries, join forces with other people from same countries they don't join forces; 2. division within communism- no longer united front, 2 main camps- some parties believed that people would want to be communist and eventually through democratic processes, voting, Karl Marx- takes to long, have to revolt, force it by fighting,- communism can't even agree amongst themselves; 3. labor unions- represented the interests for workers- conditions, higher wages, and fewer hours, starting to be successful, people have to be angry to want the change,


Russia is behinds, legalizing Serfdom- feudal system, serfs were slaves bought to land, forced to labor for land owner, Russia is far behind, still isolated until Peter the GReat

Christopher Columbus

Italian Sailor who sails for Spain, He goes to Portugal first to ask to sail, he then goes to Spain and convinces Ferdinand and Isabella to fund his exploration, they agree for a couple of reasons- they want wealth for Spain, want to spread Catholicism, have a different motive, deep desire to spread religion, give him 3 ships but not in good condition, 2 problems with Columbus' plan- underestimated the circumference of the Earth, absolutely no idea that north and south America exist, he doesn't know the Pacific Ocean exists, Lands in October in 1492, believes he is on an island near India, He is on the Island of San Salvador in the Bahamas, west indies, makes it back to Spain with jewels, exotic plants and animals, parrots, gold and natives- not as slaves, but to be baptized, makes three more voyages, he dies believing that he found an all water route to India,

James I

James VI of Scotland- son of Mary Queen of Scots, people don't like him, very unpopular, parliaments and the people don't like him, tries to rule as an absolute monarch, dies and passes the throne to his son Charles I

Leopold II

King Leopold II of Belgium and takes Stanley's advice and starts to colonize, for Leopold it is about profit, they find rubber, they need tires, rubber belts for machines, how does he treat the Congolese- brutally, most brutal colonial ruler, considered one of the earliest genocides, "King Leopld's ghost"- book; they kill about 10 million Congolese in a 40 year period


Later on factories were steam powered which really launches the IR - burn coal to boil water to produce steam which creates pressure

Mona Lisa

Located in the Luvv. It is pretty small, oil painting. Seems like there are two backgrounds Her smile is more of a smirk Divinci carried this painting with him where ever he went and he didn't let anyone see it. Nobody saw it until he died. Some people think that its not a girl at all and that it was himself as a women.

De Medici

Lorenzo de Medici - grandson of Cosimo; known as "The Magnificent", Cosimo was the first to take control over Florence officially, Lorenzo was extremely clever and smart, his son becomes Pope Leo 10th who is a huge figure in the Protestant reformation, Katherine De Medici becomes queen of France, (Lorenzo)Patron: Financial supporter of the arts and sciences

Estates General/National Assembly

Louis is forced to call the estates general because the financial crises in France, on the brink of bankruptcy, Louis doesn't know what to do, Undemocratic system, reforming the voting system ends up being a priority, 3 estates, 1st- 300 members 1 vote, 2nd- 300 members, 3rd- 600 members get 1 vote, 97% is mad, wants democratic voting, the king says NO/ A month later the third estate is so fed up that they dissolve the estates general and form the National Assembly, they want democratic voting, 3 days later, they get kicked out so they meet on a tennis court- indoor more like a racket ball, take an oath- a pledge that they are not going to leave until they make a constitution, at the tennis court no just the 3rd estate, some members of the clergy and nobility are there and want a democratic voting system


Made of marble, 1501-1504, 14 feet tall, on a pedestal which is also tall, seems very large and a great presence, theme, religious theme, a lot different than Donatello's David- victory after he killed goliath, made of cast bronze, first freestanding caste bronze, religious, realism; Michelangelo's David- moment before he takes Goliath down, wants you to feel the moment before, both tense and calm- tension in his body and on forehead, feeling of ease in legs, weight shifted, very realistic muscles and vains, in Bible he is young teenager, his hands and feet are bigger than the rest of his body, not a little boy but not a man

Unification of Italy - Garibaldi, Cavour, Victor Emmanuel

Mazzini- Considered the heart of Italian Nationalism, leader of a group of Italian artists, writers and thinkers who were celebrating Italian local traditions, very early in the nationalism movement, stirs things up from the bottom, started to form secret societies who began to work for political change, the most important is a group called Young Italy, because of his extreme views of nationalism- who thought extreme?- conservatives; was exiled because of his outspokenness on nationalism, even after he is exiled he still spreads it, smuggles patriot pamphlets into italy; Garibaldi- Known as the Sword of Italian unification, true patriot, so rare in history, the last one is Cincinnatus, fighting in the South, goal- Italian unification, member of Young Italy in the 1830s, raises an army of about 1000 volunteers- called the Red Shirts, using guerilla tactics, are able to gain independence for Sicily and parts of southern Italy, not formal warfare, gives southern Italy to Cavour, he wanted to see Italy as a republic but even more unified, will be united under King Victor Emanuel; Cavour- Not even Italian, prime minister of Sardinia, which at the time was an independent nation and had a very strong economy, had one goal- to unify Italy under the Sardinian King- Victor Emmanuel; considered the Brains of Italian nationalism, 1850s, twenty years after Mazzini, after congress of Vienna- part goes to Prussia, Austria, has to fight them so he knows he needs an ally, with France- why?- Promised land that they have lost, Cavour promises France that if they help in getting rid of Austria they will get land along the Italian border, France is successful- France will get the land, and Cavour is succussful in unifying NORTHERN Italy, has a problem, nervous about a guy in southern italy; Victor Emmanuel- King of Sardinia, Cavour works for him, wanted to control all of Italy, that's what Cavour is working on, not going to take it by force, once it is unified he will take it to a vote, Italians elect for unification under the Sardinian king, not forced on them, except for Venice and Rome still


Members of the Society of Jesus, staunch Catholics. Led by Loyola.

Middle Passage

Middle Passage- name given to the second of the triangular trade, 5- 12 weeks, treated- women raped by the sailors, extremely crowded, they could pack over 450 people in the hull of the ship, every slave was allowed 6 feet/ 1ft 4 in., if you don't fit in the space you squish, didn't have enough room to sit up, three layers high, hot, go to the bathroom where you are, breathing fumes, dying, forced to dance and sing for exercise, dance with agility, if not they are beaten, if they refused to eat they were forced to eat the coals, poured molten lead on their feet, Floating coffins- so many people died on the ships, pulled off the ship and now you are property, not treated better than cattle,


Militarism- glorification of the military, everyone is afraid so they build their militaries, cycle of fear and military building, mandatory conscription- military draft, force men into the armed services, militaries grow in number; grows out of social Darwinism- survival of the fittest, have to have power and armies; growing fear leads to alliances; Alliances- two main alliances- Triple Alliance- Germany, Austria- Hungary, and Italy—when the war starts becomes the Central Powers- minus Italy; Triple Entente- Russia, Britain, France before the war--- during the war they are known as the Allies- during the war; Imperialism and economic rivalries- tension going on in Europe, in Africa is also increasing the tension, everyone is trying to fight it out in Africa fro economic supremacy, adding to the tension; Nationalism- nations are willing to go to the brink of war to preserve national honor and interest, policy called Brinkmanship- a practice of threatening to go to war to achieve one's goal, a problem, in a pressure cooker, dangerous- because of the violent nature of the Balkans, during the time; right at the same time is when the Slavs start to push nationalism- want one Slavic nation

Ming and Qing Dynasty - basics about each

Ming Dynasty- revival of strong Chinese values, Confucianism, civil service exams, strengthen government, office of the emperor, build many portions of the Great Wall of China, connects some of the wall, keep Mongols out from the north, Hongwu's son moves the capital to Beijing, Forbidden City- keeping people out, emperor and people were allowed to enter but no one else, home fro 24 Chinese emperor's over 491 years, today it's a museum, 9,999 rooms, surrounded by a moat, Chinese exploration, Africa, India, and Middle East, 300 ships called trading "junks", said that they made it to the New World before Columbus, in 1421, voyages of Zheng He, In 1433 the Ming Emperor feels that it will be corrupted, he is afraid there will be too much outside influence, he decides to cut off exploration, destroys all the ships, restricts trade, At the exact same time the rest of the world is trying to expand and explore, China is pulling in, only allowed to come into one port in China, want to become wealthy by selling things, everyone else is trading while they are selling silk and spices, demands hard currency, only gold or silver, allows Chinese products to flow out of the nation but restricts anything coming in Resisted Christianity, they do accept some crops, population growth because of the new crops, Columbian exchange- plants, animals, and diseases, the Ming save China, isolation preserves Chinese culture, Ming took china to isolation, cut off trade only one port, focus on bringing China back to former glory, preserving culture 1644- Ming Dynasty ends, lost the Mandate of Heaven, corruption in the government, peasant rebellions, high taxes, famine, all seen as signs that they lost the Mandate, someone else takes over Qing- foreigners who conquer Beijing, Manchu people from the north in Manchuria, where the Korean Peninsula, come in and conquer capital, one of the few times china is ruled by foreigners, grows to it's maximum size, good for China, beginning the Chinese don't like it, soon they accept the rulers, they agree with what the Ming was doing, agreed that China should remain isolated and the products were superior, keep restrictions on trade, help preserve culture, Confucianism, don't fully integrate societies, Manchurian women don't bind feet, can't intermarry,Manchurians are only 2% of the whole population, Chinese men are forced to adopt the Manchu hairstyle- shaved head with a ponytail/braid in the back, Queue is the long ponytail, never to be cut; submit to the Manchu, Manchu is in charge, Isolation helps china but also hurts china Helps- China controls trade for hundreds of years, keep out European influences, preserves Chinese culture, n the beginning Hurts- stays isolated for too long, all the way until the 1900's, weakened because they ignored the advancements in the rest of the world, the Qing is the last imperial dynasty,


Napoleon's biggest legacy, continues to grow, leads to WWI, Louisiana purchase, changes the course of American history, pride in your country, idenitfying yourself as french, American, British, has an affect on all countries in Europe, First is encouraging French Nationalism, other countries can't stand him, people hate him, he is spreading nationalism to other countries, causes rebellions, want to be ruled by someone from their own country, nationalism ends up being a problem for napoleon, afraid his empire is going to fall apart when he dies

The Bastille

National assembly and commoners are raiding weapon holders, stealing weapons, Bastille had the ammunition, old prison but only 7 prisoners, had huge stores of ammo, important symbol of the old order,


Not in the book- The 5th largest religion in the world, developed in India in the Punjab region, monotheistic, practiced by 25 million people in the world today, It is not Hinduism- anti caste system, different from Islam- they reject rituals like fasting and pilgrimages, believes their god is the same for all religions, Guru Granth Sahib- like the bible and the Quran; Gurdwara- anyone can walk in their place of worship, When you get married women have a certain last name, If unmarried women- kauer, man- singh, married women- sing but if female daughters- kauer, Prohibits anything that might taint the body, anyone can lead prayer, everyone sits on the floor; 5 Ks- Kes- don't cut their hair, don't touch hair, when you wear a turban your whole life your hair stops growing, Kanga- Carry a kanga, small comb, reminder to always be well groomed, Kachera sign of self discipline, Kirpan- small knife, have to have it at all times, hard to travel on airplanes, holding on to culture but living in a modern world, Kara- braclet on wrist, reminder to do good deeds

Last Supper

Painted with oil and tempra paint on a fresco(wet plaster). And it doesn't work Judas (the one who betrays Jesus) is hiding in the left in the dark. Uses vanish-point and linear perspective

Glorious Revolution

Parliament exerts its power in the Glorious Revolution, they give the throne to Mary- James' oldest daughter, and her husband William, shows that parliament is over the monarchy Bloodless revolution- no fighting, no one is opposed to it, no blood shed when parliament when they give the throne to William and Mary Before they take the throne they have to sign the BILL OF RIGHTS- important for the united states, 100 years away from the American Revolution, laid out the rights of Parliament, monarch and people, parliament- is supreme, Monarchy- must obey all the laws, creates a limited monarch

Scorched earth policy

Russia is burning their own land, so they are marching through charred land, can't carry supplies for 600,000 men, no food to be had, napoleon's men are starting to starve, burning villages

Machiavelli, the Prince and quotes

Political philosopher, Diplomat from Florence but lost his position and forced into exile when he crossed the Medici family, Witnessed the wars between the powerful city-states that kept Italy from becoming a unified country Wanted to see Italy united under a strong leader so as to keep other European countries (France and Spain) from invading The Prince- Portrait of the ideal leader, A bit controversial Meant to be a textbook for rulers on how to acquire power and keep it, What does this book say about rulers, power, and success? - achieve power, control, and success are their main goals. When he writes the Prince he completely ignores Christian values, he says that the people who are being ruled are selfish and greedy, if the people are selfish and greedy then the ruler is allowed to be too in order to achieve success "It is better to be feared than loved" "The ends justify the means"

Sistine Chapel

Pope wanted Michelangelo to build a tomb in this, Asked by Pope Julius, did not want to do it because he wasn't a painter, ends up doing it, fresco- had to work quickly before plaster dried, 5,000 square feet, did not enjoy it, took him 4 years to paint the ceiling, had eye problems, temporary cross eyed by being so close for long time, and paint would drip into his eyes, suffered back pain, male nude and a religious theme, most famous scene, creation scene, God and Adam, to give him the spark of life

Treaty of Tordesillas

Portugal is staying close to Africa, rivals, 1493- Pope Alexander VI makes a papal division, draws a line around the globe which determines what Catholic Spain and Catholic Portugal can control, 1494- sign a treaty to move the line, allows Portugal to settle in Brazil

Continental system

Prevent all trade and communication between Great Britain and continental Europe, blocks all ports, no goods or people can go in or out of continental Europe, intention of hurting Britain, Britain can still trade with their colonies, have incredible navy, invades other countries ships Backfires on him- French and continental Europe get hurt, people are doubly angry, didn't want to be a part of it, suffering under it, people are angry, problem for Napoleon


Published 70 books of political essays, fiction, history and philosophy, His books were often censored or burned, Made fun of the government, church, aristocracy - corruption, hypocrisy of society, Especially critical of Christianity, Sent to jail because of powerful enemies he made, Never stopped fighting for religious freedom, tolerance, freedom of speech, "I do not agree with a word that you say but I will defend to the death your right to say it"


Published a 28 volume Encyclopedia, Provided a new source of information - not just government or church ideas, Could look up things for yourself, learn for yourself, More than just informational - contained essays on government, philosophy and religion Seen by the French government and Catholic Church as bad/corrupting influence, 20,000 copies printed - helped spread Enlightenment ideas across Europe and the Americas

Oliver Cromwell

Puritan, leader of the Roundheads, member of parliament, Cromwell changes the government, don't have a monarch, he tries to purify the government, kicks everyone out who is not a supporter of puritans, creates the Rump Parliament- all of them are Puritans, abolishes- the monarchy and the House of Lords, Charles I is executed, charges him with, treason and Charles I is publically executed, sends a message to other monarchs, creates a new system of government called the Common wealth or republic- is supposed to be a form of government good fro all people, what actually happens is Cromwell becomes a military dictator, totally abolishes parliament

causes Protestant Reformation

Renaissance Atmosphere- Humanist philosophy which emphasized the secular, thinking for yourself, being a well-educated individual, Led people to challenge Church authority,Printing press - helped to spread these, Renaissance ideas as well as the ideas of Martin Luther - Corruption of the Church- Worldliness financed by heavy taxation of middle class and poor, Political, Wealthy People thought the church strayed to far from the spiritual Worldliness- clergy lived lavish lifestyles, patron of the arts, surrounded themselves with worldly possessions, taxes, abuse by the church

Treatment of natives in the New World

Requisition- document drafted in Spain, enslaves the natives, forced all the natives to submit to European will, forced them to give up anything of value, forced to work, if you refused you are killed, forced to accept Christianity, forced to accept European way of life, clothes, social ways of life

Reign of Terror

Robespierre and Committee of public safety. Oddly ironic, first formed the national convention to free the people, Robespierre is worse than Louis ever was, have absolute power in France, much worse, mission is to cleanse France of anti- revolutionaries, moderates who are the majority, Decided people who were enemies got a trial that lasted five minutes with thirty people, had mass executions the same day, not what the Declaration of Man intended, intense atmosphere in France, everyone is paranoid, couldn't trust friends, no one is safe except the radicals,

Russian Revolution

Romanov- conservative, traditional, don't want change, clinging to the past, don't want to modernize Russia, trying to ignore Nationalist and liberal movements, 3 czars- Alexander II, III

Ferdinand Magellan

Sails in 1519, he is Portuguese but sails for Spain, is forced to give up his citizenship to sail for Spain, they are rivals, not sailing for Isabelle or Ferdinand, but for King Charles V, gives him 5 ships and 250 men Sets out in August in 1519 for a route all around the world, they know that it is not India, but the world is still flat, he knows the Earth is round but is not proven, miscalculates, sails around South America, but doesn't know how big the Pacific is, ends up taking him 2 years to cross the Pacific, lands in the Philippines, he converts many natives to Christianity, he is killed in the Philippines, the men have to finish voyage themselves, only 1 ship and 18 men left, very important- the first to sail completely around the world, prove the earth is round, able to give and approximate idea of the Earth's size,

New Imperialism

Same- colonizing, trying to build overseas empires, same countries, reasons for going Different- going to a different place- Africa and Asia, want direct control


Spanish conquerors- 1.Hernan Cortes- conquers the Aztecs, they think he is a god, white skin and long beard, Moctezuma II- leader of Aztecs, welcomes him in, Cortes kills and enslaves them, don't do this alone, Aztecs are not popular, gets help from the tribal people or conquered people, 2, Fransisco Pizarro- conquers Incas, uses similar techniques, captures the Incan ruler, Atahualpa, ransoms him for gold, gives up all their gold, Pizarro kills Atahualpa, worse than Columbus, only there for gold Both- claim the land for Spain, how- plant a flag, force the natives into laboring positions, slaves


Spanish, rule 1700+ in France

Muslim League

Split between radical Muslims- who want independence; and Hindu's- ran the IMC, just wanted reforms;- when the Muslims fell their needs aren't being met, they form the Muslim league- organization


Stuarts are the raining family in Scotland, Queen is her cousin, Mary is the Queen and is Catholic, she teas up with Spain, she plots with Philip II to kill Elizabeth, she doesn't succeed, so Elizabeth orders the beheading of her, Mary's son James is the closest living relative and will take over after Elizabeth, He is the first Stuart king Totally different- believe in the divine right of Kings, don't want to use Parliament, getting their power from God, don't have to ask government for permission, want it to be absolute but since 1200 they have had a parliament, the people are angry


Thought of art as a science - wanted to discover the mathematical formula for beauty and perfection = the Golden Ratio- the most visually appealing equation, it is in the Mona Lisa and the Last Supper, Thought he could discover it by carefully observing and drawing everything he saw (inventions, plants, animals, people), We have studied his journals and sketch books, Kept notebooks and sketches on everything - all ideas that came into his head, All his notes are backwards - have to be read in a mirror, People think he did this so people can't steal his ideas, but it also could have been that since he was left-handed he just made it backwards to make it easier for himself, Total of 20,000 pages of notes and drawings Sketched many modern devices 500 years before they were actually invented automobile, helicopter, submarine, airplane; stole corpses and dissected them - sketched what he saw so that he could most realistically paint the human body (muscles, bone, skin etc.)

Central Powers/Triple Alliance

Triple Alliance- Germany, Austria- Hungary, and Italy—when the war starts becomes the Central Powers- minus Italy, When its over, the allied powers say it is the Central Powers' fault particularly Germany, everyone is to blame, many chances for the war to have ended, all of them on the brink and ready to fight

Allied Powers/Triple Entente

Triple Entente- Russia, Britain, France before the war--- during the war they are known as the Allies- during the war

Peninsular War

Two years after he sets up the continental system he decides to go after Portugal, ahs to go through Spain, his brother has been ruling Spain, don't like it, Nationalism is big in Spain, also puppet government, as Napoleon's troops move through Spain to get to Portugal, Spain starts to attack, war is formal, but in Spain small bands of people attack


Unrestricted submarine warfare using U-boats, Lusitania- 2,000 civilians, titanic, 1,200 people die, 120 Americans, torpedoed by the Germans, tells Germany u better watch it, starts it again, blow up any ship they want, US going after Germany

Trench Warfare

Using Trench warfare- a giant ditch, trenches ran from the English Chanel all the way to the border of Switzerland, two trenches about 200 yards apart, soldiers lived and fought from the trenches, life- infested with rats, and lice, sanitation, disgusting, disease is spreading, muddy because of rain, because of this we end up with a stale mate which means neither side can advance, for 4 years the battle lines on the western front don't change, nobody is advancing, nobody is winning this war, over the top- under the cover of darkness, other side was getting a shipment, attempt to make an advance No man's land- the ground between the trenches, often would be filled with barbed wire to make it difficult to cross, Artilleries- large bullets

Eastern Front

Who is fighting- Russia vs. Germany and Austria- Hungary, not using trench warfare, battle lines are constantly moving, for 3 years the battle lines fluctuate, no one is clearly overpowering the other Germany- very industrialized, Russia- barely industrialized, able to hold its own, endless supply of soldiers, never a respite for the Germans and Austria- Hungary, sometimes unarmed and untrained, allows them to stay in the game, the Romanovs- are at fault for refusing to modernize More casualties because Russia is sending ore people but with no weapons, by 1918 70% of all the Russian soldiers are dead

English Civil War

Will last from 1642-1649- between those who support the King and those who support Parliament, roundheads- fro Parliament and against the King, puritans, middle class, members of parliament, led by Oliver Cromwell- puritan, leader of the roundheads, member of Parliament; Royalists- supporters of the king, Catholics and Anglicans, nobles, led by Charles I; roundheads beat the Cavaliers, Cromwell wins, Puritan,

Mary Wollstonecraft

Wrote A Vindication of the Rights of Woman, British woman living in the 1700's, Founder of modern European feminism, Questioned the idea that women were naturally inferior to men , Argued that the Enlightenment ideas of free and equal should also apply to women, Argued that the idea of natural rights for women were not the same as men - they were limited to the domestic sphere (home and family), Argued that women had been excluded from the social contract - that they should have equal rights with men in terms of education and economic and political life


a situation in which no progress can be made or no advancement is possible, because of trenchwarfare and weapons

Mass production

a system of manufacturing of large items very quickly, leads to lower prices, so even poor workers can buy goods, because of this we get


Wrote The Social Contract, Strange man, from a poor family, never felt comfortable in upper class world of Enlightenment thinkers, Believed man was naturally good but became corrupted by society, A good government regulating society was necessary - make sure everyone gives up their self-interest in favor of the common good, "Man is born free and everywhere he is in chains", Only when they freely give up their freedom and create a government based on their own consent will people truly be free, General will = will of the majority, Even those who resist should be forced to accept the general will because the general will represented what was best for the entire community If the government didn't carry out the general will - it could be overthrown


Wrote the Spirit of the Laws, Comparative study of governments: studied the governments of many different countries and cultures throughout time Used the scientific method to find the "natural laws" that governed the social and political relationships of human beings, Criticized absolute monarchy and tyranny, Praised Britain's constitutional monarchy Separation of powers:, Praised this as the best way to protect liberty, Each branch could check the power of the others, His ideas on separation of powers were written into the Constitution of the United States















Social Darwinism

a form of racism, white Europeans are superior, think they are better than the Africans, primary justification for imperialism, as nature's way of improving the species, fit nations survive, weak nations get taken over


a place that brings together the machines and the labor Replaced the cottage system New inventions too big and expensive to be used at home First factories - water powered so located near water source (rivers),

Archduke Francis Ferdinand

archduke of Austria- Hungary, heir to the empire, ethnic groups have been divided, Slavs have been divided, some live in Bosnia- controlled by Austria- Hungary, Serbia- is an independent nation that is also Slavic, Serbia wants to unite all Slavs under Serbia, they want Bosnia, the archduke and his wife takes a trip to Sarajevo, supposed to be a big formal official, not happy about him being there, get into their car and drive the route to hear the speeches, reports from his body guards that people are trying to kill him, but he ignores them, a Serbian nationalist group known as the Black Hand- are trying to kill the archduke, he drives along the same route back home, they end up face to face with

Letters de Cachet

being issued against political advisories and writers, anyone speaking out against the king, order you in prison or executed, no right to appear in court, king can do anything he wants to you, order you to a colony, banish you, fearful atmosphere

Thomas Hobbes

believes humans are naturally bad, need a government

Charles I

believes in the Divine Right of Kings, absolute monarch, fights with Parliament so much he ends up dissolving it- breaks it up, needs money but Parliament issues the money, in a tight financial place, good for Parliament because the King doesn't want to use them but they control money, they won't give Charles any money until he signs the Petition of Rights- restrict the monarchy, like the Magna Carta, prevent the king from raising taxes without the consent of Parliament, he signs it, but ignores it, it is important because it show that parliament is still trying to maintain their control and limit absolute power in England, when the king ignores it, it leads to war; back in forth battle, make each others lives miserable, 1642- Charles I leads British troops into Parliament, people escape, is the beginning of the English civil war

"Jewel in the Crown"

called it its lifeline to India, India is the jewel of Britain's Empire, most profitibale British colony


catholic, currently ruling Austria and Spain


center, moderates, happy when the moderate phase ended


code of chivalry, doesn't talk about respecting women, or protecting them, honorable, courageous, loyal to daimyo or shogun, obedient, if the daimyo or shogun feel that you are not loyal you were forced to kill yourself by disembowelment, cut out intestines, called seppuku

Commodore Matthew Perry

commander of an American fleet of war ships, US sends Perry and his war ships to sit out in Edo Bay, US wants ports to trade in, it does work, Japanese are forced to sign the Treaty of Kanagawa


communist, proletariat, Bolsheviks, strong and impassioned, know what they want, united and strong

Council of Trent

convened by Pope Paul III, took steps to end abuses, banned the sale of Indulgences, rejected the idea of faith as an individual, Charles Borromeo- arch bishop of Milan, implemented council of Trent's reforms, built new school to educate priests, Francis of Sales- founded a religious order for women, network of schools to help women, giving them too large of a role


created by Robert Owen, the government owns property and controls industry, government tells you what you need, the government getting wealthy, anti-capitalism reaction, opposite of it, goal- is to take care of everyone, begins because of the working class conditions

Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette

desperate for money, tries to force the first and second estate to pay taxes, but they say no, and he is like whatever, but he has absolute power so he doesn't put his foot down because those 3% are the only people who like him,married to Marie Antoinette Comes form Austria, daughter of Maria Theresa, part of the Hapsburgs, if she helped the people she would be okay, she is very good at spending money, taught to be royal but nor how to rule, disconnected from reality, "let them eat cake"- quote, writings from Rousseau, in their own world don't know what is happening to their people, absolute monarch, unlimited power, estates general hasn't met since Louis XIII, 175 years, people growing resentful in the power of the king, have no rights or say, no civil rights, early on it was okay because Louis XIV was okay but the next two Louis' were incompetent, stupid things

Treaty of Brest Litovsk

ended the war between Russia and Germany


english scientist who came up with the theory of gravity


equivalent to a knight, trained professional warriors, always wore armor, horse, sword, carry two swords, also great with long bows, got paid with land or food, women allowed to be samurais, women have no respect except samurai women, have a lot of respect, exact standard of men


established the precedent of consulting Parliament, acting as a limited monarchy, on important matters

Treatment of Africans

fighting each other, tribal wars, destroys families, family structure being changed, leads to the African Diaspora- the spread of African people and culture in the Americas and Western Europe, not choosing to spread, forced upon them cultural diffusion, art, music, religion

Constitution of 1791

first constitution, create a constitutional monarchy, goals- limit monarchy and destroy old order' in 1791 the goals of the revolution have been met, some people thought the revolution was over, except Louis XVI is stupid, he flees paris


force Indians to grow cotton, cotton for their textiles, can't grow food crops, leads to famine, forcing Indians to buy them, local textiles can't even survive

Indian National Congress

formed by English speaking Hindu's, simply wanted rights to participate in governments, more money for economic development, Indians to hold office, political reforms, not advocating for independence


french Calvinists

Columbian Exchange

global transfer of plants, animals, and diseases, Europeans benefit from the Columbian exchange, americas get grain, better nutrition, population grows, longer life, look at slide 28 in ppt. 1 of exploration

Bourgeoisie and Proletariat

haves- bourgeoisie, universal term for the wealthy, people who control society, oppressors; have nots- proletariat, those being oppressed, dependent on the haves for their jobs and incomes,

Guerrilla warfare

hit and run warfare, attacking at night, not formal, Napoleon is unprepared for this, Britain sends troops to help Spain, they hate France more, napoleon doesn't even make it to Portugal, isn't a defeat because he still has a puppet government in Spain

95 Theses

how to reform the church, 1. indulgences had no basis in the bible, the pope had no right, Christians could be saved only by faith, buying indulgences decreased chances, nailed to the door of the church in 1517, copies were printed and spread, received tremendous public support

White Man's Burden

idea that many European countries had a duty to spread their religion and culture to those less civilized

Cult of Domesticity and pink collar jobs

idea that you live in separate spheres, man works outside the home, and the women is in the domestic sphere, she is not allowed to work outside the home and no physical labor inside the home, entertains, in charge of the servants, needle point, had all this leisure time, women's magazines, publications specifically for women- people, seventeen, cosmo, maybe a teacher, nurse, department store, secretary, telephone operator, when you got married you would quit or they fired you, couldn't be a middle class working woman; live with your parent until the day you get married, now your married

Interchangeable parts

identical parts, home depot, instead of replacing the whole machine you can fix it


incredibly rapid, half of Britain's population live in cities, first time ever- more people working in the cities than farmers, small towns are becoming big cities

Tennis court oath

indoor more like a racket ball, take an oath- a pledge that they are not going to leave until they make a constitution


is not just economic, also a political system,government owns almost all factors of production and control all economic planning, government owns- land, labor and capital, controls all of it in every industry, wouldn't have a choice in cable provider or electric provider, government water, no competition


itlian scientist who built the first telescope used for astronomy


lawyer, educated in Britain, spent a lot of time in South Africa, saw the extreme racism, moves back to India, doesn't want that system to exist in India, not violent, advocates nonviolent resistance to British rule, wants independence, started wearing the traditional Indian cloth, led hunger strikes, eventually in 1947- india gains its independence

Divine Right of Kings

like the mandate of heaven, they get their power directly from God, if you challenge the king you challenge God

Edict of Nantes

limited freedom of worship for the Huguenots, recognized Catholicism as the official religion of France but let Huguenots worship, Huguenots had all political privileges


machine that decapitates, Marie Antoinette is also killed later, his son Dauphin next in line, Charles in England, instant Louis dies he becomes Louis XVII, he dies at the age of 10 in prison because of neglect and mistreatment, Created by Dr. Joseph Guillotine, comes out of the enlightenment, doesn't cause that much pain, efficient, before the Guillotine - death by wheel, beheaded- pay executioner to make sure blade is sharp, pulled apart by horses, hanging, seen as humane in the beginning, eyes are still blinking


mad monk, claimed to be a magic healer, still connected to the church, claims to be able to heal Alexis's hemophilia, she starts to ignore he advice of the political advisors and only will listen to Rasputin, he starts to corrupt the government from within, gets his friends into high government positions, spread corruption, very influential once he infiltrated the royal family, assassination attempt on Rasputin- people hate him, the poison him, shoot him twice, than finally they throw him in the river and he dies; Alexandra is devastated, before he died he predicted his own death to her, and also predicted the death of the entire royal family, in 1918 the royal family is massacred

Fourteen Points

main things-reduction of weapons, right for all people to choose their own governments, organization that all nations would join to protect one another from aggression- called the League of Nations- purpose to encourage international concentration, Germany and the US don't sign this


means "enlightened one", returns to power, had only been a figurehead, force the Shogunate out of power, and the Meiji restoration- restoring the emperor to his full power, support it because they don't want to end up like China Meiji Reforms- takes a two year trip to the west- to learn about what works and what doesn't work, Russia- Peter the Great did the same thing; mandatory education, rapid industrialization- factories, info structure, system of railroads, telegraph, currency, postal service, constitution; western style military; because of all of these changes, Japan becomes a major world industrial power very quickly, Japan thinks what else they need to compete with the west, they need to colonize, turns its sights to Korea


merchants, industrialist, government workers, head of the military, bankers , doctors, wealthy and well educated, nobility owns land and title

La Pieta

michelangelo- Marble statue, 5.8 feet tall, in St. Peters in the Vatican, Mary holding Jesus, Jesus is dead, Mary's face is calm and relaxed, her resigned suffering, quiet loss, master with marble, made marble look like flesh, 1498

Declaration of the Rights of Man

modeled after the US constitution and bill of rights, outlined the ideals of the revolution - "liberty, equality, and fraternity- brotherhood", not for all, men are equal, men of 25 years old, does not give rights to women Standard that women don't have rights

John Calvin

most important after Martin Luther, stepped in for Zwingli, born in France as a Catholic, left France and set up protestant in Swiss, created church government using clergy, stressed hard work, honesty, morality, discipline, thriftiness, simple form of worship, translates into- no dancing, drinks, no colorful clothing, no going to the theater, no playing cards, predestination


most radical, control the National Convention, known as the left wing, where they sat in the national convention, sat on left

Schlieffen Plan

named after a German General, attack France quickly, defeat France, than go across the country to be ready for Russia, needs to go through Belgium and come through the back, Belgium is neural, Germans are destructive in Belgium, so the British joins France's and Russia's size, makes it worse, finds himself another enemy, what draws Britain into the war

Pope Leo X

needed money to finish St. Peter's basilica, sent Tetzel to sell indulgences, at first he didn't pay attention to Luther, noticed his ideas were catching on, excommunicated Martin Luther because he won't repent his ideas


not about individual, if it is essential to the state he will take it, what is essential is power and unification at any cost, no alternative, sounds like- Machiavelli- renaissance writer, wrote the Prince, the ends justify the means; believes that it is better to be feared than loved but you never want to be hated, power at any cost, power more important than principles

Battle of Waterloo

not just the alliance it is the British, final defeat of Napoleon, led by the Duke of Wellington, alliance exile him again on an island that is not visible from the shore

Nicholas and Alexandra

not prepared to be czar, weak ruler, good at being Romanov, no idea how to rule a country, especially one in turmoil, only way Nicholas knows how to rule by what his dad did, not a forward thinker, married to a German Princess Alexandra, have four girls, and the youngest is a boy- Alexey- he has hemophilia, he can bleed to death, makes czarina obsessed with keeping him safe, protective life, Problems during Nicholas' reign- loses to the Japanese- fighting over Manchuria, railroads and trade, confirming how weak Russia is; Bloody Sunday- peaceful protestors led by the priest, troops freak out and gun them down, first revolution, ends it by signing the October Manifesto- created the Duma- legislative body of Russia, creating it was good, but than he circumvents the Duma and dissolves it, doesn't want to share power; WWI- disaster, convinced that it would create nationalism, unfortunately, Russia is unprepared, sent in troops with no weapons, 1 million people died, he didn't fully industrialize, people blamed him that they didn't have the factories to build weapons for WWI Czarina Alexandra- GERMAN, under the influence of a man named Rasputin-

Assembly line

nstead of workers moving the product moves, stationary and create a conveyor belt system where products move form station to station

Charles II

offered the throne by Parliament, wanted him to restore the monarchy in England, people of England are thrilled to have him on the throne, Stuart, until him the other Stuarts were trying to rule as Absolute Monarchs, he pledges to be loyal to Parliament and to follow the Petition of Rights, with Charles II we have a limited monarch, still believes in the divine right of Kings, and like his grandmother- Mary Queen of Scots, he is sympathetic to the Catholics, known as the Merry Monarch- undoing that Puritan code because he loved dance and theater, he wanted people to have fun again, patron of the arts and sciences

Gavril Princip

one of the assassins, Princip shoots the archduke in the neck and Sophie in the stomach- she is pregnant; seven assassins, are executed. Why would the Serbians do this- all dying, all had tuberculosis, that's why they were chosen for this task

Akbar the Great

ruler when the Mughal empire reaches its peak, when Akbar dies as the empire starts to decline religious contention, persecution of Hindus and sikhs, India becomes a part of Britain in the 1800s, In 1807 British are colonizing, outlawing salve trade, India becomes the richest colony Taj Mahal- tomb for the wife of the Shah

Louis XIV, the Sun King

only 5 years old, mother is his regent Anne of Austria, his advisor is Cardinal Mazarin, sick as a child, almost drowned by a pond, he is scared, cold, hungry, he is psychologically scarred, shapes how he will rule France, suck it up attitude, if you are suffering than they should just get through it, wasn't being watched made him distrust people even close to him, leads to his need for control ,has to control everything in his life, motto is keep your friends close and your enemies closer, when Mazarin dies, Louis says that he can rule, he is 23 when he claims the throne for himself, rules for 72 years, I am the state,After death of Mazarin he claims the throne himself, at 23, Sun king- world revolves around him and France Micromanaging just like Philip II, wanted to control everything in the government, likes to spend a lot of money, control freak, wouldn't trust anyone Persecuted Huguenots, Henry isn't an absolute monarch, gives the Huguenots the most rights, as there is more power in the monarchs there is less rights for the Huguenots, revoke the Edict of Nantes, the Huguenots leave France- wealthy and educated people leave, most of the people who are getting taxed are gone, just like the Reconquista- Moors were highly intellectual people and skilled workers, Builds the Palace of Versailles- embodies this over the top lifestyle,


painting on top of wet plaster, huge


pardon of sins committed in a persons lifetime and reduced the amount of time in purgatory, way to make money for lavish lifestyles and arts

Henry VIII

political- power from the Pope, pope was a rival, took money from England to support the pope, Personal- so he could annul his marriage because wife couldn't have a male heir, Defender of faith to breaking away from it because it was convenient, Act of supremacy

Limited monarchy

power is limited by either a document or the people, referred to as Parliamentary or Constitutional monarchy, England- really strong limited, 1200- parliament is created, Magna Carta was also signed, in England you have two checks, have to be approved by Parliament and a document


recognized that the geocentric theory did not explain ht emovements aof the sun, mon, and planets, accurately


replaces coal and steam as the sources of energy, factories, homes, cities, lights on the street at night so it is safer, don't burn house down, cleaner, before life revolved around daylight, now- can have a night life, factories can run 24 hours a day, inventions- light bulb, telephone, radio, subways and street cars


restoring the monarchy to england

Cardinal Richelieu

ruthless, wants Louis to be an absolute monarch, willing to crush anyone who goes against Louis, more power for Louis means more power for him, absolutely bond and determines to destroy the Huguenots, if he destroys the Huguenots than he destroys the nobles, take away political and military rights of the Huguenots, does let them keep their religious rights, sets up a network of spies, if any signs of conspiracies you would die, he destroys the noble's castles, he does turn France into a great power,

Treaty of Nanjing

says nothing about the opium trade, war was pointless, British get Hong Kong, gave them extraterritoriality- tried by British courts even in Chine, Chinese open 5 ports; unequal treaties- forced to give up rights

Zimmerman note

secret message to Mexico saying they would give Mexico New Mexico, Texas, and Arizona if they fight the US, British intercept the note, The US under president Woodrow Wilson declare war in1917, takes a full year to get to Europe, in the war for 37 seconds

Sepoy Rebellion

sepoy- Indian soldier fighting for the British, what caused the rebellion- a new ammunition being forced to be used, the end had fat from pigs and beef, offensive to Hindu's and Muslims, refuse to use the ammunition, British retaliate against the sepoys, small group gets punished and everyone else rebels, they out number the British but the sepoys don't have a modern army like the Brits, defeat the sepoys, British end up winning, result- fear, neither side likes or trusts the other, once the British gain control they turn India into a colony under direct rule- most controlling- British people to rule, head of the colony is called the viceroy

Elizabeth I

similar to her father, all children of Henry VIII, strongest Tudor monarch, Supportive of theater and arts, especially Shakespeare, supporter of exploration, funding trips, modifies the Anglican church, makes it more catholic in appearance, foreign policy makes England the strongest nation in Europe, she is supporting the Huguenots and the Dutch protestants against the Spanish, uses her navy to raid Spanish ships, very good at making alliances with people, never make an alliance that would force England into war, good monarch, she is different than the Louis and Philip because they are all in and send lots of troops in wars, one issue with parliament, wants her to get married but she always refuses

Philip II

starts ruling in 1556, absolute monarch, great grandson of Ferdinand and Isabella, son of Charles V, believes in the Divine Right of Kings because he is so Catholic, takes it really seriously, feels that God has chosen him, believed that he was intended to be the Guardian of the Catholic church, really uses the inquisition, lot of persecution of Protestants, during Philip when the Dutch protestants rebel, rebel with the help of England and Elizabeth I, because of England helping the Dutch Protestants, he then attacks England, begins to decline in the 1600's but Philip is out of power but it is his fault because of all the fighting with the protestants, he ignores everything else, England is attacking ships carrying gold, high inflation, all the money is being used to fund his war, doesn't put any money into building technology or factories, financially destroys Spain, micromanager- controls everything, leads to a government that cannot function at all In Spain there are two families- spanish Hapsburgs- rule until 1700, Austria; Spanish Bourbons- 1700+, France,

Weakening of Austria

still being ruled by the Hapsburgs, the oldest ruling family in all of Europe by the 1800s, extremely conservative, they want power to remain in their family, family rules over Poland, Ukraine, Austria, six or seven different thrones in Europe, violent in their approach to change, refuse to recognize nationalism, if they think you are rising up they will kill you, not tolerated, by the 1800s it is difficult for the Hapsburgs to maintain control- why?-very diverse ethnic background, only a quarter of the population is Austria, ¾ are against you, all want their own individual states, a lot of Slovaks want different states, not willing to give that to them;

Tokugawa Shogunate

still under the feudal system, knights and lords, samurais, emperor- king, just the figure head; shogun ruling the country, very outdated system, don't want to make the mistakes China makes

Ci Xi

stopped reforms because they threaten the Qing Dynasty, and Chinese culture, opposes all these reforms


strict Calvinists, want to purify the Anglican church, though it was too Catholic because Elizabeth made it that way, Puritans are members of Parliament, landowning gentry, they aren't nobles, in the House of Commons, have a very powerful voice, similar to the Huguenots


supreme military leader, equivalent to king


system, supposed to be a system that protected the natives, but the settlers ignored the rules of the Spanish government, used it to get free labor, allowed to use the natives as laborers but in a humane way, they don't, what kind of labor- working on plantations, raising sugar cane, working in mines, mining for gold and silver, work for Portuguese- brazil is heavy jungles, clearing jungles, cattle farms, disastrous for natives, destroys their way of life, 40% of the population die of disease, starvation, or getting beating, 1500- 25 million natives, 1570- 3 million natives left in Mexico

Opium War

the British are unhappy with the trade situation, try to negotiate but doesn't work, start to ship opium- drug, very addictive; modern times- if Columbia got mad at the US because they refused to trade with them so Columbia starts smuggling all the cocaine into the US, and everyone gets addicted; almost the entire Chinese population is addicted to opium, have to get it from the British- Indian opium; Chinese government tries to put and end to the smuggling but British government won't do anything, so the Chinese close their ports, they go to war, British merchant ships go to war with Chinese "war ships", British defeat Chinese and ends with the Treaty of Nanjing- the British are unhappy with the trade situation, try to negotiate but doesn't work, start to ship opium- drug, very addictive; modern times- if Columbia got mad at the US because they refused to trade with them so Columbia starts smuggling all the cocaine into the US, and everyone gets addicted; almost the entire Chinese population is addicted to opium, have to get it from the British- Indian opium; Chinese government tries to put and end to the smuggling but British government won't do anything, so the Chinese close their ports, they go to war, British merchant ships go to war with Chinese "war ships", British defeat Chinese and ends with the Treaty of Nanjing- says nothing about the opium trade, war was pointless, British get Hong Kong, gave them extraterritoriality- tried by British courts even in Chine, Chinese open 5 ports; unequal treaties- forced to give up rights

2nd Reich

the German Empire the Second Reich, the first German empire was the Holy Roman Empire, tying it back to powerful roots, Hitler calls Germany the Third Reich, he is trying to make him look powerful, and connect him to Bismarck

Treaty of Versailles

the US doesn't sign it, signed June 28, 1919, 5 years to the day the Franz Ferdinand was shot, 1. Germany is forced to pay for all the damages 2. put a war guilt clause on Germany took full responsibility for the was 3. limit the size of its military, eliminate air force completely 4. forced to return land in Europe and the colonies, back to France and Russia- turned into new nations, loses colonies to France, Britain, and Japan; did not reflect Wilson's 14 points; nobody is happy about this agreement, he doesn't want anyone too come out ahead or go down, US not happy because Germany is severely punished, France- don't think Germany has been punished enough, Italy and Japan- don't receive land they hoped to receive, Russia- not invited, they don't get their land back, colonies- not really a part of it


the king or Queen has all the power, he can send anyone to prison- if he hates brunettes he can send all brunettes to prison, can build another home if he doesn't like the one he has-, no constraints, no one can tell the king or queen what to do, divine right of kings; combination leads to massive abuse of power, associated with Spain, Austria, Russia, Prussia, France


the process of one people ruling or controlling another people, New World, Americas

Industrial Revolution - when, where did it start, why there, what industry was first, spread

the rapid growth of the use of machines in manufacturing and production, Complex machines replace simple hand tools as the primary means of production, A very long, slow, uneven process - change does not occur overnight but over the course of years, Began in Britain 250 years ago then spread to the rest of Europe and the United States and finally to the rest of the world - some places still going through the Industrial Revolution, Significance: changed forever the way people had been living and working for 1000's of years, Factors of production: resources necessary for production, Land- Coal to power machines, Iron to make machinery Water for power but also transporting raw materials and goods; Labor- Improvements in agriculture led to population growth - how? So what? - because they get a good harvest, food surplus, live longer, population growth, then they create jobs,, Better breeding, more balanced diet also lead to population growth Jethro Tull - creates seed drill, Enclosure movement - so? - enclose land and use it for sheep, got us more food and better agriculture, but people in Britain du suffer because small farmers are learning their land, which causes them to move to the cities and work in factories, Capital- People with money to invest and skills that were necessary - Britain is super wealthy, and along with the people in Britain, they have to money to invest in industry Human Capital - smart people capable to invent things,Why textile industry?- Increase in availability of cotton (from British colonies in North America and India) and wool (from enclosures), Demand for cloth grew due to the population explosion - had to invent new devices to make production faster New inventions revolutionize and industrialize cloth making

John Locke

thinks people are good, people should be governed on the fact they are generally good


to make machinery

Renaissance Man

universal man, a person who is well-rounded and versatile, has many interests and is multi-talented like Greek

Total war

use all society's resources to win, take stronger control of the citizen's lives, all areas of society have to contribute to the war effort, expected to sacrifice, higher taxes, borrow money, mandatory draft, 1917- lost a lot of soldiers, have to send more soldiers; start changing age, imposed rationing, rationed food- buy one loaf of bread a week


used to gather in coffee shops and than the women of Paris host formal social gatherings, Salons- women of Paris hosting parties in their drawing rooms, for the most part women are not a part of this movement except Mary Wollstonecraft

Weakening of Ottoman = "Dying Man"

very ethnically divers, even more than Austria, will be nationalism that brings them down, Europeans used to call them the dying man, everyone know your weak, Weakness Leads to the eastern question- WHAT WILL HAPPEN WHEN THE OTTOMAN EMPIRE COLLAPSES?- everyone cares about the Bosporus straight, Constantinople- still important, control trade, people want it, who will get what,; go into two wars, no one wants Russia to gain control, they are already huge, might upset the balance of power, endless supply of men and natural resources, 1. Crimean War- Russia attacks the Ottomans, wants to gain power, ottomans weak, millions of people die and nothing is achieved, Russia gets squat, somebody helps the Ottomans- Britain and France; 2. Balkan Wars- series of battles in the Balkan peninsula top part above the straight, lots of battles, by 1900 the Ottoman Empire has lost the entire Balkan peninsula, but the people fighting for independence don't get it, most of it is picked up by the Austro- Hungarian empire, they want more power, old time thinking, stupid, because there is more diverse and more people, became know as the Balkan Powder Keg-


very radical, started out moderate and becomes increasingly radical, during the reign of terror, national convention, is extreme, still sees the church as part of the old order, trying to reform the church, abolishes the church in France, pretty catholic people, creates a creepy cult, ordered that everyone worship the supreme being of liberty, a statue that represented liberty


very vocal revolutionary, was kicked out of Russia for his ideas, Lenin is living outside of Russia, the Germans help him get back into Russia, they help because he causes problems for Russia, it works, Lenin becomes the leader of the Bolsheviks, leader of the revolutionary anti- czar movement, not afraid of violence, it needs to happen now, he appealed to the masses, made broad promises, promised to get Russia out of WWI, redistribute land- a lot of the pop, promised to transfer control of industry and government back to the workers, forms his own military called the Red Guard, not out of the war yet, Lenin uses his Red Guard to overthrow the provisional government, set up in March took down in November, virtually bloodless, Lenin has the backing of the people, Kerensky doesn't put up a fight, once Lenin is officially the leader of the Country- redistributed land, seizes all of the factories and gives, stripping power away from the bourgeoisie and back to the proletariat, signs the treaty that gets them out of WWI, Germany knows they want to get out of the war, ends of costing them a lot of land, gives Germany- Finland, Estonia, Lithuania, and others, assuming when the Allies win they will get it back, they don't get it back


viceroys- officials that controlled a large area of land in the name of the king, highest ranking Spanish official, colonial hierarchy, social hierarchy based on color and social, peninsulares- most racial pure, no question of ancestry, had to be born in Spain, hold the highest level positions in government and church; Creoles- born of European descendants but born in America, slight possibility of you parents being natives, own majority of the plantations; Mestizos and Mulattoes- same level, Mestizos- children of a Spanish parent and a native parent, Mulattoes- European African mix; native and African- lowest, pure native or pure African,

St. Ignatius Loyola

vows of poverty, chastity, and loyalty to the Pope, stop the spread of Protestant, use of education to spread their method, acting as advisors, acted in missionaries all around the world

"blood and iron"

war, shed blood, going to do whatever he has to do to get the job done, different than the liberals, do it at any cost, take it by force

"Balkan Powder Keg"

when a spark hits a keg of gunpowder it will explode, the tension between the nations is so intense, thanks to Austria- Hungary


worldly; not pertaining to church matters or religion; temporal

Why so successful against natives?

would be very deceptive, and since the natives didn't know any better they took advantage of the natives guns- cannons, gunpowder, muskets, horses, armor, iron Division among native groups- Using natives against each other, killing each other Disease- as 10,000 of natives die off, think gods are punishing them, physically beaten down, but think their faith is failing

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